
Chapter 251 - Sunset

"You can't be serious..."




Thinking about it now, he realized the taste of the candy was very similar to her Yin Qi, so it made him cringe.

Although he had no problem licking her Yin Qi, it was strange to think that she was putting it in food. Cum juice wasn't really the right word for it, because it was just like any other Qi, the only difference was that it came out of her pussy, and possessed different properties.

No matter how he thought about it, he still felt it was wrong. However, he at least recognized the genius in her idea.

He found the stick of candy on the bed then gave it another lick. He nodded approvingly. This time he could definitely taste the Yin Qi. Even though it made the candy taste so much better to the point of being addicting, it still weirded him out that one of the ingredients came out of her pussy.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was Ye Ming.

"Long Wang, someone is here to see you," she said.

Xiao Fang initially assumed she was talking about Peng Ting, but since it was way past the time they were supposed to meet, he started to have doubts.

He put his blindfold back on and wore a new set of robes. He then exited his room, but not before changing the sheets and tucking Xiao Hei into his bed.

Ye Ming tried to peek inside, but Xiao Fang didn't let her see. It was almost as if he was trying to hide something inside, so Ye Ming started to suspect someone was there. Ye Ming squinted at him suspiciously, but then acted like she didn't care.

Xiao Fang smirked as he sensed her leave, then he finally approached the front door.

Even before he opened it he could hear who it was. When he opened the door, there stood a short cute girl with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Li Xiang, what brings you here?" Xiao Fang asked.

"Ah, L-Long Wang," she froze when she saw him, "I-Is Fei Lin there?"

"She is. Did you come to see her?"

"Un, she had to leave the martial arts club early today, so she told me to come around this time to practice with her."

Xiao Fang felt partially responsible for the situation, so he felt a bit bad for her.

"Li Xiang, Fei Lin is asleep right now, so she won't be able to practice with you like she planned."

The joyful smiles on Li Xiang's face lessened because she was hoping to play with Xiao Hei again.

Since Xiao Fang felt he was the reason Xiao Hei couldn't play with Li Xiang today, he proposed to take her place instead.

"Perhaps I could take her place and practice with you instead."

Li Xiang's eyes perked up from his suggestion.

"Are you also interested in learning martial arts?" She asked, with an eager expression on her face.

"Erm... I suppose I am a bit interesting."

Truthfully, Xiao Fang didn't enjoy learning martial arts that much, but he understood the necessity of it.

"Come with me," he said. "We can practice inside."

Li Xiang didn't even think about what he said and just followed him in. She was so attracted to him, she would've done just about anything he told her with that deep, alluring voice of his.

Soon after they arrived in the open space, she realized they were alone. The last time she was in a setting like this with him, it ended with her falling on top of him.

She could remember it clearly, because she masturbated to the memory several times after the event occurred. It was the first time she was so close to a man, and no man had ever touched her before too.

Her heartbeat quickened, her body felt tingly, and her virgin pink slit became a bit moist. There was no doubt that she was feeling horny, so she didn't even try to convince herself otherwise.

'How could I fantasize about another woman's man? And he had to be Li Lian's fiancé from all people,' Li Xiang thought as she had a nervous but submissive look on her face.

He was just such a man, she wished she could jump on him.

If another erotic accident happened again, she had no confidence that she'd be able to hold herself back. Even if it didn't happen by accident, she thought maybe she could make it look like an accident.

Although Xiao Fang couldn't read her mind or see through his blindfold, he could still clearly make out the subtle yearning expression on her face. He could guess what she was thinking and he assumed it was far from innocent.

"Shall we begin?" He asked.

"Do you know martial arts?"

"I know a bit," he replied.

Xiao Fang actually learned more than just a bit from Yu An growing up. Although, he didn't enjoy it nearly as much as using a sword.

"In that case. I won't go easy on you," she said before rushing towards him.

The two of them clashed, starting with pure martial arts then transitioning into practicing the [ Misdirection ] technique. Even though Li Xiang knew illusory techniques didn't work on him, she still practiced the technique, purely for the sake of learning it.

Xiao Fang on the other hand, suppressed his strength down to the Body Core realm, but still only pushed or tapped her lightly as they fought. She realized very quickly that Xiao Fang wasn't as inexperienced as he made himself out to be. Also, it seemed that he already practiced the [ Misdirection ] technique to the first level. What she didn't know was that he was able to learn it in only a few hours.

"It seems you've been practicing the technique I gave you. I'm surprised. I didn't think you'd already be this good with it," she said.

"Is that so?" He smiled handsomely.

"Yeah, you're already as good as Fei Lin. You should come with us to the Martial Arts guild tomorrow," she suggested.

"I'll have to think about it," he replied.

He didn't want to spend too much time doing club activities, but he also knew the benefit of learning hand-to-hand combat, especially since he couldn't use his sword without giving away the fact that he was a Divine Swordsman. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea.




As the fight continued, Xiao Fang noticed the way she was reacting to his touch. Although he wasn't using any Dual Cultivation Qi, she still reacted to his hands as if he was.

"Li Xiang, should we take a break?" he suggested after noticing that she had built up a sweat.

"Sure, but don't think it's because I'm tired."

Xiao Fang tossed her a towel to wipe her face with. At the same time, he went over to the water station by the wall and started to pour two cups of water. After handing her a cup, the two of them talked a bit about the inner court. Well, Li Xiang talked while Xiao Fang mostly listened. She seemed to enjoy talking about herself, so he let her do so.


"How about you?" she asked, "It must be tough since the girls in your class must be a lot stronger than you."

Xiao Fang didn't want to say too much about himself, but eventually decided to just tell her what happened.

"You think so? What if I had to fight with one of them, do you think I'd win?"

"Ha. No offense, but I don't think you'd even stand a chance against those girls," she said honestly.

Most of the girls in the Phoenix-Class didn't even have much higher cultivation realms than the girls in the Tiger-Class, but they would still win 100-0 against any of them, even if they had to fight against 2 or 3 Tiger-Class disciples at the same time. The skill gap was just too wide for them to be compared. It was simply unimaginable to think that Xiao Fang could even stand a chance against those girls, especially since Li Xiang didn't think she couldn't even last a second against any of her classmates.

"It seems you underestimate me," Xiao Fang said as he smiled mysteriously.

Li Xiang was completely convinced that it was impossible, so she didn't think much of his words.

"Li Xiang, come with me. There's something I want to show you."

She was curious to see what he wanted to show her, so she followed him upstairs. She was a bit confused why he was taking her to the roof, but as soon as she got there, she finally understood.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" she said as she stared at the sunset.

"It beats sitting around downstairs, don't you agree?"

Xiao Fang said before he sat down. Li Xiang was going to sit next to him, but then he stopped her.

"The sunset will look a lot better from here," he said suggesting that she sat in front of him.

Li Xiang was a bit amused by his words since she didn't think he could see anything through that blindfold.

"Hmm, why am I having trouble believing you?" She acted skeptical.

"Oh? It seems you don't believe me. If I'm wrong then I'll join the Martial Arts club."

"Really? You won't trick me will you?"

"I promise."

Li Xiang did as he said and positioned herself in front of him before sitting down.

Xiao Fang had his knees bent and his legs slightly spread apart, so she sat down in between his legs then leaned back against his chest.

"Like this?" She asked.

Her hair smelled nice, and her body felt light as she leaned back on him.

Suddenly, she felt his hand sliding between her arm and stomach. It didn't make her feel uncomfortable or awkward, it just made her feel more relaxed. If anyone were to see them the way they were now, no one would doubt that they were a couple.

She didn't know when she became so comfortable letting him touch any part of his body, but it felt completely natural now.

Although Li Xiang played it off as being nothing special, her face was as red as a beet, and she was starting to feel butterflies in her stomach. She didn't think he'd make such a daring move on her because he had Li Lian, but she was glad he did.

"How does it look?" He asked.

"It looks the same. I guess that means you lose the bet," she smiled.

"Mn, but it was worth it," he said as he comfortably wrapped his other hand around her waist.

She rested her hands over his, then made herself comfortable in his embrace.

"Long Wang, I-"

Chapter 252 - Optional Smut : Li Xiang

"Long Wang, I-"

She paused mid-sentence when she felt his hand gently raise her chin. She almost couldn't believe it, and for a moment her mind even went blank, but when she saw his face moving closer to hers, she knew it was happening.

In the next moment, she closed her eyes, then their lips connected.

She remain perfectly still, because she didn't want to ruin the moment, but the longer the kiss lasted the more restless her body got.

Xiao Fang was surprised to suddenly feel her using her tongue.

'It seems she isn't as innocent as she seemed,' he thought.

Xiao Fang's hands reaching into her robes then slid up her sexy smooth skin as they kissed. Before she knew it, he was already fondling her breasts.

'I'm kissing Long Wang, and his hands feel so warm,' she thought..

This was the first time anyone had ever kissed her before, so she didn't know what she was doing. All she knew was that it made her feel hot when they were licking each other's tongues.

Her legs subconsciously spread apart, almost as if her body was subconsciously inviting him in. His hand then reached down, and undressed her lower half till she could feel the light breeze on her round crescent moon-like ass. Her cute round butt looked irresistible, but in the position they were in, he didn't get to admire them as much as he wanted to.

Despite him kissing her lips and squeezing her breasts, he could barely get a reaction out of her. It was only when he brought his hand down between her legs that she suddenly closed it.

"Long Wang... we shouldn't. What if the others find out about us?"

Even though her legs were closed, it didn't take a genius to know what she really wanted.

"Then, let this will be our little secret," he spoke quietly into her ear in a seductive tone.

Xiao Fang comfortably kissed her lips. This time there was no hesitation. She immediately closed her eyes then she stuck her tongue in his mouth. The feeling of tongue on tongue made her feel so horny she couldn't get enough of it. She wanted to keep rubbing tongues with him as he squeezed her breast and made her cute little pussy feel good. She wanted to have a secret sex relationship with him. A secret that they could share only between them.

She finally opened her legs, freeing his hand in between. By the time she did, he could already feel her pussy making the tip of his fingers wet through her panties.

Xiao Fang finally moved her panties to the side then started to caress that wet sensitive area with his hand. The moment he did, her lower half jerked in pleasure.


That was her sacred fruit, her precious jewel, a place no man should've been allowed to touch, but she was letting Xiao Fang touch it, and she was feeling good from it.

He squeezed and fondled her tits a bit more aggressively, making her feel his dominance from his hands without hurting her. Before long, she could no longer kiss him because she was feeling too good.

"Wang~ I'm going to cum~" she warned him.

Xiao Fang almost couldn't believe it. He hadnt even started but she was telling him that she was already going to cum?

He almost didn't believe her as he started to dig his finger in.


She moaned so loudly, anyone within a few kilometers could've heard her.

He slowly thrusted his finger in, getting a good feel of her squishy pink interior as her pussy squeezed it inside. To Xiao Fang's surprise,, she really was cumming.

When he took his finger out, he could see that his finger was completely soaked in her pussy's juice. This was just too bizarre.

Snapping out of his daze, Xiao Fang rubbed her clit and pinched her nipple, prolonging her climax.

'She's a real squirter,' he thought.

She was squirting so much for such a minor climax, but he eventually realized it wasn't a minor climax at all, it was actually a fairly strong one at that.

'If she was already climaxing like this to a single thrust, then there was no way she'd be able to handle the real thing,' he thought.

It was a shame too, since he had been waiting to devour this meal for some time now.

'It seemed that I'll need to spend a little more time with this one before I can fully enjoy her.'

Xiao Fang suddenly kissed her lips again as his hands massaged her boob. Her climax was slowly fading so a kiss from him was exactly what she needed.

This was the first time her crush made her cum, of course the kiss this time around made her feel different.

Eventually, Li Xiang felt the large bulge in his pants, then she looked up at him expectedly.

"Maybe another time," he said with a awkward smile.

Although she wanted to take it to the next level, she was already more than happy to be climaxing from his hand.

She suddenly closed her eyes, opened her mouth, then cutely stuck her tongue out for him, inviting his kiss. Xiao Fang gave her what she wanted as his hands went back to work. Just like that, they caressed each other's tongues, he squeezed her tits, and he made her cum again and again till the sun came down.




Meanwhile, on a different part of the roof, Ye Ming watched as Xiao Fang made Li Xiang cum again and again. She didn't know that Li Xiang had such a low pleasure tolerance, so she assumed Xiao Fang was just really that good.

Masturbating as she watched, Ye Ming used a stealth technique to hide her presence.

Unlike the first time she caught him doing this with someone, she didn't leave after making herself cum. Even after climaxing a few times, she still stayed to watch Xiao Fang make Xue Li moan out loud in pleasure.

Ye Ming bit her lip sexily as she wondered what it must've felt like to be moaning as loud as Li Xiang. Whatever it was, it made her pussy so wet, and craving for penetration.

She never realized it before, but Xiao Fang was so much more of a man she thought he was. If only he wasn't blindfolded every girl in the sect would certainly do anything to get into his bed.

Ye Ming rubbed her pussy and clit, making herself climax a few times. Each time she did, it made her leg shake and her pussy squirt. She was usually never able to make herself squirt like that, but watching Xiao Fang in action made it so much easier to do so.

As good as it felt, she was unable to make herself feel as good as Li Xiang, so Ye Ming couldn't help but yearn to be rubbed by Xiao Fang too.

Still, she was satisfied with the session, but her only regret was that she didn't get to see him fuck Li Xiang with his monstrously sized penis. Thinking about it now reminded her of the time she watched him fuck Xue Li, suddenly she felt another climax coming on.

'Mhmm~ I'm cumming,' Ye Ming whispered to herself as she imagined herself being bent over and fucked by his long penis.

She rubbed her pussy harder and harder, making her climax feel like it was going to be explosive. Finally, she tightly closed her eyes, as she started strumming her clit like an instrument.

Her heart raced, her legs shook, and her pussy quivered. She was climaxing.

"Mym~ mhm~ mmm~" She nearly grunted to keep herself quiet.

Finally, her sparkling sweet nectar pour out of her tight virgin pussy.

She started to take deep breaths as her 2 fingers rubbed around her red pussy lips and she could feel her cum pouring down to her little closed asshole.

She was facing Xiao Fang with her legs spread and her knees bent. If Xiao Fang were to see her like this, he would be able to see both of her lustful holes in full display.

Her 2 fingers spread her quivering red pussy lips apart as if she subconsciously wanted him to see her cum pouring out. Her body wanted him to see how much she was cumming just by masturbating to him.

To her surprise, he actually turned his head and paused as if he was looking at her from the corner of his eye. However, since he was wearing a blindfold, it was impossible to know.

[ Spirit Perception ]

Xiao Fang's eyes turned blue as he was in fact looking at Ye Ming from the corner of his eyes.

He always knew she was watching him finger Li Xiang, but he acted like he didn't know so that she would watch for longer. However, the moment her two fingers began to spread her pussy lips apart, he couldn't resist his curiosity.

Xiao Fang smirked as if he saw something he wasn't supposed to see, so Ye Ming nervously covered her pussy with her hand and slowly closed her legs just in case.

'Calm down. He shouldn't be able to see me the way I am now,' she told herself.

As soon as Xiao Fang looked away, Ye Ming quickly got off the roof. Even though she left a bit of a puddle of cum where she was, she didn't think it was anything to worry about.

'What was he smirking at? Is it possible that he saw me?' She thought.

Even though she thought her stealth ability was perfect, she couldn't shake the feeling that he really saw her.

'Even if he did, is it really that bad if he saw me?'

Ye Ming couldn't believe that though even crossed her mind.

'How did it even get like this,' she thought.

When she joined the sect, she wanted to kill him so he wouldn't spread her secret of being from one of the other Major sects, but now the only thing she wanted to do to him is make him take her virginity.

The way she felt about him changed so quickly it almost felt unnatural. She never believed she would ever fantasize about a guy like him, and some of those fantasies were even so graphic it made her pussy so moist just thinking about it.

Ye Ming was the daughter of the Hidden Leaf sect's Patriarch. Although she wouldn't inherit her father's position, she still had a reputation to maintain.

She finally sighed because she assumed she'd never get that far with Xiao Fang. Watching him fuck other girls was likely as good as it was ever going to get.

Little did she know, Xiao Fang had special plans for her.

Chapter 253 - Perfume Girl

Xiao Fang and Li Xiang stayed on the roof even after the sun went down, but he eventually cut their session short because he was expecting Lai Yun to arrive soon.

After Li Xiang left, Xiao Fang went downstairs and made a few arrangements before heading to his office room. All he could do now was wait.

In his boredom, he took out his Phoenix Jade Hairpin then played with it in his hands as he inspected it. Ever since he won it from the Swordsman club trial test, he was unable to make it release the enormous amount of Qi he knew it contained.

'What's so special about this thing anyways,' he thought.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Xiao Fang stored the Hairpin in his spatial ring, then put his blindfold back on before he answered it. It was Jiang Mei. Standing behind her was Lai Yun and a girl he never met..

"Thank you, Jiang Mei," Xiao Fang said.

Jiang Mei smiled at him, then gestured for the girls to go inside. Once they were in, Jiang Mei stepped outside then closed the door behind them.

This wasn't Lai Yun's first time walking into a guild house, but she had never been in one this big before. So she was taken aback by its size.

"Take a seat," Xiao Fang said to the girl standing behind Lai Yun.

"It's a nice place you got here," the shy girl said as she took a seat in the only chair available.

"Thank you, what's your name?" Xiao Fang asked.

"You can call me Yuan Fei."

"Welcome to my guild house, Yuan Fei. It's nice to finally meet you."


Yuan Fei:

No-Class disciple, 162cm tall, plain robes, and she wore her long black hair down.

She was only slightly above average in appearance which meant she was severely below average compared to the extremely beautiful girls in the inner court. However, a beautiful face meant absolutely nothing to a blindfolded man like Xiao Fang.

Yuan Fei had a very strong sense of smell, so her only hobby was making perfumes. She didn't practice her cultivation often, but she had to work hard to get into the inner court, so that she would have access to more types of flowers, plants, and herbs.


Yuan Fei stared at the Xiao Fang with a strange expression on her face, as she tried to figure him out.

Lai Yun had only told her that one of her Phoenix-Class classmates wanted to meet her, but she didn't tell her why. Still, she didn't want to pass up the opportunity to meet with another Phoenix-Class disciple. She thought if she was lucky, she might even be able to sell some of her perfumes. However, since he was a man, she didn't think he'd be interested in buying them.

"Erm... I don't mean to be rude, but is there a reason why you wanted to meet me?" Yuan Fei asked.

"You sell perfumes, right?"

"I do."

"Do you mind if I take a look?"

Yuan Fei was surprised that he was even curious about her perfumes at all, but thinking about it now, why else would he ask her to come.

"Not at all," she replied.

She quickly took her perfume bottles out then put them on his desk. Despite her attempt to present them nicely, the containers were all plain, and uninteresting.

Lai Yun frowned when she saw them, but she didn't say anything since it wasn't any of her business.

Xiao Fang picked one of them up then gave them a whiff. They smelled really nice, but the smell wasn't strong at all. He thought Lai Yun had earlier put too little when he smelled it in class, but it seemed that the perfumes were just too weak.

"How many merit points do you make a month selling these?" Xiao Fang asked.

Yuan Fei wasn't good with money, and people always intimidated her into lowering her price, so she didn't make very much. For a time, she was just glad that people liked her product, but she didn't like the way they treated her like trash. She always wanted to become popular and make more money with her craft, but being a No-Class disciple for 2 years humbled her into having much simpler goals.

"Not much. Maybe a few hundred," she smiled awkwardly.

She knew she was making even less than that, but she was too embarrassed to say it. Of course, Xiao Fang knew she was lying, but he didn't call her out on it.

There were a few small bottles on his desk, so he asked about each of them. Seeing that someone was interested about her perfumes, she started to tell him all kind of things she learned about them, but she was careful not to disclose any information about the exact herbs she used.

Xiao Fang could tell that making perfumes was a big part of her life, but not only did she love doing it, she seemed extremely knowledgeable on the topic as well.

Satisfied by what she told him, Xiao Fang took out a scroll with some writing on it then handed it to Yuan Fei. She accepted the scroll then began to read through it. Suddenly, her eyes began to widen as she read it.

"Is... is this really for me?"

What she held in her hand was a contract, and what Xiao Fang was offering her were several tools, equipment, resources, merit points, and a clean working space in the Nameless guild's lab. On top of that, he was also inviting her to join his guild, which meant she would have access to even more plants and herbs only disciples in a guild could get.

What he was offering her were things she would've never been able to get on her own. It was almost like a dream come true.

"I-I don't understand. What would you have to gain by inviting me into your guild?" Yuan Fei said as she tried to calm down.

"95% of the profits would go to the guild, but since you'll be a guild member, I'll be giving you an allowance like everybody else."

"How much?" She asked with trembling hands.

"1,000 merit points... a week."

Chapter 254 - Yuan Fei

Lai Yun who was listening from the back couldn't believe what she was hearing.

'1,000 a week, thats 4,000 a month. Where the hell is he getting that kind of money from? And why would he spend it on one useless No-Class disciple,' Lai Yun thought.

"One Thousand... every week..." Yuan Fei said with trembling hands.

She was unable to hide the shock on her face. The amount he was offering her was nearly as much as the average Tiger-Class disciple was making every month.. It just seemed way too good to be true.

"You're not tricking me, are you?" Yuan Fei asked worriedly.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang took out 4,000 merit points and spilled it on the table.

"Consider this your first monthly allowance," he said as if it were an insignificant amount.

"But... what if I can't sell any perfumes?"

"As stated on the contract, if you can't sell more than 1,000 merit points worth of perfumes by the end of the month, the contract will be null, and you will no longer be a part of this guild."

The contract went into more detail saying that she was expected to make a profit of 2,000 merit points next month, and at least 4,000 for the 3rd month.

Yuan Fei didn't know what to say. She never sold a 1,000 merit points worth of perfumes in a single month, and most of her revenue were eaten up by her expenses.

The most profit Yuan Fei ever made in a single month was around 130, so how was she supposed to get 1,000 merit points?

'No, with the extra equipment and resources he's given me, I might be able to make it work,' she thought optimistically.

Xiao Fang noticed the subtle change in her expression, so he leaned back in his chair comfortably.

"So, what do you say?" Xiao Fang asked.

Even if she failed, she would still keep the 4,000 merit points, so the decision was a no-brainer.

"When can I begin?" She smirked.

Xiao Fang tossed a Nameless guild nameplate on top of the merit points that were scattered on his desk, then said,

"The elder outside will give you a tour."

Yuan Fei collected all of the merit points then tightly wrapped the guild nameplate around her waist. Once it was on, she bowed deeply to Xiao Fang while saying her thanks. He could hear the sincerity in her voice, but he still wore a nonchalant expression.

Although it might've seemed insignificant to him, this was an opportunity that could really change her life. To her, Xiao Fang was more than just her guild leader, he was also her benefactor.

Xiao Fang finally smiled lightly as she left. He wasn't sure about her before, but seeing the determined look on her face, he knew she would one day accomplish great things.

Even though he was spending an absurd amount of money on her, it was an investment he was willing to make.

After she left, Lai Yun finally sat down, making the slight smile on Xiao Fang's face disappeared.

"So, who's the guild master of the sect anyways, she must be pretty strong to have so many merit points to spend," Lai Yun asked.

Xiao Fang wasn't surprised by her words because guild masters wouldn't normally include themselves in the recruitment process. Also, Xiao Fang was supposed to be new to the inner court, so no one would believe that he could already buy a guild house and afford to give out large salary contracts like the other Major guilds did.

"The guild leader wants to stay anonymous for now, so just forget about meeting her."

Lai Yun was a bit annoyed to hear that, but she assumed she would get to meet her sooner or later.

For the next 10 minutes, Xiao Fang gave her a line of questioning with the purpose of learning why she wanted to join the club. Most times, he didn't really care what her answers where, he would only pay attention to how she would answer them, and whether she was lying to them or not.

Eventually, Xiao Fang was completely convinced that she had absolutely no desire to join the guild, but he also learned that she still wanted to avenge her loss against him and would do anything to join the White Jade club.

Xiao Fang sighed inwardly because she really was too simple minded. However, that could certainly be used to his advantage if he played his cards right.

[ Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer ]

"Why are you asking me so many questions? Are you going to accept me into the guild or not?" She said when she finally lost her patience.

"Mn, here. From now on you are a member of the Nameless guild," he said as he tossed her a Nameless guild nameplate.

Lai Yun finally smirked when she saw the guild nameplate in her hands. However, she didn't leave even after she put it on.

"What about the contract?" Lai Yun asked.

"What about it?"

"Don't tell me you expect me to join this guild without one."

"Didn't you tell me in class that you only wanted to join this guild to warm my bed, or could it be that you have ulterior motives instead?" Xiao Fang acted as if he was getting a bit angry at her.

Lai Yun pouted cutely as if she were a spoiled Daddy's girl that wanted a new expensive toy.

"Don't say that. It's true, I really do want to spend the night with you. It just feels wrong that you would give such a useless disciple like Yuan Fei so many merit points, but give me nothing instead."

Xiao Fang would rather masturbate than sleep with her. He may be a Dual Cultivator, but he would never force himself on any girl, not even if they were asleep.

Xiao Fang was going to kick her out, but then started to think about how she could be useful to the guild. He eventually had an idea, but first, he wanted to have a little fun with her to see how far she would go with this little act of hers.

"I'll give you a contract, but there's something I want you to do for me first."

Lai Yun became a bit nervous because she thought she knew what he was going to ask her to do.

"What do you want me to do?"




"Seduce me."

Chapter 255 - Seduce Me (18+)

"Seduce me."




Lai Yun had never tried to seduce a man before, but she didn't think it would be that difficult considering how beautiful she was. However, she eventually realized it wasn't going to be that easy because Xiao Fang was blindfolded.

'He wears a blindfold around as if he's blind, but since when has he ever acted like it? There's no way a blindman can fight the way he can. It must be a trick,' she thought.

Lai Yun didn't know why he was wearing a blindfold, but she didn't believe for a second that he was really blind..

She suddenly got up on top of the table, then slowly crawled towards him. She then opened up her cleavage a bit to give him a better view of her large dangling breasts below.

Whether she was a friend or foe, he had to admit, he could already tell that her breasts would feel amazing.

Once she reached his end of the table, she sat on the edge right in front of him, then crossed one leg over the other, as if to give him a brief view of her panties.

To her disappointment, Xiao Fang didn't react the way she expected him to.

Since that didn't work, she leaned in and tried to act cute while asking for an allowance. She tried it a few different ways, each time getting even closer to him, but nothing seemed to work.

'Hmph, is he even a man?' she thought.

Lai Yun didn't want to give up, but she didn't know what to do. Guys were usually the one to chasing after her, not the other way around.

Perhaps if she had met him a year ago, he wouldn't have been able to resist her temptation, but Xiao Fang wasn't the same man he used to be.

Lai Yun didn't consider herself a very shameless person, but right now she was desperate.

She finally got off the table then sat on his lap, as soon as she did, she immediately felt the bulge in his pants pushing up against her pussy. She smirked as if she had already won the bet,

'Acting like you're not seduced by me when your thing is already this big. You might be able to hide it for now, but not for long,' she thought.

She leaned back till her back was touching his chest, then brought his hands up to feel her breasts. Xiao Fang smirked, because the moment he realized her intentions, he quickly flowed his Dual Cultivation Qi to his hands.


Lai Yun quickly covered her mouth when she moaned. She couldn't believe the sound that just came out of her mouth. Xiao Fang on the other hand, didn't think much of it as he continued to fondle her breasts.

Lai Yun was around the same age as Jiang Mei and Su Yun, so her breasts didn't feel as firm as most of the younger girls he's been with.

'These are definitely top tier breasts. It feels so good it might even rival Jiang Mei's tits,' he thought as he continued to fondle them.

Lai Yun closed her eyes as she kept her hand up to cover her mouth. She couldn't believe how good his hands were making her tits feel.

'Why does it feel so good when a man does it, or could it just be his hands?' she thought.

She was feeling so good from his hands, her ass clenched around his bulge as it was tucked between her cheeks.

She eventually noticed that her ass was clenching around his cock, so she quickly relaxed it because she thought she was hurting him.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright," he said as he rested his head on her shoulder. "It feels good when it's tight."

He spoke in a slow seductive tone that made her feel like she was melting. She started to blush when she was pleasuring his dick this way. She had never pleasured any man's cock before, so this was a new feeling for her.

Hearing his deep voice next to her ear like that while he was skillfully fondling her breast turned her on so much, she could feel her body temperature rising.

'I can't believe how good this feels. If I don't do something quick, he'll never give me an allowance,' she thought.

Lai Yun suddenly clenched her plump asscheeks a bit tighter then began to thrust back and forth. Feeling his indecency in her crack made her feel so dirty, but she also liked it too. She liked the feeling of his cock being squished and stroked between her asscheeks.

Just as she was becoming comfortable in the pace they were going, Xiao Fang suddenly did something she didn't expect. He reached for her cleavage then pulled it down, making her tits pop out. He immediately grabbed her two bouncing tits then continued to squeeze them pleasurably.

"Ah! What do you think you're doing?"

Despite her words, she didn't make any efforts to stop him, because the feeling of skin on skin was making her feel even better than before.

She couldn't even thrust her waist anymore because the pleasure she was feeling from his hands was too much. Luckily, Xiao Fang took over from where she left off and started thrusting his bulge between her cheeks.

Feeling his large masculine hands tightly squeezing her fat breasts, she thought she could even cum from it.

"No," she said under her breath.

She didn't want to lose like this. She had already lost to him in their fight the other day, so she didn't want to lose to him again.

She moaned embarrassingly, but she didn't care. His hands were making her tits feel way too good.

Erotic breaths escaped her lips as she tried to thrust her waist, but she almost lost it when she felt him stimulating her sensitive nipples.

"Ahhhh~ ahhh~ ahhhhh~"

She moaned like a horny milf getting her pussy pounded. If someone could hear the sounds she was making, no one would believe that he was only using his hands.

'I'm going to cum,' she thought as she put her legs up on the table, and spread them apart.

Her pussy was pulsing as if she was at her limit. However, before she could cum, Xiao Fang pulled her pants up her inclined legs till her beautiful pink pussy and asshole were fully exposed.

"Ahhh!~ I'm cumming!~ ahhhhaaa!~~"

Xiao Fang suddenly started rubbing her pussy lips till she finally came. Suddenly, her head cocked back, her legs shook, and her lower body jerked.


Xiao Fang felt her waterworks soaking his hand as he savagely rubbed her sensitive pussy lips. She was climaxing so hard, her butt raised off his lap.

Xiao Fang's hand finally slowed down as her Yin Qi streamed down, soaking the seat they were both sitting on.

Just as her climax was coming to an end, Xiao Fang slowly poked his finger inside of her virgin pussy, then began to caress her walls. He wasn't trying to prolong her climax, he was just trying to satisfy his curiosity.

'She's tight, and her pussy walls feel really nice too,' he thought.

Although he could tell fucking her pussy would feel great, he wasn't short of good pussy around here.

Fantastic tits, incredible pussy, and her face, ass, and thighs were certainly above average too. Perhaps if she had a higher cultivation realm he would be more interested in making her one of his main Dual Cultivation partners. Thinking about that gave him an idea, but since he already had a plan set out for her, he put it to the back of his mind.

When he was done, he took his finger out of her wet hole, showing her how wet her pussy made his finger before putting it in his mouth. Watching him lick her pussy juice off his finger, made her realize he was more of a sex fiend than she was led to believe.

After getting a taste of her Qi, he felt it go straight down to his dantian. Although she didn't have a very high cultivation, she might've learned a technique he might need to learn in the future. That was the reason why he did what he did.

Finally, Xiao Fang gave one of her tits a spank, making it bounce.


Unexpectedly, he liked the way it jiggled, so he almost wanted to do it again.

"Not bad," Xiao Fang commented on the whole experience.

When Lai Yun finally came back to her senses, she quickly realized the slutty position she was in. Sitting on his lap, her legs were up and spread out on the table, with her tits, pussy, and asshole fully exposed. She didn't realize it before, but she squirted so much, far more than she ever did before.

With her back still pressed against his chest, she quickly took her legs down from the table then dressed herself up again. She was so embarrassed she couldn't even raise her head or look back at him. But despite all that, there was still one thing on her mind.

"D-Did I win?"

Chapter 256 - New Contract

"D-Did I win?"




Despite everything that happened, Lai Yun only seemed to care about winning. Even though this was nothing more than a little game to him, he understood why she was taking it so seriously.

"Mn, you win this time," he replied.

Lai Yun was a bit surprised to hear him say that. Even if it was true, he could've just lied about it.

."Then... does that mean you'll give me an allowance?"

"Yes, I will."

Lai Yun suddenly felt a strong sense of accomplishment. She didn't think she would actually win against him, but she felt good that she didn't give up.

"Lai Yun."

"Yeah?" She said happily.

Excited about her victory, she was unprepared for his next words.

"I want a kiss."

"Ah," she said in shock. "You want to k-kiss me?"

"Mn. You don't want to?"

Xiao Fang tested her to see how she felt about him after making her climax. She might have hated him a few minutes ago, but as long as she was a member of his guild, he was going to make her his.


[ Your greatest enemies could also be your greatest allies ]

Xiao Kong used to always tell him that his most valuable allies were always his greatest rivals and enemies. This was another one of his quotes Xiao Fang never really understood, but he thought about it often.

Were they valuable because they were disposable? Xiao Fang wished he could've asked him to explain it a bit more.

Back then, the only thing Xiao Fang could think about was what enemies or rivals Xiao Kong could even have? It didn't make sense to him. However, whenever Xiao Fang used to ask him about it, Xiao Kong would always say that he was too young to understand.

He knew it sounded crazy, but Xiao Fang sometimes felt like certain things were being kept secret from him. As Xiao Kong used to say,

[ A convenient lie, is more believable than the truth ]


"Lai Yun," Xiao Fang said.

He placed his hands comfortably on her thigh and waist as if to encourage her to say yes.

They had already done more erotic things than just kissing, so she didn't think it was such an unreasonable request. She assumed it was because she did such a good job at seducing him that he wanted to kiss her now, the thought of which made her smile.

After thinking about it, she finally closed her eyes then turned her head to him. From there, Xiao Fang did the rest.

Their lips connected, then she moaned pleasurably to his hand fondling her big breasts again. Her heart raced even faster than before, and her face got hot. Before she knew it, they were already rubbing tongues together.

'So wet and hot. Why is it making me feel this way?' She thought before her hand went up to caress his face.

Although Xiao Fang started kissing her first, it only took him a few seconds to make her start kissing him back.

She loved the way their tongues intertwined. It felt so slimy and so lewd, but she liked the way it felt.

Even though his hands were making her tits feel good, she was getting so turned on by his kiss, she suddenly wanted him to go all the way with her.

To think, she was kissing the man she was fighting yesterday, and he even humiliated her in front of all her classmates. If someone were to tell her that she would be kissing her enemy in such an intimate way, she would never believe it. It just felt so right, she didn't know what to think anymore.

When their lips finally separated, she could only look at him with a submissive gaze. Those were the lips that kissed her so lewdly, and this was the man that made her heart pound so fast. She no longer felt shy about him feeling her breasts, even if he were to take them out again, she wouldn't stop him. After everything they had done together, it was hard to look at him the same way she did before.

"Lai Yun, I want you. I want you to be mine," he told her once their lips separated.

Xiao Fang's words made her feel butterflies in her stomach, but she eventually frowned.

"What makes you think I want to be your woman?"

Considering the situation she was in, she realized how ridiculous her statement sounded. However, she really believed it.

Cultivators could live for far longer than the average person, so it was way too soon to even be thinking about settling down. She may be a middle-aged lady compared to other non-cultivators, but she was still considered a part of the younger generation in relation to cultivators. That was why she still looked like a young adult.

Despite her words, Xiao Fang didn't bother to reply. If she really wanted to join his guild, he'd eventually make her his woman one way or another.

He finally reached into his desk then took out another contract, but when she looked at it she frowned.

"Only 1,000 a month? But you're giving Yuan Fei 1,000 a week," she complained.

"What I gave Yuan Fei was a business contract. What I'm giving you is a standard guild member contract. There are even those in the 4th and 3rd Phoenix-Class Division with the exact same contract as you, are you suggesting that you deserve more than them?"

Lai Yun didn't know how to argue against that. Truthfully, 1,000 merit points a month wasn't a bad amount for a Phoenix-Class disciple, but she couldn't help but feel salty after witnessing him give a useless No-Class disciple 1,000 a week.

"Can't you give me a bit more?" She tried to act flirty with him hoping he would bend the guild rules for her.

Xiao Fang smirked inwardly because he had a feeling she would ask for more.

She tried to take his robes off, but he suddenly stopped her. He already wasted enough time with her, so he didn't want to drag things out for much longer.

Xiao Fang put the contract back into his desk, then took out a blank sheet of paper. Using the brush and inkstone already on his desk, he began to write a new contract for her.

Lai Yun was worried that all the work she put into seducing him would amount to nothing, but seeing him write a new contract for her made her jittery with excitement.

As if to thank him, she changed position to face him, then rested her hands on his face as she began to kiss up his neck. When she finally reached his face, she hesitated for a second before pressing her lips against his.

Xiao Fang didn't seem to react to her kiss, nor did he stop writing, so she continued to kiss him.

"Mym~" she moaned when she felt him reaching into her clothes to caress her naked butt.

There was something about feeling his bare hand on her naked ass that turned her on so much. Only Xiao Fang knew what she was feeling was his Dual Cultivation Qi.

Suddenly, she began to thrust her pelvis on his lap, rubbing her pussy against his large bulge. Even when she realized what she was doing, she still didn't stop, his cock in his robes was making her pussy feel too good.

A few minutes later, Xiao Fang put his brush down then stamped it with the Nameless guild's official stamp.

He finally squeezed her tits with his free hand. He then brought that hand down to give her nicely shaped ass a light spank as if to let her know he was done. However, she didn't stop kissing him like he expected her to. She kept pressing her lips against his and stuck her tongue in his mouth as she continued to rub her slippery tongue against his.

'It seems I'll need to discipline her in the future,' he thought.

Chapter 257 - Keep Enemies Close

'It seems I'll need to discipline her in the future,' he thought.




Grabbing a handful of her hair, he suddenly pulled her head back. Once her lips separated from him, she started breathing heavily as if she was in heat.

"Turn around," he told her.

She didn't know what came over her, but she didn't want to stop.

.Seeing that she didn't want to do as he said, Xiao Fang put his hand under her chin then placed his thumb on her bottom lip.

"If you obey me, I'll make you feel more pleasure than you can imagine," he told her.

Xiao Fang's words made her feel a pleasurable chill flowing through her body. She couldn't explain how she knew, but she was absolutely convinced that his words were true. She nodded obediently then changed positions again.

Pressing her back against his chest and clenching her wonderful asscheeks around his bulge, she started to read the new contract he wrote for her.

"This..." she said in a hesitant tone.

"Is it not to your liking?" He asked.

"No, this will be fine. I guess I just wasn't expecting you to give me an associate contract."

"If you want to make more than everyone else, you will have to work for it," he explained.

Although she would be making a bit more merit points per month this way, she still didn't know how she felt about the job he set her up with.

"So, what do you say, are you in?" He asked.

Lai Yun nodded, "I'll take it."

"Good. Now get up," he instructed her.

She did as he said and got up. Once she did, Xiao Fang took out a new Nameless guild nameplate, then tied it around her waist.

He knew it was a risk to accept a snake into his guild, but if he played his cards right, he knew he'd be able to benefit greatly from it. As his grandfather, Xiao Kong, used to say:

[ Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer ]

When Xiao Fang finished tying the new nameplates around her waist, he gave her ass another spank. Since she was standing, her ass jiggled even more than before, but that made her look back at him with a frown.

"Where do you think you are touching?" She berated him.

Xiao Fang was confused by her reaction because he had been grabbing and spanking her ass the whole time.

"Force of habit," he replied as he shrugged unapologetically.

Despite her words, she didn't really feel annoyed by it. There was already a red handprint on her ass from all the spanking and squeezing he's been doing. The only reason why she reacted differently for this time was because she was a bit embarrassed by how much her ass shook.

'What did he mean by force of habit?' She thought.

But before she could ask him about it, Xiao Fang took out his Black Guild Stone then hovered it over her arm while she flowed her Qi through it. Once the Black Stone glowed white and gave off a warm feeling in his hand, he finally removed it.

If Xiao Fang could see his guild stone now, it would read:


Black Guild Stone:

1. Long Wang (rank 9)

2. Jiang Mei (Elder)

3. Su Yun (Elder)

4. Fei Lin (rank 47)

5. Ye Ming (rank 43)

6. Yan Mei (rank 51)

7. Lai Yun (rank 87)

8. Ruo Shi (rank NA)

9. Zhao Pan (rank NA)

10. Yuan Fei (rank NA)


Xiao Fang noticed that Lai Yun was trying to see the names on his guild stone, but he put it back into his spatial pouch before she could.

"Let's go," he said as he walked her to the door.

He opened the door for her, but he didn't follow her out.

"Your room is on the first floor, the training rooms are on the second floor, and the public bath place is in the basement. If you walk around long enough you might find someone that can show you around," he told her.

"Aren't you going to give me a tour?"

"I'm busy, maybe some other time," he said before closing the door.

However, before the door could fully close, she suddenly stopped it with her hand.

"You didn't tell me what room you sleep in. You know..." she said, hoping she didn't need to explain why she needed to know that information.

Xiao Fang knew that she was talking about, but he had no interest in doing such things with her.

"Just sleep in your own room. If I have time I'll come visit you before midnight."

"Midnight, so soon? That's only in a few hours."

"Like I said, I'm busy, so don't get your hopes up," Xiao Fang said before flicking her on the forehead.

"Ouch," she yelped as she took her hand off the door. The moment she did, Xiao Fang quickly closed it.

Having the door slammed in her face, she pouted then stomped her foot down angrily on the ground.

'Why is he being so mean to me? Didn't he say that I seduced him? And what in the world could be so important that he can't even spend the night with me?' She thought in frustration.

However, after she had that thought, she immediately realized how head-over-heels she sounded for him.

'Why am I getting so angry that he can't sleep with me? I should be overjoyed that I don't have to sleep with that lousy man. Hmph, see if I care.'

Hearing her stomp her foot down, Xiao Fang smiled in amusement as he shook his head.

'I might've pushed her a bit too far, but it's better this way. I'll visit her when she does a good job in the position I assigned her with.' he thought as he walked back to his office chair.




After finding her room, Lai Yun sat on her bed with her legs crossed, as she tried to meditate, but she was having trouble to do so because she had so many thoughts running through her mind.

She wanted to believe that she hated Xiao Fang, but she was slowly realizing that it wasn't entirely true anymore. Despite what she told herself, it wasn't easy to forget her first time cumming to a man's hand, especially a man like Xiao Fang. She could still clearly remember what he told her after he kissed her lips.

'Lai Yun, I want you. I want you to be mine,' she heard his words play out in her head over and over again.

Eventually, she couldn't deny what her body was telling her. She wanted to feel his hands again, she wanted him to make her cum, she wanted him to kiss her lips and rub tongues with him all night.

She thought the most he could ever be to her was her human dildo. There was no chance that she'd ever want to be his woman.

Thinking about how she was handled by him in his office, she hugged her pillow as her thoughts went wild.

She tried to think about what he would do to her in her bed sheets. She imagined herself being naked in his embrace. She fantasized about his dick pushing deep inside of her. The thought of it made her pussy so wet.

'Why am I feeling like this?' She thought as she fanned her face with her hand.

With all those erotic thoughts running through mind, she couldn't help but think,

'Did I really seduce him, or did he just seduce me?'

Chapter 258 - Elder Mao (18+)

After Lai Yun left, Xiao Fang slouched back in his chair in fatigue. He still had a Dual Cultivation session with Elder Mao after midnight, so he had a few hours to relax.

Usually, Xiao Fang would start his nighttime training routine after midnight, but since Elder Mao would be coming around that time, he decided to start his training session early.

He refrained from practicing anything like the [ Divine Sword ] method or his [ True Immortal Lightning Tribulation ] spirit attribute for now because he didn't want his body to be sore when Elder Mao arrived.

Xiao Fang eventually took his 6 full high-grade spirit pendants out, then started cultivating them. As soon as he did, he immediately felt his cultivation rise with leaps and bounds.




[ After Midnight ]

After leaving Xiao Fang's room, Lai Yun had introduced herself to all of the new members excluding Ye Ming. She then started doing her own practice routine, but ended it short because she was expecting Xiao Fang to arrive.

She cleaned herself well with fragrant water, making her smell like sweet flowers after drying herself off.

After getting under her sheets, she thought about taking her pajamas off and going completely nude, but she decided against it after imagining him undressing her himself. The thought of him taking her clothes off seemed so hot, she could stop her face from turning red.

'Busy my ass. I bet he'll come running the moment he thinks of me,' she thought with a smirk.

Lai Yun waited for nearly an hour after midnight, occasionally looking at the door with impatience.

"Hmph, what could he be so busy with anyways," she said to herself before getting out of bed.

She wanted to go look for him, but instead ran into the other girls who were all going downstairs to the bath place. When she asked where Long Wang was, no one seemed to know. Of course, Jiang Mei and Su Yun were aware of his meeting with Elder Mao, but their underground business was a secret so they both acted ignorant when asked where he was.

Seeing the thin nightgown she was wearing, and smelling the fragrance she had on, the corner of Su Yun's lips curled upwards.

"Why are you looking for him anyways? Aren't you worried that he might see you like that?" Su Yun said in a playful tone.

Lai Yun realized how things must've seemed, but she played it off as if it were just some insignificant thing.

"How could he see me like this if he's blind? I just wanted to ask him about the contract he gave me, that's all," she replied.

"I see. Well, why don't you come with us downstairs then. Long Wang likes to take baths around this time, so if you want to find him, you might see him down there."

"Ah really? But... but wouldn't he see us naked?"

"You said it yourself, how could he see us if he's blind?"

Realizing the trap Su Yun had put her in, she felt like she had no choice but to agree. Otherwise, her earlier response would seem like a lie.

Su Yun didn't want Lai Yun running into Elder Mao when she arrived, so the best place for her to be was downstairs with everybody else.

"Aren't you coming, Elder Su?" Lai Yun asked.

"Go on without me, I'll be there soon."




Downstairs, Lai Yun and Jiang Mei both undressed as they walked into the showers. Lai Yun couldn't help but notice Jiang Mei's large breasts.

'If I had tits like that, Long Wang would come running to me no matter how busy he was,' Lai Yun thought with envy.

She knew who Jiang Mei was, because she used to be a Phoenix-Class classmate of hers. However, she never got to talk to her since Jiang Mei was always at a much higher Division than her.

After a quick rinse, Lai Yun and Jiang Mei both proceeded to the pool.

Xiao Hei, Ruo Shi, Yan Mei, and even Zhao Pan were all already there when they arrived. Despite her trying to get along with them, she could tell that Zhao Pan didn't like her very much.




Su Yun didn't go with them because she was waiting for Elder Mao to arrive. Once she did, Su Yun let her in then took her to Xiao Fang's room.

Inside, Elder Mao found Xiao Fang sitting on his bed, with his upper body undressed. Since he was facing the opposite direction all she could see was his naked back.

Once Su Yun closed the door, she went downstairs to the bath place, and Elder Mao finally approached Xiao Fang on the bed.

She crawled onto his bed then hugged him from behind. She rested her soft hands on his warm muscular chest as she pressed her breast up against his back.

"Guess who," she whispered seductively into his ear.

It was Su Yun's idea that he keep his blindfold on during the sessions because the elders would feel more willing to sleep with him if they could remain anonymous. However, there were a few elders like Elder Mao that wanted him to remember her by her alias.

"Give me a hint," he acted as if he didn't already know.

Suddenly, Elder Mao reached into his robes then started stroking his large penis.

"How about now?"

Xiao Fang caressed her arm that stroked him as if to feel who it was.

"Could it be Young Miss Tiger Lily," he sounded unsure.

She thought it when he called her Young Miss because she wasn't very young. 'Tiger Lily' was just the nickname he gave her when he saw how far she could arch her back during their sessions.

Elder Mao smiled when she heard him call her by that nickname.

"That's right. For that, I'll give you a reward," she said before positioning herself in front of him.

Xiao Fang remained in his seated position as she laid back in front of him. She undressed herself then slowly removed her panties as if to give him a show.

'Does she not see me wearing a blindfold? Or could it be that she already knows,' Xiao Fang thought.

She suddenly answered that question with her next words.

"I saw you wearing that blindfold during the inner court exam. You can see through it, right?"

Xiao Fang didn't immediately answer, but his hesitation was enough to convince her.

Assuming that it made no difference whether he wore the blindfold or not, she slowly brought her foot up to his face then lifted his blindfold up with her toes.

The shade from the blindfold made his glowing violet eyes seem even brighter as he looked down at her. Seeing him look down at her made her look away in embarrassment, but she still pushed her 2 plump tits together as if to give him something good to look at.

"W-well, are you just going to stare? It's rude to keep an elder waiting," she said with her head still turned to avoid his gaze.

She wanted him to look at her while he was fucking her, but she didn't realize it would turn her on so much.

"You're right, where are my manners?"

Xiao Fang pulled her in by the waist. Once her lower half was close to his, he seductively licked his two fingers and coated them in Dual Cultivation Qi before caressing her beautiful pink pussy.

"Mymm~" she moaned.

Her pussy made wet sounds as he stroked it, because she was already so wet before he started. So in the next moment, he found her pink pulsating hole then slid his 2 fingers inside.

"Mymm~" she moaned as her pussy squeezed his manly finger as it slowly slid deeper.

His fingers curved inwards and thrusted his hand back and forth, immediately targeting her weak spot. Xiao Fang already knew her so well, she was already moaning so much from his hands.

She couldn't explain it, but letting him watch her as he fingered her was making her feel like such horny cougar, but she couldn't help it since sleeping with a disciple had been her fantasy for the longest time.

She almost couldn't believe the amount of pleasure she was feeling from his hand. It was so much better than anything she would have achieved on her own, so she wasn't surprised by how slutty her body was reacting to it.

"Your thick fingers feel so good. Ahhaa~ right there ahhhh~"

She started to squeeze her own breasts as he caressed her G-spot skillfully.

"Cum for me. Cum on hand like a good girl," he said before sucking her erect nipples.

His fingers released even more Dual Cultivation Qi, making her pussy feel even more sensitive than before.

Her body tensed up as her slimy hole squeezed. It felt so tight it seemed like her body was trying to push his fingers out. However, Xiao Fang continued to thrust it into her tightening pussy, making her feel the dominance of his hand as he rubbed her G-spot. He was making her lower body shake so much she felt like she was going to explode.

Her pretty feet curled, her sexy breasts jiggled, and her plump ass raised up off the bed.

Suddenly, her tight pussy sprayed like a sprinkler.


She came all over his hand, lap, and abs before taking his fingers out to rub her erect clit.

She was cumming like she had been holding in all her sexual desires all this time, but no matter how much her lower body jerked and squirmed, he continued to rub her slippery erect clit even more vigorously.

"Ahh!~ ahhhhh!~~"

She moaned even louder as she held onto his bicep.

Xiao Fang was the only man that could make her cum like this. In her eyes he was the only man that existed, the only man she wanted.

"That's a good girl. Let it all out."

He whispered next to her ear as he began to rub her clit slowly. His voice was so deep and seductive it gave her warm chills.

"Mymm~" she moaned pleasurably and bit her lower lip sexually as she continued to feel his strong arms.

She wanted to be his good girl. She wanted to cum lots for him, and only him.

Chapter 259 - Optional Smut : Elder Mao

"That's a good girl. Let it all out."




Once her climax subsided, he dug his fingers back in and caressed the roof of her pussy while his thumb skillfully caressed her clit. He made her cum so hard she already felt out of breath.

"You came so much."

"That's because you make me feel so good," she said in a cute tone..

It wasn't the first time he made her cum like that, he had just never been able to do it so early in their session before.

She looked into his eyes with mixed emotions. She didn't think there was any man who could pleasure her the way he could, and he already knew her body so well she felt like she had nothing to hide from him.

Even though she understood this was only a business, she couldn't help but feel attracted to him. If he told her to do anything, she'd do it without hesitation. She wanted to be a good girl for him, and only him.

Whether she was his elder or not didn't matter. The way he handled her made her feel like she was his junior, and also his woman.

"Long Wang... I... I..."

Xiao Fang brought his face closer to hers, making her stop talking. She closed her eyes, then felt the familiar touch of their lips pressing together.

Feeling him kiss her, she also kissed him back, but it wasn't till they started rubbing tongues that her face suddenly felt hot.

'I'm kissing a disciple on the mouth while he's fingering me and squeezing my breast,' she thought as she placed her soft hands on the side of his face and neck.

She dug her tongue even deeper into his mouth and did lewd things to it. She never thought she'd enjoy kissing anyone as much as she enjoyed kissing him. Although it wasn't her favorite thing to do, it made her feel young again.

Being in her late 60s, she was definitely one of Xiao Fang's older clients, but considering her high cultivation, she only seemed to be in her mid to early 40s. Although she still had a long life ahead of her, she couldn't help but feel like it's been ages since she's done something like this.

As they kissed, all the Yin Qi she earlier squirted on his body started to get absorbed into his skin. Soon after, he could feel it filling up his dantian.

When their lips finally parted, she watched as he took his fingers out of her dripping wet pussy then licked her sweet nectar off of it.

She wanted to stop him because she thought it was too dirty, but she's already seen him do it before, so she started to blush when she watched him do it again.

Seeing the hunger in his eye, she knew he wasn't done.

Xiao Fang suddenly pushed her legs back, positioning her in a way where her knees were next to her head and her lower body was up in the air.

Being in such an embarrassing position made her whole face bright red. Not only could he see her whole body completely naked in this position, but her wet pussy and asshole were so close to his face she could even feel his breath.

Taking only a few moments to admire her beautiful wet pussy, cute little asshole, and round white ass, he started kissing around her pussy lips, and even started licking all Yin Qi from her cute little asshole. Suddenly, she felt his tongue trying to lick inside of it.

Feeling him lick her asshole made her hum in pleasure, she never thought he'd ever lick that place, but she was even more surprised that it was making her feel this good.

"Ahha~ not there. That's dirty," she said in a shaky tone.

She couldn't hide the pleasure she was feeling from it so he continued.

Since cultivators never used this hole past the Refinement realm, a cultivators asshole was usually even cleaner than their pussy. However, most people wouldn't think about that knowing what non-cultivators usually used that hole for.

Eventually, Xiao Fang took his tongue out of that hole before stuffing her wet vagina into his thirsty mouth. He immediately started licking it, making her lower body squirm.


Her butt shook in the air uncontrollably as he dug his tongue deeper into the wet little cave. He licked her surrounding pink walls as if he knew exactly where she liked it. At the same time, he rubbed her clit and squeezed her tits while using his Dual Cultivation Qi, making her moan even louder than before.

Just when she thought it couldn't possibly get any better, Xiao Fang suddenly used an oral technique.

[ Electric Tongue ]

His tongue vibrated inside of her, making her instinctively reach up to his head to push it away. At the same time, he thrusted his vibrating tongue deeper as he pinched her nipple and clit between his fingers.

"Ahhh! I'm cumming!~ I'm cumming!!~~ ahhh!~ ahhhhhh!~~"

Her sweet voice echoed out as she thrusted her pelvis in the air. She sounded like a tight milf on the verge of cumming in her secret lover's mouth.

She knew he loved drinking her cum, so she felt excited that she was going to cum lots for him.

"Yes yes yes! Ahhhhhaaa!!~~~"

Her pretty toes curled, her neck stretched back, and her stomach convulsed. In the next moment, her pussy squirted up in the air like a geyser, but Xiao Fang sucked it all as he took his tongue out and vibrated it on her clit.

*Squirt~ Squirt~ Squirt*

She screamed her moan as he sucked all of the cum out of her squirting pussy. She was so turned on she wrapped her legs around his shoulders and pressed down on his head even more.

Elder Mao had a fairly high cultivation realm, so he could feel her Yin Qi nourishing his dantian as it flowed into his mouth. He knew the more he could make her squirt, the more he could benefit with the Dual Cultivation method, so he prolonged it for as long as he could.

She moaned like a squirting milf every time her lower body jerked. After a few minutes, her mind was almost completely blank and her eyes were rolled up as she drooled. She had an expression on her face that made her look like a cum hungry cougar, so he finally stopped and rested her ass back down on his lap.

It took her some time to regain her composure, so he waited.

Elder Mao knew he was getting better with each session, but the rate he was improving at was just too hard to believe.

'The way he is now, he might even be able to handle more than 2 elders at a time,' she thought.

Only 10 minutes had passed, but she was already beat. Considering her high cultivation realms, it should've been extremely difficult to make her cum, but Xiao Fang was already able to make her cum explosively 2 times with just his hand and mouth. She didn't think she could continue, but one thing she wanted more than anything. She still didn't get to feel the pleasure of him cumming inside of her.

Xiao Fang slowly massaged her clit with his thumb as she tried to control her breathing. Feeling his erect cock beneath her wet squishy wet asscheeks, she suddenly wrapped her delicate fingers around it, then began to stroke it.

"You still haven't used this yet."

Chapter 260 - Optional Smut : Elder Mao (2)

"You still haven't used this yet."




Elder Mao was already exhausted after only 10 minutes with him. However, she didn't want to leave the session without experiencing his Naked Sword at least once.

Elder Mao believed that he was getting better and better with every session, but the truth was he was always able to exhaust her in 10 minutes, but he spent more time with Elders like her because their Qi and payments were far more valuable than any of the disciples he dual cultivated with.

Now that Elder Mao was obsessed with him, he knew he could finish the session early without worrying about whether she would want to come back or not. However, to his surprise it seemed like she wasn't done..

"Do you think you can keep going?" he replied, knowing that she was already exhausted.

Elder Mao suddenly raised her legs up again and rested her pretty feet on his strong chest.

"Please, put it inside of here," she said as she looked away in embarrassment.

She brought her pretty hands down and spread her pussy lips as if to invite him in. Getting the greenlight to continue, he rubbed the tip of his dick between her moist pink slit. He stroked it up and down to make lewd sounds as he coated his tip with her slippery juices, but while he was doing that, he could see that she was already feeling good from it.

Without thinking, Elder Mao started moving her waist.

"Quickly, put it in," she said in a desperate tone.

Xiao Fang finally rested his hand flat on her lower abdomen as he started to push it in.

Feeling it stretch her tight entrance open, she squished her tits together.

"Deeper," she told him.

Xiao Fang kept pushing it in till her bottom cheeks were pushing against his lap. At the same time, she could feel his tip was threatening to enter her womb. She clenched the bedsheet tightly, as he kept it there for a few more seconds.

While her sexy feet were still on his pecks, she curled her pretty toes as he started fucking her with his hands around her hips.

"Oh yes, ahha~ faster."

He knew she liked it when he held her by the hips, but she especially loved it when he did the same thing from behind. However, Xiao Fang wanted to see her tits jiggle as he pounded her gripping wet pussy, so he kept her on her back.

Elder Mao moaned to his thrusts nonstop as he gave her tight pussy a good fucking. Xiao Fang changed positions a few times and used different Dual Cultivation techniques to make her cum multiple times. He even sucked on her large breasts, and fingered her clenching asshole too, making her cum mant more times to the extra stimulation.

Elder Mao eventually felt like her mind was going blank, but his Dual Cultivation Qi kept her wanting more.




10 minutes later, her body became limp as she could no longer thrust her waist.

Xiao Fang made her cum one last time with the [ Naked Sword Thrusting Heaven ] technique, getting all the remaining Yin Qi out of her system before cumming several thick white loads directly into her womb. At the same time, he could feel her pussy pulsing as if it were trying to milk him for more.

Like always, when Xiao Fang was done, he gave her round white ass a light spank, making it jiggle. She knew it meant her session was over, but she didn't let go, and only hugged him a bit more tightly, making her tits squish between them.

Just like with all his girls, Xiao Fang was patient, so he didn't make her get off. He knew she wanted to savor the moment, so he let her do what she wanted. In the meantime, he started groping her secy plump naked ass, making her feel the raw dominance of his hands without hurting her. This was one of the few moments when she really felt like she was his woman, so she stayed like that with his dick still deep inside of her for a bit longer.

Xiao Fang eventually massaged her back then took her head off his shoulder so he could kiss her lips. She felt like she was experiencing a new kind of heaven. She couldn't explain it, but she wished she could stay like this forever.

After a few minutes, Xiao Fang finally laid her down then pulled out before sitting back up. She was amazed to see his dick still so strong after everything they did. However, seeing the cum on his tip eventually gave her an idea.

Curious, she dug her fingers into her pussy then took it out. She curiously looked at the white cum dripping down her finger before looking up into his violet eyes as she sucked it. Her brows perked up in surprise because she didn't expect it to taste so sweet. That was because his cum was purely Yang Qi.

Seeing the look in her eyes, he knew what she wanted, so he positioned himself next to her. Seeing his cum on his tip, she started licked it before thrusting it into her mouth.

Her lips slid against his shaft as her tongue licked his glans. Her tongue moved wildly in her mouth, but Xiao Fang reacted intensely to it.

'Fuck, she's good,' he thought as his dick rubbed pleasurably against her tongue.

He knew she had an interesting amount of mobility with her tongue when he kissed her, but he didn't realize it would make his dick feel this good.

The way she looked up at him was just icing on the cake. She started giving him a blowjob with the intention of tasting his cum, but seeing her look up at him just made him want to cum even more.

She thrusted her hands and face vigorously, while her warm saliva got all over the place. Best of all was the way her tongue stretched past her lips to smother the lower half of his dick that she couldn't fit into her mouth.

Xiao Fang's Naked Sword twitched nonstop as she sucked on it skilfully. Before long, he could feel another load rushing to his tip.

Xiao Fang put a hand on her head, then she licked his glans and stroked his tip with her supple pink lips.

Xiao Fang's Yang Qi finally poured on her tongue, but she didn't stop licking him. She then closed her eyes as if to savor it. She still couldn't believe that it was this good. She always assumed it would be bitter.

Unexpectedly, XiaocFang kept his hand on her head as he slowly pushed it in deeper. Realizing his intentions, she tried to relax her throat as it got closer. However, the moment she felt him stretching her throat she immediately gagged. Surprisingly, she didn't pull out even when she was checking on it, but Xiao Fang could tell she couldn't handle it going any deeper, so he came one last time with his tip in her throat before pulling out.

Although she couldn't deepthroat, she more than compensated it with her wiggling tongue technique.

Elder Mao finally got on top of him.

"Thank you," She said as she comfortably hugged him.

Xiao Fang could tell that she was looking for more than a sexual relationship, so he stroked her hair because he knew that was what she wanted to feel.


Xiao Fang finally took her to his private bathroom to wash off, but as they were taking a shower they suddenly started fucking after Xiao Fang started fondling her breasts from behind to clean them.

When they were done, they hoped into the bath together, but ended up fucking when she decided to sit on his lap.

Wherever he went, she seemed to want to follow him. Although her intentions weren't always to fuck him, Xiao Fang was a honry bastard, so he couldn't resist when he saw her sexy wet naked body.

While Xiao Fang was sitting on the ledge in the water, Elder Mao had her legs wrapped around him as she sat on his lap. Feeling all the cum pouring into her womb, she finally put her hands on his face then closed her eyes as she kissed him one last time.

Although she knew the chances of getting pregnant were extremely low. She still liked to fantasize about being his woman. There was no other man she would rather be with.


Their 20 minute session ended up taking over an hour, but even then she still didn't want to leave.

Sad that she had to go, Xiao Fang started groping her ass as he told her, "We'll meet again."

Suddenly she felt his middle finger caressing her tightly closed asshole before pushing it inside. Once it was in, he thrusted his finger back and forth making her slight bend over and her heavy tits bounce.

He could tell that he would enjoy it from the expression she had on her face, and he knew he'd enjoy it too from the way she was squeezing his finger.

"Next time, I'll show you the pleasures of this hole," he said as he also fondled her breasts.

Although her tits were only slightly bigger than Su Yun's, they felt a lot nicer in his hands, and her nipples looked so good he wished he could suck on them all day.

"Really?" She said with her eyes wide open. Xiao Fang was surprised to see her expression change so drastically.

"You better not go back on your word," she said as if she hustled him into something she wanted for a very long time.

Xiao Fang smiled in amusement before replying,

"Mn, I'm a man of my word."