Chapter 3: As Tutor And Student

-Third person POV-

Morning came and all was well. Both Ariana and Josh headed to breakfast at 7am and after that they started their morning activities.

For the first hour Josh went to the library to study while Ariana went to her practice room and practiced some magic. In the second hour Josh went to his horse riding lessons while Ariana still practiced her magic. During the third hour Josh went to his study and did some paperwork while Ariana still practiced her magic. Since the King wanted her to help Josh practice the spells he studied first she figured since she doesn't know which spells he studied she might as well ask him which ones they are when they meet at ten am.

Once it was nine thirty she decided to stop practicing and got ready to meet the Prince. She decided to put on a simple floral dress paired with light pink boots and put her hair up in a bun. When she was done she still had twenty minutes left until she would meet him so she decided to take a stroll through the gardens and admire the flowers. Afterwards she went to the Tulip Garden which is the closest garden to where she will meet him, the library.

As she entered the garden a sweet fragrance filled her and she saw that someone else was already there... It was the Prince. She had asked for his schedule to see how long the lesson should go on for and couldn't control her curiosity so she peeped at the other things he was doing. Right now he should be in his study doing some paperwork.

While sighing she made her way towards the Prince and said, "your highness, should you really be here right now?"

Josh turned around to hear a familiar voice and knew that it was Ariana. "Oh hello. I didn't see you there", said Josh while trying to look innocent.

"Please do not try and dodge the question".

"Dang it how did you know?"

He didn't know she read his schedule so she quickly thought up a lie. "Well on the way here I met someone who was looking for you and they said they needed you to go back to your study".

It kind of wasn't a lie, after all someone is probably looking for him right now.

"Oh well. In that case I'll leave... in five more minutes".

"You're a lot like your father".


"Oh nothing".

There was awkward silence as they stared at the tulips for five minutes and when that was over Josh said his goodbyes and left for his study. Ariana couldn't help but feel a tiny bit sad when he left but she knew she would see him again later.

Josh made his way to his office and couldn't believe he saw Ariana again. Yesterday she healed his leg and had a match with him and now they happened to bump into each other again. Since she was here today and yesterday most likely means she is on a mission that her father asked her to do as the daughter of the Galaxious family instead of being here under the orders of The Rose. She was probably lying when they first met so they wouldn't talk for too long (which is true).

However Ariana wasn't here under The Rose's or the Galaxious Family's orders but hers instead.

The reason why Josh thought she wasn't here as the Pink Rose is because the Roses are known to be quite independent and play by their own rules, which is normally more efficient than the way the people at the palace do things… the people at the palace don't really ask them how they do things because they don't want to offend them.

He sat down at his desk as someone entered the room and said, "your highness, I have a letter from his majesty to give to you".

"Thank you", Josh said as he took the envelope from the tray and opened it.

The letter said that his father had found a tutor for him and they are currently waiting in the library for him. A smile started to appear on Josh's face and his face immediately lit up. He couldn't believe it, they finally found a tutor for him. It has been two week since his fourteenth birthday and after so many annoying meetings they had finally found him a tutor! However his father didn't state who this tutor is so now he is incredibly curious about who it is. It looks like the only way for him to find out is to head to the library.

Excited, he walked to library while thinking of what kind of magic he will be learning. He opened the doors leading in and saw a small figure sitting on a chair while reading a book. It was Ariana, the daughter of the Galaxious family. When Ariana saw Josh she closed her red, leather book and smoothly placed it on the table. Afterwards she gracefully walked over to him and said, "good morning, it looks like we meet again but this time as tutor and student".

Shock filled Josh's face and he couldn't believe his ears again. His new tutor is the one and only Pink Rose! But why would one of the most powerful people in The Rose's Group want to tutor him? Is it because she is a member of the Galaxious family? In the end he pushed that thought away and said, "that must be why I saw you yesterday and today".

"Yes. For the next three years I shall be your magical tutor".

"This is amazing, thank you so much. I look forward to our lessons", said Josh as he smiled his shining smile.

"I look forward to the lessons too. Anyway now that's all on and over with why don't we get to know each other better, and then after that you can tell me the spells you haven't practiced yet so I know what to teach you?"

"Ok then".

Both Josh and Ariana took a seat at one of the tables and started to talk about themselves. The Prince was the first one to start talking, "well ever since I was little I was always interested in magic and despite not being able to practice since I didn't have any magic I still studied all I could in order to prepare myself for when I did get my powers. However I'm not sure if it's paid of since I've only been able to practice the basics because everyone is worried I might do something wrong and hurt myself. It really is quite annoying".

"I know right. When I first got my powers at age eight I first said I wanted to become a healer, they agreed with it thinking that I was going to become a great one since I got my powers at such a young age and is the daughter of a talented family. People said it fitted with my looks but later on my powers got stronger and I decided I wanted to become a prodigy in not only healing but other types of magic too. When I said that they immediately thought I might also try to become a magical entertainer or something but I said I also wanted to become skilled in fighting. They laughed at it and said just because I got my powers at eight years old doesn't mean I could become a great fighter. So of course I tried to prove them wrong and started practicing but they stopped me from doing so in fear I might get hurt or ruin my looks so I made a plan. I started to learn how to prevent anyone from noticing I was using magic and started practicing in secret. I also learned how to conserve my magic so I wouldn't look tired or pale during the day and with that I wasn't discovered. However for me practicing and knowing I was good wasn't enough; I wanted to show everyone I was capable of being a fighter so I disguised myself and started to compete in competitions".

She then paused and made two glasses of juice appear out of thin air and handed one to his highness and took a sip from hers; then she continued. "But later on I was discovered by The Rose. For a second then I thought it was all over but she said she could help me. She said she could train me and later on introduce me as her pupil and soon I could start fighting in competitions to get to the top, but in order to do that I had to drop out of the competition I was currently in. I was already so far in and I couldn't just quit so I asked her why and she said, since this is a famous competition, if you get in the top fifty it is most likely people will start to wonder who you are and start investigating you. Then I understood what she meant. When I first met her she had already made quite the name for herself and had already made a lot of powerful enemies so it would be dangerous if I studied under her and couldn't defend myself from powerful, evil magicians. A part of me wanted to stay in the competition but then the other part of me wanted to go with her and train more. So I made a decision. I decided to go with her and study more and come back stronger for a better chance of winning. In the end it proved to be the best decision I had ever made".

Ariana continued with her story about how she achieved success and Josh was amazed by all the effort Ariana had put in, in order to get where she is now. This is the kind of effort he wanted to put in his work too. He also realised that both he and Ariana were in a whole different world when you compare powers. It will take a long time for him to catch up with her. This encouraged Josh even more to work harder and he said, "well after that story I'm more eager to get these lessons started now so can we please get started?"