Chapter 20

It's been 7 years since then, huh? Don't worry, this isn't a gag chapter anymore. This is hard boiled badass one.


7 years had passed since the promise. I'm currently an engineer with a pretty high salary. After all those tears and sweat I spent for the past years, I finally become an engineer.

Then, I got a job that needs me to go overseas. That country is the one that Ana transferred to. "Finally." I murmured to myself.

Xavier is a businessman right now. He's married with a very beautiful woman, who also work as a businesswoman in the same company. It's good he had found another woman to love other than Ana.

Gwen are currently in the university, leaving mother home alone. I regularly send money to home every month. That money helped mom to cover expenses for loving alone. She's too old now to work.

As I said, I got a job that require me to go overseas. The promise I made with Ana still fresh I'm my mind.

7 years I had to wait to meet her. That country is so big, so it probably hard to find her. Maybe she forgotten our promise, but still I'm gonna find her and tell her that I still love her till now.

That's what I thought.


I take the plane early in the morning. I texted my mom and Gwen if they want me to take some souvenirs. Mom didn't want anything, but Gwen told me to buy a keychain for her.

I arrived at the airport around 3 hours after departure. Man, it's really tiring just to sit for 3 hours and do nothing. That's what I thought.

I look around at the airport. "Like she's gonna be here..." I murmured to myself.

I drive to my hotel, and end the day for work early in the morning tomorrow.


The next day, while I walked back from work, I saw a girl with a long black hair passed me by.

I chase her as fast as a rabbit. I call out her name, "Ana!" But she didn't turn around. I chase her until we come to walk on a wooden bridge, surrounded by water from the river.

I call out her name, "Ana..." Slowly, this time because there's nobody around.

She then turn around to face me. She looks surprised to see me. Of course she is. Her boyfriend from 7 years ago still chase after her. But why she looks very sad?

She opened her mouth and said my name. "Adam..."

I look at her and smile.

"I love you." I said.

But what didn't caught my eyes were...

The silver ring she wear at her finger.

She look at me and crying. She said,

"I'm sorry."