
Chapter 261 - Supreme Elder Song

[ 5th Divisional Classroom ]

When Lai Yun arrived, her friends in the class immediately noticed the new guild nameplate around her waist, but the thing that shocked them was the guild name that was on it.



"No way. How could you join his guild?"

"Why did you do it? I've never even heard of the Nameless guild before."

"What about the White Jade guild? Weren't you trying to get into that?"


Lai Yun's friends bombarded her with questions, without even giving her time to reply to any of them. Although she expected them to react this way, she was still taken aback by it.

"Hey, leave her alone. She probably has a good reason for joining his guild," someone suddenly said as she approached Lai Yun from behind.

Lai Yun smiled when she heard her voice.

"ShanShan," Lai Yun said when she turned around.

Luo ShanShan was Lai Yun's closest friend. Although they weren't from the same family sect, their family sects were both subsidiary to the Gao.

"So, did you find out if the rumors were true?" Luo Shanshan asked.

"What rumors?"

"You haven't heard? Everyone's been talking about it. Apparently Long Wang had won something that used to belong to a Supreme Elder."

Listening to the other girls in the classroom, she eventually realized that most of them were talking about Long Wang.

'Could this be what he was so busy with yesterday? I wonder what he won," Lai Yun thought.

Suddenly, many of the girls started to turn their heads and get up from their seats when someone walked in.

"Ah, your guild mate is here," Luo Shanshan said.

"My guild mate?" Lai Yun said as she turned around.

She sounded confused because she didn't think Xiao Fang would be able to make it to class on time. Earlier, she had been waiting outside of the guild house because she wanted to walk to class with him, but he never came out of the guild house, making her think that he was already here. Since she didn't see him in class when she arrived, she assumed he was going to be late.

To Lai Yun's surprise, the person walking in was in fact Xiao Fang, and standing next to him was Elder Su Lingxi. Xiao Fang and Su Lingxi were talking as if they were close friends, so they didn't even notice the girls quickly approaching them till it was too late.


"Long Wang, did you really win the hairpin?"

"Big Brother is so cool."

"Big Brother, can I see it?"


Xiao Fang knew what they were talking about, but he was just a bit surprised that the news would spread so quickly.

'It seems news gets around quickly in this sect. If everyone starts approaching me like this, then it will make no difference whether I have my blindfold on or not,' he thought as he smiled wearily.

"Girls, settle down and return back to your seat. Whatever it is, it can wait till after class," Su Lingxi said.

Although they were reluctant to leave him alone, they eventually did as Su Lingxi said and returned back to their seats.

'Hairpin? What hairpin,' Su Lingxi thought as she looked at him curiously.

After finding where Bai Fan and Zhao Pan were seated, Xiao Fang took a seat between them.


Class proceeded the same way as yesterday, and again Xiao Fang practiced the [ 100 Step Clone Maneuver ] and [ Clone Vessel ] techniques at the same time by sending his clone to do the obstacle course. However, no matter how much he tried, he was unable to split his consciousness like Su Lingxi could.

'I wonder if this is something I could learn faster by cultivating her Yin Qi. It wouldn't hurt to try,' he thought.

At the moment, Su Lingxi was busy helping a few students perfect their form, so he decided to wait till after class to approach her. What he didn't realize was that she was thinking about approaching him after class too.




When class was finally over, Zhao Pan left first for her Swordsmen Club, while Bai Fan waited for Xiao Fang to walk with him to the Inscription Club.

However, before she could get to him, several of their classmates approached him to ask about his Phoenix Class Hairpin. Xiao Fang was reluctant to show them, but was going to do so anyway so that they would stop annoying him about it. However, before he could show them, Su Lingxi suddenly approached him saying,

"Long Wang, could I speak to you in my office?"

He assumed she was just trying to help him shoo all the girls away, but he eventually realized that she had ulterior motives behind it.

"Sure," he replied before walking in her direction.

However, as soon as he did, the other girls followed along.

"Class is over, so the rest of you can go home," Su Lingxi told them.

They were reluctant to leave Xiao Fang alone, but still did as she said. Although Bai Fan wasn't in the crowd of girls following him, Xiao Fang could still sense her standing by the door waiting for him, so he approached her first.

"Bai Fan, you go on ahead. I don't want these girls following me to the Inscription Club so I'll meet you there after I lose them," he whispered.

She understood how it must've felt to be treated that way, especially since she was treated the same way in the Outer Court. Bai Fan nodded to him in understanding then left first.

After she was gone, Su Lingxi finally locked the door before taking him to her office, then locked that door too just in case.

"Elder Su, thank you for helping me back there. I am in your debt. Now, was there something you wanted to speak to me about?" He asked as if he didn't know.

"Ah, well, I... I just thought ma... maybe we could..." she fumbled her words as she tried to find the right things to say.

She was so confident in herself when she brought him into her office, but as soon as they were alone together, she could feel herself becoming more shy around him.

Xiao Fang was a bit amused to see her like this, but he knew from experience that it wasn't easy to do this sort of thing.

"Ah... the other girls were saying something about a hairpin. I was just a bit curious about that," she finally said.

Xiao Fang skeptically raised an eyebrow, but took out his Phoenix Jade Hairpin to show her anyways.

The moment she saw it, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"This... this the Phoenix Jade Hairpin! But why do you have it?"

"I won it as a prize. Do you know anything about it?" He asked.

"Of course, it used to belong to Supreme Elder Song Qian. I just never thought she'd ever give it away."

"What's so special about this thing anyways?"

"I don't know much, but from what I've been told, it can give its wielder an abundant amount of Qi. However, if you use it before your cultivation reaches a certain realm you could incur a backlash from it."

The way she talked about it reminded him about his Curse. It was the only thing he knew that could give him extra Qi, and it also gave him a backlash whenever he used it.

As the [ Death Reaper ] scroll stated, once the curse has taken a host, it would eventually devour the cultivator's body if they could not reach the Heavenly realm before a certain time. Once he reached the Heavenly realm, he would be able to use the full extent of its power without incurring any backlash.

Xiao Fang assumed the same was true with the Phoenix Jade Hairpin, but the only difference was that the mysterious entity took a host inside of the Phoenix Jade Hairpin instead of a cultivator.

"I see. You've given me some valuable information, Su Lingxi. For that, I'll show you something I don't show many people," Xiao Fang said.

Su Lingxi looked at him curiously as he began to unwrap his blindfold. Finally, when his blindfold was off, he opened his eyes, then Su Lingxi gasped.

Although she always speculated that he could see through his blindfold, she never thought that his eyes would be such a mesmerizing color.

She didn't immediately realize it, but looking into his eyes made her heart race, her pupils dilate, and her mouth and pussy salivate. She suddenly forgot all about his hairpin as there were now only lewd thoughts going through her mind.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it, Big Sis," he said in a relaxing tone.

"Long Wang~"

Chapter 262 - Optional Smut : Su Lingxi

[ Su Lingxi's office ]




Su Lingxi was sitting on her office table while Xiao Fang kneeled under it. Although they were both fully dressed, her lower half was exposed for him, but she wasn't embarrassed that he was looking at her pussy.

Her plump little pussy lips were closed till he spread them apart with his thumbs. Seeing her pink moist slit, he finally brought his tongue to a then started making her feel good.

With her sexy porcelain thighs over his shoulders, and her beautiful hands on his head, her toes curled as he started making her feel even better with her Dual Cultivation Qi.

His tongue licked up and down her slippery sensitive slit, making her hips move on their own. Although only a week had gone by, she felt like she had been waiting a lifetime to feel this kind of pleasure again.

"Mymm~ ahhaa~"

She moaned a bit louder when his tongue finally slit inside. His tongue was so long, and she felt like he knew exactly where to lick to get a reaction from her. She almost couldn't believe how good he was making her feel already.

His tongue is licking inside of me. It feels so good, he's going to make me cum on it,' she thought.

In the heat of the moment, Xiao Fang suddenly pulled her cleavage down, making her sexy breasts pop out. He immediately grabbed her twin mountains then started fondling them as he squeezed them comfortably in his hands.

This was already so much better than anything she could ever achieve with her hands alone, so she wished she could stay like this forever.

She continued to moan like that for the next few minutes till he finally took it out of her then started licking her shy little clit.

[ Electric Tongue ]

His tongue vibrated on her clit as his 2 fingers slid inside of her.

She was trying so hard not to cum in his mouth, but after feeling his fingers come into the mix, she knew her climax was going to be inevitable.

"Long Wang~ Ahhaaa!~"

Suddenly, her pussy squeezed, her lower body jerked, and her thighs squished his head.

Knowing what was coming, Xiao Fang took his finger out then licked her pink slit side to side. In the next moment, her pussy sprayed, and it instantly turned into nourishing Qi for his dantian when it entered his mouth.

She was never able to make herself squirt, no matter how hard she tried, so she couldn't help but feel like he was making her pee in his mouth.

Xiao Fang slowly licked her quivering wet pussy as she tried to relax. When her climax finally ended, he finally got up then turned her around.

After bending her over, he lifted one her legs up on her table then guided his big throbbing cock to her little hole. He didn't immediately put it in, he instead teased her pulsing hole with his tip till she was craving it strongly.

"Pu... put it in. I... I can't wait any more," she said yearningly.

Xiao Fang gave her what she wanted and slid it all the way in, making her grit her pretty white teeth in pleasure.


Xiao Fang suddenly spanked her nice round ass, making her pussy clench. He started moving his waist, but also pulled her hair back before spanking her round white ass again.

"Tighter," he told her.

She obediently squeezed her pussy a bit tighter, but he still spanked her again.


'Spank me more~' She thought.

She couldn't explain why she was feeling so good from it, but whenever he spanked her on the same spot, the pleasure she felt from it just kept getting stronger each time.

"Tighter," he said again as his hard cock trusted slowly but deep into her tightening pussy.

Her squishy moist innards squeezed his penis as tight as she could, but the pleasure she felt from it was too much to maintain, so she crossed her legs to keep it that tight. Even though he wasn't thrusting very fast, she already felt like she could cum from it.

Feeling the way her slippery meaty pussy squeezed his thrusting cock, Xiao Fang finally started thrusting at an increasing pace.

"Ahh~ ahh~ ahh~"

The sound of Su Lingxi's sexy moans and her ass clapping against his crotch filled the room. He kept his hand on her waist as he fucked her harder and faster, but when he finally liked the pace they were going, he went back to pulling her hair and spanking her ass like a horse, making her moan even louder.

She couldn't believe how good she was feeling, the intensity was too much, she felt like her mind was going blank.

Xiao Fang leaned over, but didn't stop pounding her tight pussy as he whispered next to her ear.

"Your pussy feels so tight I want to cum inside of you. Cum lots for me too, Big sis. Let it all out, and don't hold anything back."

After hearing him say that in such a seductive tone, there was nothing she wanted to do more than squirt everything out for him. Whenever he spoke in a seductive tone like that, it made her pussy so wet, and it made her want to do anything he said.

"I want to cum, make me cum~"

"Ahh!~ ahh!~ ahh!~"

Xiao Fang suddenly pinched her clit as he fucked her tightly little pussy even harder.

"AhhHhhHhh~~ yes!~ I'm cumming!!~~"

She stuck her plump butt out as if her body wanted him to go deeper before she came, but he was already one step ahead of her.

[ Naked Sword Thrusting Heaven ]

He pulled her in by the waist, thrusting his mushroom deep into her womb as his dick released a mysterious but pleasurable energy. At the same time, her body became tight, stiff, and mute. She was climaxing.

[ Naked Sword Climbing 9 Heavens ]

[ 1st Thrust ]

Her knees began to bend.

[ 2nd Thrust ]

Her pretty hands made little fists.

[ 3rd Thrust ]




[ 9th Thrust ]

She was at her limit, and felt like she was going to blow, but on the 9th thrust she felt a calmness rush over her. All the pleasure she was feeling was still there and as intense as ever, but her body became limp allowing her to enjoy it without feeling the tense feeling that accompanied it.

She was thrusted into heaven.

Her pussy squirted, and her pee trickled down, but she wasn't embarrassed by it because nothing else mattered when she was in the state she was in right now.

Keeping her in that state was extremely straining on Xiao Fang's body, but he kept her like that for as long as he could before his Yang Qi uncontrollably bursted out. His cum filled her entire womb and even expanded it little as more warm white cum shot inside of her.

The feeling was too good to explain, but in simple terms, cumming so much inside of her felt like heaven, almost as if all Earthly struggles were lifted from his shoulders and shot deep into her pussy.

Feeling all the cum in her womb, she finally felt herself returning back from that transcendent-like state. She wanted to go back, but she knew her body was pushed way past her limits.

When Xiao Fang finally took his dick out, he could see his white cum pouring out of her gaping pink pussy. He made such a mess inside of her, he couldn't help but take a moment to admire his work.

He suddenly thrusted his thumb into her asshole then eventually took it out to stick his dick into it next. This hole had no womb, so he pushed it all the way inside, only stopping when her asscheeks were squished tightly against his crotch.

He nearly moaned as it was sliding inside because her asshole was so tight, but he only paused for a second when he reached the end to savor the feeling before he started fucking her in the ass.

Putting his hands on her tender waist, he vigorously thrusted his monster di k into her tiny hole. He only wanted to clean his dick with it, but ended up cumming inside of it instead.

Her taboo hole was just so tight and warm, he couldn't get enough of cumming deep inside of it. However, he knew he had other places he needed to be, so eventually slid his dick out of her tighter hole. Once he did, he could see her asshole oozing with white cum too.

'It seems I overdid it,' he thought.

Chapter 263 - Concealment Formations

[ Inscription Club ]

"Long Wang, you're here. I was starting to think that you weren't coming in today," Xue Li said when she saw Xiao Fang walk in.

"Sorry I'm late. I got held up in class again," Xiao Fang said apologetically as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's alright. Like I said yesterday. Club meetings are optional, you can come and go whenever you like."

Suddenly, a few girls started to recognize Xiao Fang then they started to approach him.

"Hey, you're Long Wang, right? Did you really win Supreme Elder Song's Phoenix Jade Hairpin?" The girls asked.

Xiao Fang knew that the rumors were quickly spreading, but just how quickly was it spreading? He knew he couldn't keep hiding the fact that he had it, so he calmly nodded.

"Mn, that's me."

"So cool, can I see it?" The girls said as they got even closer to him.

'What a headache,' Xiao Fang thought.

Xue Li suddenly lashed out at them the moment she saw one of them touching him.

"Who do you think you are touching? If you want to remain members of this Club, you will not give Big Brother Long Wang a hard time while he's here," Xue Li scolded them.

"We only wish to study with him. Can't we do that?" One girl claimed.

"Ah, that..." Xue Li paused as she looked back at Xiao Fang.

She knew it wasn't her place to decide who he studied with, so she waited for his reply.

"I appreciate the offer, but I already have a study partner. I've been keeping her waiting for long enough, so if you'll excuse me," Xiao Fang said before walking off.

Worried that the girls would still bother him after she left, she gave Xiao Fang and Bai Fan access to her grandmother's private room on the first floor. Since her mother rarely came to the Inscription Club, she didn't think there would be anything to worry about.

Xue Li assured them that it was okay to use her mother's private study space, so after she left, Xiao Fang lifted his blindfolds up to his forehead as he finally opened his eyes. Bai Fan's expression made a subtle changed when she saw his violet eyes. However, she was able to suppress her urges with relative ease since he wasn't looking at her, and his eyes weren't glowing the way they usually did when he wanted to Dual Cultivate with someone.

Xiao Fang walked around, looking at all the available books on the shelves. There were just as many books in this room as there were in the entire first floor. However, all the books here were study material for how to make certain Formations, not Inscriptions.

"Who knew Formation could have so many applications," Xiao Fang said his thoughts as he browsed around.

Although they were all too advanced for him, he still found them extremely interesting to look at. When he eventually found a book he really liked, he took it off the shelf then started to read it.

Noticing him reading something, Bai Fan curiously asked,

"What are you reading?"

"It's a book on Concealment Formations," he replied. "According to this, there are several types of concealment formations that can be used to hide animate and inanimate objects," Xiao Fang replied.

He hadn't even explained a fraction of what he read so far, because he was so engrossed in what he was reading. Although, anyone learning what he was learning for the first time would have a similar reaction.

"What is this circle thing here," she asked as she pointed at the page.

It was the most recurring thing she saw in every demonstration, so she assumed it was something significant.

"Every Formation starts with a ring. The inscriptions you put into the ring is what creates the Formation," Xiao Fang explained before following the instructions in the book to give her a demonstration.

Small blue lights appeared on the tip of his fingers as he began to spread them apart. At the same time, he rotated his wrist and extended his arm out in front of him. Suddenly, a blue ring of Spirit Qi shot out from his hand, but stopped only a few feet in front of him.

"Woah, where did you learn how to do that?" Bai Fan asked in shock.

"It was in one of the books I read while I was browsing through the shelves," he said.

Although it was true that he saw a book on it while he was browsing through the shelves, the truth was that he actually learned it from Xiao Hei.

What Xiao Fang didn't know was that it would normally take cultivators a few months to learn, but being in the Profound Spirit realm allowed him to have exceptional control of his own Qi.

As Xiao Fang continued to read, he started to get ideas.

'Xue Li told me to master all 69 Inscriptions before attempting any Formations, but looking at the inscriptions used in this book, it seems I only need to know a handful of them to pull it off,' Xiao Fang thought.

After going through the entire book once, Xiao Fang went back to the first few chapters to find the most basic Concealment Formation he could find. He eventually found one that only used 3 different inscriptions. The most convenient thing about them was that the same 3 inscriptions were used for all the other types of Concealment Formations in the book.

"Good, I will start with this one," Xiao Fang said to himself.

Bai Fan continued to watch him as he suddenly took out the Inscription Book that Ru Ji gave him the other day.

"Bai Fan, can you get me a few of those papers over there."

"Ah, sure," she said before quickly bringing some over for him.

The papers here were not ordinary paper, but special inscription paper only used by inscriptionists. Although they could be bought in the marketplace for a few merit points each, they were free to any member of the Inscription Club.

As he began to practice, he explained to Bai Fan what he was doing. Interested in making a Formation herself, Bai Fan joined along.

Chapter 264 - Inscription Master

In the past 3 days, Xiao Fang had only been able to learn 2 inscriptions with the help of Xue Li and Xiao Hei. Unfortunately, neither inscription could be used for the Concealment Formation he now wanted to learn, so he was no closer to making his first Formation than Bai Fan was.

Xiao Fang assumed it would take them at least a week to learn all 3 of the Inscriptions required for this Formation, then maybe another week to learn how to put them all together.

However, to his surprise, Ru Ji's book accelerated his learning curve several times over, and he was able to learn one of the 3 inscriptions in just under an hour.

The inscription he made glowed on the special piece of inscription paper, telling him that he was successful, but when he tried it again, he wasn't able to make it glow.

'It seems I still need more practice,' he thought.

For the next hour, Xiao Fang was able to make the inscription paper glow a few more times, but never consistently. He could feel himself getting the hang of it, but he knew he needed to spend at least a few more hours with it back home before moving onto the next inscription.

"Long Wang, I did it," Bai Fan said excitedly.

Although she was able to learn it fairly quickly like him, much of it was due to his help. For the past 2 hours they've been pointing out each other's mistakes, but it was a lot easier for him to see her mistakes when he used his [ Spirit Perception ] technique.

Xiao Fang was about to congratulate Bai Fan, but then he suddenly heard someone coming. Bai Fan watched him curiously as he pulled his blindfold down from his forehead to his eyes again. A few moments later, she heard the door to the room suddenly burst open. When she looked back at who it was, her eyes suddenly widened.

"Su... Su... Supreme Elder," Bai Fan immediately bowed her head as if she got caught being somewhere she wasn't supposed to be.

"When I learned that someone had sneaked into my study space, I almost couldn't believe it. So it was you, Bai Fan," Supreme Elder Xue Jinghua said as her frown disappeared.

Supreme Elder Xue Jinghua was Xue Li's mother, but also her Inscription Master, and also the Head Elder supervising this Club.

When Xue Jinghua received the notification that someone without authorization had entered this room, she rushed over as fast as she could. It wouldn't have taken her so long if she weren't in the middle of something, but she knew she would've been able to find out who it was, even if they already left.

"Even though you are the daughter of a fellow Supreme Elder, you should know that it doesn't mean that you can go wherever you please," she half scolded Bai Fan.

"Supreme Elder Xue, we didn't mean to offend you. We didn't want the other girls disturbing us while we studied, so Xue Li told us it would be alright if we studied in here," Bai Fan replied.

"We?" Xue Jinghua replied in confusion.

She finally noticed Xiao Fang in the room and he was seated on a chair not far from Bai Fan, the sight of which shocked her immensely.

"You... how did you..."

The reason she was shocked was because she wasn't notified of his presence. The formation she had set up in this room was one that could detect anyone's natural aura. For him not to be detected would mean that he was somehow able to completely mask his natural aura.

'He must be wearing a cultivation treasure,' she thought.

Even if he was wearing a cultivation treasure, she still couldn't believe that her formation couldn't detect him.

'There's no such treasure that can completely erase one's natural aura, not even the Royal Court has anything of that caliber. If such a thing existed, it would certainly be big news, and I'd definitely hear about it. Whoever this boy is, he certainly isn't ordinary,' Supreme Elder Xue Jinghua thought.

She didn't want to offend someone that could potentially have a powerful backer, not only was she doing it for her own safety, but also for the sect's. Seeing that he was so young and already in the Phoenix-Class confirmed it for her, he definitely wasn't ordinary.

"Who are you?" She finally asked him.

"I am Long Wang, Phoenix-Class 5th Division," Xiao Fang replied.

The name was unfamiliar to her, but she wasn't surprised by that. She even suspected that he was using a fake name, so it made his back ground even more mysterious.

Seeing the two open books in front of him, she became a bit curious.

"You're already learning how make a Formation? Could it be that you both already learned all 69 Inscriptions?"

"Not yet, but the Formation we're trying to learn only requires us to know 3," Xiao Fang explained.

"That's true, but the most difficult part about a Formation isn't the Inscriptions you'd have to make, but the creation of a Formation Ring. Just learning how to do that could take a few months or even a year, so it's best that you spend some of that time practicing each Spirit Inscription to perfection," Supreme Elder Xue lectured him.

"A few months?" Bai Fan suddenly said in surprise as she turned her head to look at Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang understood why she was looking at him, and frankly, he was a bit taken aback by the Supreme Elder's words as well.

"Supreme Elder, could this be what you're talking about?" Xiao Fang said before making a perfect Formation Circle in the air.

"This... this can't be."

The Supreme Elder couldn't hide the shock in her eyes. What she was witnessing was just too hard to believe.

"Where did you learn how to do that?" She asked.

Xiao Fang already told Bai Fan that he learned it from one of the books on the shelf, so he knew he couldn't switch up his story.

Xiao Fang told her the same thing he told Bai Fan, making the Supreme Elder just stare at him in disbelief.

Only a cultivator in the Spirit Refinement realm could start learning how to make a Formation Ring, but only a cultivator in the Profound Spirit realm could learn it as quickly as he claimed to have done it. Xiao Fang was rather a once in a thousand year genius, or a 19 year old in the Profound Spirit realm, both were equally unbelievable.

"Mother, wait!" A voice suddenly cried out as a person came running through the door. This person was Xue Li.

"Don't punish them. This is all a misunderstanding. I'm the one that allowed them to come in here," Xue Li quickly explained.

"Xue Li, so it was you."

Xue Li was surprised that her mother wasn't mad, but more interestingly, she seemed to only be looking at Xiao Fang. Both Bai Fan and Xiao Fang understood why, but Xiao Fang was a bit nervous about what she would do with this new information.

"Young man, do you have an inscription master teaching you?" She suddenly asked Xiao Fang.

"I don't," he replied.

"How would you like to be my direct disciple?"

Xiao Fang paused, because he was a bit shocked by her proposal. What would it mean to be a direct disciple to a Supreme Elder? Would he get special treatment, would he be sent to the Core Court? But most importantly, would they finally start looking into his background.

To his knowledge, no one in the province was more capable of an inscription master than her, and he had no background with inscriptions since both his mother and father weren't proficient with Inscriptions. Although he would risk having his background investigated, this was well worth the risk.

Xue Li and Bai Fan were shocked by Supreme Elder Xue's proposal, because they both knew that she didn't have any direct disciples under her. She already had her own daughter to teach, so she didn't want to waste time teaching someone else. However, Xiao Fang wasn't just someone else, to her, he was a genius amongst geniuses. She would be a fool to not take advantage of this opportunity.

"If Supreme Elder is willing. I'd happily accept," Xiao Fang replied.

Seeing that he was interested in becoming her disciple, she felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. However, just to be safe, she wanted to test him first. Some things were just too good to be true, she would be a fool to accept a disciple without testing his abilities first.

"Good, but first, you must show me what you are capable of. If you can master the first Basic Concealment Formation in a week, I'll accept you as a disciple. How does that sound?"

Although what she was saying seemed completely unreasonable, if Xiao Fang was the genius she believed him to be, then this would certainly be within his ability.

Xiao Fang finally cupped his hands and bowed his head slightly before saying,

"Thank you for this opportunity."

Chapter 265 - Springberry Tea

Soon after Supreme Elder Xue left, Xiao Fang eventually got up to leave as well.

"Are you leaving already?" Bai Fan asked.

"Mn, there's somewhere I need to be. Will you be alright practicing on your own?"

"Of course. Actually, I want to try learning how to make a Formation Circle. Would it be alright if you showed me which book you learned it from?" Bai Fan asked.

Xiao Fang walked over to the shelf then pulled out the book she was looking for.

"Good luck, Bai Fan. I'll be leaving first," Xiao Fang said with a subtle smile before leaving the room.

"Ah, see you tomorrow," she quickly said before the door closed.

She didn't know why, but she always froze up like that whenever he smiled at her like that.

After regaining her composure she finally started looking through the Formation Circle manual before giving it a try.

She made the Qi flow to her fingertips the same way Xiao Fang did then tried to imitate his motion. The circle of Qi shot out from her hand, but it didn't look anything like the one Xiao Fang made. She was unsuccessful, but she couldn't understand why. She tried it a few more times before she finally gave up.

'How did he learn it so quickly? I can't believe he made it look so easy too,' she thought as she sighed.




Once Xiao Fang left, he stashed Ru Ji's Advanced Inscription Book into his spatial ring before heading to the Martial Arts Club. The reason why he stashed all of his valuables in his ring as opposed to his spatial pouch was because no one knew what a spatial ring was. Also, it looked like plain old jewelry, so he wasn't worried that anyone would recognize it.

When Xiao Fang arrived outside of the Martial Arts club room, 1 girl guarding the door suddenly stopped him.

"Hey, are you lost?" She asked.

Standing at 184cm tall, she had a thin white cloth tied around her forehead like a headband, and her beautiful face and neck were glistening with sweat as it slid down her sexy smooth skin. Her tight cleavage was exposing most of her delectable double D titties, and it left very little to the imagination. If any ordinary man were to see the way her nipples were poking out from within her bra, they would certainly get the hardest of erections. However, this wasn't a sect full of guys, and Xiao Fang wasn't an ordinary man.

"Is this the Martial Arts club?" he asked.

"Yes, it is," she nodded.

"Then this is exactly where I want to be," Xiao Fang said before taking another step towards her.

"Ah, wait," she said, trying to stop him from going any further.

Xiao Fang was about to dash around her, but before he did, they both suddenly heard another voice.

"It's alright, let him in. He's with me."

Upon seeing who it was, the girl guarding the door obediently stepped aside.

"Long time no see, Long Wang," the pretty girl smiled at him.

Xiao Fang immediately recognized who it was because she was the girl that led him to the Li family guild when he was looking for Xiao Hei a few days ago.

"It's nice to see you again, Li Yahui. How did you know I'd be coming?"

"Li Xiang told me. I volunteered to wait for you, but I didn't think you'd be this late. How are you going to repay me?" she pouted cutely as if she was trying to act mad at him.

Although he felt a bit bad for making her wait, he didn't know she would even be waiting for him.

"Erm... could there be something you want?" Xiao Fang asked.

She suddenly smiled at him as if she was never really mad at him at all.

"You could invite me over for some springberry tea," she suggested.

Xiao Fang was reminded that she liked springberry tea. It wasn't easy to find it in this province because it could only be grown in the province the Divine Sword sect was in. Since Xiao Fang had an abundance of those tea leaves, he suggested that she come over to his house to drink some the last time they spoke.

"Sure, I'd like that," he smiled friendlily.

Xiao Fang and Li Yahui talked for a bit till she finally handed him a Martial Arts club member token.

"Here, take this," she said before handing him the golden token.

After briefly passing his Qi through it, Xiao Fang stored the token into his spatial pouch, then followed Li Yahui inside.


The tall girl watching them leave was surprised to see how close Xiao Fang was to Li Yahui. As far as she knew, the only people who were given direct entry into the Martial Arts club were those from the Li Family clan, so the only explanation she could think of was that Xiao Fang had direct ties to them.

'Could they be dating?' she thought as she watched them leave.

They definitely seemed close. If someone were to tell her that Xiao Fang and Li Yahui only knew each other for a short while, she wouldn't even believe it for a second. Li Yahui was a shy type of girl, so it would take a special kind of relationship to make her feel as comfortable as she was around Xiao Fang.

'They're definitely something going on between them. I need to tell the others', the tall girl thought.


Li Yahui took Xiao Fang to a gym on the first floor where all the other new recruits were. There, he found Xiao Hei and Li Xiang practicing together within the crowd. They were so focused on each other that they didn't even notice him walking in with Li Yahui.

"Ah, it appears the tutorial is already over. There's a lot of things you missed, but I can get someone to give you a quick tour if you want," Li Yahui suggested.

"Sure, but would it be alright if you gave me the tour instead?" he asked.

"You... you want me to do it?"

"Mn, I enjoy walking with you?" he added.

She originally wanted to personally show him around, but she assumed he would've preferred someone more experienced to do it in her place. Hearing him ask her to give him a tour unexpectedly made her feel good.

"I... I like walking with you too.. Follow me, I'll show you around."

Chapter 266 - Li Yahui's Tour

[ Martial Arts Club ]

Similar to the Inscription Club, there were a few floors for disciples with different levels of skill. The top floor was reserved for those on the Martial Arts team, a team which consisted of the greatest martial artists in the Inner Court. They would occasionally go to different provinces to partake in Martial Arts tournaments, and win prizes based on how well they did.

Although it was interesting and all, Xiao Fang could think of a handful of things he'd rather be doing. The first thing that came to mind was what he was doing right now with Li Yahui.

Li Yahui was feeling a type of way as he was following her around. He was so close to her as they walked, it made her feel all warm and bubbly inside.

She eventually took him to a quiet room, but didn't know why since there wasn't anything to show him in there. Xiao Fang was no fool to these kinds of things, even if she didn't realize why she did it, Xiao Fang certainly did.

"Umm, th-this room is u-used for..."

She fumbled her words as she tried to find the things to say, but the truth was there were no words going through her mind, only the yearning to be alone with him for a few moments.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang made his move.

With her back pressed up against the wall, and her body close to his, she rested her hands on his chest, but she didn't push him away.

"W-wh-what are you doing," she said in a shy, quiet tone.

She knew exactly what he was doing, but she couldn't really believe it was happening.

Her heart pounded even faster as his body got even closer to her, and her cute pretty hands made little balls of fists as she clenched onto his robes.

Xiao Fang gently raised her chin as his other hand rested comfortably on her waist. At the same time, she closed her eyes and waited for what was about to come.

She nervously hid her shy pink lips, but relaxed when he was close enough to feel the heat from her blushing cheeks.


She reacted to his lips touching hers. He knew she was a shy girl, so he limited himself to just soft pecks. They made soft little sounds as their lips briefly connected and separated a few times, and it was making her face blush even more.

Leaving her back still on the wall, Xiao Fang eventually lifted one of her legs up, then the other, allowing her to wrap her legs around him as he reached into her robes. Xiao Fang didn't want to be too daring with her, so he limited his hands to her waist and thighs.

His hands were strong and warm, so it made her feel smaller than she actually was. Feeling his hands on her smooth skin just made the experience a whole lot better.




They ended up spending the next few minutes in that small room making out together. She didn't know how things escalated so quickly, but she was glad it did.

"Long Wang," she moaned quietly as he started to kiss her neck.

He was making her body feel so hot, she was tempted to strip off her clothes. Before she knew it, her pink little slit was drooling, and she could feel it making her cute little white panties wet.

Xiao Fang was tempted to reach down to make her cute little virgin pussy feel good with his hand, but he stopped himself because he suddenly heard someone coming.

Li Yahui didn't know why he stopped, but she couldn't stop her body from wanting more. However, before she could continue kissing him, she quickly turned around in panic when she heard the door suddenly begin to open.

Once the door was open, a disciple walked in then froze in surprise when she saw Li Yahui.

"Ah... I didn't realize this room was occupied. Sorry to disturb you," the disciple said.

Li Yahui could only imagine what the disciple was thinking. Xiao Fang and Li Yahui were alone in an empty dark room, and they were standing so close together. It wasn't hard to tell that they were kissing.

"It's... It's not what it looks like," Li Yahui quickly said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The disciple asked in confusion.

It was at that moment that Li Yahui realized that Xiao Fang wasn't standing behind her anymore. She looked around, but couldn't find him anywhere. It was as if he just vanished into thin air.

"Ah... nevermind," Li Yahui said before quickly walking past the disciple.

'Where did he go?' she wondered as she walked out of the room, but in the next moment she suddenly heard his voice.

"A bit too close for comfort, don't you think?" Xiao Fang said while leaning against the wall with his arm crossed beside her.

She paused for a moment as she tried to wrap her head around what just happened.

"But weren't you just... I thought for sure we were going to get caught. How did you slip away without being seen?"

"I'm a man with many secrets. Perhaps in time you'll learn a few of them," Xiao Fang replied mysteriously.

Li Yahui looked at him in fascination, almost as if she were trying to figure him out. Just looking at his blindfolds she knew it had to be another one of his secrets.

Xiao Fang was the man that stole her first kiss, naturally, she was more interested in learning about his secrets now, more than ever.

She sexily bit her lower lip as she stared at his lips, she couldn't help but want to kiss him again, but considering where they were, she knew that was impossible. Truthfully, even if they were alone she didn't think she could do it. The best she could do was hope that he would make the first move and kiss her again.

The more she thought about it the hornier she felt. It was only when Xiao Fang finally spoke that she broke out of that daze.

"Shall we continue with the tour?"

Chapter 267 - Xiao Fang Vs. Li Yahui

Li Yahui finished giving Xiao Fang a tour of the club then handed him a book.

"What is this?" He asked.

"It's a beginner's guide on martial arts. We give it to all our new club members," she replied as they returned back to the gym. There, all the new recruits were still practicing in pairs.

Since Xiao Fang was absent during the martial arts demonstration, Li Yahui was also going to tutor him on the basics before sending him off. However, after finding a spot for them to spar, she quickly discovered that he wasn't a beginner at all.

"Is this really your first time?" She asked.

"I know a bit," he replied.

The truth was, Xiao Fang knew more than a bit. Yu An trained him just as hard in martial arts as his father did in swordsmanship. Although he preferred to use his sword than his hands, he knew he could get the job done with both. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"In that case, shall we pick up the pace a little?" She suggested.

"I'll do my best to keep up," Xiao Fang replied.

Xiao Fang defended himself well against Li Yahui's attacks, but the more he did, the harder she tried to land a hit on him.

Xiao Fang suppressed his Body Cultivation to the Core Body realm, but that didn't change the fact that his body and reflexes were both still extremely strong.

After blocking, redirecting, and countering a number of her attacks, Xiao Fang finally went on the offensive. He deflected her hand as his other hand swooped in to push her back. However, being as skillful as she was, she blocked his attack then quickly threw a palm strike, followed by two kicks, making Xiao Fang take a step back.

She smirked thinking that she impressed him, but in that moment of self confidence, Xiao Fang found an opening.

Li Yahui was late to defend herself, as he unexpectedly targeted her pressure point. The attack landed, making her stumble a few steps back.

He didn't strike her pressure point too hard so she hardly felt it, but his intention wasn't to hurt or immobilize her, only to make her realize that he was more experienced than he led her to believe.

"So, you already know about pressure points. In that case I don't need to hold back," she said with an excited smile on her face.

Xiao Fang knew that Li Yahui was a shy girl, but if there was one thing she had in common with Li Xiang and Li Lian, it was that she seemed to have a real joy for competition.

"Hah!" She grunted as she attacked him again.

Xiao Fang and Li Yahui alternated between offense and defense as they fought, but Xiao Fang seemed to be getting the upper hand. Although he was reluctant to throw attacks of his own, he still made sure to punish any openings she left for him during their spar.

To his surprise, when he used his [ Spirit Perception ] technique it became even easier to see her mistakes. Sometimes, he was able to see her blunders even before she made them.

The new recruits in the gym began to notice their fast pace spar, so they started to get interested. Many of them approached to get a closer view since this was also a great opportunity to learn a thing or two from them.

Li Yahui was doing most of the attacking, but Xiao Fang seemed to be leagues above her. Although she was several times stronger than Li Xiang, she was still not a match for Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fang didn't attack her as much as she attacked him, but he still landed over a hundred blows to her pressure points in the past few minutes while she couldn't even land one.


"Whoa, look at him go."

"Is he really a disciple of this sect? Why have I never heard of him?"

"I can't believe he's beating Li Yahui blindfolded. Who is he?"


Eventually, nearly all of the new recruits were watching Xiao Fang fight. At some point, even Li Xiang and Xiao Hei began to notice.

"Ahh, it's Long Wang!" Li Xiang exclaimed before running to get a closer view.

She didn't think Xiao Fang would be able to keep up against Li Yahui, but she quickly realized she was wrong.

Li Yahui was a Tiger-Class disciple and a member of the official Martial Arts team, so although she liked that Xiao Fang was such a tough opponent, she couldn't help but feel like she was losing face in front of so many disciples.

Thinking that she figured him out, Li Yahui intentionally left herself wide open, baiting him to attack. When Xiao Fang went in to punish her for the mistake, she quickly made her move.

Li Yahui dodged his hands and knee as she suddenly slid her back foot forward.

[ Misdirection ]


Li Yahui's eyes widened, because the attack didn't hit him like she expected it to, her attack was blocked. Xiao Fang stopped her kick so effortlessly, it almost seemed as if she didn't use the [ Misdirection ] technique at all.

Xiao Fang was blindfolded, but he still saw the fake kick because he was watching her with his [ Spirit Perception ] eyes. Although it was a good block, Xiao Fang didn't think it was something to be so surprised about.

Li Yahui only paused for a brief moment, but Xiao Fang still considered that a mistake. He quickly threw a palm strike to punish it, but she quickly raised her arms to block.

[ Misdirection ]

While an image of his palm strike shot straight for her head, his real hand went straight for her gut instead.


The attack hit, making Li Yahui fall on her butt. She had been struck on her pressure points so many times, her limbs were starting to feel numb.


"Wasn't that the [ Misdirection ] technique just now? I thought only the Li Family guild could learn it. How could they let someone from a different guild learn it?"

"Are they teaching non-guild members that technique now? I want to learn it too."


The crowd began to talk about Xiao Fang as if him learning the [ Misdirection ] technique was bigger news than him beating an experienced martial artist.

Chapter 268 - Li ChangYing's Grievances

[ Li Family Guild House ]

News of Xiao Fang learning the [ Misdirection ] technique had quickly spread amongst the Li family clansmen. No one knew who he was, but it wasn't the first time they were hearing his name.

Back when Li Xiang passed the Inner Court Exam, the first thing she did when she arrived at the Li Family guild was tell them to go find a man by the name of Long Wang. For that reason alone, many of them began to suspect that Li Xiang was the one that gave Xiao Fang the [ Misdirection ] technique.

The news eventually reached the ears of the only Li family clansmen in the Dragon-Class. She was none other than Li Xiang's half-sister, Li ChangYing.

"What!?" Li ChangYing raged as she slammed her desk.

"We don't know who taught it to him, we don't even know if the rumors are true, but we wanted to immediately inform you just in case it was," the disciple reported to her.

Li ChangYing was worried because she believed it to be true. She knew Li Xiang's character well, so she was convinced that this was something she would certainly do.

"Everything is just a game to her, but this time she's gone too far," Li ChangYing said to herself.

"Where is he now?" Li ChangYing asked the disciple in front of her.

"He might still be in the Martial Arts club room," the disciple replied.

Upon hearing that, Li ChangYing immediately got up from her chair then quickly rushed out the door. When she arrived at the Martial Arts club, she discovered that Xiao Fang wasn't there.

'Damn it,' she cursed inwardly.

Xiao Fang had left early because he knew many of the disciples were bothering him about where he learned the [ Misdirection ] technique from. He didn't want to give Li Xiang up, so he decided to leave instead.


Although Xiao Fang wasn't there, Li ChangYing didn't return back to the guild house because she eventually saw Li Xiang practicing with Xiao Hei.

"You!" Li ChangYing angrily said as she pulled her away by the arm.

"Ahh let go of me," Li Xiang whined.

After taking her to a private room Li ChangYing finally let go of her arm.

"Tell me you didn't give Long Wang our [ Misdirection ] technique."

Seeing the look in her elder sister's eyes, Li Xiang could tell that she really messed up this time. Hesitant to answer, Li Xiang wanted to prepare for the worst, but it was too late.


Li ChangYing slapped Li Xiang much harder than she ever did before, making her fall to the ground as blood began to trickle down from the corner of her lips.

Despite being beneath her half-sister in terms of authority, she still viciously punished Li Xiang since no one else would.

Li Xiang had no time to even apologize, but the truth was that she didn't even want to. Since Li Lian was his fiancée, he had every right to that technique than anyone else in the Li Family guild. However, since she promised not to tell anyone about his relationship with Li Lian, she kept it inside as her older sister continued to beat her.

"Do you realize your mistake now, little sister?"


Li Xiang didn't reply.

Li ChangYing wanted to continue hitting her, not just because she broke the guild's sacred rule, but also for all the grievances she kept building up inside of her all these years.

Despite having the same father, no one treated Li ChangYing the same way as her younger sister because her mother was a whore. Even though Li ChangYing was a Dragon-Class disciple, everyone still placed Li Xiang above her in terms of authority.

Li ChangYing cared for her little sister, and wanted to see her succeed, but she couldn't help having these inner grievances whenever she saw Li Xiang breaking the family rules and acting like a child. Li Xiang didn't deserve the respect she was given, not like Li ChangYing did who had to work hard for everything she had.

Li Xiang was weak and bruised as she coughed up blood, but she still refused to admit her wrong doings.

Li ChangYing knew she should've kept hitting her, but she was unable to make herself do it. For the crime Li Xiang committed, she deserved a punishment that was 100 times worse than this, but she was her beloved older sister, so she was unable to continue.

"Where is he?" Li ChangYing finally asked in a stern tone.




Meanwhile at the Cultivation Room Rental building, Xiao Fang was speaking to the sexy Elder at the front desk as he ordered to rent out a 1,000 merit points room for 1 hour.

"That will be 1,000 merit points," the Elder said.

Xiao Fang paid her up front then bribed her with a valuable beauty product, requesting that she make a specific person guard his room. The Elder accepted his bribe and agreed with a beautiful smile.

She then gave Xiao Fang an armband and the keys to room 69. She hoped that he would catch the hint this time, but he accepted it as if he didn't.

"Thank you," he said with a handsome smile.

The beautiful Elder nodded, before he started to walk away.

Ever since Xiao Fang walked into the building, the Elder had been smiling at him as if she knew something he didn't. This wasn't the second time they were meeting, they had actually met a few times in the bedroom in the Outer Court, but she assumed he wouldn't recognize her since he was blindfolded. She even shamelessly stared at his nether region a few times thinking he wouldn't notice.

Xiao Fang noticed everything. He even knew who the Elder was, but didn't say anything because Su Yun made his clients believe that he couldn't see who he was sleeping with to keep their identities safe.

Thinking about the intention behind his request, the elder could only imagine that his intention was anything but innocent. She suddenly leaned over the counter to watch him leave, then bit her lower lip sexily as she thought about what she would do with him the next time they were alone together.

Once he was gone, the Elder quickly rushed into the back room to get the girl Xiao Fang asked for.

"Peng Ting, room 69."

Chapter 269 - Room 69 (18+)

"Peng Ting, room 69."




Peng Ting raised her head as soon as she heard her name being called.

"How many people?" she asked.

"Just one," the Elder replied.

"Just one? Can't Shen Shaoling take care of it then? I'm on break right now," Peng Ting complained.

"The client specifically requested that you serve him today. If you do your job well, you might even get a handsome tip," the Elder added.


Peng Ting didn't know what to make of this situation because no one had ever asked her to serve them before.

"Why would anyone ask for Peng Ting's service?" Shen Shaoling questioned jealousy because the Elder mentioned that Peng Ting could even get a nice tip from them.

"Perhaps it's because she did a good job the last time he was here. You should be more like Peng Ting and work harder in the future," the Elder took this chance to scold her.

Once Peng Ting walked out of the back room, the Elder suddenly pulled her in then whispered, saying,

"You wouldn't happen to know why a man wearing a blindfold would come here asking for your service, would you?" She asked Peng Ting.

The moment Peng Ting heard the description of their client, she immediately thought about Xiao Fang.

"Ahh... n-no. I-I don't know why he would ask for me," she replied unconvincingly.

The Elder saw right through her lie, so she briefly squinted and smirked at her, but concealed it before she could notice.

"Alright, get going then. He should be waiting for you."

After Peng Ting left, the Elder returned to the back room then said,

"Shen ShaoLing, take my place at the front counter till I get back. There's something I need to do."




Standing outside of room 69, Peng Ting was going to knock on his door, but then stopped herself to take a few moments to tidy her hair and robes a bit. However, before she could finish, Xiao Fang suddenly opened his door.

"L-Long Wang," she said as she looked up at him with wide eyes.

Xiao Fang extended a hand for her, then she took it, allowing him to slowly pull her into his room before closing the door behind her.

The last time they were in this exact room, they ended up doing erotic things together, things she would never forget. Remarkably she was still a virgin after the experience, so she assumed he came back to finish what he started.

"M-my name is Peng Ting, and I'll be your server for today," she tried to act calm and professional, but it was hard when the man of her dreams stood right in front of her. Just holding his hand was already making her shy little sweet spot moist.

Xiao Fang could see right through her. He could see her cravings and desires just as clearly as he could see the sweat trickling down her silky skin.

"Follow me in," he said as he let go of her hand.

Xiao Fang approached the small pool while taking off his clothes, including his blindfold. Once he reached the pool, he turned around then looked into Peng Ting's eyes as he slowly unbuttoned her uniform from the collar down to her bellybutton.

She was so turned on, she helped him take her clothes off next, letting it all drop down to the floor.

When she had nothing on but a bra and her panties, Xiao Fang made her sit down at the ledge of the pool before slowly taking her panties off. He spread her legs apart, but her hand was shyly covering her exposed little bottom lips.

Xiao Fang brought his face between her legs and began to lick the back of the hand. She didn't know why she was so shy to let him see it this time, but the more he licked her hand the more she wanted to feel him lick her precious fruit.

Since she was still too shy to move her hand, Xiao Fang's tongue peaked between her thin delicate fingers then licked between them acting as if he were licking her naked pink slit. The feeling was so lewd, it was starting to make her face blush.

Finally she move her hand out of the way, letting him see her closed pussy lips. Xiao Fang only took a moment to admire the aesthetic of it before he finally brought his mouth closer in.

He was so close she could feel his warm breath tickling her skin, making her breathe more heavily as she combed her fingers through his hair.



She moaned quietly as he licked it twice. He licked it one last time before breaking eye contact and dug his tongue between her closed smooth pussy lips to lick her cute pink sensitive slit.

"Ahh~ ahh~ ahha~" she moaned as she stretched her neck and closed her eyes.

She loved the way he licked her pussy because it made her feel so good.

Xiao Fang started slow, but he quickly picked up his pace, making her pretty toes curle.

"That feels good, ahha~"

Before long, Xiao Fang's tongue began to slide into her tiny hole, making her lie back down on the floor.

Her waist reacted as if she wanted him to go deeper, so he did.

Xiao Fang's long tongue thrust deep inside of her, making her body squirm as her back arched off the ground.

However, only seconds after he started using his [ Electric Tongue ] technique her legs began to shake, and her pussy squeezed.

"I'm cumming!~~" she screamed her moan before climaxing.

Her lower body jerked as she squirted several times in his mouth, but Xiao Fang sucked it all. As soon as he did, her squirt immediately evaporated into Qi for his dantian to absorb. Her cultivation wasn't very high, but he accepted her Yin Qi all the same.

When she was done, Xiao Fang helped her into the pool.

With her back turned to him, Xiao Fang took off her bra, then began to fondle her tits as he kissed her neck.

Feeling his indecency tucked between her cushiony buttcheeks, she eventually turned around to stroke it with her small soft hands.

"It's my turn to make you feel good," she said, but Xiao Fang had a better idea.




Meanwhile, standing outside of Xiao Fang's door was a beautiful middle-aged Elder. The same one that gave Xiao Fang the keys to his room. However, she didn't look the same way as she did before, she had clearly fixed herself up a bit before coming.

Her name was Elder Xia Lu, and from all the Elders Xiao Fang dual cultivated with back in the Outer Court, Tian Lu was definitely one of the prettiest.

Since he was an Outer Court disciple at the time, it was always difficult for her to go see him. However, now that he was an Inner Court disciple there would be nothing holding her back.

Elder Xia Lu was wearing a different set of robes, her hair was tied back, her wavy bangs were down, and her pink glossy lips complemented her blushing cheeks perfectly.

She didn't go all out with her clothes, but it didn't matter since she was already such a remarkably beautiful woman.

Her alluring eyes stared at the vacant spot outside of Xiao Fang's door, but there was no one there. She knew Peng Ting wasn't in the kitchen, so there was only one place where she could be.

The corners of her pink supple lips curled upwards as her suspicions seemed to be true.

"I knew it."

Chapter 270 - Optional Smut : Peng Ting

As Xiao Fang laid on the surface of the pool, Peng Ting climbed on top of him before she brought her lower half down on his face.

On the other side of their 69, Peng Ting stroked his cock as she began to cutely lick on it like a warm popsicle. She wasn't experienced with this sort of thing so she didn't exactly know what to do. However, she remembered the way Xiao Hei was sucking him the last time they were here, so she tried to copy her movements.

Peng Ting closed her eyes as she stuffed his meat in her mouth, then she began to gently fondle his balls as she bobbed her head up and down.

"Mym~ mymm~"

She moaned as she sloppily slurped his erect pleasure stick. She might've been new to this, but she had a hell of a tongue.

She salivated so much it drooled down his shaft, and made a mess of his balls that were still being fondled by her.

'Not bad,' Xiao Fang thought.

Peng Ting impatiently started to rub her pussy against his face. She couldn't wait, she wanted to feel his tongue, she wanted to feel good and cum again.

Xiao Fang wrapped his arms around her thighs then gave her what she wanted.

"Mymm~~" she moaned as her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

The way he licked her sensitive pink slit made her lower half move all on its own. His sexual prowess was far above hers, so she didn't even try to compete against him.

Not long after he started, he began to add his fingers into the mix. Although he wanted her to feel good, his main objective was to make her tight pussy fit his entire Naked Sword. When she was finally ready, Xiao Fang finally added another finger.




Xiao Fang and Peng Ting stayed in that 69 position for the next 10 minutes. In that time, she also licked his balls while giving him a handjob, spat on his tip, licked it clean, and even attempted to thrust his long penis down her tight slimy throat.

The last time they were here, Peng Ting watched as Xiao Fei took his entire dick down her tiny throat, but no matter how many times she tried it, Peng Ting was unable to do the same.

In the meantime, Xiao Fang was making her squirt almost every other minute. When he thought she was ready, he finally carried her out of the pool then laid her down on her back.

When she realized what he wanted to do, she hugged her knees as if to brace herself, but at the same time she was exposing both of her holes for him.

Xiao Fang rested his hand on her lower abdomen as he guided his tip to her slippery slit. He slid his mushroom up and down against her warm moist pussy, making a lewd sound as they rubbed together.

'He's going to do it, he's really going to put it in,' she thought as she looked down at it.

Still hugging her knees, her pretty little toes stretched in the air as his dick finally found her tiny hole and pushed into it.

'Fuck, she's so tight,' he thought as he felt her gripping wet walls suck him in.

He moved slowly because he didn't want to hurt her, but it took all he had because it felt so good.

"It... it's so big," she said in a shaky tone as he squeezed her round ass.

The truth was, her pussy was just too small, even the average person would think that she was too tight. Not that anyone would complain.

Xiao Fang held her legs up by the ankles as he continued to push his dick deeper, making her arch her back.

She didn't bleed, but it was rare for girls to do so past the Body Foundation realm.

Xiao Fang continued to push till he was 4 inches deep. Peng Ting looked down thinking he had pushed it all in, but was surprised to find that there were still a few more inches left.

Xiao Fang could've kept going deeper, but 4 inches was good enough. He slowly pulled back before thrusting his waist back in.


He pulled back then thrusted again then again, slowly picking up speed till he was moving at a comfortable pace.

"ahh~ ahh~ ahh~"

She moaned to every thrust, as if she couldn't get enough of it. This was her first time having sex, but it was so much better than she was expecting it to be.

His hand rested next to her head as he looked her in the eyes. When Xiao Fang was on top of her like this he wasn't just a man, but the personification of sex and pleasure itself.

Looking up at him like this made Peng Ting feel smaller than she actually was. Xiao Fang was a sex fiend, and right now, his eyes were only on her.

"Long Wang mym~ deeper. I want more~"

This wasn't Xiao Fang's first time in this situation, so he thought he knew exactly what she could handle, but hearing her tell him to go deeper made him think that he was moving too slow.

Xiao Fang thrusted 2 inches deeper, then started fucking her a bit harder, 6 inches deep. She seemed to be in pain, but the pleasure she felt from it made it worth it.


5 minutes later, the room was filled with her moans as he fucked her like a wild beast. She didn't feel any pain from his thrusts anymore, so he could go even deeper and harder than before.

They changed positions a few times till he was laying under her with her back to his chest. She loved the way he squeezed her breasts and rubbed her clit as he fucked her tight pussy.

"Ahh~ I'm going to cum."

"Let's do it together," he said before rubbing her a bit harder.

Although he didn't use any Dual Cultivation techniques, his overwhelming Dual Cultivation Qi was enough to give her an intense pleasurable experience she'd never forget.

"I'm cumming!~"