A Fateful Night

It is already late in the evening when Yurnero and Lyralei reached the house and as soon as they entered it the persistent one Ana still managed to follow them. "How can I go inside now?" thought Ana, "I mean I can't just go in and trespass on another one's property hays maybe it is just not my day". After she finished saying that she now started to head back to the Guild for her daily report to Davion on what's Yurnero's current activities and location. Back in the house, "Ain't my house just beautiful" said the boastful Lyralei, "hmm it is quite nice" replied Yurnero. "Huhhh! That's all you can say you really are a brute hmmph!" retorted the girl. All of sudden Yurnero's stomach began to rumble, "Oops". "Hahaha, serves you right!" said Lyralei, "I just haven't eaten yet for like a day it is obvious that i would be hungry" he said. "Then why didn't you buy something with the money you swiped from those three?" she asked. "I don't know what to buy yet at that moment and also I'm not hungry at all that time" he said. "Fine, fine i will cook us a meal but after that you'll tell me everything about yourself, don't hide anything!" Lyralei said with a loud voice. "Yes chef" replied Yurnero.

As the conversation is now over Lyralei proceded to the kitchen and started cooking. Meanwhile, Yurnero is getting bored just sitting there so he decided to roam around the house and found a drawing of what seems to be Lyralei and her family. Yurnero got astonished because Lyralei is grumpy in this portrait and can't help but laugh. Hearing that obnoxious laugh Lyralei immediately went and see what the man is doing in her house. "Hey what do you think you're doing" she said but as soon as she saw that he's laughing at that portrait she suddenly went into fumes and darted at Yurnero. Lyralei slammed into Yurnero's chest and by that impact pushed him down together with her. "Hey aren't you getting excited?" teased Yurnero as he pins her down holding her waist. "This..." Lyralei can't even come up with a proper retort as Yurnero is holding her waist.

Without further ado Yurnero suddenly pressed his lips onto Lyralei's red and succulent lips. Together with his lips and tongue he explored Lyralei's deep mouth that makes their saliva tangle and mix with each other. Lyralei can't fight this feeling it's just too good not to enjoy she thought so she let Yurnero handle it. As Yurnero feels that Lyralei is giving her control he started to feel her ass and as expected it is as soft and plump as a peach that makes you just want to play with it for a long time. When they're about to get serious Lyralei smelled that the dish that she's cooking is burning and left the somewhat crestfallen Yurnero. "My dish!" Lyralei said as she breaks away from Yurnero and started to hurry to the kitchen.

Yurnero is disappointed on what happened it was just about to get good but that damn food just burned at that particular moment fuck. "I guess we will likely continue this later on" he said as he went to the kitchen to also see Lyralei's dish. As he was about to arrive at the kitchen the thing that greeted him are dishes and spoon and forks all untensils at the kitchen kept flying towards him and the one doing that is Lyralei. "What the hell are you doing woman!" said Yurnero but Lyralei still didn't stop throwing the utensils. "Can't you see what happened to my dish because of what you just did to me" replied Lyralei. "Don't tell me you didn't like it" said Yurnero with a cunning face. "You, you, you really are a pervert and a brute you can't understand what a girl feels when they are subjected to that kind of matter" she replied.

"Then what do you want me to do?" asked Yurnero, "you'll cook the meal" said Lyralei. Well Yurnero basically can't cook complicated and elegant dishes he only knows to cook dishes simply. "What... But I don't know how to cook" he replied, "not my problem" she said as she pouts. Yurnero just think of a wonderful plan and said "How about we just cook it together, I will do the slicing and dicing while you do the cooking I will be your assistant". "Well that can be accepted" she replied. So time passes by and they finally cooked a decent meal to eat Yurnero's stomach is killing him.

The dish is mostly vegetables but there's also some meat in it, time passed by quickly and they've finished eating. "Ok now tell me all about yourself" said Lyralei, "ok be ready and listen well" he replied.

"I'm Yurnero the Juggernaut of the Isle of Mask but I'm exiled due to disobeying what they have given me..." Yurnero told all about himself to Lyralei. "Is that so then you're the last of your kind?" asked Lyralei. "I don't even know now because when I got exiled there are still lot of us but my time of exile is long so i don't knoe what could've happened to them" he replied. "Now it's your turn" said Yurnero, "when did i say that i will tell you about myself humphh!" she replied. "That's not fair" said Yurnero. Yurnero keeps on nagging her to give it up and also share her past and what she is.

"Uhhh.. Fine" replied Lyralei, "That's what I'm talking about" said the smiling Yurnero. "I'm Lyralei the Windranger and naturally am from Zarukina but my parents were killed in a storm when i was still a child....." Lyralei also shared her past and described herself to Yurnero. "I'm sorry for.." Yurnero was about to finish talking but she saw Lyralei tears flowing down her face and he acted impulsively to wipe it off. "Oh I can't believe I'm crying for what had happened for a long time" she said. "It's ok just let it all out" as Yurnero said this Lyralei bursted in tears as she used Yurnero's chest as a pillow and cried till she gets her fill. After that session Lyralei is now feeling better and asked for her to sleep now because she is tired. "Where will i sleep now?" said Yurnero, "come into my room there are two seperwte beds there you can sleep in the other one" she said.

They have now entered the room and Lyralei directly went into sleep and Yurnero somewhat disappointed that they can't do the deed tonight just slept because he knows that this isn't the right time to do it. Just as when the moonlight hits Yurnero's face he got awakened and found out that Lyralei is right on top of him. "What are you doing Lyralei" he said, "Oh just stop it let's do it" she said as she was about to insert Yurnero's standing rod inside her. "Umhphhh, I think it won't fit it's just too big" she said but she still forced it and it suddenly went straight into her breaking her hymen and she let out a loud moan. "Is this what they call intercourse between a man and a woman" she said as she is still shaking from that. "Are you ok?" asked Yurnero, "I'm fine you can move now but slowly ok" she said. Yurnero didn't waste any second and began to thrust his mighty rod onto Lyralei's love hole, "uhhh, ahhh slowly don't be so rough" said Lyralei, "I can't help it it's just too good" said Yurnero as he keeps pulling and pushing. Yurnero decided to stand and pinned Lyralei up the wall while holding one of her legs. "Nyaahh.. What are you doing be gentle" she said, "just let me do all the work and enjoy tonight's activity" Yurnero said. Yurnero thrust his rod again inside Lyralei and the pleasure felt of the both of them intensified greatly as they're sweating more and more.

"I feel something coming what's this" Lyralei said, "I'm gonna cum" he said. "Idiot, don't do it inside if you do I'll get pregnant" she said. Yurnero pulled out his rod from Lyralei's love hole and shot out his load onto her ass. After that they're breathing like crazy, it's just like when they went to a battle and escaped with all their life. "You'll have to take responsibility now!" Lyralei said, "of course don't worry i will never leave your side" said Yurnero. As she heard what he just said Lyralei went into Yurnero's chest and savors the moment thinking that she finally have found someone to rely on. Yurnero seeing this act of Lyralei lit the fire inside of him and his rod that's resting begans to stand up again. "Aren't you a little energetic" Lyralei said, Yurnero can't do anything about it so he just laugh it out. Then suddenly Lyralei grabbed his rod and said "Will this do?" she begins to give him a blowjob like never before. Yurnero is feeling ecstatic right now and as Lyralei keeps sucking him he also begins to work his hand towards Lyralei's vag*na and inserted a finger and decided to play with it. "I'm gonna cum again" said Yurnero, "shoot it in my mouth" said Lyralei. Just like that Yurnero unloaded everything he got inside Lyralei's mouth and decided to stop now because if he doesn't he might get done in by doing it too much. After that they cleaned up and enjoyed each others company together naked in the same bed as the moonlight highlighted their bodies.

Author's Notes:

This is my first time writing a sex scene, please feel free to comment about it for i will improve with your help thanks.