WebNovelboys club85.71%

Chapter 6

I opened the door out to the balcony there was beautiful flowers over all I looked down to see if I could jump down but i was on th3 floor but there is no way I could jump and make it, I walk inside again and looked around the room it didn't seem like this was that guy Marko's room I just didn't understand why me and where is Ki and Ash, what are they going to do when I don't com back they must be worried about me.

2 hours later someone nooked on the door i didn't want anyone to come in so I just kept sleeping but someone came in anyway the person sat on the bed and took my hand and said.

-"you are going to be great here with us"

I just kept acting like I was asleep but then the person kiss my cheek and grinned then I could feel he was reaching for my zipper on my back he slowly zip it down I didn't know what he was going to do and I didn't know if I sound move or not when he was done unzipping my dress he tried to take it of I moved so he couldn't my heart was going so fast he just laugh at me and said.

-"I new you weren't asleep I could feel it but you did almost let me take your dress off"

He stood up and said.

-"get a good night sleep we are going to a party tomorrow and yes this is my room and yours now but good night"

I closed my eye and hoped that this was just a bad bream.

Next day....

When I wrok up I didn't want to open my eyes because I was just to scared off this wasn't a dream but then i felt a hand on my breast and I opened my eyes and saw it was Marko touching my boob and all this wasn't a bad dream it was really my life now. I tried to get up but Marko was really strong and didn't let go of me or my boob but out of the blue he began opening my shirt and I screamed and pushed him away he woke up shocked and he seems like he didn't really knew what was going on but he looked at me with a half open shirt and he just laugh and said.

-"so not even in my dreams I can control myself"

I was mad and shocked and just didn't understand this man why..?

-"why are you like this I haven't even done anything to you and why do you want me like there are so many other girls that are so much prettier just why??"

I said with a small scared voice he stood up and walk over to me with a grin and said.

-"go and get ready or I am going to do it"

I noted And he walk away again I noticed that he was strong and had a great body he saw me staring at him and he said.

-"do you want to take a bath with me or are you just going to keep staring at me"

I blushed and said.

-"no what do you think"

He smiled walk towards me and said.

-"It wasn't a question it was a command"

He grabbed my arm and picked me up and sat me on the side of the bathtub he began talking his cloths of.

-"I am not going to take a bath with you"

I said blushing while not trying to look at him he walk over and sat down in the bathtub and said.


I couldn't move I just didn't want to look at him. but without noticing him he took my shirt and shoved me in the bathtub at first I didn't understand what was going on but then I get up to ari and I noticed that I laid on the top of him he was truly naked I was so red he just laugh and said.

-"don't be so shy come here"

And then he grasp around my wrist and took my cloths off I blushed so much I never think I had ever blushed. he began touching my body, my boobs, my stomach and he began to go lover.

-"stop...! Stop it..! Don't do it"

I stuttered at him he stopped and said.

-"normally I wouldn't stop but because you made such a good show I will but don't think next time I will"

He stood up and said.

-"I'm done now get your self done and ready and then come to me"

he walk out and I was left alone I just didn't understand that man.

20 minutes later I was done I nooked on the door and said.

-"I'm done now what am I..."

The door opened and the same man as before came out and said.

-"you are now going to have breakfast follow me"

I followed him down the hall in till we cam to the dinner room there was three plats I got showed over to a chair and told I need to wait for the master. A little after Marko came in and sat down he smiled at me and said.

-"you look gorgeous as always"

I was angry but still a little fine with it he stopped my thoughts again and said.

-"ohh and my little brother is going to eat with us today I think you are going to like him"

He smiled and grind at me. he just whispered something to the maid and then his brother came in he had gray hair and a hot body but then I noticed that is was Ki I stood up and said.

-"WHAT!! Ki is that you? Do you know this man?"

He smiled and said.

-"yes he is my brother have he told you our plan... about being our little play thing"