Arrival of the Huang Family

The next day the entire Huang Family was to be welcomed by the Prime Minister's Manor. That morning, Xing was in a casual women's attire and she could see the prideful look in her father's eyes and wondered why. Rijun knew what his father was thinking, 'My daughter is the most beautiful one in this kingdom!'

After breakfast, AoTian gave a red jade necklace to Xing and a jade belt to Rijun,

"I never cared about what others say and I may not always be right. But you two should know in my eyes both of you are the same, boy or girl.. adopted or sired both of you are My Children. I gave the family token to you both for the same reason. And remember, no one - family or outsiders can mess with you as long as I am alive. About the banquet tomorrow as Mingxia requested, I'll let you two defend yourselves. You'll only have to remember that you are my children and nothing is overboard for you two. So be at ease", AoTian spoke in a warm manner with a smile that reached his eyes that clearly showed both of them how much he means what he says.

Xing could feel the warmth radiating from her father. This is the one who told her that she can even kill the emperor without repercussions. Now he is trying to let them know that he will be on their side no matter what. Although she does not cry, she could feel her eyes well up and Rijun was in the same state too.

"Yes, Father"

"Understood father"

Both of them replied with their chest feeling heavy with emotions. So having a father would give this much of security, huh! Guess fathers really are like mountains on whom you can rely on, Xing felt happy that he was her father.

The entourage that reached their on early evening to their Manor included Lord and Lady Huang, their two sons Huang MingLuan and Huang MingLian, Huang MingLuan's son Huang RuYang, Concubine Lan, her daughter Huang WanRou and Huang Feiye's daughter who always stayed at her uncle's place - Huang Ming Xue. The two daughter-in-laws weren't able to attend because the elder one just delivered a baby girl and the second one was pregnant and could not travel.

Even though her father told her it was enough for her to join them for dinner, Xing got curious and watched them being welcomed by hiding in a tall tree. All of them were dressed extravagantly and their jewellery showed that they are indeed rich. Her Uncle walked in the front upright and with his eyes forward and hands behind his back. Even though he was nearing fifty he seemed young and healthy like he was in his early forties. Xing had heard a lot about him but had never seen him even though he frequented Heavenly Flowers Palace. Even Lady Shaoyao never let them meet before when she would go to the Heavenly Flowers Palace and he was there too. Xing looked at Lord Huang and wondered that he had that noble and soothing aura around him and did not seem like someone who would abandon his son. But then again humans are never what they look like. Just then she heard a commotion and saw Huang WanRou graciously slipping in front of Shengli who was welcoming them.

Xing was not new to those tricks women use to make a man notice them. She herself had experience in that area since she was an 'eligible man' for many back in the west and also she had learned many tricks from women in the Heavenly Flowers Palace. She observed that girl who was barely sixteen and had good facial features, nice skin and a beautiful brown hair. Her 'slip' was executed perfectly and anyone near her would instinctively try to catch her. Xing looked at how Shengli would react. Somehow she felt a strong feeling that wasn't all that pleasant, a feeling she had never felt before in her life and she could not name what it was and it made her heart ache. The moment that girl slipped Shengli turned as if he didn't notice her at all and said something to Rijun by his side and Huang Wanrou was caught at time by Huang Ming Xue. Xing saw the look on WanRou and realised that she has interest in Shengli and she felt… angry. Angry at Shengli. That damn Shengli, just going on seducing other women. Why is he standing there showing himself off, huh? Doesn't he have work to do? You Fox!

She could not watch any longer and went back to her courtyard and ordered Xu mama angrily to increase the guards around her place and not to allow anyone to enter her courtyard, not even a mosquito. So Xu mama compiled to her wishes even though she was confused. When it was time for dinner, she asked her Young miss to get ready, but only got met with her burning eyes,

"Tell them your young miss is gravely ill and cannot attend the dinner. Who will care about me?".

Xu mama was shocked by her behaviour. Even though she had acted arrogant before with others, she was never irritated to this extent and Xu mama was wondering what happened to her young miss who was so cheerful until she left to take a peek . So what happened there?

Xu mama sent a polite excuse for her young miss not attending the dinner and even sent a polite apology to the family elders too. Shengli who was at dinner expecting her had a slight smile hearing the apology that was entirely not her style. Even AoTian and Rijun recognised that apology was from Xu mama.

Shengli smirked thinking, So my little kitten! you could get jealous too! You were being bashful and now this!

In fact, Shengli rarely attends these family banquets as it was too 'noisy' for his taste and also he had never considered himself a Huang. He had attended only once before and he would always avoid it saying some excuses. He had made his efforts this time because he had to get in good graces of the family if he has to ask for the hand in marriage of their family's daughter. Even Rijun realised it and joked about it to him. He actually was about to leave immediately after he welcomed Lord Huang, but he saw Xing hiding in the tree and spying.

He was not a fool and had always known Huang WanRou's intentions towards him. For a concubine's daughter like her, her uncle's adopted son would be the best alliance she can get especially since her uncle had no other sons. She is exactly the type of women he hates as they remind him of his days in the inner palace who would use 'tricks' to attract the attention of a man rather than approaching them honestly not that anything would work on him.

Shengli knew she would definitely use some of her tricks this banquet too and he also wanted to punish Xing a little for always making him jealous. So he just waited it out and as expected, she did that trick and he had no intention of indulging her and turned to speak to Rijun so he could watch Xing on the tree with the corner of his eyes and her reaction surprised him.

He expected her to confront him or that girl then and there. But contrary to his expectations, she just left angry.

Silly girl, probably didn't even realise that she is jealous!

But he didn't expect her to skip dinner too. The thought of her pouting lying on the bed made him raise the corners of his lips slightly.

He finished his dinner abruptly and sneaked out to her courtyard only to see it heavily guarded. Guess she is more mad than he thought. It was not hard for a professional assassin to sneak past these household guards but since she had refused to see him, he respected her wishes. But he intercepted milk brought by a servant and called for Xu mama.

Xu mama, who was watching her young miss not touching the dinner brought to her room and mumbling something and was worried. Just then she was called and she saw that young master Shengli with the milk tray. She ran to him as he was the only one in this world who could possibly know what was going on in that complex mind of her young miss.

Shengli got updates about Xing from Xu mama and he felt a bit sad and joy at the same time. Sad that she was hurting and happy that his little kitten got jealous over him.

He gave Xu mama the milk and told her, "Tell your young miss that her Prince only had his eyes on his moon hiding on the tree. Also tell her, her Prince will be waiting to see her all dressed up for him at tomorrow's banquet", he smiled gently at her room with the windows open and left.

Xu mama brought the milk and went inside happily. Even she cannot hide her blush hearing the tone he talked. So it seemed her young miss was jealous, Xu mama realised. So she came back and told Xing everything Shengli said without missing a word and also some added details. Hearing that, her young miss' mood got elated and she ate her dinner and drank the milk happily. Only then Xu mama was relieved.

As Xing was getting ready for bed, there was some noise in the window and when Xing opened the curtains she saw Rijun with a cloth bundle trying to get in but with his amazingly agile body, he could not even jump over a window five feet from the ground level. Xing helped him in and hearing the noise, Xu mama came to see Rijun there and got shocked, "Young master, it is improper to..", but before she finished he interrupted,

"Who asked her to tell the guards not to let anyone in? And whose fault is that if I could not finish my work as I had to arrange for the entire banquet single-handedly as the other one was relaxing? She didn't help me yesterday too ", he complained.

Isn't it all your fault? Xing thought. This brother of hers, ever since he learned that she is well educated never misses his chance to stuff his work onto her. Also what's with him who cannot even climb this window? She could climb windows even when she was seven. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, her brother only knows to read and write. What a pitiful existence!

Xu mama had used to these two spending late nights together doing court works together and her master doesn't mind too as they consider each other as siblings. But for outsiders, he is not actually her brother but cousin and it may lead to tongues wag making up unusual stories.

Although Xu mama knew Shengli doesn't mind, still a woman's reputation is important. Sadly none of these youngsters worry about it. She looked through the window to see no one out there and went back to sit and watch over them.

Rijun looked at Xing and snickered, "My ugly sister! I thought you were doing something to get prettier. Why don't I see any difference? Did you fail miserably?", he could not stop laughing.

"It's because you are blind, stupid brother", Xing replied. She could not help but smile thinking that this would exactly what Haru would have said too, but he would not have been this civil and would have called upon unassuming animals like monkey or pig along to describe her too. Huh! I miss Haru.

Xu mama was sitting across from them and she got reminded of her little brother who always teased her of being too ugly when young. So all brothers are like that, she thought. Actually after those beauty treatments, her young miss looked more radiant and bright. Combined with her beautiful features she was actually glowing in this gentle lighting and even she could not help but stare at her. But how could her young master not see it? Judging by his attitude, he did not seem to be joking either. Somehow Xu mama felt sorry for her young master's future wife.

Rijun only stopped laughing after she glared at him and opened the bundle and there were various memorials and writing materials in it.

"Help me! I have to finish it by today", he said with his palms together.

" Why? Your ugly sister have to sleep to look at least presentable tomorrow", Xing turned her face.

"Who called my divine sister ugly? I'll kill him myself! Now help me.... Mingxia.. My beautiful little sister... ", he started begging her. Xing only helped him after he begged some more and once they started doing work, the room became dead quiet except the little noises from those paper and brushes or grinding ink.

Ever since he knew his sister was educated, Rijun had started to bring more work home and even all the court officials are wondering how he can complete this much tasks by himself when all he seems is gossiping with the Emperor. Only the Emperor knows half of his work is being completed by Xing.

The mountain of work got completed by both of them pretty soon and Rijun checked everything once again and stretched himself only later he was pushed out of the window by Xing. He told her the banquet would start after they return from morning court and to get ready on time and left.

Xing went to bed and woke up as usual and took a bath in the morning to freshen her up.

Xing got out from her bath with water dripping from her head to toe sensing someone watching her. Could it be some new maid? She got a closer look to see Shurei there with a weird look. When their eyes met she ran away immediately like an arrow shot out from a bow.

Duh! I'm ugly! So what! I cannot change my face, okay! Just deal with it! Xing mumbled lowly.

Even Haru would always say it takes a lot for him to not vomit seeing her ugly face. He even said that fishes would drown looking at her face. Xing had even stopped looking at mirrors so she won't know how ugly she is. But when she looked at the mirror occasionally, she didn't look that bad. Maybe it was her own opinion, but she did have charms that can be used for her benefits. Only Lady Shaoyao would pat her head and say this world is not ready for a divine beauty like hers. Other than Lady Shaoyao, Xing's mother and Shengli are the only persons who never mention her looks as ugly.

Actually what happened was, Shurei came early and Xu mama welcomed her and gave her refreshments as Xing was bathing. Shurei got curious and went to have a look at this woman who is like a brother to her husband and the one he never stops mentioning. When she sneaked in, she saw her beautiful back like jade sculpture dripping in water and her hair golden floating inside the bathtub along with flower petals and a gentle fragrance. Before she knew it she was rooted in the spot. Just then, Xing got out from the tub. Shurei's eyes widened seeing her emerging from the water as her body was like a magnolia flower, her cheeks were slightly pink because of the warm water and her golden hair hanging on both her shoulders emitted a golden glow as the morning sun rays kissed it. She looked like a goddess who came to the mortal realm for some reason, except for that visible scar of a blade on her chest. But even that paled compared to the rest of her body. Even though she didn't have a big chest, she had beautiful curves where it mattered. She remembered her husband always mentioning her as monkey or pig and wondered her husband's mental credibility.

Shurei couldn't watch anymore as she met the gentle gaze of Xing and she ran out and accidentally clashed with Xu mama, "Wow! Just Wow! Is my husband blind or stupid? If I were a man, I would have taken her for a night, even if it means death the next morning! Damn!", she stopped only after meeting the mocking look of Xu mama,

"Didn't knew Lady Ming had such preferences", she said jokingly.

With the short time with her, Xu mama could find out that this Lady Ming is unlike other rich ladies and actually humble and straightforward and she already liked her. Shurei couldn't say anything and just blushed not sure how she would blurt out such uncouth thing without reservation.

Xing wrapped herself in a robe and walked to the dressing area only to see Xu mama giggling uncontrollably and Shurei was blushing like a tomato.

She didn't mind it much as she proceeded to get ready for the banquet.