Chapter 4: Who Knows What Will Happen Next

-Josh's POV-

I was eager to get the lesson started; after all who wouldn't be excited to use magic and learn new things. Plus with my teacher's reputation I am starting to wonder about how she will teach me. No way she will teach me like a normal teacher would, after all she did help tutor the The Roses and they turned out amazing. If she did teach him like any other tutor then what is so different about her.

"Okay then, but before that could you please tell me all of the spells you have read about but have never practiced", said Ariana.

"Okay. Well I have read a lot of spells but to be honest I have forgotten most of them since I read most of them when I was younger because as I grew older I didn't have much time to read anymore. However I did memorize ones I really liked which are Mind Magic, Perfect Act, Disappearing Magic, Ability Boost Spells, Perfect Memory and Hidden Identity".

When I was finished I waited patiently for what she was going to say next. After a few seconds she replied with, "okay then. How about we see if you can cast Perfect Memory first so that way you can memorize your future spells".

"Got it!"

"Then lets head to a courtyard just in case there is a hiccup".

Perfect Memory isn't a simple spell for a beginner like me; if the spell is messed up it can lead to serious consequences on the brain but if that did happen Ariana could probably heal me so the only thing I'm worrying about is disappointing her. Nothing hurts more than disappointment.

We headed to one of the courtyards nearby and Ariana soon started to speak, "perfect Memory doesn't need as much concentration needed when using Mind Spells but it needs more concentration than when you're using Ability Boost Spells so what you want to do is be in a calm state, focus and say "bonae memoriae".

Then suddenly a yellow light appeared around her head for a few seconds then soon disappeared. After that Ariana continued on and said, "as you should already know; when a yellow light appears when you have cast the spell means you have succeeded, but of course if the spell is done incorrectly it could go horribly wrong so here I have a Spell Tester Box which is what you will practice with".

A wooden box with a rose carved on it suddenly appeared on her hands; the carvings on the box had purple, blue, black and white ink on it making it look the lines of a galaxy. "This is a Spell Tester Box I crafted myself to test spells that could have serious effects if done wrong. The wood is indestructible and the engravings is laced with magical ink. The ink is supposed to change to a certain colour if you get it right and another colour if it is wrong. The way the ink is made is by writing the spells people will use on the box on paper, burn it, mix it with a few substances, add a few enchantments, use it on the engravings, add a few more enchantments on it and done. Other people have made this before but of course some of them are faulty and could make mistakes which is the reason why I made one myself to ensure that there were no problems".

"Fascinating", said Josh in a amazed tone while staring at the box which had a little shine to it; underneath the sunlight..

"Now anyway let's get started shall we. You already know what to do so I shall place it here and for the first time you may cast your Perfect Memory Spell".

"Okay then", I replied and got ready to cast the spell.

Following Ariana's words I made myself calm, thought of the spell and how I wanted to place it on the box and I then cast it. A little light hit the box and soon the engravings on it turned black. "Um tutor, what does the black mean?" I asked.

"Ah well, when it turns black I'm afraid it means it is completely wrong, but don't worry. It's your first time using the spell so don't feel too bad. What helps sometimes is to straighten your posture and think only of the spell, then cast".


Doing what she said I cast the spell again and the colour turned a little bit lighter.

"That's good. If the colour turns lighter it means you're getting closer. If the spell is successful then it will turn white. That is what you are aiming for", said Ariana.

Afterwards I continued practicing while she helped me fix my mistakes and time slowly passed by. At the end of the two hour lesson the colour on the box was now a light grey. "Very good. We will continue again tomorrow at the same time and place. You have done very well and as much as you want to practice more you and I still have other things to attend to and lunch", said Ariana as I sighed.

I really wanted to keep on practicing but she was right; she and I still had other things to do so we said our goodbyes and left.

-Ariana's perspective-

We both went our separate ways and I went back to my room with my Spell Tester Box. It rather is a boring name but it's only a box to use spells on. As I approached my room I found traces of another person's hands on the door knob. My instincts told me that this person soon left when they realised it was impossible to get in. They didn't bother to clean up the traces they left behind that could be seen with a magical eye but they also made it so I couldn't trace it back to their true identity. The person was definitely sure I couldn't trace it back to who they were but judging by the way they act it must only mean it is my most annoying enemy. Black Assassin.

He was responsible for countless deaths and only cleaned up traces which lead to his true identity. He must have already heard of the news about me being the prince's tutor and rushed here as fast as possible to try and catch me off guard. I honestly thought after a while he would stop but I guess I was wrong. Good thing I set up my most strongest enchantments but just in case I still checked to see if there were any traps since there were a few cases where he slipped through and ambushed me but thankfully I always got out alive.

Black Assassin is my most powerful enemy. He definitely won't stop here so of just in case I will definitely have to set up more enchantments, but even then he might still slip through. Now that I'm educating the prince he will definitely want to kill me even more and will use more tricks. Who knows what will happen next.