Chapter 6: Lesson Two

Ariana walked while thinking about what might happen to Josh, 'I just got in a fight with Black Assassin and used a trick he couldn't see. He might get revenge and go after the Prince while I'm not looking. How am I to deal with this situation? I need to leave as soon as I can to discuss things with the Roses, but what should I do about Josh. I might as well bring him with me when I go, he is my student. If he wanted he could become a member of the Roses. It could also be a good learning opportunity for him since we have many things the palace can't obtain. He can work with those while I do some work regarding Black Assassin and have a few meetings which should take about a week. Of course this had to happen while I am tutoring the Prince. Anyway I should probably go and find him now'.

Josh was lost since he had never been to this forest before because his father forbid him from going until he is sixteen This forest is incredibly dangerous and many have died here. It is so dangerous that his father even put a spell on him where it would alert Arthur (the King) if he is in the woods.

Josh walked around aimlessly while hoping he won't stumble onto something dangerous and worried about what his punishment is going to be when he got back. As the two were separately walking around in the woods clouds started covering the sky and soon started to rain. Annoyed, Josh made his way to back to the mountains and tried to find shelter in a cave.

As rain started pouring down harder he successfully found a cave with roses on the floor. Some were burnt and some were wet. He saw the drawings on the walls and realised that this was where Black Assassin and Ariana fought. It looks like the fight finished which left the cave looking... kind of cool. The roof two walls had two, thick, black lines; between the strips a wet line went across them and the ceiling all the way to near the back.

While in the cave Josh thought, 'it's probably the best idea to stay here, even when the rain ends. I should probably wait for someone to find me since there is no way I can get out of this forest by myself'.

Tired from walking he sat down on the roses and started to wonder about what kind of fight they had. It must have been a small battle since there wasn't that much damage. Maybe it's the type of fighting where they express their words and emotions through fighting? Josh sighed while thinking that he could try and catch up with her in magic, but he could never think like her.

While that was happening Ariana had brought out her umbrella and followed a magical trail that should lead her to Josh. She noticed he walked for a long time and mainly in circles. Later on it started to lead into the mountains which must've been when it started raining so he could find shelter. Eventually she arrived at the same cave where she fought Black Assassin and stepped inside to find Josh sitting against the wall, asleep.

Ariana chuckled at the sight and took of her coat and draped it over him. In all of the plays and fictional books she has read the boy was always the one who puts their coat over the girl instead of the other way round. She chuckled once again and made some vines from outside grow into the cave and make a bed. Then she lifted him up and placed him on it while using her coat as a blanket for him and checked his condition.

After that she used telekinesis and told the King that she had found the Prince and that they would be back when he wakes up from his sleep. She also added that the sleep was only from exhaustion. After that she decided it was best to clean up the cave and erase any traces of the fight while Josh was sleeping.

Once she was done she made a chair from some more vines and got a book to appear to read.

After a while the rain stopped and Josh woke up.

-In Josh's POV-

I woke up to feel vines underneath me and a long coat covering my body. I got up hazily and remembered I was in the cave Ariana and Black Assassin was fighting in but this cave looked normal.

Before I could wake up fully a loud clap did that for me. "Ow! My eardrums!", I shouted while covering my ears.

"Come on Josh, we need to get going now. It's currently half past seven", said a small figure sitting on a chair. It was Ariana.

"Ariana!" I shouted.

"I knew you were watching us when Black Assassin appeared but I couldn't reveal to him that you were here so I pretended that I didn't know".

"And you tracked me down, cleaned up this cave and made me this makeshift bed with your coat and vines?".

"Yes. Anyway we should head back to the palace now so lets get going and when we start walking stick close to me okay?"

"Um, okay".

In silence I walked close to Ariana, in the soaked forest and after half a hour we made it back to the palace.

-Third person perspective-

They arrived back at the castle and as soon as they got through the gates the Prince's supervisor ran up to them and said, "for goodness sake your highness. Everybody was so worried when they couldn't find you and then we later find out that you were in the Forbidden Forest!" (The forest they were previously in). "When you see Ariana leaving in her uniform do not follow her, especially if she goes to somewhere dangerous. Good thing she found out you were there too otherwise who knows what might happen? Anyway go and have dinner and meet your father in his office afterwards alright?"

"Yes sir", answered Josh with his head down.

"Good. Anyway Miss Galaxious, sorry for bothering you while you were doing... something", apologized the prime minister.

"No worries, plus I can't blame him. Everyone is curious of things right?" replied Ariana.

"Of course! Anyway thank you again, I should probably let you have dinner now. Goodbye".


Ariana and Josh changed out of their clothes and went to dinner. When they got there Josh immediately apologized, "I'm so sorry Ariana!"

"Honestly I'm not surprised by your actions, but you should know better than to follow others. The only time you can do that is when it's for a good cause or if you're on a mission", answered Ariana.

"Got it! I promise I will never do it again unless it's for a good cause or a mission!"

"Good... there is more to scold you about but I'm pretty sure your father will do that for me", said Ariana who then started sipping her drink. "Anyway I should get going now, I've missed out on a lot of work".

Ariana soon left leaving Josh alone, fearing of what's going to happen next.

He finished dinner and slowly made his way up to his father's office and slowly knocked on the door. "Come in", said a intimidating voice from inside.

There Arthur sat at his desk with his face in his hands and he slowly looked up at him and started shouting. He lectured Josh for about two hours and even though the room is magically protected and soundproof Josh accidentally left the door half closed so everyone outside could hear everything.

Morning came and Josh woke up with his ears still hurting. First it was the loud clap and after that it was the loud lecturing. He sighed but he knew it was his fault for doing something so reckless while barely knowing any magic, but at least today he should be able to learn new spells from Ariana so while looking forward to 10am. He got dressed and started his morning activity while Ariana slept in.

Ariana was so busy last night that she fell asleep at 3am and woke up at 9:30am. While that was happening Josh was busy receiving punishment which was non stop, sword practice from 5:30am to 9:30am and later on he had to read from after lunch to dinner. He did like reading but not for that long; he didn't like to stay still for a long period of time.

When he was done with the first punishment he felt like collapsing but he had to get changed first and the nap can only be a small one since he had lessons right after which is something he definitely did not want to miss. After changing he went to his napping tree, asked a maid who was working nearby to wake him up at ten and fell asleep.

Once the maid woke him up he rushed of to the courtyard near the library and saw Ariana waiting there patiently. "I heard of your punishment, how was it?" asked Ariana.

"Painful, exhausting, I can go on for a quite a while", answered the Prince.

"You'll have to get used to that on a battlefield. Especially when there's more than one elite coach".

"Of course".

"Were you able to successfully perform Perfect Memory?"


"Perfect, but don't just stop there, try and improve more. For now I will just use my magic to make it so you can remember today's lesson".

She then cast the spell on Josh and continued, "anyway, for today's lesson we will be practicing Ability Boost Spells".

She decided to teach him them today so that way he could at least have a chance of running away if he ever met Black Assassin.

Excited for the lesson Josh eagerly waited for what she was about to say next which is, "the spells are used to boost your speed and strength and if you can both. The six main spells boosts your running, swinging, swimming, jumping, hitting and kicking. They're all mainly for battle since they were first made for the battlefield if you didn't know. For this I first want you to use the Spell Tester Box and afterwards you can start using the spells on yourself".

"Right... but I didn't bring the Spell Tester Box with me", said Josh awkwardly.

"It's okay, I can still make it appear even when it's in someone else's possession, but please try and bring it next time".

Ariana then made the box appear and placed it on the ground and said, "you've read about this. Try by yourself first and then after that I will give you some tips. Now use all the main spells in any order, well except for the swimming one since you can't do that here, we'll have to try it another time".

"Got it".

Josh then thought of wanting to place the spell on the box, thought of speed in running and said, "boost my ability".

The engravings on the box turned white.

"Good, continue", said Ariana.

Josh continued and every time he cast the spell the box turned white. He did it all on his first try! Feeling happy he faced Ariana and waited for her words. "Good job. Now try it on yourself".


"Yes and don't worry, if you mess it up I can just fix it".

"Okay", siad Josh while feeling nervous.

Josh took a deep breath and thought of perhaps trying to boost his speed in running so he thought of that and said, "boost my ability".

It looked like as if nothing happened but Josh couldn't help but feel lighter. To test out whether the spell worked he started running around the courtyard and found that he was much more faster than usual. "Whoa! This is so cool!". He shouted.

"Yes, but it still isn't a excuse to not boost your abilities without magic. Anyway continue".

Josh then did the six main spells (excluding swimming) and when he was done he felt great. "That is really good for a beginner. You seem to have a natural talent in this. You're already at the correct stage needed to start using Ability Boost Spells while fighting with a sword. Later I'll write a letter stating that you can start doing that so that way you'll be able to start practicing with some magic. Anyway there a still a few things that can be fixed to get a stronger effect. Like with the one that makes you jump higher; if you bend your legs while saying the spell then the effect will be better, for the one with the kick if you lift your leg up a bit while saying it then it will also make the spell stronger. Basically for all of them make it seem like as if you're about to actually do it. It's best to use that technique when you're actually about to use it since it will naturally make the spell more powerful. But of course you can make it weaker if you want. Anyway I want you to continue and while you're doing that I will tell you more tips".

"Yes ma'am!"

Ariana chuckled and Josh continued using his magic, but after a hour Ariana stopped him. "Using Ability Boost Spells over and over again isn't good for your body. It's best to use it only twenty times a day so for now take a break. Instead I have something else to show you".

Ariana then took a mini booklet out of her pocket and handed it to him. In the book were the spells Josh had memorized but never tried. There were tips, different techniques for it and what to do if something happened or where he might've gone wrong if the spell didn't work. It was all incredibly detailed and must've taken a long time to write. "With this you'll be able to teach yourself when I can't teach you and so that way you can learn extra spells, consider it as homework".

"This is amazing! It must've taken you forever to do! Thank you so much!", Josh shouted with the most biggest smile.

"It's no big deal, I used ability boost spells to make me write faster and I just wrote down everything I knew about each spell. It only took me two hours so no need to feel like as if you're troubling me.

'Only two hours! Only two! For goodness sake, this is god level, what am I saying she is a god!' Thought Josh.

Ariana then gave him a sweet smile and told him to practice those spells and while doing so Ariana noted down his progress.

"Great work! That's all for today. Now you should probably get going to your second punishment for today", smiled Ariana.

"Please Ariana can you get me out if this mess!" Pleaded Josh.

"To be honest, I believe the King is being too harsh on you so I can send your progress report to him early and it might let you off but don't get your hopes up!"

"Thank you so much!"

"Like I said, it might, not will!"


"Also before I forget", whispered Ariana, "you didn't tell anyone about the fight yesterday right?"

"Don't worry I didn't tell a soul".

"Good, keep it that way".

"Also out of curiosity, what did you do to him?"

"I shot him with a poisoned arrow which should limit his movements for three months".

"Yes! Good job Ariana!"

"But it only lasts for three months. It was the strongest one I could make that works on him'.

"That's still better than what I could do!"

"Ahaha, you're too much Josh, don't doubt yourself so much".

"Ahaha, I know".

'Time with you is so much fun, I hope our time together won't go horribly wrong", thought the two.

-Meanwhile with Black Assassin-

"I can't believe it! I can't believe that female dog shot me with a poisoned arrow! For goodness sake. She may have won the fight and she might win the next ones but, who knows what might happen now with my new men. Now we both have a army. I will do whatever it takes to win!" Shouted Black Assassin while sitting on a throne, in a room, with a bunch of cloaked people in it.