
After their heated encounter Lyralei helped Yurnero get more accustomed to Zarukina first is they went to the Guild to get Yurnero a rank. The rank is divided into Adamantium, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. Adamantium is the highest while the lowest rank is bronze. Level 1 to 5 is bronze, level 6 to 10 is silver, level 11 to 15 is gold, level 16 to 20 is platinum while level 21 to 24 is adamantium and level 25 is diamond which no one have ever reach since the dawn of time that's why it isn't stated on the Guild.

"Now let's see how strong you really are just so you know I'm already a Platinum rank and Level 20" Lyralei boast as she talks with Yurnero, "what a cocky girl, you'll choke later on". As they reach the reception desk they're greeted by Ana and said "what can i do to you young couples for today?". As Lyralei heard what she said she immediately blushed and replied "no we aren't a couple in anyway and that will never happen he's only a brute that knows how to feed his lust!" Hearing what she just said Ana then shifts her attention to the young man she is with.

As soon as Ana and Yurnero maid contact she felt that this alone is enough to make her shiver and have cold feet just the presence alone is this strong how monstrous is this man if he gets serious thought Ana. "Is something the matter?" asked Yurnero, "uhmm... nothing, so I guess you want this friend of yours to get evalauted and registered dear lady?" asked Ana as she eyed Lyralei thinking how can she not feel the aura being emitted by Yurnero. "Oh yes please do, I can't wait to laugh at him when he gets his rank" she said as she laughed to her hearts content.

"Okay then follow me Mr. Yurnero to the evaluating room, Ms. Lyralei can you wait here for the moment?". "Why do i have to I want to see his rank" she replied. Ana knows that his rank can't be simple so it must be kept or else lots of trouble will be coming to him and the town. "Miss please do understand" pleaded Ana, Lyralei really wants to see how capable is Yurnero that's why she wants to see it first hand but in the end she gave up. "Ok, ok i concede". "Thank you for your understanding" said Ana.

"Then let's go Mr. Yurnero" with a nod they proceded to the room and saw a crystal mirror that's rather elegant and expensive. "So what am I to do now Ms. Ana?". "Go face the crystal mirror and release your intent towards it" said Ana. Yurnero moved at the crystal mirror and started releasing his intent towards it, on the other side Ana is fondling her breasts, her nipples stiff, her vag*na wet and dripping. "Why am I acting like a cat in heat" Ana said to herself. Yurnero without knowing what's happening at his back still continued to do his task then suddenly the mirror cracked and a massive ripple of domineering aura has been released making the masturbating Ana snap out of it, makes Lyralei looked at the room with caution and alerted the Guildmaster of Zarukina.

"Uhmm.. Miss Ana the mirror broke what does this mean?" asked Yurnero. Ana is alarmed and shocked at the same time she never have heard that the Red Grade All Seeing Mirror can be shattered just by feeding it intent. "Well i can't explain what have happened because this have never occurred before wait for me I'll go get the Guildmaster" said Ana as she runs for the door but as soon as she opened it the Guildmaster which is a towering, bulky human, wearing full plate armor entered. "No need to find me Receptionist Ana" the Guildmaster said. After that he directly eyed Yurnero like an enemy and decided to stay on guard against such a dangerous fellow. "Hello my name is Davion the Guildmaster of Zarukina", "I'm Yurnero a wandering traveler" replied Yurnero coldly because he can feel the pressure being exerted by Davion and it is not a friendly one.

Ana suddenly felt the air gets tense and she didn't dare to breath freely afraid of disturbing the stalemate between the Guildmaster and Yurnero. "I don't believe that a wandering traveler can release such a destructive and powerful aura that's enough to shatter a Red Type Equipment" said Davion. "This just means that I'm strong way too strong for that mirror to decide my rank" Yurnero said while eyeing Davion. Davion noticed his equipment and they all release a cold and sinister aura of death specially that black sword on his back. "Hmmpp aren't you a little cocky to be mocking a red type equipment do you think it's just a grass that's easy to find?" said Davion angrily. "What's done is done, so what is my rank?" directly asked Yurnero. Davion returned to being level headed and calm of course he is the guildmaster he must be calm all the time and not lose his cool over a trivial matter.

Davion procedes to his seat and thinks for a while before giving Yurnero his rank. "In the name of the guildmaster of Zarukina I Davion the Dragon Knight bestow upon you the rank of Adamantium" he knows that this rank is low for Yurnero's skill he's true worth is Diamond rank but he can't just issue it he needs the approval of the King before appointing someone that kind of rank even he himself can't achieve the legendary rank of Diamond. Yurnero is happy with what he got because he knows that Adamantium is higher than Platinum which Lyralei is at so he can tease her everyday with this. "Okay that's fine with me" he said as he was about to leave he was stopped by Davion. "Yurnero what really is your purpose here and what are you?" he asked with a more frendlier tone. "I'm just really a wandering traveler and i want to explore places that's all" replied Yurnero while walking outside the door.

Davion called the attention of Ana and said "Be sure to keep an eye on him as long as he stays in the town of Zarukina", "yes guildmaster" Ana replied. Now go and resume your work he said to Ana, as she was walking Davion noticed the drips of fluid to where Ana is standing what is that? Ana is now outside of the room and started to think about her actions "why the hell am i masturbating at that moment, am i really attracted to Yurnero?".

Yurnero is now with Lyralei and begins boasting his rank and starts to tease her. "What did you just say lately?"said Yurnero," I didn't say nothing" replied Lyralei with a flushed face. "Is that so...." said Yurnero, "i didn't say noth...." just as Lyralei was about to finished her statement Yurnero grabbed her butt and decides to play with it. "what are you... kyaah hey stop it they'll see us" she said. "I can't see no one" replied Yurnero as he continues the deed and works his way to the two towering peaks of Lyralei. Lyralei bit her lips doing her best to fight the pleasure and lust that's overcoming her thoughts. "Oh what's this are you getting turned on" Yurnero asked as he was feeling her nipples getting stiff again just like last time. "No! I'm not you stupid it's just.... Nyaah don't be so rough" said Lyralei with a sexy voice.

In a secluded place Ana is hiding there while observing the act of Yurnero and Lyralei as she also begins to feel hot and decides to continue what she started in the room. "I was supposed to keep an eye on him but know I'm using him as my fap material but this is also considered observing right?" Ana is know filled with lust that he just wants to jump there and do it with Yurnero.

"Why won't you just give in and experience true pleasure Lyralei?" asked Yurnero, "I really can't not yet and I still don't know you fully" she said. "How about this let's go find a room then I'll tell you about me sounds good?" he said. Lyralei is thinking hard but in the end said "ok i know a place let's go to my house".

In the secluded place, "wait where are they going now?" said Ana. "I must follow them this is called keeping an eye on them so it must be good".

After walking for 15 minuted Yurnero and Lyralei reached the house, it is only a simple house just like a bungalow but with more greenery and plants. "Nice house" said Yurnero, "really? Just so you know you're the first male to ever enter my house so be grateful" said Lyralei. "Ok, ok I'm grateful to you" replied Yurnero, "that's more like it" she said. "Let's go what are you waiting for you nervous?" laughed Lyralei. "No, I'm not! Let's go" said Yurnero.