Second Brother

2 hours later…

Dilireba discharged from the hospital and hurry to the airport when she saw the message. [Second Brother is back! Finally, he's back! I have to tell Big Sis.]

On WeChat…

Xiao Di: Big sister, second brother is back!

Lan Jie: Okay, tell him hello for me, Xiao Mantou is still at his playdate.

Xiao Di: Okay

Xiao Di: Love you, bye <3

Lan Jie: Love you! <3 Bye-bye

Back to Dilireba…

[Sigh. What a pity that the three of us cannot reunite together. Oh well, at least everyone is here.]

Dilireba puts down her phone and looked out the window; pondering something. [Hm? I felt like I had forgotten to do something ...whatever.]

On the other hand, Deng Lun who still haven't received the news that Dilireba had been discharged from the hospital was still thinking in his office how is he going to tell his father and mother about why she had a fever, where is he last night and etc. He didn't receive the news of the discharge because he was on the red-list of unwanted people in the Ying Yang Hospital. And Deng Chao and Bai Jiaqi didn't bother telling him but instead was busy in their own schedule.


Author 2: Poor Deng Lun. Hey why didn't we tell him the news?

Author 1: Nope, that would most definitely spoil the plan and he would definitely not let Dilireba went to see 'the second brother'

Author 2: ... yeah... you are right. Nevermind. Looks like you got everything under control.

Author 1: Not everything but yes it is in my plan.

Author 2: you kinda sound like the big boss behind the scene.

Author 1:...

Author 2: Okay, okay. I'm wrong. Ahhhh, stop! You are going to destroy the mood! Ahhh, I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

Author 1: And by the way red list is a warning list used for the big shots and black list is the list that bans people officially but it also block them from entering other hospitals.

Ahem...back to the story


At the airport…

A large crowd surrounded the airport and it was so crowded that there are police officers holding them back letting some passengers in and out. However many cars are stuck because of the sudden crowd.

[Why are there so many people today? Is there a celebrity coming? Where is the second brother? Wait… let me guess it is second brother that stir up the crowd again… ugh! How troublesome.]

On WeChat…

Xiao Di: Second Brother, where are you?

Lu ge: Gate 7.

Xiao Di: ….. So you are the one that stir up all those troubles.

Lu ge: What do you mean? I am clearly an angel not a troublemaker.

Xiao Di: You will know when you come out.

Lu ge: ….. Okay…..

Lu ge: 😓 what's up with all that- wait I think they are my fans… fine, I will admit that it is my presence that attracts them here but i think someone leaked the information through…

Xiao Di: You deal with it yourself.

Lu ge: Wait, Xiao Di you are not going to abandon your second brother are you?

Xiao Di: If you are going to start trouble again…

Lu ge: I'll make up to you alright? I brought souvenirs.

Xiao Di: Souvenirs? Food?

Lu ge: Yes… but if you keep eating you are going to get fat you know.

Xiao Di: I'm not going to get fat and the food are delicious, I can't help it.

Lu ge: … then from now on I'm going to call you, pang di.

Xiao Di: Second Brother!!! I'm leaving you here. Humph

Lu ge: Wait, don't you want the souvenirs?

Xiao Di: ….. Fine...

[For the food, I'll endure it]

On the other side…

The one who attracts all the attention is focusing on his phone while the security are keeping the fans away. He laughed.

[I guess Xiao Di still didn't change, wait it is Pang Di now. Hahaha]

And the fans who saw him laugh was stunned and squeal in delight.

Thankfully, no one recorded anything but everyone was wondering what made the handsome man laughed.

15 minutes later…

"Pang Di! Pang Di"

Dilireba pouted and decided to ignore him.

The lad patted her right shoulder and said, "Come on, don't ignore me. Don't you miss me?"

Dilireba replied with a humph.

Then unexpectedly behind her, the lad hold a flower in front of her.

"Here. It was really popular in America."

Dilireba smiled a bit and reach out her hand to take it, hesitated and retract her hand.

"Humph. I'm still angry with you. Don't think that one flower is enough to make me happy."

The lad laughed and smiled clearly seeing that Reba was eyeing the flower.

"Okay. Hmm... Then how about…"

The lad took back the flower and as expected Dilireba turned around and had a disappointed look on her face. Then the lad hold up his left hand. Dilireba gasp, clearly surprised.

In his left hand, was a whole bouquet of white, pink, light blue and red flowers.

"What is this?"

"It is a bouquet of flowers made out of marshmallows and it was handmade by a professional."

"But the single flower is not the same as this bouquet. Who made it?"

"Em… I made this myself."

Dilireba giggled before laughing out loud. The lad making the flower? What a funny scene that would be!

"Okay. I forgive you."

The lad in front of her smiled brightly as he hand the bouquet to her.

Dilireba, however, took the flower in his right hand and eat it before the lad can react. He was clearly surprised and Dilireba laughed, it was obviously a tiny comeback.

"Xiao Di! Xiao Lu!"

They turned around surprised to see their senior brother. How was he able to locate them and find out the location? Who knows. Actually it was very simple…

The flashy lad who called out their nicknames run towards them. However…

The look on his face was clearly not happy. He was running towards the lad. Actually, more like flying towards him. He one arm hugged his neck and knocked on his head.

"Three years you've gone abroad, but when you come back the only person you think about is Xiao Di, huh? You, brat. How dare you forget all about your bros!"

The lad laughed and said, "You are still the same! I miss you too. By the way, how did you find me?"

The senior brother look at him as if he is asking the lad, "Did you lose your brain cells?"

He showed him his phone and said, "The famous handsome man of the Lu family is back! The National brother, Lu han is back! Back from Abroad, the youngest prince of the Lu family. Bro, you are so famous, do you think that no one will know? And that crowd of people earlier at the entrance was also caused by you. Man, this is so not fair."

Lu han looked in embarrassment, before shamelessly said, "humph, you are just jealous of the handsome me."

The senior brother's face darkened. [I, Yue yingque, was the school prince back in junior high, but because of you, I lost my ranking in high school. Sigh. Anyways, I'm not jealous of your look because I'm more manlier than you. Humph. You are still so thick-skinned."

Yue yingque sighed and said, "Whatever, it's good that your back."


Note: Again, this is for entertainment purposes and keep in mind that this is fictional so many are not true.