Chapter 19

7 years...

are the time I need to prepare myself to study overboard.

But that easier said than done.

every year I always get average score on my exams. Out of 400 student in the school, I numbered 200 for 3 straight years, every time. That's the thing I always be proud of.

But not this time. This time I need to make myself better, smarter, and handsome. "Why handsome" you ask?

The real answer for that...

Why not?


3 months had passed since then. The time really just flew by isn't it? it scares me a little bit.

Just a little bit...

"OH MY GOD!!! WHY I'M SO DUMB?!" I screamed to myself loudly In my room. After hearing that, Gwen quickly run into my room.

"Brother! What happened?" She ask with a panic face.

"Gwen, help me! I'm dumb enough right now that I only got 199 out of 400."

"Well, at least you're up one rank. You shouldn't be so down. Cheer up!" She looks so cute with her happy go lucky face.

I jump to her and hug her. "Thank you Gwen! You're the best!" Her face become pure red. She kick me at the gut and run out of the room.


"Damn it Gwen, my midterm exam, I numbered 179. How can I get my rank rise up quickly?"

"The real question is... Why are you talking to your sister about all of this?"

"Why not? isn't the sister's job to comfort her brother?"

"It's the other way around!"


"Oh my god, brother! You look like zombie!" Said Gwen In the living room after I got home from school. I sit at the sofa in front of her.

"Gwen, tomorrow I have another exam. I don't think I could make it."

"Why not? You know what the most important thing? Effort, Friendship, and victory."

"Wait, where did you hear that from?"


"You read too much of it."


"Gwen, tomorrow I have another exam, what should I do?"

"What school make this lot of exam in one year?"

"Gwen, you should know how much I ask this question to the author."

"Don't worry brother, leave it up to me. I'll make sure you get better score this time."

"But how? What did you always got for your exam?"

"Well, I'm one year younger than you. My year only have 300 students, so don't be really surprised."

"Well? What rank you always got?"

"Number 1."

"Wait, How? Please teach me!"

"Don't worry, I help you this time. Just make sure you get enough sleep, and do your best for tomorrow."

"Well, okay... if you say so..."


"Gwen! I did it! I got number 6! How did you do that?"

"Oh that? I met with your teacher yesterday and ask him about why he drinks with another woman, and made his wife stayed at home."

"You blackmail him."


With my efforts, I got really good results for my final exams. I told Gwen about this. She said,

"Did my blackmailing help?"

"So much!"


With a blink of the eyes, this chapter concludes one year of my life. Really, what a plot.