Two days has passed since Josh's first assignment and he wrote down about all that has happened since Ariana became his tutor. Once he was done with that he continued to search for secrets in Diana's diary.
Once he started looking he became immersed and sometimes forgot about food. Thankfully the growling from his stomach helped him come back to his senses.
Josh yawned as he put Diana's diary back into his infinity bag and stepped outside to breath in the fresh air of Vas.
So far he has gotten used to the lifestyle and used every opportunity there was for him. Some examples of this is when some friends from the Royal Palace came he would work with them or if a facility was empty he would use it to its full extent. He only had a few more days left until he would leave so he needed to get as much from this while he still can... However Diana's diary said that he will return in the future which made him wonder even more than before.
What exactly would his relationship with Ariana be in the future?
The diary said many things which made him confused and excited at the same time.
Josh made his way back inside to see his dinner placed out on the table so he sat down and started to eat. Once he was done he decided to go back to his assignment and finish it.
He found that most of the events were connected to Black Assassin but he didn't have enough information to look further. Josh then wondered why Ariana gave him this assignment when she could have done this in two minutes by herself. She also said to analyse everything so maybe that is why?
The Prince soon decided to move on so he started to analyse everything on the paper in front of him.
He started by trying to figure out a deeper reason for Black Assassin to do this besides his hatred for the Roses' and him wanting to be number one.
As Josh was trying to figure it out he heard a knock from the bedroom door.
"May I come in?" Asked a person.
"You may", responded Josh.
In came Selena, the White Rose.
"The Rose wishes to see you", said Selena.
"Then please follow me".
As Selena exited the room Josh put his papers away in a safe space and hurriedly made his way to Selena.
Selena Claes is the daughter of a fashion designer who works with both nobles and commoners. Her father who is named Albert Claes owns a shop in the capital which is incredibly popular with the commoners while he does custom pieces for the nobles.
However before this he lived on the streets with his daughter after his wife who is a noble left him. You see what happened was during his youth he fell in love with a beautiful noble lady and threw away his friends to chase after her. They married each other despite her being a noble and him being a commoner, but she was only doing it for fun. The lady was notorious for breaking hearts and she had no pride or dignity when saying goodbye to her once lovers.
The noble lady played with Albert's heart as she found his actions cute and threw him onto the streets with their one week old baby since she did not want to deal with it. She took all of his assets and Albert had no friends or family to go to since his parents passed away when he was young and the noble "friends" he made were fake and when he asked for help from them they just laughed at him.
This made him depressed as he was left with nothing and was forced to work day and night. What kept him going was his daughter who he deeply cared for. His only friend, his only family, his only reason for him to live.
Everyday was hard but Albert was lucky enough to find people who would look after Selena while he was away working. Albert did everything he could for his daughter but never ventured into the underground society as he knew that would effect Selena's future, so instead he worked many jobs and did many favors and was eventually able to buy a small home for him and his daughter.
After heartbreak and hardships Albert learnt a lot and became much more wiser. When Selena was four years old Albert was able to get a stable job and got to work normal work hours. This allowed him to upgrade his house and spend more time with his daughter.
They barely got through those days but they were still able to make it and Selena couldn't help but feel furious towards her "mother". She never called her, her mother and only called her that lady. She wanted to rise to power and take revenge so she could slowly torture the woman who caused her and her father so many hardships.
The fates was truly on her side when she got her powers at age seven. When this happened she asked her father to keep this a secret until she enrolled in the most famous, oldest and best magical academy in Celeste, The Academy of Celeste's Magicus Magicians. The academy is located in the capital and it is incredibly hard to get in. A majority of the students are nobles as nobles were known to have stronger magical powers than commoners.
Selena's father first doubted his seven year old daughter's idea, as getting into an academy like that would be quite difficult for her. But he also knew she had a lot of potential since she gained her powers at age seven and also because of her determination. So what happened was Selena studied hard and won a competition to get an access card to the Forbidden Library which deepened her love for books even further. When she wanted to take a break from practicing magic she would read and gain even more knowledge so when the time came to take the test for enrolling in The Academy of Celeste's Magicus Magicians, she passed with full marks and immediately became famous for being a powerful student.
When Selena's "mother" who is named Julienne Cane found out about this she did everything she could to get Selena back as her daughter. Julienne tried many things like contacting the underworld, pressuring people and other vile tactics. This only got the wrath of Selena and she took revenge. Miss Cane retaliated by trying to remove Selena from everything but that failed and Selena got rid of her mother once she was done torturing her.
On her journey things were extremely hard for Selena as she had many enemies and her being a commoner did not help either. She was targeted by not only her mother but evil magicians and jealous nobles. She was able to survive through all of this and got some extra help from her father, nobles who are smart and The Rose.
Rosetta first met Selena when she was with her brother as he was looking around the school grounds. Selena had also attracted the attention of Ariana and while she was looking around with her brother she took this as an opportunity to meet Selena.
She did exactly that and immediately knew that Selena is one of a kind. Ariana met her again as The Rose and asked Selena if she would like to work with her. At first Selena was skeptical so she thought about this for many nights and concluded it to be a good idea as she could gain a lot from it. She could gain training, resources, connections and many more. Selena however still wanted to get revenge by herself so she only accepted the training, the name as the White Rose, the resources and help for her father.
You see one day when Ariana was visiting Selena's home she saw Albert sewing something and really liked it. She asked him to sew more so she bought him some fabric and he showed of his skills. Before and while he was married to Julienne he was a talented sewer and sewed some of the dresses Julienne wore to parties which gained the attention of many nobles. To not give any attention to her husband, Julienne lied and said it was from a secret designer which she bragged about until the end of her marriage with Albert.
Ariana saw the potential and invested for Albert to start a clothing store. This proved to be a smart decision and the store flourished brilliantly and some nobles soon noticed the designs were similar to the dresses Julienne wore, and they remembered how she stopped wearing beautiful dresses like those when she divorced with Albert. They connected the dots and started requesting for clothes from Albert and when it was found out later on that it was Ariana who invested on the clothing store he became even more popular with the nobles. This made Julienne even more furious as others ridiculed her for letting go of a brilliant husband and a talented daughter.
In the end everything ended well and Selena started to work full time as the White Rose and respected The Rose even more than before. When she became the White Rose she was amazed by all of Rosa's talents and after all of the help she got from Rosa she started to treat her like a goddess which Rosa found... Very annoying.
Josh looked at Selena and thought about how much she had been through and was happy she is now living a better life. She graduated the academy last year with outstanding marks and is still excelling in her job as the White Rose. She is considered to be cold and very distant so not many people talk to her but when she is with her father and The Rose she seems like the opposite. Josh smiled at this and continued to follow Selena.
She soon led Josh to Rosa's office and he soon entered.