Family Dinner

Yue yingque brought them back to his house.

"Darling, I'm home. I brought back some guests."

Qi Weilan was in the kitchen cooking. She replied back, "Who is it? Oh and Mantou is in the living room playing, can you check on him?"


Dilireba walked to the kitchen on tippy toes sneakily. Then she hugged Qi Weilan from behind.

Qi Weilan was so surprised that she almost dropped the ladle.


Dilireba smiled before pouting.

"How do you know it was me, Weilan jie?"

"I watched you grew up from when you are born how would i not know? And besides you are the only one that would dare to hug me like this besides my son and husband."

"Hehehe, you know me the best Lan jie. Oh right, did you get promoted to black belt already?"

"Of course, it was around two months ago. Anyways, now that you are here, help me with dinner, most of the preparations and dishes are done."


A few minutes later…

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Quick! Get the fire extinguisher! The fire alarm is going off."

"Oh no! That direction it is from the kitchen, I hope Xiao Lan and Xiao Di are okay."

Lu Han and Yue yingque rush to the kitchen with a fire extinguisher and quickly put out the fire.

Yue yingque wiped his forehead and said, "That was close. Are you okay? What happened?"

They glanced at Qi Weilan then at Dilireba. Qi Weilan coughed a few times then glanced at Dilireba and coughed again. She moved and blocked Dilireba, who was glancing everywhere and smiling awkwardly...

[I see…] Both of them know who the culprit is and coughed before changing the topic.

"Nevermind. Dilireba you can rest I'll help Xiao Lan handle the kitchen. Go watch mantou for us."

Dilireba nodded quickly and rush out of the kitchen. Lu han can see that her ears are red.

Dilireba went to clean herself and sighed. [I forget that I can't cook ...and that time it's the same...sigh. Oh well just my luck that I wasn't born with cooking talent… Such a pity.]

She went into the living room where Mantou was in, sleeping.

[Hehe. Looks like the little bun was tired, he was so cute like this. I hope I would have a son as cute as him one day…]

Dilireba decided to let Mantou sleep a little bit. She was worried that he would catch a cold or and carry him to the couch, covering him with a blanket.

A few minutes later…

Lu han came in. Dilireba press a finger on her lips signaling him to be quiet and look at Mantou, who was sleeping on the couch.

They arranged the table and come back to wake mantou up.

"Mantou wake up. It's time to eat."

"Mmhmm. What time is it?"Mantou said drowsily.

Dilireba giggle and said, "it is time to eat. Hurry up go and wash up. We are celebrating tonight."

"En." Mantou waddled out of the living to the bathroom.

A few moments later…

It was a harmonious sight.

The atmosphere was very good.

"Reba, Xiao Lu eat more. Look at you guys, you are so skinny."

Lu han raised an eyebrow and said. " Really? Reba is skinny? Why can't I see iit? And you don't have to worry about her not eating since she eats a lot."

Dilireba shoot Lu han a look.

Everyone laughed.

Qi Weilan helped Dilireba take revenge.

And asked, "Hey, are still single?"

Lu han replied, "Of course, you are the only mother here."

Qi weilan shoot Dilkreba a smirk and a wink before turning back to Lu han and said, " Well it may be true that i am the only mother here but you are the only dog without the red thread here."

Lu han give her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"Well you are the only one that is not married. Dilireba just married a month ago."

Dilireba who is drinking at the moment almost choked. She coughed and when she looked up, she saw Lu han staring at her.

She stared back and said, " What are you looking at? You should hurry up and get married too. I want a niece. I even thought of a name for her, so hurry up and find someone."

Lu han was speechless.

He coughed and fired back, " If you want one why don't you just gave birth to a daughter yourself."

Dilireba fired back, " So what. I want a niece. You single dog!"

Lu han replied back, " Humph since you know I am single, why don't you give birth to a daughter when you are already married."

Dilireba fired back, "No, I want a niece. I am just taken pity to you and want you to get rid of the status of you being single, you idiot. And besides your personality would make you get a daughter faster. "

As the two are bickering back and forth, the family of three were watching the show as they eat lobsters and shrimps, laughing.

In Dilireba's bedroom…

B-ring B-ring B-ring

Ding Ding Ding

"20 messages"

Deng Lun, " Where are you? Why are you not home? Come back or your salary will be deducted. Dilireba! If you are not coming home this instant, don't even think about coming back….."

Bai Jiaqi, "Tomorrow we are going on vacation, do you want to come? If you are sleeping, I won't bother you anymore, sleep well."

Bai Jiayu, " Hello. How are you?"

On Weibo, " The superstar Lu han is meeting a girl?! Who is the mysterious girl? What is their relationship."

Right now, Dilireba was enjoying her time with her family, it may also become one of the few moments where Dilireba would be this joyful. Alas, the road is long and hard so let's cheer and support our female lead throughout the progress. Fighting!