
Chapter 171 - Misdirection (2)

[ Misdirection ]





Li Xiang ran straight into Xiao Fang's body.

Xiao Fang was surprised, was this really the extent of her technique? He could've stopped her from running into him, but he wouldn't have been a dual cultivator if he did.

Xiao Fang fell back as she fell on top of him. In the next moment, they were both lying on the floor, with Xiao Fang's hands resting on her body.

Li Xiang blacked out for a moment, but when she came to, she began to feel a strange but pleasurable sensation spreading throughout her body.

"Mmh~" she moaned lightly.

Her pink cave became moist as her mountain peaks became erect, she felt so turned on she almost thought it was a wet dream. Even the smell of Xiao Fang natural musk turned her on.

Her heartbeat became faster, her palms were sweaty, and she felt tingly between her legs.

'What's happening to me?' She thought as she slowly opened her eyes.

It took her a moment to realize it, but when she saw that she was laying on top of him, her face immediately became flushed red. His hands were on her hip and thigh and her hands were resting on his chest. She had never been this close to a man before so she didn't know how to react.

"Li Xiang, are you alright?" Xiao Fang's question snapped her out of her daze.

She quickly got off of him.

"Long Wang, I-I-I didn't mean to..." she said with bright red cheeks.

Xiao Fang got up then casually dusted himself off.

"Don't worry, it's not everyday that a beautiful girl jumps on top of me," Xiao Fang joked.

'Does he think I'm beautiful?' she thought.

She was often told that she was a very pretty girl, but it felt different hearing it from Xiao Fang.

"Long Wang, I'm... I'm sorry."

"Li Xiang, if you keep apologizing to me, I'm going to feel bad for enjoying it too much."

Li Xiang, bit her lip as she thought about how Xiao Fang's hands were making her feel good. If she didn't have a public image to maintain she might've asked him to touch her again. She quickly changed the topic before she got any more crazy ideas.

"Ah, that's right. Long Wang, you were so fast! How were you able to see through my illusions So quickly?"

Xiao Fang shook his head.

"I'm blind remember? I can't see your illusions at all."

Li Xiang gasped.

'If what he said was true, then wouldn't that mean that all illusory techniques were useless against him?' Li Xiang thought in shock. 'I definitely need to get him into my Li Family Guild.'

"Hey, I recently got news about Li Lian after getting into the inner court."

"Oh? What news?" Xiao Fang asked.

Any news relating to Li Lian was precious news to him. They hadn't been separated for long, but he already missed her dearly.

"It seems the Matriarch has taken a liking to her, so she made Li Lian her direct disciple," Li Xiang explained with a large smile.

"Ah... is that it?" Xiao Fang replied.

"Aren't you happy for her?"

"I am, but the truth is I already knew about it for some time now."

Back when Xiao Fang was first integrating with his spirit attribute, Li Lian had come to tell him about the good news. Unfortunately his integration process took much longer than anyone expected, so he didn't get to properly congratulate her on finding a master to train under.

"Well, as you probably figured out, the Li Family Guild members aren't too welcoming to guests. The reason I brought you here was because I wanted you to tell them about your relationship with Li Lian."

Li Xiang would've done it herself, but she promised Xiao Fang during the inner court exam that she wouldn't tell anyone about it. Since she couldn't do it herself, she hoped by telling him that Li Lian became the Matriarch's direct disciple he would tell everyone himself.

Xiao Fang shook his head.

"You must forgive me, but I cannot go against Li Lian's wishes."

"Ah, but if you tell them that you are Li Lian's fiancé, I can promise you that you'll get plenty of cultivation resources every month," she tried desperately to change his mind.

Xiao Fang wasn't just a prodigy to get placed directly into the Phoenix class, he was someone that could see through every Illusory technique. Once others hear about this, top guilds might even start fighting over him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't," Xiao Fang turned her down again.

The reason why Xiao Fang didn't want people knowing that he was Li Lian's fiancé was because he didn't want to lose his customers. If people knew, then they would avoid him in fear of angering the Matriarch's only direct disciple.

Li Xiang frowned because she didn't know how she could change his mind.

"Long Wang, please take this," she said as she handed him a scroll.

"What is it?"

"It's our guild's [ Misdirection ] technique. I want you to learn it."

"I don't understand, why are you giving this to me?"

Truthfully, Xiao Fang had better techniques he'd rather learn, so he didn't think he'd have time to learn the technique she was giving him.

"Even if you aren't joining my guild, you are still connected to our Li Family Clan. Take it."

Xiao Fang didn't understand why she was so desperate to recruit him. Was it because she still thought that he was Li Lian's fiancé?

'Isn't she being too trusting of me?' Xiao Fang thought.

Xiao Fang took the scroll, but he only did it out of courtesy.

"Thank you, Li Xiang."

"Don't mention it. Ah, just don't tell anyone that I gave it to you."

Xiao Fang nodded then turned to leave. Just as he was about to open the door, he suddenly remembered something.

"I almost forgot. I've been looking for Fei Lin, do you know where I can find her?"

"Fei Lin? I think I do. Follow me, I'll take you to her."

When Li Xiang opened the door everyone that had been waiting for Xiao Fang to come out had all left. The reason they were no longer there was because of the girl that was now standing outside of her door.

When Li Xiang saw who it was she began to frown. The girl was wearing the black inner court robes, but there was a fiery red and orange dragon embroidered onto it. She was a Dragon-Class disciple.

Although Xiao Fang couldn't see her robes, he knew that she wasn't an ordinary inner court disciples because he could feel that her cultivation nearly rivalled his.




"Hello, Little sister. Who's your friend?"

Chapter 172 - Li Changying

"Hello, Little sister. Who's your friend?"




"Li ChangYing, what are you doing here."

"I came to congratulate you on becoming a tiger class disciple. We may only be half-sisters, but that doesn't make us strangers. Now, I'll ask you again, who is your friend?"

"His name is... Long-"


Suddenly, the sound of a slap resonated through the air. Li Xiang cupped her left cheek as it started to become red.

"I was hoping it wasn't true. You haven't even been here for a week, but you still dare to break one our guild's rules. Did you think I wouldn't hear about this?"

Li Xiang couldn't even see the slap coming. She was just too weak compared to her elder sister.

"I had a reason for bringing him," Li Xiang complained.

"Oh, you have a reason? Say it then, what is your reason for bringing him here?"

Li Xiang hesitated to say it. She promised Xiao Fang that she wouldn't tell anyone about his relationship with Li Lian, but she didn't want to be slapped in front of him.

"You think I won't embarrass you in front of your friend? Hurry up and say it," Li ChangYing said impatiently.

Li Xiang looked up at Xiao Fang, but he didn't seem bothered by it.

The truth was, he really wasn't disturbed by it. In this cruel world of cultivation, such a harmless slap was no different than a light slap on the wrist. Xiao Fang was used to seeing much worse in the Divine Sword sect, so he thought Li Xiang was extremely lucky to have such a caring older sister.

"T-There's no reason," Li Xiang finally replied.

Li ChangYing raised her hand to slap her again. Li Xiang braced herself, but the slap never came.


Li Xiang opened her eyes then saw that Xiao Fang was holding Li Changying's wrist in the air.

"I hate to interfere, but could you continue this while I'm not here? As a man, my eyes can't bear to see such a pretty face get hit," Xiao Fang said.

Li ChangYing frowned.

"Your eyes? What nonsense are you spouting," she said as she stared at his blindfold.

She originally didn't pay any attention to him because his aura was so weak that she could hardly feel anything at all. However, the reason she couldn't feel it was because his blindfold was concealing it. Since he was able to catch her slap before it hit, she could only assume that he wasn't as weak as she first thought.

Xiao Fang finally let go of her wrist.

"Since you trespassed into my guild house, don't think that I'm going to let you go either," Li ChangYing said.

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, she threw a punch at him.

[ Misdirection - Punch Fake ]

An illusion of her fist shot straight at his face while her real fist was aiming at his stomach.

In the next moment, her eyes widened in disbelief. Her fist didn't hit him in the gut, all she could feel was the palm of his hand. Xiao Fang had effortlessly blocked her punch.


She immediately jumped back. Although her attack was simple, it wasn't something an inner court disciple should've been able to block, especially when she was already standing so close to him.

'How is he able to see anything through that blindfold anyway?' She thought.

The more she thought about it, the more mysterious Xiao Fang seemed. She couldn't explain it, but she was getting a really bad feeling from him.

Xiao Fang didn't want to start a fight with anyone in the Li Family Clan. They were all related to Li Lian in one way or another, so even if he didn't like them, he couldn't go around beating them up. Li Xiang on the other hand thought Xiao Fang was being so cool. Not only did he perfectly defend against a sudden attack from a Dragon-Class disciple, he also made her retreat several steps back.

Li ChangYing looked down at Xiao Fang's black robes then saw the outline of a purple Phoenix embroidered onto it.

"So you're a Phoenix Class disciple. Since I've never seen you before that must mean you only recently got accepted into that class. Don't let it get to your head. The jump from the Phoenix Class to the Dragon Class is nothing like the jump you made from the Tiger Class. If you resist against me, your punishment will only get worse," she threatened him not knowing that he jumped from the Outer Court straight to the Phoenix-Class of the Inner Court.

Li Changying was scared of him, but she couldn't figure out why.

Xiao Fang suddenly raised his hand, making Li ChangYing frown more deeply. Li Xiang on the other hand was getting excited. This was going to be the first time she was going to see Xiao Fang fight. Thinking that he was going to attack, Li ChangYing got into her fighting stance. In the next moment, Xiao Fang shot his right hand down towards his left forearm like an axe.


The sound of his bone breaking sent chills down Li Xiang's and Li ChangYing's spines, but Xiao Fang hardly reacted at all.

There was an eerie silence, and neither of the girls could take their eyes off his broken forearm. Li ChangYing was already feeling tense, but now she was having cold sweats. In her eyes, Xiao Fang was a monster.

Li Xiang finally broke the silence, "L-Long Wang, w-why did you-"

"Will this be enough?" Xiao Fang asked.

His voice was calm, but it gave Li ChangYing the chills. Despite how it seemed, it was clear to her now that he broke his own arm to give her face. She didn't know what he was capable of, but her basic instincts were telling her to avoid him at all cost.

"Y-Yeah... you can go," Li ChangYing replied.

Xiao Fang started to walk away, but when he realized that Li Xiang wasn't following him he stopped.

"Li Xiang, aren't you coming?"

"Huh... Mn."

Li Xiang avoided making eye contact with Li ChangYing as she walked passed her. Li ChangYing wanted to stop her, but no words came out of her mouth. She was scared, so scared she couldn't even make herself turn to face Xiao Fang's direction in which Li Xiang fled to.

Xiao Fang's eyes were covered, but if it wasn't, Li Xiang would've been able to see them reverted from a haunting purple to an erotic violet color as he walked away.




On the road, Li Xiang kept looking back at Xiao Fang's forearm.

"How's your arm?" she asked.

"My arm?"

Although the pain of breaking a bone might've brought him to tears when he was little, he was no longer a kid, and he experienced much worse from training his Divine Sword method every day. He knew his arm would quickly heal, so he didn't even think about it till Li Xiang brought it up.

"Isn't your arm broken?" She asked.

Xiao Fang raised his arm up then opened and closed his hand. Li Xiang's eyes widened.

"How did you..."

Xiao Fang's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise as well, but he quickly concealed it, then said,

"You don't think that I would break my own arm, do you?" Xiao Fang said teasingly.

As if it was finally making sense, her jaw dropped as she looked up at him.

"It sounded so real. How did you do that?" she asked in excitement.

Earlier, she felt guilty that he would resort to such extreme actions, but now she was both relieved and amazed that he was able to trick her older sister like some sort of magician.

"It's a secret," Xiao Fang replied.

Just like a magician, Xiao Fang didn't reveal how he did it. Truthfully, even Xiao Fang was surprised by how quickly it healed. An injury like that would usually take him a few hours and at least 1 healing regeneration pill to completely recover. Not only did he not eat any pills, his arm completely healed on its own in a matter of minutes.

'I knew the regeneration abilities of a Profound Body realm cultivator was great, but I didn't think it would be this impressive,' Xiao Fang thought.

Even though he was amazed by his own regenerative ability, he didn't show it on his face. Li Xiang still believed it was a trick, so he preferred to keep it that way.

Chapter 173 - Matriarch's Return

Xiao Fang and Li Xiang arrived outside of the Tiger-Class residential area. Since only Tiger-Class disciples were allowed access into this area, Xiao Fang waited outside of the barrier as Li Xiang went in.

A few minutes later, Xiao Hei rushed out of the barrier and crashed into Xiao Fang.

"Fang!~" she said happily as she ran into his arms.

"Hahaha, did you miss me?" He said as he brushed her hair.

"Un, I missed you a lot," she replied as she snuggled her head against his body.

Xiao Fang suddenly stopped brushing her hair then he started acting mad.

"Ho ho, didn't I tell you not to call me by my real name. Repeat after me, Long Wang, Long Wang."

"Fang~ Fang~" she said happily.

Xiao Fang's eyebrow twitched.

"Acting cute won't save you. If you don't say it right, I'm really going to punish you."

She looked down at his body then grinned.

"Daddy can punish me whenever he likes," she said in a cute tone.

'There she goes calling me Daddy again...' Xiao Fang thought. He assumed he'd eventually get used to it, but he still found it was a bit strange.

Xiao Fang realized what she was doing. She might've seemed cute and unaware, but he knew she was much smarter than she appeared to be.

"Fei Lin, we can have fun later, there are a few things we need to do first."

Xiao Fang explained his plan for the day, but as he was explaining it, Li Xiang suddenly stepped out of the barrier. The barrier was transparent, but since he couldn't hear anything past it, he couldn't sense Li Xiang coming.

"Fei Lin, you're so fast!"

Li Xiang struggled to speak because she was out of breath. She noticed that Xiao Hei was standing inappropriately close to Xiao Fang, but she didn't comment on it.

"Li Xiang, I must thank you for helping me find Fei Lin, I don't think I would've been able to find her so soon without your help."

"Don't mention it," Li Xiang smiled. "So, what are you going to do now?"

"We're going to look for a guild," Xiao Hei suddenly said.

"Ah, a guild? Can I come?"

Xiao Hei looked up at Xiao Fang as if she was looking for his permission.


Li Xiang felt guilty that she couldn't let them join her Li Family Clan's Guild, so she wanted to help them in anyway she could.

Xiao Fang on the other hand couldn't understand why she was being so friendly with him. No one in the Divine Sword sect was ever so charismatic and easily trusting of strangers like her, so it was something he wasn't used to.

What he didn't know was that she was only acting this way because of the help he gave her during the maze test in the inner court exam. Without his help, she didn't think she would've passed that test at all.


"Sure, why not," Xiao Fang said.

Xiao Hei and Li Xiang looked at each other with excited looks on their faces. As Xiao Fang began to walk towards the guild recruitment center, the two girls followed close behind him.




Meanwhile outside of the Matriarch's hall, the Matriarch's carriage finally arrived and stopped in front of 6 Supreme Elders. The Supreme Elders were all formally dressed and each of them were emitting an overwhelming aura that made them seem like deities. One Supreme Elder gestured for the carriage escorts to leave, so the 7 core court disciples bowed their heads then left, taking the beasts with them.

A few seconds later, the doors opened and the Matriarch stepped out. One Supreme Elder approached the Matriarch to greet her.

"Welcome back, Matriarch. Did you enjoy your trip?"

"The Li Clansmen can be a bit hot headed, but they're good people. Where are the others?" Shi Lan asked.

"The other Supreme Elders still haven't returned," the Supreme Elder replied.

"What about Supreme Elder Yao? Any news of her whereabouts yet?"


"I suppose that was to be expected."

Shi Lan then turned to face the carriage, "Li Lian, aren't you going to come out?"

The Supreme Elders turned their attention back to the carriage. The moment Li Lian stepped out, the Supreme Elders all made shocked expressions. Li Lian didn't look the same as she did before, she was no longer wearing her plain and battered outer court robes. Although Li Lian was always an extremely beautiful girl, her new robes made her seem like a peerless beauty. It gave her a mystifying and untouchable air girls her age didn't possess. She finally looked like someone fitting to be called the Matriarch's only direct disciple.

"Pretty, isn't she," Shi Lan said with a smile.

"Indeed she is. She might just be the Yu An of her time."

Although they were just ordinary elders back then, the Supreme Elders all knew who Yu An was. Her beauty was so renowned at the time that it became synonymous with the term 'peerless beauty'. Li Lian found it strange that they were using Yu An's name like that, but she knew that it was no exaggeration to say that Yu An was the epitome of a peerless beauty.

"I've been absent for some time now, so I'm sure you each have lots to tell me," Shi Lan said before turning to Li Lian. "Little Lian, go make yourself familiar with the core court disciples, I have some work I need to do so I'll come see you later tonight."

"Yes, Master," Li Lian replied.

One of the Supreme Elders escorted Li Lian to go meet the core court disciples that were patiently waiting for her return. When the curtains were lifted Li Lian saw several dozens of core court disciples all getting on their knees. Amongst them she saw friends, enemies, and clansmen, all of whom where much older than she was. However, in this moment they were all kowtowing to her.

Li Lian smiled awkwardly as she said, "Take good care of me."




Inside of the Matriarch's Hall, 5 of the 6 Supreme Elder's had left, leaving the last Supreme Elder with the Matriarch.

"Supreme Elder Quan, I left you in charge of the inner court exam this year. I assume everything went well."

"Yes, Matriarch. There were a few promising disciples this year," the Supreme Elder said before telling her about the disciples that caught her eye. She eventually told her about Xiao Hei and Li Xiang too.

"Oh, another impressive Li Family clansmen? Who would've thought," Shi Lan commented.

Although the Li Family Clan was one of the 4 major powers in the province, there were only a few of them in the core court.

"Is that it? Did only 2 disciples pass the maze test?" Shi Lan frowned.

The Supreme Elder paused before saying, "No, there was 1 more."

Still unhappy that there were only 3 disciples, Shi Lan impatiently said, "Well, out with it then. What's her name?"

"His name... is Long Wang."

Chapter 174 - Guild Recruitment Center

Xiao Fang, Xiao Hei, and Li Xiang visited the Guild Recruitment Center. It was a bit inconvenient living in different class residential zones, so the first thing he wanted to do was to find a place where he could live with Xiao Hei.

Li Xiang was already a part of the Li Family Guild, so she only tagged along to hang out with Xiao Hei and to help them find a good guild to join.


Just like the Trial Pod pagoda, the Guild Recruitment Center had 4 floors.

> 1st floor: Small groups

> 2nd floor: Large groups

> 3rd floor: Minor guilds

> 4th floor Major guilds




1st floor: Small guilds

The first floor was crowded with disciples from different classes, each trying to recruit others into their group to do specific missions.

Since Xiao Fang was a Phoenix Class disciple, he immediately attracted a lot of attention, but no one approached him because they didn't think they had no shot in recruiting him. Xiao Hei and Li Xiang on the other hand got many offers.

Li Xiang was doing fine telling them that she wasn't interested, Xiao Hei, however, was struggling to say no.

Xiao Fang sighed then turned around.

"Fei Lin, aren't you coming," he said.

The girls around Xiao Hei froze when they heard his voice. Xiao Fang wasn't trying to scare them, it was simply because he was a Phoenix Class disciple that they were afraid to offend him.

"Un!" Xiao Hei said as she skipped over to Xiao Fang's side.




2nd Floor: Large groups

The disciples here were all trying to group up to get a cheaper price for entering the Ancestral Training Grounds. However, unlike the 1st floor, the 2nd floor was organized by elders.

The disciples that came here would have to state their cultivation, class, and floor preference before they could be put into a group. The elders did their best to match the disciples as closely as possible, but since there were so few Phoenix Class disciples, they would usually be put into a Tiger Class team.

However, such an occurrence was rare since most disciples would rather group up with guild members. So, only disciples who couldn't get accepted into guilds were here.




3rd floor: Minor Guilds

Compared to the other 2 floors, this one wasn't nearly as noisy, and there weren't any elders supervising it.

"Wow, so many guilds," Xiao Hei said.

"It's actually pretty easy to start your own guild as long as you can amass a following and if you have the merit points to spare," Li Xiang said.

As Xiao Fang and the girls were heading to the next staircase, someone from the Li Family clan spotted Li Xiang.

'Huh? What is Li Xiang doing here?' The Li Family Guild recruiter wondered.




4th floor: Major Guilds

When Xiao Fang opened the door, he sensed a beautiful young disciple standing behind a counter only a few meters away from him. Her eyes widened when she saw him, but her shock deepened after she saw the Phoenix embroidered on his robe.

"So it's true..."

Li Xiang and Xiao Hei didn't know why Xiao Fang stopped moving, so they peaked around him to see what was going on. What they saw was a Snake-Class disciple with sky-blue coloured nails standing on the other side of the counter. Neither Xiao Hei nor Li Xiang knew who she was, but it was clear that she recognized Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang suddenly walked up to her then leaned over the counter, making her take a step back.

"It's nice to see you again, Rong Shi."

"Un, it's nice to see you too..." she replied, stopping herself before she could say his name. "I hear you go by the name 'Long Wang' now. I wonder how you came up with that one," she smirked.

"It must've came to me in a dream. A dream about a girl with beautifully painted nails."

"A dream, huh. Was the girl in your dream pretty?"

"You can say that."

Xiao Fang gently took her hand. Feeling his hand on hers made her blush. Such an act was taboo between a man and woman if they weren't already married or at least engaged, but they've done much more than just holding hands before, so she didn't pull her hand away when she felt his. She felt good from it and wished he could touch more.

Xiao Fang continued to flirt with Rong Shi. The sexual connotation in their words made it painfully obvious to anyone listening that they were more than just acquaintances.

Suddenly, Li Xiang cleared her throat and tugged on Xiao Fang's sleeve before walking in front of him.

"Rong Shi, is it? My name is Li Xiang. We came here to join a guild, could you help us find one?"

Rong Shi was having such a good time talking to Xiao Fang she completely forgot about her job.

"Yes, of course. The Major guilds listed behind me are the guilds looking for new recruits."

The board Rong Shi was referring to listed 3 major guild names. They were:

- White Jade guild

- Spring Flower guild

- Silent Phantom guild

"If there's a guild you would like to join then I can take you to meet one of their representatives, but if you can't decide then I can submit you to be auctioned to them," Rong Shi explained.

Li Xiang's eyes sparkled when she saw the White Jade guild listed on the board. It was rare to see them looking for new guild members, so this was a great opportunity to get into the best major guild in the inner court.

"Long Wang, you have to try to get into the White Jade guild, they're definitely one of the best. The unique technique they possess is one of the most sought after technique in the sect," Li Xiang said excitedly.

Xiao Fang didn't care too much about the technique they possessed, no matter what it was he knew his [ Solid Clone ] technique would be better.

It was clear that Xiao Fang wasn't impressed, so Rong Shi was going to try to convince him as well, but he stopped her before she could.

"Alright, I'll meet with them first."

Chapter 175 - Rejection

Xiao Fang, Xiao Hei, and Li Xiang entered the room the White Jade guild recruiters were in, then Rong Shi closed the door behind them.

Sitting at the table were 2 girls. 1 sat up straight in her chair, while the other was more laid back with her feet on the table.

"Oh, looks like we have a few interesting rookies today," the laid back girl said as she took her feet off the table.

Xiao Fang sat down across from them, then Xiao Hei and Li Xiang did the same.

"My name is-" Li Xiang said before he was interrupted.

"Li Xiang, Fei Lin, and Long Wang, right?"

"Yeah, that's-"

"Of course, I'm right. We always do a background checks on new inner court disciples, so we already know all about you."

'I highly doubt that,' Xiao Fang thought.

It was clear to him what they were trying to do. Unfortunately for them, Xiao Fang was never interest in their guild in the first place, so their behavior only came off as being pompous and arrogant.

Suddenly, the girl that had been sitting up straight took 3 scrolls out of her spatial pouch then tossed it to Xiao Fang, Xiao Hei, and Li Xiang.

They were contract scroll. Each scroll explaining how much they would be paid every month, and the responsibility they would have as guild members.

"Huh? Why are you offering me a higher allowance than Fei Lin?" Li Xiang asked.

"You're the daughter of a Patriarch, Fei Lin's background is unknown," the recruiter explained.

The truth was, the allowance they were offering Xiao Hei was also very high because they knew she was accepted into the sect without having to do the entrance exam. Contrary to what most people believed, only elders with a notable background were capable of doing such a thing.

Xiao Fang couldn't see the text on his scroll, so he didn't bother picking it up. When Li Xiang finally looked at his scroll her brows became knitted.

"This... you can't be serious," Li Xiang said with a hint of anger.

Xiao Fang's contract was almost blank. No allowance, no benefits, plenty of errands, and even more responsibilities. Not only did he have many responsibilities, he was not allowed to join the guild on important guild missions. Only a fool would accept such terms.

"If he joins our guild, the best we can offer him is our guild nameplate and our unique cultivation techniques, but nothing more. He will be an official member of our guild, but he'll be prohibited from participating in our guild activities."

"I don't understand. He's a Phoenix-Class disciple, so his talents should even surpass mine," Li Xiang argued.

"That might be the case, but there's no hiding the fact that he's a blind body cultivator, and his background is completely unknown. The only reason why our guild is even considering him is because he's a Phoenix Class disciple."

"There has to be a mistake. Can't we negotiate for something better?" Li Xiang tried to say politely.

"Of course. Has he attempted the trial pod test yet? If he can rank within the top 50 the guild will give him a monthly allowance."

Xiao Fang suddenly stood up to leave. He wasn't interested in join the guild in the first place, he just wanted to see how much the guild would offer him.

"Long Wang..." Li Xiang said hesitantly.

Xiao Fang stopped to hear what Li Xiang had to say, but she froze. There was no way she was going to convince him to agree to their terms because they were being too unreasonable, but she hated to see him pass this opportunity.

'Hmph, we so generously give him the opportunity to join our prestigious guild but he actually turned it down. Who does he think he is?' the laid back guild recruiter thought.

For the first time, Xiao Fang spoke, but he wasn't speaking to the recruiters, he was speaking to Xiao Hei and Li Xiang.

"Let's go."

The recruiters gave Xiao Fang a funny look.

The White Jade guild only accepted the best spirit cultivators, and right now, Xiao Hei and Li Xiang were the best just behind Bai Fan. Since they were the youngest disciples to get accepted into the Tiger-Class this year, the monthly allowance they were offered was a much higher than any other guild could offer them. So when Xiao Fang told Xiao Hei and Li Xiang to leave with him, the last thing the guild recruiters expected was for them to really follow him out.

'What!? Are they crazy!?' the recruiters thought.

Before they could leave the recruiters tried to stop them.

"Ah, please wait! Is the contract not to your liking? We can negotiate your allowance. Please sit, let's talk about this."

Li Xiang didn't have any intentions of joining their guild in the first place. She had a responsibility to her own family clan's sect, so she didn't stop walking till she was behind Xiao Fang. Xiao Fang and Xiao Hei on the other hand stopped when they heard the recruiter's voice.

"You want to negotiate?" Xiao Hei asked curiously.

Xiao Hei then looked back at Xiao Fang to see what he would say, but Xiao Fang stayed silent.

"Yes, let's talk about it, please sit."

Xiao Fang sighed.

"You say that I am blind yet you see less than I do," Xiao Fang shook his head disappointedly.

"You!- What did you say?!"

Not once did they ever speak directly to him till now, Xiao Fang wasn't one to reward bad behavior, so even if they gave him an allowance, he still wouldn't join their guild.

He finally turned back around and continued walking away. Xiao Hei saw this and followed him out, leaving the recruiters dumbfounded.




Xiao Fang spoke to the other 2 major guilds, but they outright rejected him. The Jade Flower guild rejected him for being a man, while the Silent Shadow guild rejected him for being blind.

"Long Wang... I'm sorry," Li Xiang said with her head down.

Xiao Fang patted her on the head.

"Don't worry, I didn't have any interest in joining them anyways."

Li Xiang assumed that he was just saying that to make her feel better, but what he said was the truth. When he told Xiao Hei that he wanted to find a guild house to live in, he didn't mean that he wanted to join a guild.

Xiao Fang walked back up to Rong Shi.

"Long Wang, how did it go? Did the Silent Phantom guild accept you into their guild?"



"Rong Shi, I would like to start my own guild."

Chapter 176 - Rong Shi's Desires

"Rong Shi, I would like to start my own guild."




Since Rong Shi had only recently got the job, she was only tasked with taking disciples to the guild recruiters of their choice.

"Long Wang, I can't help you make your own guild. I'll need to get my senior sister to do it when she returns. Till then you can fill out this form and we'll have it ready for you by tomorrow."

Xiao Fang looked down at the scroll, but he couldn't read anything on it with his blindfold on. It was at that moment that he sent Xiao Hei a quick spirit transmission. After she heard it she turned to Li Xiang and tugged on her sleeve.

"Hey, Li Xiang, I'm going to go take the trial pod test. Do you want to come with me?"

"Right now? Shouldn't we help Long Wang first?"

"It's alright, I can handle the rest from here," Xiao Fang said.

"But the trial pod test-"

"I already took it. If you look high enough you might even see my score," he smiled mysteriously.

Since Xiao Fang was starting his own guild, it was true that he didn't need her help anymore.

"Alright, let's go, Fei Lin. We'll meet you outside of this building when we're done, Long Wang."

Xiao Fang nodded.

"Good luck."

Earlier, when Xiao Fang was explaining his day plan to Xiao Hei, he gave her 100 merit points to do the trial pod test, so she only had enough to take the test once.

When Xiao Hei and Li Xiang left, Xiao Fang began to take his blindfold off. His eyes shined violet, making Rong Shi's eyes dilate for a moment when she saw them. She already seen his eyes a few times in the past, so she wasn't surprised to see them again. However, it was making her heart beat faster and her skin feel tingly. She couldn't understand why, but just looking into his eyes was turning her on.

Xiao Fang looked down at her coloured nails then gently picked her hand up before looking back into her eyes.

"I missed you, Rong Shi," he said as his thumb lightly brushed the back of her fingers.

Her temperature rose and she felt like her breasts were going to pop out of her robes with every deep breath she took. Xiao Fang was the only man that could make her feel this way with just a look, all she could think about was how he was going to devour her body and unleash his deepest carnal desires on her.

"Da... Long."

No one was around, so she seductively took one sleeve off her shoulder then did the same with the other one till her beautiful breasts were in full display. Although her breasts weren't very big, they had a certain charm that made them look irresistible.

He reached up for her twin mountains then gave them both a light squeeze. They felt just as nice as they looked, and she bit her lip cutely to the feeling of his touch.

Even with the effect of his eyes, she was one of the few girls he knew that would be so brazen enough to strip in public. She was a daring girl, that's why Xiao Fang liked her. What he didn't know was that she was obsessed with him, even without the effect of his eyes she would've still done anything for him.

"Da Long, I want to- Mymm~"

Xiao Fang suddenly kissed her lips after he jumped over the counter. Their tongues explored familiar territory as he caressed her naked breast and groped her ass. He wanted to fuck her over the counter, and from the way her leg slid up to his waist, he knew she wanted it to.

She gave herself up to him, she didn't resist his kiss or hands, she welcomed it, even yearned for more. Since the moment she saw him, she couldn't wait to be in his arms like this. She could feel his erect penis under his robes and it was driving her crazy with lust.

"Da Long, put it inside of me. Bend me over this counter, and give it to me. Ahh~"

She moaned to the feeling of his hand caressing her moist little slit. She was so wet his fingers easily slid in. Her pussy felt so nice, the more he felt it the deeper he wanted to go. His two fingers were being squeezed as he caressed her pink walls. He could tell how much she loved it from the way she moved, and he enjoyed seeing her this way.

She was being ravaged by the man she loved, and his fingers were thrusting so vigorously it was making her stand on her toes. She felt like she was going to cum, but she wanted to hold out for as long as she could.

"Ahh~ yes! Right there, Da Long. Right there, ahhhaa~"

In the next moment, Xiao Fang made her sit on the counter then went down on his knees before making sweet loving to her moist pink cave.

"Ahhaaa~~" she moaned to the feeling of his tongue sliding in. It felt so good she already felt like she was going to climax.

Her neck stretched up, her eyes closed tightly, and her fingers ran through his hair as his tongue licked her wet inner walls.

"You're so wet," he said before spitting and thrusting his fingers back into it.

His began to lick her shy little pearl as his fingers thrusted, making her squeeze his head between her thighs.

"Ahh~ Da Long, I'm going to cum~"

She clenched her teeth as she tried to suppress her climax, but it was no use. Her pussy suddenly squeeze, her stomach convulsed, and her waters began to pour. She was climaxing.

Xiao Fang took his finger out then thrusted his tongue deep inside of her warm tightening pussy. She held onto his head as she leaned back. Her pussy was squirting uncontrollably into his mouth.


Her squirt instantly evaporated into yin qi as it entered his mouth, so he kept sucking her beautiful pussy juice, making her cum even more. Every time her lower body jerked, her quivering pussy squirted. She didn't realize how much she came till it was finally over. When he was finally done, he got up then passionately kissed her lips as his arms wrapped around her.


She was sweating allover and her heart was beating like crazy. As her climax subsided her breathing slowly went back to normal. She then opened her legs then spread her pussy open with her delicate finger. She was letting him see how her pussy looked up close after such a wet a climax. There were only a few sights more beautiful than this, and it was making him as hard as a rock.

"Da Long~" she said as she looked at him lustfully.

She wanted his naked sword now, more than ever. She wanted him to thrust it deep into her pussy and to fuck her savagely like an animal. She wanted him to make her scream his name like no other man could and make her cum from his deep hard thrusts.

"Da Long~"

He knew what she wanted, but this was not the place for that. Xiao Fang picked her pants up then began to clean up the mess she made. She was confused why he was ending it so early, but then his next words made her eyes widened.

"Someone's coming."

Chapter 177 - Guild Member

"Someone's coming."




Xiao Fang and Rong Shi were able to quickly get rid of the evidence before the door finally opened.

The girl was a Tiger Class disciple looking to join a major guild. She didn't even notice Xiao Fang as she spoke to Rong Shi. Eventually, Rong Shi helped her get to where she wanted to go, leaving Xiao Fang alone to fill out the form in front of him.

There was a fee of 10,000 merit points just to start his own guild. It was a large sum, but he knew he'd get several times that amount when for his (and Xiao Hei's) next month's allowance.

Xiao Fang quickly filled in the form, but he was stuck when he had to choose a name for the guild. He spent more time on this question than he did on the rest of the registration form, but in the end he just chose something simple.


When Rong Shi returned, Xiao Fang gave her the completed guild registration form, along with a spatial pouch containing 10,000 merit points.

"Done already?" She asked.

"Yeah, you can say I'm quick with my strokes," he made a swordsman's joke she didn't catch.

She put his form and spatial pouch together into a drawer, and made a little note saying it belonged to Long Wang.

She then took out a map and showed Xiao Fang were all the available minor guild houses were. Xiao Fang had already walked around the sect so he knew how each of the guild houses looked in person. He eventually pointed to one guild house that was in the middle of the forest.

"This one."

Rong Shi thought his choice was strange, but she didn't say anything about it. She marked it on the map then gave him the key to it. She finally put the map away.

"Alright, you can leave the rest to my senior sister. Just don't forget to come by tomorrow to pick up your guild's new nameplates."

"Thanks for the help, Rong Shi."

"No problem," she smiled beautifully at him.

Xiao Fang then turned to leave.

"Ah, wait."

"What wrong?" Xiao Fang replied.

"I-I was just wondering... would it be alright if... if I joined your guild?"

Xiao Fang didn't immediately reply, so she assumed he was going to say no.

There was no reason for him to accept her into his guild. Even though she was a Snake-Class disciple there was a high chance that she would drop to the Ant-Class next year. Accepting her into his guild was a risky investment to make, especially since it was just a start up guild.

If he accepted her into his guild, he'd also have to pay extra every month just to keep it running. The more she thought about it, the more she felt bad for asking. She felt like she was putting him on the spot.

"Da Long, I-"

"Sure," he suddenly said.

She stared at him in disbelief. She didn't think he'd actually say yes.

"Are you... really letting me join your guild?"

"Of course, we are friends after all," he said with a friendly smile.

She didn't have any friends in this sect, so hearing him say that made her feel warm inside.

"Will I see you at the guild house after your shift?" Xiao Fang asked.

She stared at him appreciatively before replying, "Un, I'll be there."

"Good, I'll see you tonight then."

He looked up and down her body with a lustful eye, making her feel like she was standing naked in front of him. It reminded her of the kind of person he was and what exactly he was going to do to her in the guild house.

'I can't wait,' she thought as she was watching him go.

Xiao Fang then put his blindfold back on then left.




After he left, he waited for Xiao Hei to return. Several minutes later, he finally heard Xiao Hei and Li Xiang coming.

"Long Wang!~" Xiao Hei happily waved to him as she ran.

Li Xiang was out of breath as she was trying to keep up, but the moment Xiao Hei saw Xiao Fang she started falling further behind. The gap between Xiao Hei and Li Xiang was just too great, and it was clear to her that she was holding back.

Xiao Hei reached Xiao Fang first.

"Seems like you girls had fun. Did you do what I asked?" Xiao Fang asked Xiao Hei.

"Un, I placed 47th."

"Good job, Xiao Hei," he smiled and patted her on the head.

Just like Xiao Fang, Xiao Hei had left her name, class, and guild all blank. The reason why he wanted her to take 47th place on the trial pod leader board was because he didn't want to create too much of a commotion. What he didn't know was that he had already done so by placing straight into 9th place.

Li Xiang eventually caught up, but she collapsed from exhaustion the moment she reached them.

"Fei Lin, you're too fast," she said as she laid on the ground.

"How did you do Li Xiang?" Xiao Fang asked.

After taking a few more breaths she finally sat up then smiled at Xiao Fang.

"I got ranked 1355," she said happily.

"But I'm still nowhere as good as Fei Lin. She was able to reach 1298 on her first try!"

"Ah, is that so," he said.

Xiao Hei snickered. She picked a rank that was not only left completely anonymous on the leaderboard, but also better than Li Xiang's rank to make it more believable.

"What are we going to do now?" Li Xiang asked.

"Long Wang, I'm hungry," Xiao Hei said, hoping that he'd catch her drift.

Xiao Fang was confused at first because he didn't think spirit pets needed to eat food, but she then sent him a spirit transmission.

{"I want Daddy to feed me,"} she looked up at him cutely with red cheeks.

Xiao Fang suddenly realized what she wanted since the only time she ever referred to him as 'Daddy' was during sex. It was a surprise that he could even forget about her crazy sex drive. Xiao Fang still wanted to check out the other parts of the sect and wasn't ready to take her home yet, so he compromised.

"We can eat later, there's somewhere I want to go first."

Chapter 178 - Cultivation Room

"We can eat later, there's somewhere I want to go first."




Xiao Fang took them to a cultivation hotspot, but from the outside it just looked like a massive dome. Although the roof wasn't very high, the diameter of the dome was a kilometer wide.

When they were inside Li Xiang finally remembered what this place was. She had heard about it on the tour, but she didn't get the chance to try it out yet.

They confronted the lady working behind the front desk.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" she said.

Behind her was a board with different tiers of rooms they could rent out. Since Xiao Fang was blindfolded, Fei Lin quickly read it to him through a spirit transmission.

> Tier 1 room 150mp/hr

> Tier 2 room 300mp/hr

> Tier 3 room 500mp/hr

> Tier 4 room 1,000mp/hr

"I'll get a tier 4 room, and I'll rent it out for an hour," Xiao Fang said.

"Sure, that'll be 1,000 merit points," she replied.

"Ah, wait. Me too," Xiao Hei whined, thinking that he was going without her.

"Alright, how much is it if we share a room?" Xiao Fang asked.

"It'll still be 1,000 for you, but only 800 for her."

Xiao Fang took 800 more out of his spatial pouch.

"I'll pay for her."

She then gave Xiao Fang a key and 2 armbands with the number 69 on it. Xiao Fang then handed one of the armbands to Xiao Hei.

Earlier, Xiao Hei had told Li Xiang that she could only afford to take the trial pod test once. So Li Xiang didn't find it strange that she was now sharing a room with Xiao Fang. If anything, she thought Xiao Fang was being extremely generous for spending 800 merit points on Xiao Hei like that.

"I'd also like to rent a tier 4 room for 1 hour," Li Xiang said.

She knew it was a lot to spend, so she planned to make the most of it while she was in there. After paying the 1,000 merit points, the lady behind the counter gave her a key and an armband with the number 70 on it.

Since they were getting the most expensive rooms, 2 non-class disciples were summoned and escorted them to their rooms.

Li Xiang didn't waste anytime unlocking her door and jumping in to cultivate. Once she was in, her escort stood guard of her door from the outside.

Unlike Li Xiang, Xiao Fang and Fei Lin weren't in any kind of rush.

"Would you like me to get you anything to drink? Maybe some water or tea?" Xiao Fang's escort asked.

"Just some tea would be fine," Xiao Fang said.

"I'll get it right away."

Xiao Fang was getting a nostalgic feeling from the escort. Not just from her appearance, but from the little things.

"She resembles Xun Wei, doesn't she?" Xiao Fang said.

Fei Lin looked back at the girl and tried to see the resemblance.

"I don't see it."

"Hmm... maybe I'm just imagining it."

Xiao Fang unlocked the door then stepped inside. The first thing he felt was an exuberant amount of concentrated qi. The levels of qi he was feeling in here was several times stronger than what he felt in the Li Family guild house. Although it was strong it didn't take long for Xiao Fang to get used to it.

"Wow~ it looks so nice in here."

Hearing Xiao Hei's comment, Xiao Fang began to remove his blindfold. When he opened his eyes, he was amazed by what he saw. Everything from the ceiling to the floor was made out of pure gold. Also at the center of the room where the qi was the strongest, there was a large pool surrounded by small diamond-like spirit stones. This was by far the most luxurious room he had ever been in.

Xiao Hei stripped before running towards the pool.

"Yahoo~" she screamed as she jumped in.

Although her jump was high, the splash splash she made was pathetic.

"Xiao Fang, the water feels great!" She said as she struggled to touch the bottom with her tippy toes.

Xiao Fang took off his robes then made his way towards the pool. Xiao Hei expected him to walk in, but he suddenly jumped over her.


He had catapulted himself into the pool, creating a large wave that completely engulf Xiao Hei. She swam back up to the surface then spat out a mouthful of water like cute a little fountain.

"How does the water taste, Xiao Hei?" Xiao Fang laughed.

"Hmph, I'm going to make you taste it yourself."

She swung her arm across the surface of the pool, creating a large wave that came crashing down on Xiao Fang. Just before the wave could hit, he suddenly ducked his head underwater, but then he saw Xiao Hei. She had been swimming under the wave the whole time, using it as cover.

She was too close for him to dodge, so he just let it happen. She swam right into his stomach, then hugged him tightly. Xiao Fang stood back up and looked down at her.

"Alright, you win, you caught me. Are you going to let go now?" he said.

Despite his surrender, she didn't let go of him. Instead she stretched her neck up as if she wanted to kiss him. Xiao Fang eventually gave her what she wanted, but as soon he felt her lips, she spurted the pool water into his mouth.

Xiao Fang quickly coughed it out. The water was perfectly clean and was actually quite refreshing, but it was just too unexpected.

"Hehehe," she snickered after pulling a prank on him.

"That was good, but how do you plan to escape?" he said as his violet eyes glowed lustfully.

Her cheeks turned red as she looked up at him cutely.

"I-I don't want to escape. You still need to feed me, remember?" Her cute voice got quieter and quieter as she spoke.

"Mn, that's right. I almost forgot."




[ Read 'Optional Smut Chapter: Xiao Hei' ]




During their dual cultivation session their escort knocked on their door, but being so absorbed in their dual cultivation session, they didn't answer it. However, a few seconds later, they heard the door slowly opening.

"It seems we have a guest."

Chapter 179 - Optional Smut : Xiao Hei

"Mn, that's right. I almost forgot."




Xiao Hei stood on her toes as he raised her chin, and she closed her eyes as he kiss her lips. She could feel his loving warmth as he held her close, and their lips made cute sounds ever time they briefly separated.

Xiao Fang's kiss was making her feel hot, and she couldn't think straight. She was getting aroused as their wet tongues rubbed together, and she was getting wet from the way he was teasing her little nipple.

Feeling skin on skin was enough to wake his sleeping dragon, but feeling her small tits and shy lips now made him as hard as a rock.

"Daddy, I want it mhm~ mym~ more~"

She couldn't get enough of it. She wanted him to kiss him the way he kissed his other women. She wanted to be treated like a big girl, so he gave her what she wanted.

He kissed her more passionately and held her more tightly. He finally stopped teasing her nipple and started groping her cute ass and thigh. He also started thrusting more vigorously along her thin pink slit.

His meat stick eventually found her tiny pink entrance to her cave, making her moan cutely as he rubbed his tip around it.

"Xiao Hei, I'm coming in."

The tip of his cock pushed through her cute pussy lips and against her small hole. It was hard to believe a dick as big as his could fit into something so small, but when he tried to push it in, her small pussy stretched and adjusted to his size.

"Nyaa~ it's so big~ Daddy the other hole too."

He did as she requested and put his finger deep into her tiny asshole. There were a few pleasures in life better than fucking a tight pussy, and no one besides Xun Wei had a tighter than Xiao Hei.

"I want to make Daddy feel good too."

"Ahha~ ahha~ ahhaa~"

Xiao Hei move her waist as he tried to push it in. The feeling was so good he nearly moaned. The deeper it went the better it felt. Eventually, he could feel her squishy little buttcheeks squished against his crotch.

"Xiao Hei, this feels amazing."

"Daddy is so deep. I'm happy I can make you feel good too."

Her eyes were shut tightly from the pleasure, but she still continued to move her waist in the desperate attempt to make Xiao Fang cum inside of her tight hungry pussy.

She tightly squeezed his erect meat as it twitched inside of her stomach, so he spanked her little white ass, making it shake.

"Nyaahhaaa~" she whined, but she had an erotic expression on her face.

Her body was trembling from the sheer size of his dick, but now that her asscheeks were slightly pink, they became more sensitive to his dual cultivation qi coated hands. Her waist thrusted from the feeling of her sensitive pink ass being squeezed by him, but as she thrusted her hips she felt his bid dick moving inside of her.

Suddenly, her body shook and she hugged him tightly as her fluids began to pour out of her. She was already climaxing.

"Xiao Hei, I'm going to start moving."

Her face was planted on his chest as she hugged him. Her climax made it difficult for her to speak, so she nodded instead. Xiao Fang finally began to thrust.

His pace was slow, but his thrusts were deep.

"Ahh~ ahh~ ahh~"

She moaned to every thrust as a bulge went up and down her stomach. He hugged her a bit tighter as he began to pick up the pace. However, the water was restricting his movements, so he jumped out of the pool, then continued thrusting the moment he landed.

"Faster, daddy, faster."

"Ahha~ ahha~ ahhh~"

Eventually, he was making her cry out in ecstacy as he was brutally pounding and stretching her tiny pussy.

"Ahh!~ ahhh!~ ahhhh!~"

[ Naked Sword Clapping Thunder ]

The sound of claps echoed in the room, and she began to moan even louder.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, but they didn't answer it.

"Nyaa~ Daddy~ that feels good. Don't stop, don't stop."

He moved faster and faster, pounding her little ass even hard. He was fucking her so hard she was shaking wildly.

She didn't think she could hold on, but he didn't care. His dick was feeling so good rubbing inside of her tight wet vagina to slow down. He continued fucking her tiny pussy mercilessly even when she was on the verge of climaxing.

"Aghhh! Xiao Hei, you're so tight. I'm going to cum."

"Nyaahha!~~ cum inside of me, Daddy~"

Her little toes curled, her tongue stuck out, and her eyes rolled back. She was climaxing.

In the next moment, Xiao Fang pulled her in by the waist as hard as he could then started dumping his thick hot semen deep into her tiny orgasming pussy. He could feel her tightening pink wet tunnel gripping his penis as he slowly thrusted.

'Fuck, this feels amazing. Cumming inside of Xiao Hei always feels great,' he thought.

Every time he came inside of her, her body converted it into nurishing qi. Now that she knew he was done, she began to move on up and down on her own.

"Daddy, I want more. Are you done already?"

"No, but it seems we have a guest."

Suddenly, she heard someone opening the door.

Chapter 180 - Topless Escort

"It seems we have a guest."




[ A few minutes ago... ]

Xiao Fang's escort eventually returned with his cup of tea, but he had already went in to start cultivating with Xiao Hei.

Since he already started cultivating, she wasn't allowed to go in. Anyone could see what cultivation method you were practicing if they were familiar with the method, so it would've been an invasion of their privacy if she were to walk in on him now.

After a few seconds passed she recalled that there was a little girl standing somewhere around 150cm tall right beside him. Thinking about it now, Xiao Hei was standing really close to him.

'Could they be...'

Suddenly it hit her, what if they weren't cultivating at all. She started having all kinds of wild and naughty thoughts. Her heart beated faster and her pink cave became moist.

'What could they be doing in there,' she wondered with flushed cheeks.

"Hey, Tingting, what's wrong?"

The girl guarding Li Xiang's door noticed that Peng Ting was acting strange, so she asked how she was doing.

"Ah, Shaoling. It's... it's nothing. I just brought a drink for my customer," Peng Ting replied.

"Did he tell you to bring it in for him?"

"I-I don't remember."

"If he wants you to bring it in then bring it in. You are wasting his time by standing out here," Shen Xiaoling scolded her.

"Ah, that's right."

Seeing sense in her words, she convinced herself to go in. She told herself that she was only going in to give him his tea, not to see if they were really doing what she thought they were doing.

Peng Ting finally knocked on the door, but there was no response. She then looked at Shen Shaoling, but she just gestured her to go in.

Finally, she quietly pushed the door open just a bit. She listened closely, but couldn't hear anything at all. For some reason that disappointed her. Deep down she was hoping to encounter something hot.

'Could they really just be cultivating? Maybe my imagination is a bit too wild,' she thought.

Finally, she opened the door and walked in. She was then immediately assulted by the incredibly dense qi that was in that room. It took her a few seconds to get used to it, but once she did she became confused.

'Where did he go?' she thought.

She looked around, but the only person she could see was Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei was sitting completely naked on the surface of the pool. Peng Ting was impressed that she was able to sit on water like that, but couldn't understand why she was naked.

"Are you going to keep standing there?" Xiao Hei suddenly asked. "Come, bring it here."

Xiao Hei spoke nonchalantly without looking back at her as if she was a diety looking down at the world.

Peng Ting brought the cup of tea over to the perimeter of the pool. She couldn't get into the water because she would get in trouble for getting wet, but there was no other way of getting it to Xiao Hei who was sitting at the center of the pool.

Not knowing what to do, she was going to put the cup of tea down, but then she suddenly heard Xiao Fang behind her.

"Is that for me?"


She jumped away like a startled cat, falling back towards the pool. However, before she could hit the water someone caught her. It was Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang was currently standing on the surface of the pool while carrying Peng Ting in his arms. Everything happened so quickly she didn't even know how to react.

Suddenly, she realized his cup of tea was missing.

"Your tea... I-I'm sorry, I'll get you another cup right away."

Peng Ting eventually noticed Xiao Hei approaching them with a cup of tea in her hands. It seemed that she had caught it before it fell. However, Peng Ting wasn't looking at the cup of tea she was holding, she was staring at Xiao Hei's incredibly cute face and naked body.

Reminded that Xiao Hei was naked, her eyes widened when she realized what that could mean.

'If she's naked, then what about...'

Since Xiao Fang was carrying her, she could only see him from the waist up, but that didn't stop her imagination from going wild. She could see his bare chest and abs, and the droplets of water drizzling down his sculpted body. Thinking about what was below made her gulp.

'He's naked too,' she thought as her face turned red.

She almost tried to get off of him, but stopped herself when she realized the situation she was in. Not only was he holding her over a body of water, but he was a Phoenix-Class disciple she had walked in on uninvited. No matter how she saw it, she was definitely in the wrong.

Xiao Fang sent a spirit transmission to Xiao Hei then she went down on her knees and started stroking his meat with her lips.

Since she was kneeling she was now out of Peng Ting's view. Peng Ting didn't know what Xiao Hei was doing under there, but judging by the sounds she was making it couldn't be anything else. Xiao Hei was sucking his pleasure stick, the thought of it turned Peng Ting on, and the longer it lasted the wetter it made her.

Xiao Fang's upper body and arms were so strong, she would be lying if she said that she wasn't tempted to touch him.

"Do you want to see what she's doing?" Xiao Fang asked in a seductive tone.

This is the reason she came in here in the first place. She wanted to see the act between a man and woman.

She nodded shyly as her heart began to race.

"If you want to see it, you'll need to show me something first."

She knew what he meant,, but how could she do such a thing in front of a complete stranger. What was even stranger was that she was actually considering it. The longer she looked into Xiao Fang's eyes the more turned on she became.

'I suppose it won't be too bad if I show him a bit of skin,' she thought before she hesitantly began to unbutton her uniform.

After it was unbuttoned she raised her shirt till he could see her two gelatinous D-Cup breasts. Her two womanly hills jiggled as he lightly thrusted into Xiao Hei's mouth.

Peng Ting closed her eyes as she raised her shirt a bit higher, letting him see her big white twin mountains in all their glory.

There were only a few girls who had tits that looked as good as hers.

'My eyes never fail me,' he thought.

He knew her tits would look great even with her clothes on, but they looked even better than he expected after she took her top off. Only one question remained, how did they feel?