
Chapter 181 - Peng Ting (18+)

Since his arms were busy carrying her, he lifted her a bit higher so he could taste her breasts. The first thing he felt was her smooth skin on his lips then her nipple on his tongue. Peng Ting licked her lips when she felt his tongue making circles around her areola, giving her an experience she never had before.


Her brows flutter as he was sucking her tits and nibbling on her nipples. This was her first time, so she had no idea it would feel this good.

She was a bit embarrassed to show her sacred mounds to a handsome stranger like this, but even more so to let him suck on them. However, the more he licked and sucked on them the more turned on she got.

Soon, her two perfect breasts were extremely sensitive from his aphrodisiac-like saliva that coated her peaks. She was breathing more deeply as she looked at him with a yearning gaze. Whoever this man was, she felt ready to give herself up to him. She wants him to use every part of her here and now.

"Does it feel good?" He asked.

She nodded shyly to his question, but she was too embarrassed to look up at him while he was carrying her.

"Good, here's your reward."

Suddenly, he flipped her upside down and he held her in a vertical 69 position. Her skirt flipped, exposing her pink panty which was only inches away from his face. Such a position would've made any girl extremely embarrassed, but she was too distracted from what she was seeing to think about it.

Her eyes widened as she watched Xiao Hei suck Xiao Fang's long meat.

'It's so big...' She thought.

Realizing that Peng Ting was watching, Xiao Hei stopped what she was doing and took it out of her mouth.

"You want to try?" Xiao Hei offered.

"I-I don't know how," Peng Ting replied.

"Don't worry, I'll help you."

Xiao Hei guided it to her lips then Peng Ting curiously licked it with her tongue. She was hesitant at first, but feeling that it was harmless, she began to lick it more and more like a warm popsicle. At the same moment she could feel Xiao Fang taking off her panty.

'He can see my…' Peng Ting thought with a reddened face.

Xiao Fang dropped her panties into the pool, letting it sink, then admired how beautiful her pussy looked.

'Interesting,' he thought, feeling as if he finally confirmed something he was curious about.


After becoming more comfortable licking his naked sword, Peng Ting opened her mouth, letting Xiao Fang's tip slide in. Her mouth was warm and extra wet. She was upside down, so her saliva drizzled down his long dick as she sucked on it. She tried to copy Xiao Hei's movements from earlier, but she was just too inexperienced. Even though it wasn't great, it wasn't bad for a first timer.

Xiao Hei also got into the mix. Peng Ting's lips stroked his tip, while Xiao Hei licked his shaft and fondled his balls.

Xiao Fang was still staring down at her pink wet slit. He knew once he started, she wouldn't be able to keep sucking him, so he waited. Eventually his curiosity got the best of him, so he brought his face down between her legs.


She moaned in pleasure as he dug his long tongue deep into her tight virgin pussy.

'She's too tight,' he thought.

It reminded him of Xun Wei. He was even more sure now that Peng Ting was actually from the Xun Family clan.

Xiao Fang skillfully slithered his tongue deep into her tight meaty tunnel, making her ass clench and her knees bend. She stopped bobbing her head when she felt his long tongue inside of her. The feeling was too good to concentrate on sucking him, so she finally pulled her head back.

"Ahha~ That, that feels good."

Since she could no longer suck him, Xiao Hei took her place and let Xiao Fang fuck her tight slippery throat instead.

Xiao Fang nearly moaned when he felt his dick sliding down Xiao Hei's tight hot throat. It was in that moment he realized just how much Xiao Hei improved in these past few months.

'Fuck, Xiao Hei's too good at this now,' he thought as he thrusted his waist a bit faster.




The three of them made naughty sounds for several minutes. Eventually, Xiao Fang squeezed Peng Ting's ass, as he thrusted a bit faster into Xiao Hei's throat. He started attacking Peng Ting's G spot, making her scream in ecstasy. Suddenly, she felt her waters rushing up.

"Ahhhhh!~~ Stop, I'm going to pee!~"

In the next moment, sparkling clear fluids squirted out of her pussy.

This was the first time she ever squirted, so she was embarrassed thinking that she had peed in his mouth. However, it immediately evaporated into qi the moment it entered his mouth, providing him with yin qi he could cultivate with later on.

Xiao Fang sucked her harder as she squirted, making her release more. She was so embarrassed she tried to push his head away, but it was no use.

Feeling too good from it, her body stopped resisting and her ass clenched as she thrusted her pussy harder into his mouth and started squirting more than before. Her lower body jerked a few more times, releasing the last few drops she had left.

Finally, Xiao Fang ejaculated into Xiao Hei's throat. Even though it was unexpected, Xiao Hei still buried her face into his public region and swallowed his cum hungrily as it came.

Feeling too good from it, his body slightly folded as she pushed her face harder into his body. His knees began to bend from the intense climax he was having and his dick twitched repeatedly in her steaming hot tight throat.

'Xiao Hei definitely got a lot better at this,' he thought.

When he was done, Xiao Hei suddenly kissed Peng Ting, sharing his sweet buttery milk with her. Peng Ting didn't even realize it when it happened because her climax was too strong, but when she felt his cum on her tongue it suddenly made her climax fade a bit faster.


[ Although yang qi had the effect of stopping a climax more quickly, it also made girls even more horny. The purpose of it was to not waste time climaxing during a dual cultivation session and to spend more time in the act of having sex ]


Xiao Hei finally stood back up, swallowing something with a satisfied look on her face. She held up the cup of tea in her hands, offering Xiao Fang to take it. Xiao Fang put Peng Ting on his shoulder then picked up the cup. After taking a sip of it he gave it back to Xiao Hei.

"How is it?" Xiao Hei asked.

"It's good," he smiled before patting her on the head.

Chapter 182 - Panties (18+)

Xiao Fang carried Peng Ting away from the pool before putting her down. The look she was giving him now was one he knew all too well. However, even though he still had more than 50 minutes remaining, he didn't want to waste it dual cultivating with a girl he just met.

"What's your name?" Xiao Fang asked.

"P-Peng Ting."

"Peng Ting, I don't recall telling you to come into my room."

Her eyes widened when she realized her mistake. She immediately went down on her knees to ask for forgiveness.

"P-P-Please forgive me. I-I promise it will never happen again."

She knew what she did could cost her her job, but for some reason it seemed that Xiao Fang wasn't really mad at her.

Xiao Fang helped her stand back up.

"I don't believe in apologies or promises, those things are unreliable and useless to me. You will need to show me your sincerity in another way."


What he was implying was obvious, but was it really a punishment if she wanted it herself.

She hesitantly lifted up her skirt, exposing her smooth lower lips.

"Can I show my sincerity with this?" She asked shyly.

Despite the temptation, he knew he couldn't waste anymore time engaging in these sexual activities. He spent 1,800 merit points to rent out this room for only an hour, but he already wasted about 10 minutes dual cultivating with Xiao Hei and Peng Ting. Also, it would take too much time for someone as tight as Peng Ting to get used to his size, so in the end he declined.

"Not here, we can continue this at a different time and place."

Peng Ting was a bit surprised to hear those words. It was clear that he was lusting over her body the same way she was for his. However, considering where they were, it made sense why he didn't want to do it here.

Xiao Fang arranged a time and place for them to meet. He didn't tell her that he was a guild master, only that he wanted to meet her at his guild house. She was a bit hesitant because she didn't want him to get in trouble with his guild for inviting her over, but there was no way she was going to say no to sleeping with him since he offered.

Xiao Fang walked her to the door, but put his hand on it when she was going to open it. She turned around. With her back pressed up against the door, she looked up at him with an anticipating gaze. She didn't know what he was going to do, but whatever it was, she wanted it.

He raised her chin then kissed her lips. This was unlike the first time he kissed her, she was already feeling hot from his lips. It got more intense every second that went by, making her hum her moan.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and raised a leg to his waist. Feeling her leg sliding up his side, he reached down then groped her ass and thigh. She had a sexy body most men would kill to touch, but that very girl was letting Xiao Fang reach up her skirt to feel her ass.

Her heart was pounding, her neck was sweating, and she was gasping for air as she was desperately kissing his face. He suddenly squeezed her breast, kissed her neck, and thrusted his hard throbbing cock between her moist pink slit.

She wasn't wearing her panties so she could feel his wet dick sliding against her bare naked pussy.


She moaned from his hand squeezing her tits and their private parts rubbing against each other.

"Peng Ting, I can't wait to feel inside of you. I'm gonna put it all inside of you and make you mine."

"I want it too, I want it now. Fill me up and make me yours."

Suddenly she felt her warm liquids begin to pour again. She was craving his dick so much, she was climaxing without any penetration.

"Nnnhh~ Wang~ nnnh~ nnh~"

He squeezed her asscheeks and sucked her lewd wet lips. His tongue caressed hers as she was climaxing in that position.

Her head finally rested on his shoulder as she tried to catch her breath. She was feeling so horny, she didn't think she could leave him now.

She was a beautiful girl, and she smelled really nice. Xiao Fang kissed her neck softly. Finally he kissed her lips one last time then pulled away to look her in the eyes.

"The next time we meet, I'll make you experience heaven."

Unexpectedly, she suddenly hugged him. Xiao Fang could tell from her heartbeat that she was feeling strongly towards him, but this was not the kind of reaction he normally got from girls he cultivated with.

"Thank you," she said.

With a subtle smile on her face, a single tear streak down her beautiful face.

"It seems... you've been through a lot."

Listening to her heartbeat, he could tell things weren't as simple as it seemed. He gently brushed her hair to comfort her, but it seemed that she didn't need it since only a moment later she finally let go of him then wiped her face.

She smiled beautifully at him then said,

"I'll see you later."

She turned around to face the door then tidied herself up, making it seem as if nothing had happened. With her back to him, he used [ Reaper's Grasp ] to retrieve her panties from the bottom of the pool.

"You almost forget," he said as he handed her back her pink panties.

"I didn't forget. You can keep it," she said.

She gently wrapped her feminine fingers around his penis then started stroking it as she slowly put her panties in his mouth. This was too strange to Xiao Fang, but he didn't stop it. He knew a pervert when he saw one, but since he was a pervert too he respected it.

She then went down on her knees then started to speak to his little brother,

"I promise I'll make you feel better the next time we meet," she said to it, before she kissed it goodbye.

However, her kiss wasn't so simple. She slowly tried to swallow it as she pushed it deeper into her mouth. Once she reached her limit, she looked up at Xiao Fang with a lewd look in her eyes, giving him something to remember her by.

Finally, she stood back up, walked out of the room, then closed the door behind her. When Shen Shaoling saw her, she asked,

"Hey, Peng Ting, what took you so long?"

Peng Ting didn't reply, but her cheeks were as red as a radish, making Shen Shoaling suspicious.




For the next 50 minutes, Xiao Fang spent almost 10 minutes cultivating his [ Death Reaper ] method, but since he was already so close to making a breakthrough, it didn't take him long to reach the 4th stage of the [ Death Reaper ] Refinement realm.

Xiao Fang then took out the high-grade spirit pendant he got from Supreme Elder Quan. It was still glowing blue, meaning that there was still some Illusory qi left in the spirit pendant.

Xiao Fang absorbed the qi from the pendant then started cultivating it. Only 30 minutes later he was able to break through to the 1st stage of the [ Illusory Body ] Refinement Realm.

The reason it was so amazing was because he only recently made a breakthrough to the 9th stage during the inner court exam, only 2 days have passed since then but he already reached the Refinement realm with the [ Illusory Body ] method.

Making a breakthrough from the 9th to 1st stage was much more difficult than going from the 8th to the 9th. There was always a bottleneck that made passing through to each minor realm especially difficult. However, while he was in this cultivation room, it almost felt as if there was no bottleneck at all.




Spirit Cultivation: 1st stage Profound Realm

[ Death Reaper ]: 4th stage Refinement Realm

[ Illusory Body ]: 1st stage Refinement realm




"I need to get more qi," Xiao Fang thought as he looked down at his spirit pendant.

The sky was starting to dim, so Li Xiang returned to her guild. After she left Xiao Fang and Xiao Hei did the same.


In the middle of a forest, Xiao Fang and Xiao Hei were on their way to their new guild house when Xiao Fang suddenly stopped.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Xiao Hei asked.

Xiao Fang was blindfolded so he could sense anything that was within a kilometer away from him. What he could sense was another disciple. There was no way to know what class she was from unless he saw her robes, but he could at least estimate her battle power.

'Early Solid Body, or Peak Spirit Core realm,' Xiao Fang estimated just purely from her movements.

Xiao Hei kept looking around her, but she couldn't see anything anywhere. Eventually, she lightly tugged on Xiao Fang's sleeve, wanting him to fill her in. He simply patted her on the head.

"It's nothing. Let's go, our new guild house awaits."

"Un, Let's go!~~"

Chapter 183 - Master And Disciple Reunite

Laying on a large circular bed, Xiao Fang woke up at the center of it with Xiao Hei and Rong Shi hugging each of his arms. They were both butt-naked, so he could feel their warm skin and sexy bodies squishing against him as they slept. It reminded him of the great time they had during the evening.

Xiao Fang didn't need much sleep at his cultivation realm, so he got up only a few hours after they slept. He looked for an empty room, then spent his time in there spirit cultivating.

Xiao Fang was cross-legged as he slowly slipped into a meditative state, then his lightning attribute began to zip around him protectively.

In Xiao Fang's mind, his surroundings were dark, but there were two large doors with familiar words written on them.

'Lightning Tribulation'

He's been here before, so he knew what to expect.

Xiao Fang pushed the doors open then walked inside. The moment he stepped in he was immediately showered by a hail of lightning strikes, but unlike before, he didn't pass out.

Xiao Fang gritted his teeth in pain, but his spirit body wasn't being torn apart. Now that he was truly integrated with the lightning attribute, it was no longer destroying his spirit body, his spirit body was actually feeding off of it.

Under the frequent barrage of lightning strikes, he sat down in the lotus position, then started using it to cultivate his spirit. To his surprise, his spirit cultivation was rising in leaps and bounds, and he was slowly getting used to the pain as time passed.

After a few more hours, he eventually got used to the lightning strikes. He finally got up with the intent to walk up the stairs in front of him, but to his disappointment, he could only walk up a single step.


Xiao Fang screamed as his spirit body was being attacked with even more vicious lightning strikes.

The next door was more than 200 steps upstairs, but after taking a single step he was already at his limit. He was reluctant to stop here, but the pain was already too unbearable. If he took another step he felt like he would pass out again.

Xiao Fang sat down then immediately noticed the lightning his spirit body was absorbing was even more profound than it was before. Xiao Fang got excited. At this rate, he might soon be able to make a breakthrough to the 2nd stage of the Profound Spirit realm.




A few hours later, he heard a knock on the door. The lightning attribute that had been emitting from his body slowly dissipated, then his eyes slowly opened. He was a bit confused because he wasn't expecting anyone to come this late at night, but it only took him a moment to recognize who it was.

Xiao Fang opened the door.

"Jiang Mei, you came."

"Are you surprised to see me?" Jiang Mei smiled at him.

"Come in."

Jiang Mei walked in then took her shoes off at the door.

"How were you able to find me?" He asked.

"The sect holds a record of every inner court disciple. Since you are registered as my direct disciple, it didn't take me long to find out where you were."

"I see. What about Su Yun?"

"She said she wanted to go meet someone first. She'll be here tomorrow."

Since Xiao Hei wasn't a guild member yet, he assumed Su Yun didn't know she was here, but it turned out she had just gone out to see a friend. Xiao Fang got a bit curious about who Su Yun's friend was, but he eventually stopped thinking about it since it was none of his business.




As Xiao Fang was giving Jiang Mei a tour of his guild house, they eventually made it to the room Xiao Hei and Rong Shi were sleeping in. Jiang Mei wasn't surprised to see Xiao Hei there, but she didn't expect to see the person sleeping next to her.

'I suppose I shouldn't be surprised,' Jiang Mei thought before looking up at him by her side. Her gaze slowly changed. A burning and insatiable feeling was building up from within.

After Xiao Fang closed the door, he suddenly felt Jiang Mei hugging his arm. Her embrace was very gentle, but he could feel her massive L-cup breasts sandwiching his arm. He always felt great when a woman squished their breasts against his body, especially when that woman was Elder Jiang Mei.

"Jiang Mei..."

"You know, I was so happy to hear that you made it into the inner court. As your master, I-I think it would be appropriate for me to reward you in some way," Jiang Mei said in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"Oh? How do you plan to reward a lustful disciple like me?" Xiao Fang smirked.

Using one hand, she shyly looked away as she slowly opened up her cleavage a bit more. More of her fat breast was being exposed, making his blood rush down to his little brother.

One of her breasts finally popped out, then she quickly hugged his arm again in embarrassment. Xiao Fang reached up then began to caress her naked breast, making her softly bite her lip.

She still had the biggest breasts he had ever seen so it felt amazing in his hand when he squeezed it.

"Mhm~" she moaned to the feeling of his hand.

This was the hand she had dreamt about, the hand she craved every night she was alone. It had just started, but she was already getting weak and struggling to stand just from the way he was touching her breast.

It hadn't even been a week since he slept with her, but to her it felt like an entire lifetime had passed. She felt as though she had finally reconnected with her long lost lover, and was ready to spend a lustful and passionate night with him, a night she was always going to remember.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang began to take his blindfold off, then looked down into her eyes. When she looked into them her heart started pounding and her pussy started getting moist.

"Da Long~"

Xiao Fang put a hand on her cheek then gave her a kiss. He slightly pulled back then stared into her eyes.

"When we're alone, call me Fang."

Xiao Fang picked her up then took her to an empty room. As soon as they reached the bed their carnal desires ignited and their bodies moved on their own.

Xiao Fang's piping hot rod found her sloppy wet entrance then thrusted into her tight throbbing pussy.


Her two big jugs squished against his chest as her hand slid up his broad back. Her eyes tightly closed when she felt his naked sword sliding in. The feeling was so intense that not even Xiao Fang could keep a straight face. Only his women were able to make him feel this way. Only his women could make him weak with a single thrust.

"I missed you, Jiang Mei."

"I missed you too, Fang."

Chapter 184 - Nameless

The next day, Jiang Mei woke up feeling refreshed, but Xiao Fang was nowhere to be seen. The last thing she remembered was resting her head on his arm and cuddling into his warmth. Just thinking about it made her feel all bubbly inside. She eventually got dressed then went out looking for him, but soon after she left her room, she ran into Rong Shi.

"Junior greets Elder," Rong Shi said.

Jiang Mei felt a bit strange hearing Rong Shi refer to her as an elder, because it wasn't that long ago that Jiang Mei was an inner court disciple herself.

"Elder, have you seen Long Wang?"

"No, I haven't. Is there a reason why you're looking for him?"

"Mn," she nodded.

Rong Shi reached into her spatial pouch then took something out.

"Earlier this morning, I went to the Guild Requirement Center to pick these up. I wanted to surprise him, but I can't seem to find him anywhere," Rong Shi said.

"This is..."

What she held in her hands was a belt-like ribbon with a metal nameplate attached to it.

"Is this the name he chose for the guild?" Jiang Mei asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"It is," Rong Shi replied with a bit of an awkward smile.

The guild name carved into the metal plate was 'WuMing'. (Translated to 'Nameless')

"May I have one?" Jiang Mei asked.

"Ah, elder, are you really joining our guild?"

"Mn, I am Long Wang's master after all."

Rong Shi gave her a nameplate then Jiang Mei wrapped it around her waist.

It wasn't a requirement to have an elder supervising a guild, but having one made it a lot easier to send a guild report to the sect every week.

"How does it look?" Jiang Mei asked.

Rong Shi paused as she looked at her. Jiang Mei might've been an elder, but she looked much younger than any of the elders Rong Shi had seen in the inner court.

"It looks good," Rong Shi replied, making Jiang Mei smile too.

Jiang Mei had always been a very attractive girl, but she noticed that she was getting even more attractive every time she slept with Xiao Fang. In the past she didn't really think much about it, but recently it's been making her feel good.

"Good, let's go. I'll help you find Long Wang so you can give it to him yourself."

"Thank you, Elder."




The two of them walked through the house, talking to each other as they searched each room.

"You were a Phoenix-Class disciple? But you look so young. With your level of talent you could've easily become a Dragon-Class disciple or even a Core court disciple. Why did you become an elder so early?" Rong Shi asked.

Jiang Mei hid her smile as she laughed quietly. Although her body cultivation was high, the reason she looked as young as she did was because she had been sleeping regularly with Xiao Fang.

"I'm not as young as you think. My body cultivation is at the Profound Body realm. As for my decision to become an elder, it's a bit too difficult for a body cultivator to get into the Dragon-Class, so I spirit cultivated for a few years, but reached a bottleneck at the 7th stage of the Spirit Core realm. The next best thing for me to do was to become an elder."

The truth was, Jiang Mei's spirit cultivation was crippled during an unfortunate accident. There was little to no hope that she could ever break through to the 8th stage of the Spirit Core realm, so it was then that she decided to become an elder of the sect.

Suddenly, they heard another girl speak, but neither of them were able to detect her presence until now.

"Ah, so that's how it is," Xiao Hei said.

"Ah, Fei Lin, you're awake," Jiang Mei said.

"Fei Lin, do you know where we could find Long Wang?" Rong Shi asked.

"I do. He's currently cultivating in seclusion. Is there a reason why you are looking for him?"

Rong Shi tossed Xiao Hei a guild nameplate, then Xiao Hei immediately understood.

"Follow me."




Under the guild house was where the natural qi was the strongest, so Xiao Fang had been here cultivating his body and spirit during the night.

Although the natural qi was much stronger here, it wasn't enough to help him breakthrough to the 2nd stage of the Profound Spirit realm. So he spent the rest of the night practicing his [ Divine Sword ] and [ Spirit Perception ] techniques.

There were deep cavities and long cut marks on the walls. If anyone were here to see it they would think a major fight took place in this room. Amazingly, the walls were healing itself, slowly restoring any damage Xiao Fang caused it.

Xiao Fang had been tirelessly training his [ Divine Sword Cutting Air ] technique till he could no longer carry his sword. That's why for the past few hours he had just been sitting at the center of the room practicing his new [ Spirit Perception ] technique.

His eyes were bright blue.

He was only 100 meters underground, but that was more than enough to make it impossible for him to hear anything that was above him. However, when he used his [ Spirit Perception ] technique, he could now see right through the walls and see the qi inside of everyone in the guild house.

The longer he used it, the more it strained his eyes. To use this technique, it felt like he had to rely on a muscle he never used before, so it took some time to get used to it. From afar, he could only see their basic outlines, but when Xiao Hei brought them downstairs he could see their internal qi network up close.

'Hm, it seems like there's something wrong with Jiang Mei's internal network,' he thought.

Jiang Mei had told him that she couldn't cultivate her spirit before, but she told him it was because she had reached a bottleneck. Seeing it now, he could tell that it was more than just a simple bottleneck. Whatever it was, it was preventing her qi from completely circulating throughout her body, but it was subtle enough to not easily be detected.

Even if Xiao Fang knew what it was there was nothing he could do about it, so he just pushed it to the back of his mind for now.




Jiang Mei and Rong Shi followed Xiao Hei into the basement, then walked through the tunnel till they reached the 2 large iron doors.

"I didn't know we had a basement like this," Rong Shi said.

"Is he in there?" Jiang Mei asked.

Before Xiao Hei could even get close to the door, Xiao Fang suddenly stepped out. His body was dripping with sweat and his natural aura seemed even more refined than before, but the moment he put his blindfold back on it suddenly disappeared.

"Long Wang, I brought this for you," Rong Shi said as she gave him 47 nameplates with the guild name on it.

"Thank you, Rong Shi," he said before putting one on.

He could tell that she wanted to ask about why he chose such a strange guild name, but he pretended not to know that she was curious.

"Ah right, I almost forgot. There's something I forgot to give you yesterday," Rong Shi then took out a strange looking flat black stone about the size of her palm.

"If you want to recruit new guild members in the future you don't need to bring them to the guild recruitment center, just use this," she said before giving it to Xiao Fang.

"How does it work?" Xiao Fang asked.

"Just ask the person you want to recruit to make their spirit mark light up then hover it over their arm. If you would like to remove someone from your guild, you will have to go to the Guild Requirement Center to do that," Rong Shi explained.

"I see. This will make things a lot easier for me."

Xiao Fang tried it on Xiao Hei first. After making her spirit mark light up, Xiao Fang hovered the flat black stone over her arm then the name 'Fei Lin' suddenly engraved itself onto it. He then did the same thing to Rong Shi and Jiang Mei. By the end of it there were 3 names on the flat black stone.

Rong Shi needed to get back to work so Xiao Fang thanked her again before she left.

"So, what do you plan to do today?" Jiang Mei asked.

"Fei Lin and I will be going to the Ancestral Training Grounds today, but I'm a bit sore from training, so I'll be taking a short break before we go."

"Ah... you're feeling sore from training," Jiang Mei said in disappointment.

Xiao Fang couldn't hide his smile because it was obvious why she was disappointed.

"If you aren't busy, there is something you can help me with," Xiao Fang said.

Xiao Hei suddenly jumped next to Xiao Fang then reached down his pants as she hugged his side. She knew what he wanted even before he said anything, so she was quick to act. All Jiang Mei could see was a bulge in Xiao Fang's pants which she assumed to be Xiao Hei's hand as it appeared to be stroking something long between his legs.

"W-What would you like me to do," Jiang Mei finally responded.

Xiao Fang opened the iron doors then took Xiao Hei inside before turning around say,

"Come in and find out."

Chapter 185 - Optional : Jiang Mei And Xiao Hei

"Come in and find out."




Voyeurism was always Jiang Mei's biggest fetish, so seeing Xiao Hei acting so shameless in front of her was making her pussy moist.

Jiang Mei walked up to the iron doors then slowly pushed it open and she immediately started hearing them making naughty sounds.

"Hah~ that feels good. Don't stop."

Xiao Fang had his hands on her head as she was deep throating his dick. He slowly thrusted into her narrow throat as she rubbed her own little pussy. Her mouth felt so wet and tight he didn't need to go very fast to feel good.

"Mym~ mym~ mym~"

{"Ahh~ Daddy, you're so rough. It's so deep in my throat. Does it feel good? Do you want to cum? Cum lots in my mouth. I want Daddy's milk."}

Hearing her spirit transmission only made him thrust even faster.

"I'm going to cum. I can't hold it in."

Xiao Fang suddenly felt Xiao Hei putting her little hands on his thighs as she was expecting him to shoot his warm milk down her throat.

In the next moment, Xiao Fang pulled her head in. She knew what was going to happen next, so she buried her face into his pubic region then tried to lick his balls.


Xiao Fang coated her narrow throat with his thick milky butter. Feeling him cum, she started to slowly bob her head. With every stroke he released another load of cum, it felt amazing.

Jiang Mei was still standing by the 2 iron doors as she watched Xiao Fang throat-fuck Xiao Hei. She felt as if she was spying on two horny disciples doing dirty things together. The thought of it was making her pussy salivate as she rubbed her clit.

The harder Xiao Fang fucked Xiao Hei's throat, the harder Jiang Mei rubbed her pussy.

'Mymm~ give it to her, Fang. Cum in her little throat. Make her swallow your seed,' Jiang Mei thought as she picked up the pace.

When Xiao Fang finally released his cum down Xiao Hei's throat, Jiang Mei's knees slightly bent as she started to climax.

"Myhmmm~~ mymm~ mym~"

Jiang Mei was still sensitive from the long dual cultivation session she had with him last night, so it didn't take much to make herself cum again.

Jiang Mei finally walked in then closed the door behind her as if to tell them that she was now here. She slowly stripped as she walked towards them, leaving a trail of clothing along the way.

When she reached Xiao Fang, her tits pressed up against his back as she watched Xiao Hei still hungrily sucking his dick. The sight of it was so hot but when she felt Xiao Fang reach back to caress her dripping wet pussy, it made her lower body jerk.

"Did you enjoy watching us?"

His finger peaked inside of her sensitive wet pussy.

"Mymm~ Fang."

Jiang Mei walked around him to stand next to Xiao Hei as she continued to suck his meat. Xiao Fang reached up to caress her gelatinous L cup breasts before bringing his lips to hers.


The feeling of his hands in her sensitive wet pussy and fat breast as he kissed her made her feel so good. The longer they kissed the more she wanted it. Eventually she stepped over Xiao Hei then he picked her up by her thighs.

With her arms and legs wrapped around his body she kissed him more passionately. Feeling her naked body on his and her tits squished against his chest, it made his naked sword twitch more vigorously in Xiao Hei's mouth as she sucked it.

She pushed it deeper into her throat as she began to thrust faster.

{"Daddy, cum. I want more of Daddy's tasty warm milk."}

She greedily sucked him more vigorously. Even if Xiao Fang wanted to hold it in, he didn't think he could hold it for long. Feeling her cute little arms wrapped around his thighs, she pushed him to his limit.


His lower body jerked as he nutted again in her tight throat. She happily deep-throated his cock and swallowed his cum as she licked his balls. She looked up at him erotically as she continued to swallow his cum, but all she could see was Jiang Mei's plump round ass.

After he finished emptying his balls in her mouth, Xiao Hei finally took it out. It was nicely drenched with her warm thick saliva so it slid right into Jiang Mei's pussy after she guided it in.


Jiang Mei had been so focused on the kiss, the feeling of his cock touching her pussy nearly made her jump.

"Mymm~ it's going inside me. It's so warm. Deeper, go deeper, ahhaa~ just like that. Yes~ yes~"

Once it was all the way in he finally paused.

"Jiang Mei. I'm going to start moving."

Xiao Fang started to thrust, making her pussy juice drip down onto Xiao Hei's face every time he reached deep inside of her.

Xiao Hei suddenly spread her fat ass cheeks apart then started to lick her little butthole. They were ganging up on her. Xiao Fang's thrusting pleasure stick was already enough to make her feel good, but also feeling Xiao Hei's tongue was making her feel even better. The session had just started but she didn't think she could last longer than a few minutes against the both of them.

Xiao Fang spanked her ass, making it jiggle. He didn't know why, but seeing her buttcheeks shake while he was fucking her was so hot for him.

Xiao Fang thrusted into her pussy vigorously for a few minutes, constantly keeping her on the brink of a climax. He had been doing it for so long she felt like her climax was going to be explosive.

"Ahh~ ahh~ It's so deep, I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum. Ahhaa~ Faaang~~"

She hugged his body tightly, her ass cheeks clenched, and her pussy tightened. In the next moment they both released their sex juices.

"Nnn~ nnn~ I can feel so much hot stuff pouring inside of me. Fang, that feels good."

Her pussy was squeezing him so tightly, but his dick was so wet it didn't take much effort to slide it out.

Xiao Fang then laid down on his back then Xiao Hei squatted down on his face. She spread her tiny pussy lips apart and let her naughty juices drip on his face.

"Does it look good?" She asked as she played with her drooling pussy in front of his face.

She let him have a good view of her tiny pussy, as it continued to drip down on his face.

"Do you want to taste me? I'm so wet. Quickly, lick me down here. I want to feel your tongue deep inside me."


Xiao Hei moaned as Xiao Fang's long tongue thrusted deep inside of her.

Hearing Xiao Hei's cute moan made Jiang Mei look back at what they were doing, but instead of looking at Xiao Hei, she was too distracted by his long erect cock pointing up at the heavens.

When her climax finally subsided, she crawled on top of Xiao Fang then guided his long drenched dick to her closed butthole. Feeling what she was doing, Xiao Fang rested his hands on her thighs as she slowly pushed his dick into her tight place. She kept pushing it deeper and deeper, nearly making him moan from how warm and tight her asshole was. Finally, her asscheeks squished against his thighs with his cock fully stuffed inside of her.

'It's so warm and tight,' Xiao Fang thought as his dick twitched uncontrollably in her gripping asshole.

Before he knew it, Xiao Fang had two beautiful girls grinding on his face and lap. While he was doing most of the work on Xiao Hei's cute little pussy, Jiang Mei was grinding faster and faster. It felt so good he could hardly keep his butt on the ground.

He kept fucking her harder and rougher, making her tits bounce joyfully. She was such a beautiful woman, and she was going crazy with pleasure from his dick thrusting deep in her ass.

Eventually, he was moving at a pace she couldn't match, so she collapsed onto his chest and let him use her tight hole as much as he wanted.

"Yes, yes~ Fang, that feels good. Don't stop."

Their bodies clapped loudly from every thrust. He didn't need to use a dual cultivation technique because he already knew exactly how she liked it.

With her little hands on his chest, he suddenly felt Xiao Hei's tiny pussy tightening around his tongue, but that didn't stop him from eating her out even more.

"Nyaahhh! Fang!~~"

Her asshole clenched then her waist jerked, finally she squirted her sweet nectar all over his face.

At the same time, he tightly squeezed her fat ass in each hand and pushed it down on his crotch as hard as he could. He was so deep in her tight throbbing hole it felt like his dick was going to be crushed. He finally shot his steaming hot semen deep inside of her, coating her pink squishy walls white.

Jiang Mei had a lewd expression on her face when she felt his thick cum shooting inside her. In the next moment, she started squirting uncontrollably, making Xiao Fang shoot another load while he was spanking and grabbing her plump round ass. He aggressively thrusted each time he came, almost as if he was trying to go deeper each time.

Xiao Fang slid it out of her hot gaping asshole then slid it back into her tight wet cougar pussy.

"Mmmmmhhhh~~ so deep~"

"Ahhh~ ahhh~ ahhh~"

Xiao Fang didn't care, he continued to fuck her pussy as it continued to squirt wildly. Her tight orgasming hole felt too good to stop, and her climax was getting even stronger the more he fucked her.

Her fat sweaty tits slid against his body as he ravaged her innards mercilessly. She moaned incomprehensible words only Xiao Fang could understand. She couldn't get enough of it, it was feeling too good. She wanted to cum again and again, and squirt all over his powerfully raging cock.

Even though Xiao Fang was feeling unbelievably good fucking Jiang Mei's tight holes and eating Xiao Hei's tiny pussy, he wasn't doing it purely for pleasure. As a dual cultivator, sexual activities healed his injuries a lot faster than any healing pills could. Since his arms were too sore from practicing his Divine Sword method and technique, having sex with both Jiang Mei and Xiao Hei was exactly what he needed to return to full strength as fast as possible.

Chapter 186 - 7th Floor

Later that day, Xiao Fang and Xiao Hei arrived at the entrance of the Ancestral Training Grounds. They paid the mandatory 3,000 merit points each, then received an orange arm band that had matching numbers on it signifying that they were a team and planning to go deeper than the 4th floor.

Xiao Fang wasn't happy that he had to spend so many merit points in one go, but for safety reasons, the sect didn't allow disciples to travel into the Ancestral Training Grounds without a partner.

They both ran down the steep spiraling tunnel, only stopping when they reached the elder guarding the gates to the 5th floor. Seeing the matching orange armbands on their arms, the elder let them pass.

"Be careful, you two," the inner court elder said. "I don't recognize either of you, so this must be your first time attempting the 5th floor. Unlike the 1st to 4th floor, there are certain beasts down here that we call 'abnormals'. If you are unfortunate enough to encounter one, don't try to fight it. It's very crafty and you may end up losing your lives. Proceed with caution."

Xiao Fang continued running down the path with Xiao Hei followed close behind.

'Hm... could that be him?' the elder thought as they left.

She didn't recognize him because she, along with most of the other inner court elders, didn't attend the inner court exams. She had only heard the rumors that a man had been placed directly into the Phoenix-Class and that he was the sect's first ever male Phoenix Class disciple. Only a handful of inner court elders actually knew what he looked like, but since there weren't any other male Phoenix-Class disciples it was easy for her to put two and two together.




Once Xiao Fang and Xiao Hei reached the 6th level, it seemed that they had reached a dead end.

"What? Isn't there supposed to be 9 floors? Why would it stop us here?" Xiao Hei thought out loud.

As she spoke, Xiao Fang unexpectedly walked right through the wall. Seeing that it was just an illusion, Xiao Hei quickly followed Xiao Fang into the wall.

"Ah, wait for me," she said as she tried to catch up with him.

However, the moment she walked through the wall, her surroundings began to warp, making her feel disoriented.

"Fang. I... I can't see you. I'm getting dizzy."

She called out to him feeling as if she was going to collapse from dizziness. Suddenly, Xiao Fang grabbed her hand and pulled her through to the other side.

"Xiao Hei, are you alright?"

"Yeah, just give me a second. My head is still spinning," she said as she sat on the ground.

Xiao Fang let her rest as he went to inspect the next wall. Unlike the last wall they ran into, this one wasn't an illusion. He even tapped on it for safe measures, but based on what he could hear, there was nothing but solid earth past this point. It seemed that they had reached the last floor.

"What's wrong, can't we go any deeper?" Xiao Hei asked.

"It seems this is the deepest they'll let us go. However, I don't think it would be wise to venture any deeper than this anyways," Xiao Fang replied.

"Hm? Why do you say that?"

Xiao Fang started to explain his reasoning.




Based on what we know:

1st floor: 2nd - 3rd tiered beasts

2nd floor: 3rd - 4th tiered beasts

Tier levels to Cultivation Realms:

1st Tier = ~5th stage foundation realm

2nd Tier = ~1st stage Refinement realm

3rd Tier = ~5th stage Refinement realm

4th Tier = ~1st stage Spirit Core realm




Following that pattern, the next floor should contain beasts that were in the 9th and 10th tier.

8th floor: 9th - 10th tiered beasts

9th Tier beast = ~5th stage Divine realm

10th Tier beast = ~1st stage Heavenly realm

"Then, since we're on the 7th floor right now, does that mean we'll be going up against 8th tiered and 9th tiered beasts?" Xiao Hei asked nervously.

"Mn, it seems like it. We'll know once we're inside."

Xiao Fang could tell that she was nervous, but he couldn't understand what she was nervous about. 8th and 9th tiered beasts shouldn't be a problem for him. His battle power was equivalent to that of the peak of the Divine realm with his spirit attribute. So this was going to be a walk in the park.


Once they peaked out of the entrance, Xiao Fang could sense that Xiao Hei's expression had change to shock. Sensing her expression change like that made Xiao Fang curious, so he took off his blindfold to get a better look, what he saw made him suck in a breath of cold air.

The 7th floor was almost a hundred kilometers long and wide, and there were mountains, rivers, and forests with giant trees standing as high as 30 meters tall.

"It feels like we're looking at a lost province for giants."

Another thing to note was that the natural qi on the floor was significantly higher than anything he had ever felt in the inner court. It was several times stronger than what he felt in the basement of his guild house too.

Suddenly, they heard a roar. Xiao Fang didn't react to it, but it sent shivers down Xiao Hei's spine, making her jump up and hug Xiao Fang like a startled cat.

Although Xiao Fang had the strength to rival anything under the heavenly realm, he never actually fought a tiered beast that was in the 8th or 9th tier before, so he started to wonder if he was being too arrogant.

"Y-Y-You said they're all 8th and 9th tiered beasts, right? Doesn't that mean they'll have a battle power equal to that of the 1st stage and 5th stage of the Divine realm?" Xiao Hei asked.

Xiao Fang finally realized why Xiao Hei was being so scared. She was unable to copy his lightning spirit attribute, so her battle power couldn't exceed the Profound Realm.

"Xiao Hei, stay here. You'll only get in the way."

"Un, good idea. I'll stay here and wait for you," she said in relief.

Xiao Hei was quick to reply so it nearly made him laugh.

"Xiao Fang, don't get hurt. Get out of there as soon as you think it's too dangerous."

Xiao Fang patted her on the head.

"Mn, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

In the next moment, Xiao Fang disappeared.

Xiao Hei sighed, then set on the end of the cliff, dangling her feet over the edge as she watched Xiao Fang enter the woods.

'Come back safe, Xiao Fang.'

Chapter 187 - Beast Army

Deep in the forest on the 7th level of the Ancestral Training Grounds, the sharp sounds of someone swinging their sword and large trees hitting the ground echoed throughout the forest. The person swinging their sword was none other than Xiao Fang.

Since he was alone, he comfortably practiced his Divine Sword method with his blindfold off. The natural qi was so strong he could make far more progress here than anywhere else in the sect.

'If the guys back at the Divine Sword sect knew about this place, they'd be burning with envy,' Xiao Fang thought with a smirk on his face.




Xiao Fang climbed trees, scaled mountains, and crossed rivers. He spent most of his time just going place to place in search for higher tiered beasts, but all he could find were beasts in the 8th tier.

'Could I've been wrong?' Xiao Fang thought.

Hours passed, but after extracting the cores from over a 100 different 8th tiered beasts, he still hadn't even filled a quarter of his high-grade spirit pendant yet. From the looks of it, it seemed that he was going to be here for a while.




Meanwhile, Xiao Hei was starting to get a bit worried for Xiao Fang. He had been gone for the whole day, so she kept having thoughts that he might be in danger.

She wasn't foolish enough to go looking for him, but she couldn't say that the thought hadn't crossed her mind.




When Xiao Fang was feeling tired, he eventually sat down on the branch of a tall tree. It was too dangerous to fall asleep, so he did the next best thing which was to cultivate his spirit and rely on his swordsman's instincts to alert him if he was in danger. This way he could get some rest while also making more space in his high-grade spirit pendant.

Using the refined illusory qi in his spirit pendant, he cultivated his [ Illusory Body ] method, the result of which was astonishing.

In a matter of a few hours, Xiao Fang was able to make a breakthrough to the 2nd stage of the [ Illusory Body ] Spirit Refinement realm. It's only been a little more than a day since he made his breakthrough to the 1st stage, so he almost couldn't believe it.

What Xiao Fang forgot was just how dense the natural qi on this floor was. He had gotten so used to it that he hardly even noticed it was there.


Suddenly the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand as his swordsman's instincts suddenly alerted him of an approaching attack.

Xiao Fang dodged, even though he didn't know what he was dodging from.


Xiao Fang looked back at what he dodged, then his jaw dropped.

What he dodged eventually hit the ground hundreds of meters away, but he could still feel it shaking the earth beneath his feet. Xiao Fang didn't need to wait for the dust to clear, he could sense it clearly with his ears. What he sensed was a tree trunk protruding out of the ground in an obscured angle. It seemed as though it had been thrown like a spear, but how could that be? Beasts weren't supposed to be capable of doing such a thing. Also, whatever was capable of throwing such a massive tree must've been ridiculously strong.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang felt a stinging pain on his left arm. When he looked down he could see that it had become all bloodied. Despite how fast he went, he was still unable to completely avoid that attack.

When Xiao Fang finally looked at the direction the attack came from, what he saw was a behemoth of a beast standing about 700 meters away. It was nearly 20 meters tall, had long pointed ears, thick black fur, a gorilla-like body, and bull-like horns.

'There's no way that's a 9th tiered beast,' Xiao Fang thought, because the 50 other beasts around it were all in the 9th tier, but only 13 meters tall.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang remembered the words of the Elder that was guarding the passage down past the 4th floor.

'So, this is what she meant by an abnormal beast...'

The Healing-regeneration pill was quickly healing his arm, so he would be ready to fight at full strength in a few minutes if he needed it.

Xiao Fang finally stood up strong as he exuded an air of confidence. Although he knew the fight would be tough, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that he would come out on top. The colossal beast curiously tilted its head as if it was surprised by what Xiao Fang was doing. All this time it had been waiting for Xiao Fang to start running, but it seemed that Xiao Fang wanted to fight. This actually made it happy.


The colossal beast roared so loud it shook the entire forest.

With that simple roar, it made Xiao Fang's heart race and droplets of sweat appear on his face. Xiao Fang was right, it wasn't as strong as a 10th tiered beast, but it wasn't weak either. It had a battle power equivalent to the peak of the Divine realm.

The roar echoed out for a moment then the entire forest suddenly became eerily quiet. What came next sounded like a stampede, but it was coming from all directions and headed straight for Xiao Fang.

'Is it toying with me?'

Seeing the grin on the colossal beast's face it seemed to be answering his question.

'I see. It seems your mother never taught you not to play with your food.'

Xiao Fang stuck his sword into the ground then calmly put his blindfold on. Any normal person would've been scared out of their wits, but Xiao Fang was different, he didn't show an ounce of fear.

'When was the last time, I felt such a rush,' he thought.

He tightened the knot behind his head, then every little thing that was within a kilometer radius from him came into view.

'I was wondering how I was going to fill my spirit pendant, but it seems the answer fell right into my lap. I'm grateful.'


((Short hiatus starting today.))

Chapter 188 - 9th Tier Beasts

Xiao Fang's sword began to emit continuous streams of lightning, giving it a terrifying glow. It was at that moment that the colossal beast stopped smiling.

Even though it couldn't feel Xiao Fang's aura after he put on his blindfold, it could tell that his sword was quite formidable just from the way it looked. A greedy look suddenly appeared in its eyes.


The first 8th tiered beast that reached Xiao Fang was instantly cut in half. The motion seemed effortless, but the destruction in the swing was jaw dropping.

Not even a second later, Xiao Fang was swarmed by 8th tiered beasts. He dodged and slaughtered anything that stood in his way, but there were just too many of them, so it didn't take long till he was overwhelmed by their numbers.

Eventually, there was an attack he couldn't dodge. However, before the attack could hit, Xiao Fang's aura instantly changed.

[ Fear ]

The beast only hesitated for a moment, but it was enough for Xiao Fang to regain his footing.

[ No Sword Style ]

Xiao Fang swung his left hand, immediately killing the beast that hesitated to strike him. However, the moment he killed it, another one suddenly grabbed him. It was a 9th tier beast.

It immediately lifted Xiao Fang up high into the air with the intention to throw him down as hard as it could.

The other 9th tiered beasts that were watching from afar started hitting the trees in excitement. It seemed as though Xiao Fang was going to meet his end with the next attack.

While the other beasts were prancing around excitedly, the colossal beast was frowning. Xiao Fang never once showed any signs of being in trouble, so it assumed he still had more up his sleeve.

The beast that held Xiao Fang never threw him down, it seemed as though it was frozen in place and lightly spasming. The other 9th tiered beasts eventually caught on to this, making them quiet down.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang forced the 9th tiered beast to open its hand. When Xiao Fang emerged, his appearance completely changed.

His long hair was glowing white and his body was shrouded in lightning. He no longer gave off the impression of an ordinary man, but a deity that had descended upon the earth.

Seeing this, the 8th tiered beasts all lost their will to fight, the 9th tiered beasts frowned, but the abnormal beast hardly reacted at all.

It was clear that the 8th tiers were going to flee, but their lives were already in Xiao Fang's hands.

[ Floating Leaf Rushing Tide ]

Xiao Fang killed more than 50 beasts in an instant, and defeated several more soon after. The kill count very quickly exceeded 100, but Xiao Fang didn't show any signs of slowing down. He was relentless with his attacks and the forest was quickly dyed in blood.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang's ears twitched.

The first time the colossal beast threw a tree at him it went so fast his ears couldn't even hear it coming. So as Xiao Fang was fighting, he also paid attention to the colossal beast in case it wanted to throw something at him again.

Xiao Fang sensed it pulling a tree out of the ground, so he shifted his full attention to it.

The colossal beast winded its arm back and threw it as hard as it could. The tree was thrown even faster than before.

Xiao Fang swung his sword creating a projectile slash of profound lightning qi towards the incoming tree, and when the attack hit, it completely obliterated the tree into dust.

Since it was made out of wood, Xiao Fang didn't have any trouble dealing with the attack. However, if the colossal beast had used a real weapon, perhaps Xiao Fang wouldn't have been able to deal with it so easily.

The colossal beast finally understood the situation it was in, Xiao Fang wasn't an ordinary boy, he was a malignant star.

Xiao Fang had killed more 8th tiered beasts than he bothered to count, and now there were nothing but beast corpses all around him giving off a thick stench of blood.

Despite how dreaded the scene around him was, his only focus was on what was right in front of him. The colossal beast was coming, and it was bringing the other 9th tiered beasts with it.

Each of the 9th tiered beasts had a battle power equivalent to that of a 5th stage Divine realm practitioner, making them several times stronger than any of the 8th tiered beasts he had just fought against. If there were only a handful of them, perhaps it would've been a fair fight, but going up against 52 of them was going to be too difficult to deal with.

[ Illusory Clone ]

Xiao Fang split himself into 3 then went into 3 different directions. One went south deeper into the forest, the other went east towards the mountains, while the real Xiao Fang went west towards the lake.

Unable to decide who to follow, they all looked back at the colossal beast to decide. The colossal beast quickly instructed half of them to chase the one going east, the other half to chase the one going west, and to leave the one going south all to itself.

Xiao Fang didn't run very fast because he wasn't trying to escape, he wanted to divide their numbers and lure them to the lake where he would have the advantage. However, before he could even reach it, he suddenly felt one of his clones being destroyed, what followed was a sonic boom.


Xiao Fang frowned, he underestimated the accuracy of its throws.

With only two Xiao Fangs left, the colossal beast had to decide which one to go to. Seeing it hesitate, Xiao Fang made his clone stop to face the 9th tiered beasts, giving the colossal beast the impression that it was the real him.

A grin appeared on its face as it quickly ran westward towards Xiao Fang's clone.

Seeing that made Xiao Fang smirk.

'You might be an intelligent beast, but in the end you are still just a beast,' Xiao Fang thought.

Although he was able to trick the colossal beast into chasing his clone, he knew it would only be a matter of time till that clone was defeated too.

Even though he was only a few minutes away from reaching the lake, he knew he didn't have that much time to spare. With the colossal beast's back turned to him, Xiao Fang knew the best time to strike the group that was chasing him was now.

If there were only 10 of them perhaps this would've been a fair fight, but fighting 25 at the same time was a bit much even for him.

Finally, Xiao Fang felt his 2nd clone being destroyed.

'Dammit! It's now or never!'

Chapter 189 - Attack Of The Colossal Beast

'Dammit! It's now or never!'




Xiao Fang finally stopped to face his pursuers. The moment he turned, 5 9th tiered beasts suddenly jumped straight at him.


He unsheathed his sword then attacked them as soon as they landed.

Even though he needed to get close to deal a decisive blow, his battle power was so much higher than theirs, it wasn't a difficult task. Since their numbers were low, the only fate that awaited them was death.


Relying on his quick footwork and masterful swordsmanship, he evaded all of their attacks and created deep wounds on each of their bodies. Xiao Fang defeated all 5 of the beast before the other 20 could even catch up.

"20," Xiao Fang counted the beasts that remained.

When the other beasts finally caught up, they didn't attack Xiao Fang recklessly like the first 5 did, they paused for a moment then tried to coordinate an attack, but Xiao Fang didn't give them a chance to do that. He was short on time so he wanted to deal with them as soon as possible.

[ Divine Sword Cutting Air ]

The sharp Divine Sword qi that coated his blade extended out by 10 meters, giving him a much larger attack range. With this, he didn't need to risk getting close to attack the 9th tiered beasts.

[ Illusory Clone ]

The moment his clones went in different directions, the beasts separated too. They knew they couldn't afford to split up against Xiao Fang, but they had no choice.












Xiao Fang kept creating clones whenever they were destroyed. Even though his clones were incapable of dealing any damage, it still tilted the battle heavily in his favor.

In a matter of seconds, Xiao Fang had reduced their numbers so low he no longer needed to rely on his clones to defeat them.

'It seems I overestimated them. Then again, the Illusory Body method is great against fighting uneven numbers,' Xiao Fang thought.

[ Floating Leaf Rushing Tide ]

Xiao Fang hovered an inch off the ground before he started running at blinding speeds.

Seeing that the fight was already lost, the remaining 9th tiered beasts turned tail and ran, but Xiao Fang didn't let any of them escape.

One by one they quickly fell. Once they were all dead, Xiao Fang extracted their cores then made his spirit pendant absorb its qi.

"Not bad. It seems a single one of these is as good as a 100 8th tiered beast cores," Xiao Fang smiled avariciously.

Suddenly a thought came to mind.

'Since they're all 9th tiered beasts, wouldn't it help me make a breakthrough with my body cultivation if I consumed their bodies?' Xiao Fang wondered.

However, before Xiao Fang could test that theory he noticed the colossal beast picking up a massive boulder from afar.

'Damn that monkey,' Xiao Fang thought before running towards the lake again.

A second later an explosion that could shake the heaven and the earth sounded out. All the beasts Xiao Fang had killed were now made into nothing but dust. The colossal beast snarled when it missed Xiao Fang, then it continued to chase after him.




Back at the entrance of the 7th floor, Xiao Hei waited patiently for Xiao Fang to return. Despite all that was happening, she couldn't see or hear any of it. All she could hear were the occasional roars of the powerful beasts that were roaming close to the entrance.

"Fang, what's taking you so long," she thought out loud.

Eventually she heard someone walking through the illusory wall, so she quickly hid herself before going into [ Stealth ].

The woman finally passed through the wall. When Xiao Hei saw her face, she instantly recognized her. It was Supreme Elder Quan, the same elder they saw during the inner court exam.

Supreme Elder Quan shook her head, as she thought back to when she gave Xiao Fang her high grade spirit pendant.

'I can't believe I gave him my pendant when there was still some qi left in there. I suppose its better than giving him a brand new one,' she thought.

Before she could pass through the 7th floor entrance she paused then turned around.

"Who's there?"

There was no response.

"If you don't come out, I'll bring you out by force!"

Xiao Hei finally came out of [ Stealth ] then walked out of hiding. Supreme Elder Quan was surprised to see Xiao Hei.

"Fei Lin, what are you doing here. Didn't anyone tell you this floor was strictly for elders?"

Xiao Hei shook her head.

"Ah, well I suppose it wasn't necessary since disciples weren't supposed to be able to see through this illusion," she said as she looked back at the illusory wall.

Supreme Elder Quan was about to take Xiao Hei back up to the 6th floor but then she realized something.

"Fei Lin, where's your group?"

"..." Xiao Hei didn't reply.

"Did you come with a group?"

"..." she shook her head hesitantly.

"A partner?"

"..." Xiao Hei eventually nodded, but she still stayed quiet.

Elder Quan didn't understand why Xiao Hei was being so quiet. The last time she saw her she was acting so brazenly and wasn't afraid to talk back to her despite her status.

"Forget it, we can look for your partner once I take you back up to the 6th floor."

"Elder, wait," Xiao Hei finally spoke.

Xiao Hei knew that Xiao Fang preferred to do things in secret, but she had been waiting for him for more than 24 hours. Eventually, she couldn't help but think that he was in trouble.

"My partner is in there," Xiao Hei said as she pointed to the 7th floor entrance.

Supreme Elder Quan's eyes widened in shock.

"How could your partner be so foolish!?"

"Elder, please help my friend. I think they might be in trouble." Xiao Hei said with a worried expression on her face.

The Supreme elder sighed. She didn't think there was a chance an inner court disciple could survive long on this floor.

"Alright, I'll look for your partner, but whatever you do, you mustn't pass through this entrance."

In the next moment the Supreme Elder disappeared.

"Xiao Fang, please be safe."


The Supreme Elder went looking through the forest but she couldn't find an inner court disciple's body anywhere. This was a large floor, so it could take weeks to explore all of it even at her speed.

When she saw the cut down trees, she paused.

'There was a fight here, but where's the body?'

She followed the clues till she made it out of the forest. The Elder frowned.

'She couldn't have gotten far.'

Just like that, the Supreme Elder continued her search for the missing disciple.




Meanwhile, Xiao Fang stood at the center of the lake as he waited for the colossal beast to arrive. He then reached up and took his blindfold off.

This was the first time Xiao Fang was going to fight against a beast that could move faster than sound. Relying on his ears would only hold him back.

In the next moment, the colossal beast jumped into the air.


The colossal beast catapulted itself into the lake so hard it created a 50 meter wave that threatened to swallow Xiao Fang whole, but before it could hit, he swung his sword down while releasing profound lightning qi. It split the wave in half then cut right through the colossal beast that was on the other side. Suddenly, the beast dispersed into a mist of qi.

"What!?" Xiao Fang had never heard of a beast that could use cultivation techniques. So he almost couldn't believe what he saw.

'If that wasn't the real body, then-'

Xiao Fang didn't need to think about it because Xiao Hei had pulled the same stunt on him back in the rental cultivation room.

Xiao Fang immediately jumped out of the away, then a massive hand shot out of the water where he last was.

The beast seemed to have a smug look on it's face when it thought it grabbed Xiao Fang, but it turned out to be nothing but his illusory clone. Suddenly it could feel a stinging feeling on the back of its fingers. It was cut.

When it looked down, it could see Xiao Fang frowning at it with his sword drawn. Although he had successfully dodged the colossal beast's attack and landed an attack on it, he was anything but satisfied. Xiao Fang's powerful attack had barely left a shallow wound on it. Relative to its size, it was more appropriate to call it a tiny scratch.

The colossal beast grinned as it stared down at Xiao Fang. This was going to be fun.

Chapter 190 - Stalemate

It only took the colossal beast a few minutes to know it couldn't win against Xiao Fang, luckily the other 25 9th tiered beasts arrived just in time to give it some assistance. However, unlike Xiao Fang and the colossal beast, the 9th tiered beasts were unable to walk on water, so their overall usefulness was little to none.

This was what Xiao Fang expected. Not only were the 9th tiered beasts not helpful, but the colossal beast also had nothing to throw at him.

He was going to just ignore the 9th tiered beasts and try to defeat the colossal beast as fast as possible, but the colossal beast eventually got desperate then started throwing the 9th tiered beasts at Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang clicked his tongue out of annoyance.

"It seems I'll have to deal with those 9th tiered beasts first."

Xiao Fang killed the 9th tiered beasts one by one. Since their bodies were mostly submerged underwater their movements were slowed. They were as good as sitting ducks.

The colossal beast tried to stop him, but Xiao Fang was able to make 2 clones of himself while the colossal beast could only make 1.

The 9th tiered beasts knew they couldn't fight Xiao Fang like this so they tried to swim back to shore. However, Xiao Fang didn't let any of them escape.

With their backs turned to him, he was able to kill them off much faster. So in a matter of seconds, the force of 25 9th tiered beasts were reduced down to just 3. The reason he couldn't get the last 3 were because they were swimming under water.

Xiao Fang's [ Divine Sword Cutting Air ] was ineffective if they were under water, so he just let them go. Unfortunately, the colossal beast was smart enough to realize this, so a grin finally crept up on its face.

The next thing it did made Xiao Fang frown.

The colossal beast was no longer above water. It had completely submerged itself and swam down almost 70 meters to the bottom of the lake. Normally at such a depth, it would be near impossible to see anything on the surface of the lake, but Xiao Fang could almost feel it's eyes on him, even though he couldn't see it.

'I was too careless,' Xiao Fang thought.

Xiao Fang tried to rely on his hearing, but the beast was too deep for him to get a clear image with his ears. His great idea suddenly became his biggest weakness.

Suddenly, he saw bubbles surfacing under him, but he couldn't see anything deeper than a few dozen meters. In the next moment, Xiao Fang's eyes widened just before he was hit by something. Almost like a geyser, Xiao Fang was blasted into the air.


Even though he tried his best to defend against it, Xiao Fang still coughed up a mouthful of blood. Once he landed, he got a good look at what hit him.

"What the hell!?"

Although it was shaped like a cannon, it was a meter in diameter and as white as a cloud. It was a beast core. The colossal beast was using the beast cores from the bodies of the 9th tiered beasts Xiao Fang killed earlier. The material was extremely sturdy, so it became the perfect weapon against him.

Eventually, Xiao Fang looked down at his sword then saw the condition it was in. It was cracked. The reason this upset him was because it was a gift his childhood friend, Lei Xinyi, gave him on his 18th birthday. She designed it considering his blindness and made it so that people would think it was an ordinary blindman's walking stick when it really wasn't.

"Dammit, come out of there you coward!" He shouted at the colossal beast.

The way the sword was now it could still be repaired, but he could risk letting it get damaged anymore, so he put it in his spatial ring. With no other option left, he finally took out the sword Wu Yue gave him. The feeling of the hilt was unfamiliar, but it made him feel powerful.

'This sword...'

With just a light swing he could feel his Divine Sword qi being emitted from it with ease. His other sword felt like a child's toy compared to this.

Wu Yue told him that she got it as a gift from the royal court. It was supposed to help increase his strength and agility, all while reducing the backlash he would receive from practicing a new technique.

'Reduction in backlash received...' Xiao Fang thought.

Although he was able to use his [ Divine Sword Cutting Air ] technique for several minutes at a time, he still wasn't comfortable to say that he had completely mastered it. However, Xiao Fang didn't need to master it to start practicing the next level of the Divine Sword technique: [ Divine Sword Cutting Sea ], all he needed was to meet the prerequisites of the techniques, which he did.

'Practicing the technique is one thing, but using it in battle is another. I already made that mistake once. I can't make the same mistake in a dangerous place like this,' he thought.

Although it was true that it was a dangerous thing to do, unlike before, Xiao Fang actually met the prerequisite to start practicing the technique. So whether he was successful or not, the backlash wouldn't be nearly as bad as before.

Xiao Fang saw bubbles rising again, but this time he dodged.




The colossal beast kept throwing beast cores at him from the bottom of the lake, so he couldn't stand still for longer than a second.

However, Xiao Fang didn't panic. Since he had only killed 22 of them, he knew there were only 22 9th tiered beast cores down there. He even made sure to catch and absorb all of the beast cores before they could sink back down to the bottom.

Eventually, there was finally silence. However, the colossal beast didn't throw all of the beast cores, so those few moments of silence was when Xiao Fang was the most anxious.

'It's a stalemate. I can't go down there and it can't come up here. If only I could use the [ Divine Sword Cutting Sea ] technique,' he thought.

Xiao Fang was reluctant to leave things the way they were, but there was no way he could win a fight against the colossal beast underwater. He considered waiting for the beast to run out of breath, but it could take days, maybe even weeks before it would do that.

Xiao Fang sighed then put his sword away.

"This battle is over," Xiao Fang said.

He didn't know if the beast could understand him, but it didn't matter.




Xiao Fang went back to collect all of the beast cores from the 9th and 8th tiered beasts he killed that day. After he filled his high-grade spirit pendant he had to store the rest of the beast cores in his spatial ring.

Looking at his spirit pendant glowing red made him forget about not defeating the colossal beast. He was tempted to start cultivating the illusory qi in the spirit pendant, but he knew Xiao Hei would be worried about him, so he got up and started heading back.

Eventually, Xiao Fang stopped when he heard someone coming his way, then quickly went under [ Stealth ] when he recognized who it was.

'Did she follow me?'