The Realisation

The next few days preparations for the family banquet was done in the Prime Minister's Manor. Xing was trained with various etiquette lessons and rules of the Huang family by Xu mama. The only good thing was that she had her morning training practices with Shengli. As distressed Xing was, even her brother's annoying habit of making her do his work seemed like an oasis in a desert to her.

Xing had already sent letter to Lady Shaoyao to arrange a meeting for Lord Chu with her on the Heavenly Flowers Palace. As she had mentioned about the family dinner too, Lady Shaoyao sent a box full of beauty products and also a beautiful peacock hair dress to wear for the banquet.

Xing, even though lived wildly never forgo her attention towards her skin as trained by Lady Shaoyao. Beauty is a weapon women could use is what she always said. Xing prepared her own cosmetics, bath salts, fragrances and oils and always kept herself clean. So for the upcoming banquet, she prepared herself to be more presentable.

Shengli noticed that her complexion had become more pearl-like and her hair had a nice fragrance to it and he could not keep his hands away from her. But his efforts were of no avail and Xing carefully avoided his touch making him sulk. The more she kept away from him the more his desires grew. Wait... It's not what she is planning right?

A couple of days before the banquet, Rijun brought home an edict with a pouch and they were in their father's study. Shengli was present too and Rijun gave it to Shengli and AoTian was curious too.

Shengli opened the pouch to see a jade pendant. It was exquisitely made with white jade encrusted with gold to make it more robust and one look could say it was really expensive. There was a lively tiger carved in it with purple tassels hanging with purple string attached on the top so it can be hanged in the waistband. It wasn't too big to be glaring or too small to go unnoticed and it looked gender neutral even if there was a tiger carved in it since it was oval shaped. Obviously a lot of care was given to make this pendant.

" He'd put a lot of thought into it", Shengli smirked.

Xing who had lost her patience got that edict and gave a quick read. Can enter the palace anytime they want, where ever they want, even disturb the Emperor in the middle of the night, can arrest and handover to justice department, can ride a horse inside the city and the list went on.

"Wait! He gave you all of his powers except the dragon seal and you can go anywhere except his bed chambers and you can have anything except his women", Xing told Shengli with her eyes wide. AoTian was surprised too.

"Silly girl! Did you read the name?", Shengli asked smiling.

Xing read the first line... "This White Tiger Token is awarded to Táng Jia... Wait!", she screamed, "It's for me? ", she pointed at herself.

AoTian clicked his tongue, "What is he up to now?"

Rijun laughed, "You threw the previous token back on his face and refused to meet him too, so he made this one specially for you. He also gave you a letter", he gave Xing a letter.

Xing read it out loud, "Dear loyal subject, Even though I am your Emperor and you had promised to serve me, you had refused to answer my summons. But this Emperor will not allow you to break your promises to me. Here is the reward for saving me and being good to my brother. Since you are a Lu now you are not allowed to leave this city. With regards, your Emperor ".

Since when am I a Lu? Why am I give such a thing? What is going on? Xing froze in confusion.

Shengli got the letter from her hands and burnt it in a lantern nearby and Rijun who cannot stop laughing by his act of jealousy, knocked her head,

" Mingxia, do you see, the white jade with gold rim and purple tassels... Only those with the Imperial surname can carry such tokens. Usually the Imperial family members carry white jade with the Imperial Emblem of dragon but this one is a White tiger and it gives you the authority of both the Imperial Surname and that of the white tiger token", he explained. AoTian just sighed deeply not knowing what to do.

"Why would I want the Imperial Surname? How many surnames am I going to have? It's all confusing.. Why did he give me this? This is troublesome ", Xing was still confused.

Shengli just patted her shoulders and gave her the token, "Don't think too much. Didn't you want a token with tiger in it? Add this to your collections", he said and placed it in her hands. He rolled the edict back and asked her to keep it safe but she didn't even hold it.

"I know!", Xing shouted suddenly startling everyone, "It's for you! He knew you would not accept it so he gave it to me", she said to Shengli, "Fine! I'll keep it safe for you", she said and started to take a look at the token happily.

Shengli just shook his head helplessly. Silly girl! It clearly has your name on it. Do you know how valuable and powerful that thing is? It is more powerful than the Dragon hairpin I gave you! Well! Although I don't like that my brother gave it as a gift to you, I'll let you have it so it may protect you! But looks like I need to have a talk with my brother!

Rijun wanted to tell her about the Emperor's interest in her, "And Mingxia", he started, "The Emperor... actually... Why don't you meet him and tell him you are Huang Mingxia?", he proded .

AoTian and Shengli understood the undertone of his suggestion but Xing was oblivious.

"Why? What does that got to do with him? Always doing whatever he wants.. Dragging me along ... Just because he's the Emperor, he thinks he can do anything.. Hmmph! Dear Loyal subject, my foot!", she stomped, "Let's not talk about him! If there is nothing more I'll leave", she said angrily and turned to leave.

"Mingxia, he's actually inter..", Rijun paused seeing the dark and cold glare from Shengli as he shook his head urging him to stop. Xing didn't even turn back and strode back to her courtyard.

AoTian rubbed his temples with his fingers. Why does this girl of his attracts the attention of those with dragon blood and that too brothers? Will they stand against each other for her? Will the Huang family be punished for hiding the truth about her? And if those two fight for her, will the one she chooses get the throne too? How is this going to turn out?

"So what? Are you going to kill your brother?", AoTian asked Shengli who was standing there with his expressions dark and gloomy.

"Why would I, when he is worth more alive? And he has no chance with her ", he replied indifferently and followed Xing to her courtyard.

"Father, I already told the Emperor to not pursue this idea. But knowing how stubborn he is, I am sure only the truth can make him back off. I'm sure Shengli can handle it", Rijun told AoTian. But even Rijun knew even if the truth is told, the Emperor's reaction would be unpredictable. He might get mad for being lied to in which case there will be severe repercussions or accept it as it is. But she is right too. What someone else does should not concern the Emperor much. This won't matter if only the Emperor was not interested in her. Even so he is the Emperor and he owns everything under the sky including everyone's lives.

Whatever it is the truth has to be revealed.

Geez! That guy! He accepted Táng JiaXing as his sister-in-law giving the Lu surname and interested in Huang Mingxia as a woman not knowing both are the same! Sister, you have caught the tail of a tiger by using two identities! How will you escape?

Meanwhile Xing got back to her courtyard and threw that token inside a drawer in her room. She had no interest in using that token whatsoever.

Xu Mama had told her that the bath was ready and she was about to undress when she heard someone entering her room. She knew it was Shengli and immediately fixed her clothes. Shengli who entered noticed that and a frown appeared in his face. Days before she didn't mind him seeing her naked but suddenly she had this weird reactions to him?

"What are you doing?", he asked in a deep voice that expressed his displeasure.

"Nothing! I was about to go to take a bath. Why are you here?", she asked turning at him.

"I can't be here?", he raised his eyebrows as if he had been wronged and started walking towards her.

Xing felt a tug in her heart and she didn't know how to answer him. She looked around to see if anyone was there only to find she was left alone as she liked to bath alone. For some reason she wanted to run away. But she didn't want to at the same time. She was conflicted about her next move.

Seeing her like a cornered rabbit made Shengli's mood go sour. That day, did he went overboard when he tried to find out if she hated his darkness? Now does she want no part with him? Is that why she is avoiding him?

"I just wanted to give you this", he placed the edict in her hand. She immediately withdrew her hands holding the edict and started to walk towards the drawer she kept the token.

"Oh! That's why! But the letter... Ah right! You burned it", she spoke and her voice was high pitched as if she was nervous making Shengli's eyes go darker.

"Yes, he mentioned me in there. So I had to"

"Oh! That's why", she gave a chuckle that was awkward.

The actual reason Shengli burned that letter was he didn't like her to keep something handwritten by another man with her. After all she didn't even had a single letter written by him with her. How can she be allowed to have someone else's letter? That brother of his had handwritten on the edict too. The edict is important as it was an official document and it cannot be burned and so it had to be kept safe.

"Xing, what's wrong with you?", he took a step closer but she took a step back and he could not handle it anymore.

"Why are you avoiding me these days? I was wrong to scare you that day but didn't you say you are not scared of me?", he asked in a low voice as if he was pissed but there was a deep longing evident in his tone too.

"It's not that.. Someone said if a woman is easy, the man would lose interest soon. So.. ", Xing spoke softly and her eyes focused on the door as if she wanted to run away.

"Oh", Shengli said his voice domineering, "Starting to lie now, are we? Want to run away?", he walked with his towering form towards her and his voice deep making Xing step back and she ended up tripping on the bed.

Shengli got close to Xing who had collapsed on the bed with her hands supporting her. That girl whom he want to posses and the one going on getting in the minds of other men is trying to get away from him and the thought made him feel helpless.. Like he had lost everything and is drifting away in the wind like a leaf in the autumn wind. He cannot let it pass..

He placed his hands on her sides and her sweet smell entered his nose that made his throat dry and unconsciously wetted his lips only to see her eyes... It had a new expression he had never seen before.. It was not fear or hate or abhorrence but...

No way..! She is being bashful..?

Shengli felt like a bird soaring in the sky and his heart lifted and all the jealousy he felt dispersed as mist in the sun. She had always been assertive and forward with him till now and he liked that side of her. But she can be bashful too? But why this change suddenly..? Then again, who cares! She is so cute... He wanted to tease her and blowed on her face gently and he could see her face got red, not only her face, her ears and neck also got red like a tomato.

She was having her eyes closed and he eyelashes were trembling and her lips were in a cute pout,

"Xing, open your eyes. Or else I will ravish you right here and now! ", he whispered in her ears making her flinch lightly and that only flamed his desires. He really meant what he said. Stupid promises and silly social conventions! Who cares about them when you have the woman you want right in front of you with that expression, right?

Xing who felt buried by the immense pressure from him had actually done something she had never done before... Taking a step back. She had never retreated... Never... But this guy with no weapon and had no intent on hurting her had made her take a step back. Well not one but several...

She got tripped and somehow sat balancing with her hands and then he had to keep his face that close to her and on top of that, he.. seductively licked his lips..? His manly scent made various weird sensations in her and she gulped.

And then... That guy... He.. Looked at her like that and... blowed on her face..? Seriously..? What's gotten into him? But Xing felt her entire face become hot and it was tingly... So tingly and ticklish she could not open her eyes.

Wait.. What.. His deep voice... Open my eyes? Ravish me?... Well... I will open my eyes if I can dummy!

Shengli saw her still not opening her eyes and just as he was about to lose his rationality, he heard the sound of door opening. That should be Xu mama. He didn't know if he should curse her or thank her but he knew he cannot continue. He at least wanted to put a mark in her jade like neck but didn't want to as he remembered the scar in her chest.

He already gave her an unfading mark years back!

He looked at Xing who was still closing her eyes and flicked her forehead and that broke her trance,

"Táng Jia Xing, only I can see this expression on your face, got it?", he whispered in her ears and kissed her forehead and stood up and left.

Xu mama who was bringing in Xing's change of clothes saw Shengli leaving with a divine smile on his face and wondered if he might be an Incarnation of a god who is on earth for a trial or something. Even her old heart skipped a beat seeing his handsome smile and she stood frozen for a while.

Xu mama then remembered her young miss being alone in the room and immediately ran in to see her sprawled on the bed with her face red. Thankfully her clothes were intact or Xu mama might have lost her head.

"Oh dear! Young Miss! What happened to you? Did that young master did something to you? Why are you like this? ", she asked worried. She had never seen her young miss like this before.

" He didn't even touch me, Xu mama! Since when did I become this pitiful! It's all that wolf's fault ", Xing mumbled and rolled herself in the blanket and started to giggle startling Xu Mama.

"Young Miss! The bath"


"Young Miss, dinner"



"Leave me", she raised her voice and Xu mama became silent.

Young love! How beautiful! Xu mama could not help but smile.

Xing under the comfort of her blanket wondered what was wrong with her. Ever since her mother passed away, her life had turned different and most importantly she seemed to have contracted a weird disease these days. That's right, a weird disease that whenever she sees Shengli her heart races, she cannot breath properly, she wants him to be close to her and when he is close she wants to run away. Also her usually low appetite had further reduced and she could not sleep properly these days too.

Xing wondered when it started, may be when he met him on the rooftop after a decade.. Well it was not that bad back then. Was it when he held her close to his heart and told her that she should tell him her sorrows? Maybe.. But it only worsened day by day.. When he paraded her proudly on the streets of the city, whenever he held her hands, when he said 'you're beautiful' at the banquet, when he trusted her in handling the assassins alone when he kissed her afterwards, when he said 'I'm here' that calmed her down.

But it really went uncontrollable after he opened up to her about his mother and when she got scared when he was sick. And when she realised what he had done for her in the past and him just brushing it off as nothing, yes... That's when the illness got serious... Like something is pulling her heart everytime she saw him or even think about him. The need to just merge herself to him.

After that he started to look more handsome than ever and it did no good for her heart when he got angry on behalf of her mother and also when he patiently took care of her and when he introduced his subordinate to her and also when he opened up and showed her his true self. His jealousy that went to the extent of burning the letter written by the Emperor attracted her too.

Even now, she didn't understand her desire for him to be close to her and at the same time she cannot handle the pounding of her heart and want to run away.

Xing had always lived by her own rules whenever it concerned her decisions. She followed the rules of the place she was in too. Kissing was like a greeting for her, as gods used to kiss her in the mouth to seal a promise even when she was little. Only when she get to know Haru, he punched her hard in the face once when she tried to kiss him and told her she cannot kiss other men nonchalantly. That's why she never kissed men and didn't feel anything weird when women kiss her. Also other things were considered common for her as she spent much time in the Heavenly Flowers Palace in her later years. Back when she was caught peeping by Lady Shaoyao, she was flogged five times and that was the only time she was punished by her and that was too little since, if it was anyone else the punishment would be fifty floggings. Lady Shaoyao warned her heavily against doing such things with anybody other than the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. So naturally she had the thoughts that with 'her Prince' she can do everything.

That's why when her mother died and her emotions were in disarray, she thought that the act that was so popular in the Heavenly Flowers Palace, that is said to be the utmost enjoyment of human life, would bring her lost happiness and since she could do it only with him, she initiated it. But he stopped her and helped her gain her bearing back even without doing the act.

But even though she had kissed many times before and could be called an expert in the art of kissing, her first kiss with him made her feel different. From then on each time they kissed she could feel her heart beat raising and her body feeling hot. But for some reason these days even the feeling of his breath on her makes her feel ticklish in her heart. Now that is truly weird!

She had always noted that his heartbeat would raise everytime she got near him. So Xing with her amazing deduction skills had concluded that the close proximity of Shengli had transmitted the weird disease he had, to her. So the best way to protect the both of them is to stop being close to each other, she concluded.

But it hurts more when he is not here or when I see his retreating back! How can I handle that, then? Xing was rolling inside her blanket thinking deeply.

But Xu mama's nagging to make her take a bath made her to put those thoughts to the back burner and to concentrate on the task at hand - The Family Banquet.