
They followed the fleet and parked by a backstreet, watching as heavily armed men drove towards their planned location.

"Wait a minute, that's my dad's shop!" Zoe was shocked how close to danger her family was in.

But as the men head towards their determined location, a tree blocked their view.

"Darn it! How are we gonna get a better view?" Zane asked.

"Up there," Hektor replied, shooting out of Shelly's body and looking at the ladder leading up to the rooftop of the shophouse. They climbed the ladder and spotted the men beginning to storm Zoes' parent's gun shop. They carried a door breaker from the Actros began to bust the door open. The door was at first persistent but eventually gave way. Wooden splinters flies all over the place as the men came down hard with their rifles.

"Secure the perimeter! Move!" A man yelled. Dwayne felt strange, for wearing head gear, why does he sounds and looks so familiar. He then realizes it was obvious. "Why is my dad here? Shouldn't he be at Saudi Arabia just like what..." Dwayne was shocked, almost about to squeal before Bryony cuts him off. Extending her hand to cover his mouth.

"How are we going to help them?" Zoe breaks in cold sweat, wondering what her parents had just done.

" I just have the best idea, Follow me!" He climbed down the stairs and quickly move through the alleyways to the next street. Watching out for the men as he ushered his friends along. Zoe looks at him but yet, he doesn't look back. "Looks like he may not ready yet..." she thought to herself. He moves down an alleyway and up the gun shop. On the roof he points at the huge air duct.

"If one of you can remove this metal piece, we can possibly get down to them!" He looks at them with glee.

"Wow I didn't know you are such a spy..." Dwayne looked at him, impressed. Bryony quickly shot slime out of Dwayne's hand and pulled the air duct apart. Hektor cringed as a loud metallic sound is made. The men looked up, suspicious of an interference. But shrugs their shoulders anyways. "Must had been a rat!" He told his partner as they relieved a sigh of relief.

"Let's get in! But Dwayne you enter first!" Zane said. "Why?" Dwayne asked. "Can't you tell, friend? For sound reduction and a safety net." Zane looked at him, shrugging his shoulder. Pretending to look away as he formed a net and they jumped in.

"It's ready!" Daniel watched as Kathryn comes out of the changing room, wearing a special coated black latex jump suit with a belt fitted with a pistol and a knife. The suit was really tight and he subtly her unzip bits of her suit showing off bits of her 'assets'. He was not complaining however with her smoking hot figure. She wears a leather jacket and puts on her gloves with knuckle dusters. "Good luck!" He looks at her smiling. Hoping that she would finally get her answers. As he stood by a tall lever. He is about to pull it down when the men bust in.

"Put your hands up where I can see them!" Elton shouted as he points his pistol at the man. "You big pussy, what do you even think you are doing?" Daniel looks back, startled and annoyed as Kathryn pulls out her modified Glock 24, it's bullets fitted with hydrochloric darts. The men quickly aimed their rifle at her. Their minds trading blows as they stared down at each other. Meanwhile up in the air ducts, the group listens out from an air duct, the portal still whirling as they struggled to reduce the noise they are making.

"What is that?" Zane whispered, his soft voice echoing through ducts, sounding as if the air ducts were faulty. Dwayne shrugs his shoulders as they listened closely to what is going on.

"How dare you create a weapon of mass destruction!" Elson yelled. "You know nothing!" Kathryn retorted back. Zoe was shocked. How much did she not know? Suddenly the air duct shakes "Uh oh..." Shelly looks up as the air duct cracks, the entire air duct collapses as they fell down. The men, thinking it was an attack quickly shot at the air ducts as Daniel and Elson dodges the debris. The kids yelled in fear as Bryony created a slime shield to protect them. "You got to be kidding me..." Elson watched as they landed on the lever, somehow managing to pull it down, breaking it. Causing the portal to aggressively whirl, a bright light comes out of the portal, the room begins to rumble as Elson screams in anger, "DWAYNE AND SHELLY! WTF DO YOU THINK YOU BOTH ARE DOING!!!" Just then bright red light engulfs the room, with winds kicking them to the ground. Outside, dark red clouds emerged. Lightning strikes the ground as the men outside freaks out, rushing into the gun shop. They were suddenly blinded by the bright light as the light travelled far and wide. Brightening the near darkened sky. As the light settled, Kathryn got back up on her feet. She watches as a man emerges out of the portal. His pistol at hand as he looked towards her. Elson looks up as Kathryn talks to him in Russian, "Kaminev is that you?" He watches his surroundings as he softly spoke, with a gruff voice.
