Chapter 2: The Prince's Tutor

Chapter 2: The Prince's Tutor

-Still Ariana's POV-

Now I wonder what could happen next.

I slowly made my way up the tower of steps leading to the King's office. His office is located in one of the most tallest towers of the palace so getting there did take a while. Because of that most of the time people would use magic to get up there faster, but I felt like walking for once so I stepped onto the concrete stairs and soon arrived at the top.

I walked down the corridor leading to the King's office while hearing my footsteps echoing through it and soon arrived at the door that prevented me from entering the room. I knocked five times and afterwards I heard a voice from inside saying, "you may enter".

I opened the door, stepped into the room and looked at my surroundings.

The office was the same as ever. It had light blue walls with a thick strip of white at the bottom, multiple bookshelves and a large desk placed in front of doors which led onto the balcony.

When I stepped forward his majesty smiled at me while his snow, white hair danced with the breeze coming from the balcony. Both the father and son looked handsome but there was a difference. While the King's looks made you admire that even with all of his work he can still look good, Josh's looks made young maidens fall for him. I heard he has been changing his style from time to time to stop it from happening but it never works. I sighed in my head for him since I understood his pain a few years ago, but in the end I got them to admire my work instead of my looks.

I walked closer to the King's desk, bowed and said, "good afternoon your majesty, I have not seen you since the last party my family hosted".

"Yes, it really has been a while since the last time I saw you. Again thank you so much for agreeing to tutor my son".

"It is no problem. After all, a kingdom's progress is related to how the king rules and I of course still want this country to have the name of The Kingdom With the Most Advanced Magic".

"Well then you better do a good a job".

"I shall try my best".

"Good. When do you think you can start

tutoring him?".

"I can start tomorrow at ten in the morning if you want?"

"That would be great. He already knows the basics so you can skip that and he has memorized a few spells, but I'm not sure if he's confident with casting them so could you practice those spells with him first?"

"Of course".

"Perfect. Then we're all set. Your personal maid is outside the door right now and will lead you to your room. I have also given you another room where you can practice your magic, it is between your bedroom and the Rose Garden. If you need anything else just ask your maid".

"Thank you very much", I said while bowing.

As I walked to the door I spun around and asked him one last question, "by the way, why did you hold a meeting to figure out who the Prince's tutor is going to be when it was decided last week that I was going to be his tutor. It really stressed everyone out".

"Ah well, I wanted to surprise everyone".

"Oh you never change. Anyway goodbye".


We had already discussed the matter of being his tutor a week ago and I only went to his office to confirm a few things, not to chatter about baseless stuff like other people do when trying to gain his majesty's favor which is the reason why the conversation was quite short.

When I closed the door of his office I met my personal maid who is named Iris and followed her to the room where I will be sleeping in for the next three years. Once I was there all of my belongings were already placed in the room due to prior arrangements. The only things I had to unpack was my equipment which I carried in my infinity bag that can hold unlimited items. Before unpacking them into the practice room I placed an enchantment on the room to prevent anything from happening and once that was done I placed all of my items where I wanted them to be then headed back to my bedroom to rest.

I laid down on my bed, took in a breather and dozed of for a few minutes. Once I had woken up I decided to explore the palace grounds to get a feel for the environment.

There are many things here like a forest where the Knights sometimes practiced, an astronomy tower, multiple gardens where the royal pharmacists grow magical herbs, a library with a large amount of books from magic to the common laws of life and more. The thing I was the most curious of was the sword fighting facility since it practiced both styles of sword fighting. The two styles is fighting that requires no magic and fighting where you can use magic while fighting.

The facility is huge and is divided into three sections, one where there is no magic and they used normal swords, one where they used only magical swords and one where they used any magic considered legal.

Normally when there are training facilities for sword fighting it would normally just be one type of style there so the one at the Royal Palace is indeed quite rare. Actually the only training areas I've seen where they have both styles of sword fighting were either at royal palaces or at my ancestral home/family mansion or back at where I lived before this, Vas (the Roses' base). The place has private facilities on a large patch of ground for us to practice our magic, study or do some work and some members of The Roses' also live there. The place is kinda like the Royal Palace, after all they almost had the exact same facilities but Vas is a bit smaller.

I smiled while thinking of how similar this place is to home and continued to look at the many people practicing. As I observed how everyone was fighting I saw Josh practicing with a dummy with a normal, silver sword. He had great techniques but there is many more I can teach him.

I couldn't help but stare at him, there was something special about his fighting that made me attracted to him but I couldn't put my finger on it. I ignored the feeling and watched as he swiftly moved while attacking the dummy with focused, blue eyes.

After a few minutes it seemed he was bored of fighting by himself and looked around to try and find a partner but there was no one. A sad face started to appear on him that nobody could ignore so I stepped into the courtyard where they were fighting in, got a sword, approached Josh and with a small smile said, "would you like to fight with me?"

Everyone around us heard my words, looked our way and laughed. One said, "my, the nobles should look after their daughters better. Look at this one! She looks like she could fall over at any moment as soon as she starts fighting".

But then someone else shouted, "wait, that isn't any other girl, that's Ariana, the Pink Rose!"

Silence followed that sentence and things started to get awkward so I said, "well it looks like I need to work harder so that way you all will recognise me as the Pink Rose".

Suddenly their coach who I have met before walked up to me and apologized for the knights' behaviour. Apparently they mainly fought on a battlefield and rarely guard anyone so they didn't know much about nobles and they didn't know what the Roses' looked like. I guess the reason why Josh practiced with them is because he didn't want to be treated like a prince. The coach got the knights' to apologise and in sync they said, "sorry".

"It's okay, but you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover and I will show you why if his highness accepts my match", I said.

"Well if that's what you want then bring it on", smiled Josh.

"In that case I shall referee the match", said the coach as he walked to us.

Josh and I got in our fighting stance and soon the match started. "I'll go easy on you since I want to test your skill", I said with a smile.

"If that's so then I will hit you with everything I've got!" He shouted back.

Blows came from left to right as I blocked every single one of them and I soon decided to attack. When that started I tried a lot of different techniques to see how he would react to them. He was really good at blocking and even almost hit me once but later on he started to get tired and his fighting was starting to get sloppy, so I decided to end the match by hitting his sword out of his hands and pointed mine at his neck. The big crowd who was watching applauded and congratulated his highness on how he was able to survive for so long without passing out, while some came to me, amazed by how well I fought and by how many techniques I used. "That was a really good match and you did great", I said to Josh while making my way towards his body which was lying on the floor.

"Thank you, I'm really happy I got to duel with you", he said and smiled happily.

This action made my heart beat faster and I couldn't help but blush although I couldn't let others see me blushing like this so I covered it up with magic. "I'm happy I could duel with you too".

"Let's definitely duel again!"


That was when I knew that teaching him is going to be one of the most fun things I have ever done.