Chapter 7: A Break

It has been a week since the fight. Josh made major progress with his magic and Ariana was busy with her work as the Prince's tutor, Pink Rose, The Rose and the daughter of the Galaxious duke family. It's a good thing that her parents know about everything and with their daughter being the leader of the Roses they didn't send her to any places for training. They also didn't have to worry about appearance because of the fake identity Rosetta created so the name of the Galaxious duke family, being one of the most powerful will not be lowered but raised instead. (Rosa whose original name is Rosetta was definitely not going to reveal her true identity so the other plan instead of changing her identity was either running away or faking her death).

So far in the palace one had light shining in his room while one only had stars from the night shining on her.

-With Josh-

"Yes! So far I've been able to use 80% of the spells in this book! I've also been doing good in fighting with Ability Boost Spells! This is awesome!" Shouted Josh while dancing around in his room.

"Your highness could you please stop practicing, get changed and eat some breakfast. Passion for magic is good but it isn't when you practice it all day long and ignore all your other activities. Please don't forget what the Pink Rose told you", said the butler named Sebastian.

For one of his lessons Ariana dedicated it to teaching him what was some of the most important things to remember when using magic. One was to not learn only magic. He still had to learn how to do things without it just in case something happens. He also had to learn how to rule a kingdom since you can't rule a kingdom with only magic. She also told him that magic isn't everything, there is more to life than becoming powerful and never let it taint your heart otherwise it will destroy you.

Josh sighed and remembered her words. If he wanted to be great he had to listen to her and remember that magic isn't everything. He got dressed and went to breakfast but when he got there he found was informed that Ariana wouldn't be able to make it. He was disappointed because he couldn't see her but of course it wasn't the first time she didn't show up for food. There were times when she was busy with other work so she couldn't make it. He soon finished breakfast and went to his other lessons.

-With Ariana-

Ariana lied down on her couch after a night of practicing magic. She couldn't sleep so she practiced all night long (mainly from stress). Even though she poisoned Black Assassin he was even more active than last time. Ariana was sure the poison worked but after seven days the situation was still the same. It's possible he could've somehow healed it but the chance is one in a trillion and she highly doubted that he would spend hours learning and practicing medicine. There is the chance of him recruiting people but at the same time there were too many possibilities.

As she got up Iris appeared and said, "my lady, would you like me to ask the King if you can take the day of. You have been looking so stressed lately and after practicing magic all night you should take a long rest".

"You know what, please do just that. I'll write a letter actually. One for the King, one for the Roses and one for my family".

Ariana then started writing on some paper, slipped them into some envelopes and gave one of the envelopes to Iris. "Please deliver this to his majesty please".

Iris smiled and said, "okay".

Iris was happy that Ariana was finally taking a break. She is a nice person and to see her like this made Iris unhappy so she rushed of to the King's office as fast as she could, so she would be able return to Ariana faster.

Once Iris was done delivering the letter she rushed of back to her lady's room to see her sitting at her desk while staring at the wall. "Oh Iris, you're back fast", said Ariana.

"Miss, I think you should have a bath to relax since you have the day of. You now have enough time", said Iris.

"Okay then".

Iris prepared a bath for her and sprinkled pink rose petals into the water then told her the bath was ready. Ariana thanked her, showered and dipped her body into the warm water. She looked at the rose petals then relaxed all her muscles, got rid of all of her thoughts and slowly closed her eyes.

-During one of Josh's lessons-

While Josh was being quizzed about the history of Celeste a messenger interrupted it and said, "your highness, today's magical lesson has been canceled so there is no need for you to go today".

"Oh... okay", Josh said while frowning.

He was looking forward to telling Ariana about his progress but it looks like he would have to wait until lunchtime... if she shows up.

-With Ariana-

Ariana had accidentally dozed of while in the bathtub for the past three hours. It was now nine thirty and she got out of the bath, changed and dried her hair then got into bed and fell asleep. While that was happening Josh finished his last lesson for the morning and since his lesson with Ariana was canceled he decided to use this time to practice magic.

When he was finished practicing he made his way to lunch. Again he ate alone, it looked like she wasn't coming for this meal too, would she come for dinner? He finished his food quickly and took a stroll hoping that he would bump into her but in the end he was still alone as he made his way to his afternoon activities while the Pink Rose was still asleep. During one of his breaks he got curious about what she was doing and decided to look for her by going to the Rose Garden first since she was normally there.

He arrived at the garden but found she wasn't there so when he was about to leave to the other gardens he saw Iris leaving Ariana's room with a basket. "Hey Iris, do you know where Ariana is?" Asked Josh.

"She's in her bedroom but I'm afraid you won't be able to talk to her since she's currently asleep", answered Iris.

"Oh, but how come she's sleeping at this time of day".

"Sorry but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you", she said while lowering her head.

"No worries".

Iris knew that her Miss didn't want Josh to worry so she kept quiet and rushed of to wash Ariana's clothes.

Feeling sad, Josh looked at the door of the bedroom and wished he could talk to her. Suddenly the door opened and he could see Ariana's small figure in the doorway as she rubbed her eyes. The scene was so adorable that Josh couldn't help but smile. "Don't look at me like as if I'm a toddler", said Ariana in a harsh voice.

Josh was shocked; he had never heard her talk like this before. Normally she would either act serious or sweet so this was new. "Um Ariana, are you okay?" Asked Josh.

"Sorry, just tired".

"Oh, sorry I disturbed your sleep".

"Don't worry, I already woke up when Iris came in and I'm no longer tired".


"Anyway shouldn't you be somewhere right now?"

"I'm on a five minute break".

"Then you should probably get going then. Sorry I couldn't give you a lesson today".

"It's okay! Plus, you should take breaks once in a while. Also how long have you been asleep now?"

"About five hours".

"What!" The Prince couldn't believe it; the whole entire time she was just sleeping. "Wait, why were you sleeping at this time of day?"





"Anyway you should get going now so see you at dinner", said Ariana while closing the door.


She closed the door and Josh couldn't help but feel his heart ache, but why? He shrugged the feeling of and went back to sword practice while Ariana leaned against the door with her face red. She had just shown him a bit of her real side. She needed to be more careful and act like the usual sweet Ariana unlike the cold Rosetta she normally was. The real her liked to be alone when she was tired so when somebody wanted to see her she got annoyed. Back at home she normally had a sign saying when she wanted to be alone, but putting one on her door here would feel weird. Even though she was no longer tired she still felt like lying on bed and do nothing so that was what she did for the the next hour.

While hugging a pillow she heard a knock coming from the door. Annoyed, she walked to door and opened it to see Selena standing there. "What brings you here Selena?" She asked with droopy eyes while inviting her in.

"Sorry master, I didn't mean to interrupt your alone time".

"How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Rosetta, Rosa or Ariana".

"Right, sorry".

"For someone smart like you can be very forgetful sometimes".

"I've really caught you at a bad time haven't I?"

"Indeed now tell me why you're here".

"Well, it's about Black Assassin".

Ariana immediately froze at her words. "Black Assassin... what about him?"

"After hearing about him getting poisoned from you I decided it was a good time to go out and gather information while he was still weak but somehow I was intercepted by a strong power, one that is formed by many people".

"Do you mean Black Assassin now has his own team?"

"I'm not sure, I can be wrong but the theory definitely has a high possibility now".

"Well either way I need to head back home tomorrow".

"Wait, what about tutoring the Prince?"

"I'll bring him with me".


"I've already got something planned, just wait okay. I will send you news as fast as I can".

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then".


Selena left as Iris hurried into Ariana's room. "Miss, was the girl who just walked out of here Selena the White Rose?" Asked a curious maid.

"Yes. Anyway if you don't mind I need to get going and discuss some things with the King".

"Oh... actually this morning I washed all your clothes. I'm so sorry, if you want I can try and find something for you to wear".

"No need".

A light then appeared and changed Ariana's pajamas into a dress and it also changed her hairstyle too.

"Whoa, so cool!"

"Thank you. Anyway I shall get going now, goodbye".

"Goodbye Miss".

While walking to Arthur's office Ariana wrote on a piece of paper and when she was done she bit her finger and pressed it onto the paper. When her blood touched the paper it turned a golden colour showing that she had made a magical contract, one where someone would die if they were to violate the contract. She slipped it into a envelope and took a slight detour.

When she was done with her little job she walked to the Sword Fighting Facility and saw Josh's progress. She walked into the courtyard where the Prince was currently having a duel with one of the older knights. Ariana recognized the older knight to be one of the very few people who got in the top 50 out of the whole country for the annual Sword Fighting competition. It was a sword fight where you could use Ability Boost Spells, but she noticed that only the knight was muttering words. Josh was able to use the spells without having to say anything at all. She couldn't believe it. He had grown so much in the span of a week! It takes a lot of talent to be able to use spells without having to say anything but this is a whole new level!

Amazed, Ariana continued to watch the fight which went on for a while until the knight started slowing down from exhaustion. Taking this as his chance Josh dashed behind the knight and aimed his sword at his neck. It was silent for a few seconds then a roar of applause and praise filled the courtyard.

Both the knight and prince fell to the floor as Ariana made her way towards them.

"Your highness, in the future we bet you're going to make this country even more powerful!"

"All of our Royals are amazing and we have many talented magicians too! We're so lucky!"

"Good job your highness! You're already better than so many of us already and yet you had to show off!"

"It's probably because the Pink Rose canceled their lesson today so she couldn't see him fight".

"Who says I can only see him fight during his lessons", said a girl in a flowery dress.

"Pink Rose!" Shouted some of the knights.

"That's me", said Ariana as she made her way toward the two who were previously fighting and gave them a drink. "This should restore your magical energy", she said as she watched them gulp it down.

Pink sparkles started appearing from their bodies as they stood up and said, "amazing... Thanks so much!"

"No problem. You both did great and your highness I need you for something so could you please take a shower and get changed?"

"Okay but what for?" Asked Josh happily since Ariana saw his progress.

"You will find out later".


They both left the facility. Josh showered and changed, then ran to Ariana who was waiting patiently in a garden nearby. "Let's get going now", she said as she looked at Josh.

She stood up and standing in her glimmering dress, pink heels and white gloves while wearing some jewelry made her look like a cute princess.

"So cute", whispered Josh.

"Thank you for your kind comment", replied Ariana.


Josh's face turned red as the Ariana started walking to the King's office; wishing she never chose to wear the outfit.

"Where are we going?" Asked Josh as they were walking.

"To your father's office so we can discuss a few things", answered Ariana with a blank face.

"Then why are you bringing me?!"

"Because I need you there for a certain reason".

"What reason-"".

"You'll find out soon enough", she interrupted as she walked ahead of him. "Now come on, let's get going".

"Yes ma'am!"

"You do know I'm the same age as you and there's no need to call me ma'am right?"

"Yeah but it's fun to do it".

"If that's so..."

They soon arrived at Arthur's office and was let in. They entered the room to face his majesty who was looking at some documents. "How interesting to see the two of you here. Don't tell me Josh got into trouble again?" Questioned his majesty.

"Luckily no. I have came here to get permission to bring your son on a week long stay at Vas", answered Ariana.

"Wait what!" Shouted Josh.

"Well if you want to of course", said Ariana.

"Well of course I'd love to go but why?"

"I'd like to know that too", said the King.

"You see there are some things I need to do back at the Roses base and I need to go back tomorrow but I do not dare to leave Josh alone because even with all the security here Black Assassin has still been able to do the impossible. So I thought I could perhaps bring Josh with me to Vas so that way he can also use this as a learning opportunity by using the facilities and libraries there. If you give him permission I can promise you that he will be safer there than here by himself and he can learn a lot while staying there too", replied Ariana.

"Hmm… Let me think for a second", said Arthur.

Silenced followed his words and afterwards he said, "okay then. I give permission for my son to attend this trip".

"Yes! Thanks so much father!" Shouted Josh while cheering.

"Indeed. Thank you very much".

"It is no problem", replied Arthur.

The two left the office with a big smile on their faces. 'This is going to be more interesting than I thought', Arthur thought as he sat in his office alone.