Chapter 1: Two Fates

"A day that is young and a night that is dark, the two are opposites but no matter what, they'll always be connected", predicted the young prodigy.

The night was young and all Rosetta could think about was what this prophecy was about. She couldn't help but feel disappointed in herself, after all she has beaten many powerful royals and prodigies in order to become the best magician in twenty-five kingdoms, yet there she was spending hours trying to figure out a prophecy.

Frustrated she moved to sit near the windowsill of her tall tower and gazed at the stars, as the moonlight shone on her soft, pale and delicate looking face. She remembered when she first told people how she wanted to become a prodigy in magic and how they just laughed while thinking it was impossible for a delicate looking beauty like her to become a strong and powerful person. Ever since then she disguised herself and made a strong backing so that way she wouldn't have to tell anyone her true identity, which is the daughter of a prestigious, duke family which would definitely effect how people might think of her. The only people who know of her true identity are her parents, a butler, the King of the Kingdom she resides in and the Roses'. The Roses' are friends and members of The Rose Group. They are people she trained to become some of the most powerful wizards to exist, but the ones who stood out the most are the Five Roses', the most powerful people in her group besides herself of course.

The Five Roses' consisted of three boys and two girls, the innocent Yellow Rose, Jack, the romantic Red Rose, Adrian, the energetic Orange Rose, Peter, the wise White Rose, Selena and the sweet Pink Rose, Ariana. They were the only ones who publicly revealed their identities while the others (including her) stayed hidden. She smiled thinking of how much she and her friends have already achieved. She started rising by gaining her magical powers at eight and in the span of six years she is already the best of the best. While smiling happily she headed back to work, thinking of next her next project, completely forgetting about that prophecy.

-At the Royal Palace-

The day was very stressful for the young prince of Celeste. Everyone was having a heated conversation on who was going to become the Prince's tutor for magic!

This all started when he got his magical powers at the age where people get magical powers, the age fourteen. People who got them younger are considered powerful and if people don't get them on their fourteenth birthday meant they have a medical condition preventing them from using magic which is looked down a lot in a world where everything revolves around magic.

In the meeting room some wanted those who were retired but are still very talented and knowledgeable while some wanted those who are young and understand what this generation's magic is like and could teach him new ways to use magic.

The two parties argued over and over again until somebody said, "what about The Rose?"

Ah he knew who The Rose was, she is the best magician out there. The only things they know about her is that her fake name is Rosa and figuring out who she really is impossible.

She is very secretive so trying to get her as his tutor would be incredibly difficult which lead to debate.

"How could that happen! That's impossible, she's the best magician here and doesn't pay any attention to royalty at all unless she has to! Why would she willingly choose to be a tutor for the Prince!?" Shouted a voice.

"But we could at least try, after all she has said that the royalty here is her royalty", argued another.

"That's probably because she was born here and she's known to be quite loyal", replied someone else.

"Exactly! If she is loyal to her country then she would obviously want it to stay number one in advanced magic! And that can't happen if the King isn't good at it!"

The arguing continued and all the Josh could do was just sit there and watch. After endless bickering they decided to end the meeting and hold it on another day which relieved Josh but stressed him out for the next meeting.

As he exited the room he decided to go to the gardens and doze of for a bit since he had nothing to do and couldn't be bothered to do something else.

The sun shone brightly on him as he exited the building. He looked around to see people either walking with papers in their hands, chatting or just simply taking a stroll. Another peaceful day for them while he had to suffer through a bunch of adults who are considered great arguing for three hours straight.

Since he wasn't paying attention while walking to his napping tree he tripped over his own feet and landed onto the concrete path. "Ow, I'm such a idiot", said Josh annoyed.

When he got up he saw his leg had a big cut while the other was badly bruised.

He fell back down in pain while thinking, 'this is going to be a annoying walk to the infirmary', and groaned in pain.

"Would you like some help?" Asked a sweet voice.

Josh turned around to see a cute girl with blonde hair that went to her waist, sweet pink eyes and skin that was as white as the moon. She wore a pastel pink long sleeved top which was tucked into her light pink skirt. The prince recognized who she was, it was the Pink Rose Ariana. He had seen her once before when Rosa was here receiving her title as The Rose, the Best Magician of 25 Kingdoms and at some parties since Ariana is also the daughter of a powerful family. "If you want I could heal your leg for you", said Ariana.

Josh also remembered she specialized in healing and is considered a prodigy in it. He couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of all the power she had when she was the same age as him. She was lucky to be blessed with powers at the age eight. He said, "okay", to her offer and she started healing his leg.

Ariana lifted her arm, hovered it over the bruise on his leg and suddenly a light started to appear and when it disappeared the bruise was no longer there and Josh couldn't feel any pain. She then moved onto the next leg and with a simple swipe the cut was gone. Amazed Josh thanked Ariana and she replied with, "it was no problem to help you, your highness".

He soon started to wonder why she was here and asked, "I don't want to sound rude but why are you here? Is my mother hosting a tea party?"

"Well right now I'm here on orders of The Rose", answered the girl.

As soon as she said that he knew that he shouldn't ask anymore and the two went their separate ways. While Josh headed to his napping tree Ariana headed to the King's office to discuss the task of tutoring the prince.