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Chapter 7

-"what! Your play thing?!"

I said, I didn't understand why. Why did everything in these days have to have that question why.

-"don't worry isa you are going to be fine here and have fun"

Marko said calmly, and stood up and walk towards me I didn't want this to be true I didn't want to be here in my body or mind I just wanted to be gone in Ash's arms I missed him.


I said too my self.

-"what did you say"

Marko asked I looked up at him with fear in my eyes and said.

-"what about Ash what did you do to him!?"

Ki fronded and walked over to me and said.

-"why are you thinking about him I am much more fun why don't you and I get a little more together"

Ki touched my thigh gently I was disgusted and pushed him away and asked.

-"what did you do to him!"

Ki answered.

-"nothing we did nothing I just told him that you didn't feel well so you took home early and he believed it"

I laugh.

-"you really think he fall for that little lie I don't think you know him or me I'm sure that as soon he took home he called the police"

They looked shook at me and said.

-"why do you think that"

I answered.

-"because he know that I hate being home more then anything so I always stay at his house and when he saw I wasn't at home he would have realist that you where lying"

Ki smile and said.

-"thanks for the information now I will go and have a little chat with Ash"

Marko walk over to me and picked me up and carried me in to another room lade me on the bed and looked me in the eyes and said.

-"so what do you think we are going to do"

He touched my boob and kissed me.

-"what are you doing!?"

I said and pushed him away but he just pulled me closer.

-"do you really think that you can get away from me so easily"

Marko said and kissed me again wile he touched my thigh.

-"please stop... you can't do this"

I said he grabbed my arms and hold them above my head and slowly took my underwear off he began kissing my thighs then slowly began to move towards my pussy

-"stop!! Stop it.."

I screamed but he didn't listen he shoved his fingers inside me and began to move them.

-"stop.. plea...se.. stop..."

I said it felt good but I didn't want it to it was wrong he couldn't do this.

-"I can feel that you like it your so wet we are going to have fun"

He took his fingers out and unzipped his pants.

-"no don't you can't do that!!"

I screamed and tried to push him away.

-"says who?"

Marko said.

-"says I because... I am... I am a.... virgin..."

I said, Marko backed off and said.

-"hm yes I see then I guess I can't?"

I came down.

-"what do you think just because you are a virgin I would stop ha it's this a joke to you?"

Marko said and came on top off me and said.

-"I am going to do you when I want to any way you are not going to be a virgin for long now"

He push him self against me suddenly the door oped and Ki came in and said.

-"I am sorry to interrupt but isa have a guest"

Marko stood op and said.

-"okay isa I will promise that because you are a virgin I will make your first time special"

And he left. Ki came over and helped me up and said.

-"get yourself fixed and come out to the living room"

I didn't understand who was here to see me I was a little scared but I got myself fixed and walked in to the living room and I saw Ash I ran over to him and hugged him and I said.

-"Ash I missed you sooo much"

But then I thought again and look over at Ki and Marko.

-"what is he doing here what is going on"

I said confused.

-"you know what you said about him knowing that you still were here and yes he knew but didn't knew what to do but when I was over at his house I figured out that Ash actually loves you so I thought why doesn't he just get in our little plan so remember for now on you are our little play thing"

Ki said I looked at Ash and I didn't understand why he would do something like this.

-"Ash why how can you do this?"

I asked.

-"isa you know that I really love you and really want you soo here I actually can get it and I promise I will be gentle on you"

How could he.