The Destiny

When Deng Lun learn that Dilireba is still not awake he sighed, picked up his computer and opened it, intending to research for someone who had the same problem as her. Just as he opened the computer, his Gmail received a new message. He sits back as he opens the file.

[Oh, it is that file I assigned to find out Bai Jiayu's Identity. As expected, Bai Jiayu was mysterious, there is little information on him and that it has protection over it. Who would have wanted to hide his identity and why? Who exactly is he? Well, looks like I have to give this mission to little Wang after all.]

Du~ Du~ Du~

" Finally you called! I missed you! Do you know how much I think about you day and night?"


"Do you miss me? I'm coming back soon~ and when I do let's have fun!"

"Xiao Wang what are you thinking about all day, huh? Still a playboy I see."

"Man, you are still as cold as ever. Well, what do you want to do? Bang it out at the nightclub?"

Deng Lun's face darkened. And his voice lowered, "Do you want to know what happens to those that wanted to bring me to a nightclub and didn't succeed?"

"...Just kidding! Just kidding! Oh right I heard that you got a wife a month ago, I wonder who did you an iceberg would actually marry. Hahaha. She must be really pretty. So how far did you go with her? Need my help with anything, after all, I'm bored."

"...If you are really bored, why don't I sent you to The Seven Hell Fire Hall? In there you can play all day long and doesn't need to come back anymore."

"Alright, alright fine! Well, playtime is over. So what mission do you have for me?"

"Go and find the identity of Bai Jiayu and see what relationship he has with Dilireba."

"Oh, I really wonder who Bai Jiayu is that you have to go through me to search his background seems like he wasn't that simple. Oh, and who's Dilireba? Your wife? She has a really unique name, I really wanted to meet her. Hurry up and hang out with me and bring that wife of yours after I finish the mission. I'm dying of boredom here."

"...Then go die after finishing the mission."

"Hey! You're so cruel. Not gentle at all! Humph."


'Little Wang' pouted. [Humph, he hung up on me! Me!!! I, Wang Heiqi, his greatest and accomplished friend, brother and comrade! Where're his brotherly feelings?! Didn't he miss me at all? Humph! Why did I even become friends with this iceberg in the first place?!]

Back to Dilireba….

[ could it be?!]

Dilireba looked at the spot where her name and her fated one's name was located.

Next to her name was Wen Chang the god of culture and literature. But then it changed into Deng Lun just when Dilireba changed expression it then Bai Jiayu and then Zhang Yixing.

Dilireba was shocked and confused. Pondering to herself, she spoke her thinking out loud since there was nobody around, "Isn't the rock of three incarnations show who my lover will be for three lifetimes? Why did mine was so different why did it state who is my destined partner for life? I think ...there must be something wrong with this stone…. Yup that must be it… It is broken… but why did it show Deng Lun and who is Zhang Yixing and Bai Jiayu is alive?"

Then a gentle voice spoke, "It was because you are special. Looked like I found you… my dear niece."

Dilireba looked around to find the owner of the voice when a light flashed and appear a goddess in white. For some reason she felt familiar with her aura and scent.

She blurts out, "Aunt Bai Qian!"

She covered her mouth in shock after speaking. Somehow it was a natural instinct to call her that.

Bai Qian smiled and gently said, "Little Nine or should I say Dilireba? Don't be afraid, I will not harm you and don't worry, it looks like you are slowly gaining your memory back."

"My….My memory?"

"Yes, your last lifetime's memory."

"Last ...lifetime...but this isn't logical how is it possible that I can remember the past lifetime when I couldn't even remember what happened in my childhood and others don't have this ability that spoke of doing either."

"It was because of your past lifetime's identity and ability that you are able to do it. You aren't really an ordinary human."

"...what do you mean? I am perfectly human, I eat, sleep and work like the others?"

"You will know about those later.It is hard enough to speak to you so listen to me first."

Dilireba sighed and nodded.

"In this world, there are three realms, the realm for deity or immortals, the realm for ordinary human or the mortal without any power with some exceptions, and the realm of demons. In the deity realm, it contains the nine fox family and the heavenly imperial family. You are in the mortal realm. And the demon realm, contains the demon emperor and the other demons. The human realm also contains the royal sea family in the far north. However in the last demon-deity war, you sacrificed yourself in order to save the human and the deity realm and in result you sealed your power and reincarnated. However after you died, the three lifetime of carnations rock shook and your destined partner is changed and mixed into chaos so only you can find your destiny partner. However the destined partner you choose shouldn't be chosen carelessly or else your power would explode and never to be reincarnated again. There are only 3 people in this world that could help you and be your chosen one but only 2 out of those three are able to increase your power and all the three would make the love between you two almost impossible because of the identity or other reasons, but they will be willing to be with you wholeheartedly. But beware of those that are closing in on you because of your identity and power as well as status."

And after that she vanish into thin air slowly.

Back to reality…

[What happened? Is what she said real? Wait, there are footsteps. Let's see what they want.]

Dilireba lay still as the mysterious figure approaches her. She was shivering in fear but it also made it look like she was shivering in the cold. When he approaches, she felt a bit more comfortable because of the familiar aura that he is giving off. She felt him put something on the table next to her and sit down next to her. He touched her cheeks and sighed. Dilireba almost flinched when he touched her but the touch is very warm and again very familiar. She frowned a bit.

Then he said, "Reba...ah did you get yourself into this mess...why are you still so foolish?"

Dilireba immediately know who he is without looking at him. Even if they had been apart for many years she could still recognize him. Dilireba accidentally let out a whimper, but thankfully he was a bit distracted by his thoughts. Dilireba slowly opened her eyes and saw him. It is exactly like how she had remembered him. However some of his features are covered by his sunglasses or she might have known that he looks almost exactly like Bai Ling. She quickly close her eyes when she hears footsteps outside the door.

Then the figure beside her stood up and whispered, "Reba...I'll be back, I promise. Wait for me. Until then farewell and get well soon."

The door opened and Bai Jiayu left.

If Bai Jiayu had turned his head back he would have noticed that there are a drop of tears in the corner of her eyes slowly forming and sliding down her cheeks.

Yang Ziying sighed and cleared his throat, "Miss Deng, it is time for your check up and I have already contacted your family."

However Dilireba was a bit emotionally unstable and didn't hear what he said.

One hour ago, in the USA…


"Are you a family member of Miss Dilireba Dilimarut? I'm a doctor from the Ying Yang Hospital."


"Okay. I am informing you that Miss Dilimarut had a very high fever."

"Okay got it I'll go over there in a second."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Get the plane ready, we will go back home."

"Yes, sir."

At that moment, Dilireba's phone vibrated and a message popped up. 'Reba, I'm coming back.'


Who is the mysterious person? Who is coming back and what is his relationship with Dilireba?