Chapter 14: Diana Faye and the Future

Afterwards Josh continued to read the rest of the book and once he was finished his brain felt confused. 'What is this? This is definitely Diana's diary from 498 years ago, so what is this all about? Tips on how to prevent soul self destruction, for me to stick close to Ariana, what in the world?'.

The diary had contents from when she was 10 years old to when she was 148, but after some time she would only occasionally write about her life and mainly wrote of research, secrets and tips, but Josh had no idea for what this was for and why he had this. Shouldn't it belong to Ariana instead?

He desperately wanted to ask her about this, but he didn't want to disrespect Diana Faye so instead he decided to gather information. He thought that if he knew a bit more of magic and Diana's story maybe he would be able to think clearer of this.

Josh entered the Library of Non-Magical Books and he started to search the shelves for a book on Diana Faye. He already knew a few things about her since she played a major role in history and he also got some information from her diary. Her diary is also filled with secrets and what major things happened that day. The book also told many secrets that Josh was pretty sure not even royalty knew of. Diana was definitely a member of the Galaxious family, despite being born with an illness preventing her from using magic.

Josh quickly found multiple books on Diana and he took two of them. There were many people in the library researching so the Prince brought his books back to the guest hose and started flipping through them. He was once again amazed by all her accomplishments and contribution to society that he felt jealous of the Galaxious family. Despite the Royal Family having a great history and strong members the Galaxious family always seemed to be more knowledgeable and wise. They had discovered more than Royal Family ever did.

The Prince sighed and continued to read about Diana. She was born in 1990 and when she was younger she was looked down upon for having no magic. People felt that she should have been disowned like the other nobles who were born without magic, but the Galaxious family still kept her which proved to be smart. She grew older and discovered many things along with new magic despite having no magic herself. Many people suspected that she took her partner, Bern Faye's work but it was proved later on that it was all her work with many tests.

She died at 148 years old along with her husband, the reason for death is unknown.

When they found her and her husband they were just dead, they could not identify the reason behind their death and it was left as one of Celeste and Adler's biggest mystery.

Josh continued to read and discovered many more things like how her husband Bern had discovered a way to send things to the future.

Bern Faye was born as a commoner and met Diana Galaxious at age 11. They met when Diana was out in the village helping people out with non-magical things. She did this a lot to make herself more useful and often did this with Bern Faye after they met. During that time she hid her eye colour with her father's magic and Bern was the only villager who knew of this.

In their teenage years Bern grew more powerful and Diana discovered many new things. They were secret lovers until the day Bern proposed to Diana. By the time that happened the people were acceptive about a non-magical person marrying the most powerful magician and if there were any disagreements about the marriage, it would be about whether Bern, the magic addict would take good care of Diana, the most nicest person in all of history (despite becoming powerful she still helped the commoners a lot along with nobles too. Her research also helped the people a lot too).

In the end they lived happily until their mysterious death in the year 2138, 360 years ago.

Once Josh was finished with reading he sat and looked out of the window then sighed. 'What is going on?' Wondered Josh.

How many times has he thought this. Ever since he got his magic and became a teenager, life had become much more frustrating. If things were this annoying now imagine becoming an adult... Or maybe it's because of his life and fate.

Josh ran his fingers through his hair, took the books he borrowed and made his way back to the library to return them.

His surroundings were definitely not calm as people rushed about by walking or speed running or flying with all sorts of things in their hands. Some had papers, some had books, cauldrons, trays of potions and many other things. Once he had put his books back he decided to reread the diary and try to see if there were any secret messages hidden within the book, so he got some pen and paper, went to a dark corner in the guest house and started to work.

-Rosetta's POV when she left the Cave of Rarity-

That prophecy, that prophecy, I can't believe I forgot all about it.

I quickly flew to my study and searched through my Book of Prophecies. I had a tendency to forget things so I always wrote my prophecies down in a heavily enchanted book. I searched through it and found what I was looking for, 'A day that is young and a night that is dark, the two are opposites but no matter what, they'll always be connected'.

I looked at the name I gave the prophecy and read, "Connected Opposites".

Afterwards I started to analyse everything that has happened since I got that prophecy. Well first I became the Magical Royal Tutor, then Black Assassin decided to appear at my door, then it was the fight, I got the hints about Black Assassins new power, I headed back to Vas with Josh and on the way I got a few things and one of the members of Black Lilac let eternal flame loose at Peter's home village, I got confirmation on Black Assassin's new position, we confirm an alliance with the Royalty and the Galaxious Group, I show Josh the Cave of Rarity, the meeting about the alliance happens, then... That happene and I look for Josh and hear this prophecy getting whispered into my ear.

No magic from the outside could've whispered the prophecy into my ear or could they know about it, since I am the only one who knows of my prophecies. Someone besides a spirit doing this is one in a trillion. Josh doing this is also impossible. Plus, the voice who whispered it into my ear is no other than one of my ancestors, Diana Galaxious or now Diana Faye.

A prophecy I forgot about and I was reminded about by the spirit of one of my ancestors definitely means this prophecy is to not be ignored. For now I had to work quickly as I already had other work to attend to so I quickly linked parts of the prophecy to previous events.

In the end, I found... Many possibilities for what the prophecy could be. I groaned and put my stuff away then started my other work.

So far things have been sailing smoothly with Black Assassin and we have had no confrontations from him either which worries me. Nothing ever goes that well without hitting a rock eventually, so I started preparing some plans for what might happen if Black Assassin did do something.

I spent about two hours making some plans and called the 5 Roses (excluding me of course) and asked for a update.

"We have been able to gather some information on the secret doings of Black Lilac. Lately they have been visiting the origins of eternal flame", reported Selena.

"The animals told me Black Assassin has been in the Forbidden Forest a lot lately", said Jack in a childlike voice.

"The traps my team set up are doing great. Some members of Black Lilac tried to sneak into the Vault of Celeste, but our traps caught them and now the Royals are interrogating them", said Adrian.

"Well the people in my group has found more traces of black magic back in my home village. We have done a lot of searching but we can't find any of them nor can we find any of their secret bases", sighed Peter.

"Is that so... What have they been doing with black magic?" I asked.

"We don't know, we investigated and couldn't find out what they were using black magic for and nothing seems out of place", said Peter in a dejected tone.

"Do not worry, I can tell you all have worked very hard. Selena I want you to spy on Black Lilac and see what they are doing at the origins of eternal flame. Peter, I will assign more people to you since your situation can be very serious. Remember, for us, for everyone, we shall never wither, but grow stronger", I replied.

"For us, for everyone, we shall never wither, but grow stronger", replied Selena, Adrian, Peter and Jack.

I ended the crystal ball call. I like to use a lot of different ways to communicate with others; letters for unimportant things, strong magic for when communicating about important things and many more. I also like to use a crystal ball to talk to others sometimes since it requires a low amount of magic and the calls being made can't be intercepted nor stopped.

Afterwards I started looking at the costs for everything, did some calculations and continued to manage things along with take care of the extra needs. Once I was finished I stepped outside and took a deep breath then looked at the sunset. I decided it would be nice and relaxing to eat on the rooftop today, so I made some dinner then thought that I haven't talked to Josh as Ariana for a while so I made my way to the guest house.

-Third person POV-

Rosetta changed to Ariana's form behind a wall and knocked on the door of the guest house.

Ariana knocked on the door, but silence was the only thing she could hear. She knocked again and there was still silence. Confused, she twisted the door knob to see the house was unlocked and she quietly stepped inside and went to one of the bedrooms and knocked on the door to see if he was sleeping. She knew Josh was in there since she could feel his presence from within the room.

As she knocked on the door Josh came back to his senses and realised what time it was. He looked at a clock and saw it was 7:30pm and soon heard his stomach rumbling. He was so immersed in trying to find some secrets from the book that he was completely unaware of his surroundings. He yelled, "please wait a second", and stashed the diary and papers into his infinity bag.

Afterwards he opened the door and faced Ariana. She smiled and pointed at his look. He realised his clothes were out of place and his hair was all messed up. He closed the door, fixed his clothes and hair then faced Ariana again.

"Sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?" Asked Ariana.

Josh couldn't tell her about what he was actually doing so he said, "it's fine. I woke up from sleeping a few minutes ago and didn't notice the time so actually thank you for-".

Before Josh could finish his sentence his stomach rumbled and Ariana smiled once again. "Perfect timing. I finished work late today and I thought it would be nice to have dinner with you so would you like to join me on the rooftop for some food?"

"Sure, I would love to", replied Josh while trying to hold his excitement in.

They made their way to Rosa's tower and Josh asked, "how come we're using The Rose's tower?"

"I normally stay at my family's mansion like Selena and Adrian, so when I do stay here for a night or two I have a room in Rosa's tower and I stay with her. Selena does the same too and Adrian stays with Peter", answered Ariana.


Ariana set up a table and chairs while Josh helped carry some food to the rooftop, but the Pink Rose took most of the stuff up by magic. Once that was done she turned on some fairy lights which were wrapped around the railing and the rooftop was soon lit up with beautiful, dazzling colours.

While she was doing this Josh looked down from the tower and saw some people he remembered seeing, running around during the day. They were now relaxing and either read a book, looked at the flowers, etc. It seemed things were starting calm but their were still people running around and he had a feeling the same was going on outside too. You can never rest while the enemy is working.

The Prince sat down at the table and the Pink Rose did the same.

Laid out on the table were some soup, rice, bread and fruit which they soon dug into with beaming smiles. "Delicious", shouted Josh.

Ariana smiled and replied with, "thank you for your kind words".

"This tastes a lot like the food I had when I first came here", said Josh.

"It's probably because I cooked that meal", smiled Ariana.

"Oh, do you always cook your meals?" Questioned Josh.

"Well when I'm at my family home the chefs cook for me, but when I'm here I cook for myself. It's the same for everyone here so they cook for themselves since we have no chefs. It's probably why most of the nobles tend to stay at their own homes where they can have servants. They can do it themselves but they can't be bothered and I really can't too. Just the occasional cooking for me", laughed Ariana.

They both smiled at each other and continued to eat until everything was wiped clean. Ariana started to pack up and before forgetting Ariana assigned Josh with his first task. "By the way, your first task is to analyse the previous events that have happened since I became your tutor and see how everything links up".

She then gave him some information and due to getting trained on how to become the next king he had already learned how to deal with this. Josh was ecstatic on getting his first job and Ariana could only smile as she thought about all the paper work she had to get to.

They soon went their separate ways and started working further into the night as the stars shined bright and the peaceful quiet in Vas helped them cool their minds, as the fates prepared another battle for them to face.