The Family Banquet - Spiked Wine

Xing saw the dress sent by Haru for her. It was teal coloured in the silk she preferred with purple brocades and koi fishes embroidered in shades of red. Those fishes looked lively as if they are swimming in water. Xing also noticed there were lot of gold in that dress and pearls too. Even though it was grand it was not too gaudy as Xing never liked gaudy things.

Xing caressed the embroidery, she had only seen such detailed patterns and work only by her mother. Although she dressed like a man, she knew everything females are interested in as she spent time in Heavenly Flowers Palace with the womenfolk there. She had seen it all and even though she cannot appraise the value of things, she can definitely say good ones from the bad ones from embroidery to jade, everything.

"Shurei, you did it with your hands, didn't you?", Xing asked pointing the embroidery.

"Yes, I wanted to. Is it good?", she asked.

"I have never seen such detailed work apart from my mother. You are amazing. I have no idea how anybody could do it this perfectly and you are young too. Wow! Haru really hit the jackpot with you. He should have saved a kingdom in his last life to get you this lifetime. He would be the most stupidest person if he hurts you even a single bit and worthless to live. Wow! You really should have magic in your hands. How else could a human do this?", Xing went on with her praises genuine and from the bottom of her heart with her eyes filled with awe and appreciation. Shurei was blushing so much as she didn't know what to say. All she was thinking was, this beautiful woman in front of me is praising me genuinely. She is the awesome one!

"Thank you", Xing said from the bottom of her heart to Shurei leaving her flabbergasted. Xing knew that dress would be worth more than she could think of. Haru never holds back spending for her and he never expects anything back either. Now his wife is in on it too. She felt warm in her heart for all the love she received from the two of them.

I will never forget your kindness and will repay it back! Xing promised in her heart.

Shurei joined the maids who were dressing Xing as Haru made this dress different from those usual dresses. The skirt had many layers and flared at the bottom and when they finished dressing, she looked perfect as that dress was made for her. After doing her hair with only half of her hair up and supporting with a peacock headdress Lady Shaoyao sent her that was exquisitely made. Also they hanged pearls tied with golden strings and with the strings blending with her hair colour, it seemed like pearls were scattered in her hair as stars in the night sky. As Xing didn't like drawing flowers in her forehead, they hanged a small Ruby forehead chain that was designed as a lotus that contrasted her pearly white skin.

Just then, Rijun shouted from outside the window startling everyone, "Are you getting married or something? Quicker! It is almost time. Don't forget our family pendant and that tiger pendant too. Come on! ", he stopped seeing Shurei and gave an embarrassing bow and left immediately making Xing chuckle.

Xing wore her mother's earrings, the bracelet Shengli gave her and looked at the Eagle and tiger pendants in the box. Until a couple of months ago, the three most important persons in her life were her mother, Haru and Shengli. But after her mother left this world and Haru began to pursue his dreams, she had gained her father, another brother and that Old man Zhong, Lady Zhong and even the Emperor and Seiren by her side. Guess my life is not bad at all, she felt. She then wore the red jade necklace her father gave and the Eagle pendant and everything matched her outfit perfectly. She did not like to wear the tiger pendant but since her brother insisted, she carried it with her.

Xu mama almost cried seeing her young miss all dressed up. The ornaments she was wearing today are all what young misses in their kingdom used as everyday wear. The ones her young miss is wearing are all rare and exquisitely made and more expensive. Her young miss looks like a goddess descended from the heavens. If she wears dresses everyday, how many hearts will she break?

Xing just patted a little powder matching her fair complexion and after applying rouge on her already cherry like lips, she just drew red lines on her eyes which made some beautiful contrast to her face and made her eyes look more brighter.

Shurei looked at her, "Big sis, you are really pretty like a goddess.",she complimented heartily.

Xing had already asked the servants to inform when everyone else had gathered in the banquet Hall and she was getting updates from them of the situation. Since this banquet is for her, she decided to be fashionably late.

Xing saw a shoe matching her dress with a big platform underneath the sole. "Don't tell me I have to wear that shoe", she grunted.

It was Shurei who replied, "I told my husband it would be uncomfortable for you but he… He insisted on you wearing this", she felt apologetic.

"Let me guess, 'that monkey can walk a tightrope for miles without being uncomfortable. She can wear this simple shoe'. He would have said something along those lines right?", Xing asked her back.

Shurei didn't dare to say, that is exactly what he said.

Xing pulled the boots Shengli bought her before and wore it. Xu mama tried to stop her, " But, young miss, those shoes doesn't match the outfit you are wearing. Also since the skirt is long, you would trip"

Xing glared back, "It's enough I'm wearing this heavy dress and my head feels heavy with all those hairpins. I'm not wearing shoes with bricks underneath them too", she glared.

"Hmm! At least my feet are happy", she said happily.

Xu mama could not say anything back fearing she would throw everything away like she did with the spring banquet and attend the banquet dressed like a man.

Shurei wanted to leave as she had some things to take care of back in their store. Before leaving she said that her cousin sisters visited their store yesterday and as they were doing the final touches with Xing's dress, the one called Huang WanRou insisted on buying that dress for herself being unreasonably rude and the other cousin did nothing to stop her but supported her. Shurei had sent them off saying it was meant for someone special and they cannot afford it and they didn't take it well. So Shurei asked to be careful with them both and asked Xu mama to take care of her too.

Xing walked lifting her skirt and in long paces with Xu mama almost running behind her. As she neared the banquet hall one of her servants informed her that everyone has been seated and they are waiting for her arrival. Xing wanted to arrive last as she cannot wait for others while she knew of the weird looks she might get. As she entered she saw everyone's glance on her. She saw the seating arrangement was confusing. In the head seat it was her first uncle and to his right was uncle Feiye and to his left was her father. On the side of uncle Feiye on those short tables, all the women were seated Lady Zhong, Concubine Lan, Huang Ming Xue, Huang WanRou and the last seat was left for her.

On the other side, Rijun was close to the host seat, followed by Shengli and by her elder cousin brother Huang Ming Luan and his son Huang RuYang on the same table followed by Huang MingLian. Eh! Isn't the arrangement weird?

Xing learned about the tactics in seat arrangement that the seat near the host seat is the most respected and the status reduces as the distance away from the centre seat. So they are saying she is the one with the least status in the family when according to the age, she is the first young miss of the Huang family?

Definitely this was not the seating plan arranged by her brother. They would have changed it, but Rijun won't sit in the highest position, so he had no other way but to sit there? So her older cousins sat in the farthest seats by themselves? She looked at her uncle Zedong on the centre looking at her deeply. What have you planned, Uncle?

Xing would not usually mind, but since she had made a deal with her father, she should not let them have their way, seeing her father is keeping his side of the bargain by sitting quietly even though he was clearly displeased.

As Xing was walking slowly step by step as any noble lady should walk which was three times slower than her usual pace, she felt everyone looking at her wide eyed and the entire hall fell to a momentary silence that was broken by her father's teacup placed noisily on the table.

Her First uncle was looking at her with a look of appraisal and he looked a bit disappointed and her Uncle Feiye was looking as usual with a gentle smile and her father had a proud look and Rijun was enjoying the gobsmacked looks other people were having.

Xing looked at the little boy sitting beside his father, looking deeply at her. The next generation of the Huang family, her nephew Huang RuYang with chubby cheeks had sparkling eyes like he was curious about something and as Xing looked at him, smiled. They said that even though he was almost six, he hadn't said a word yet and also he never responds to anyone too. So there were rumours that he was a dumb and stupid. Ut Xing found that bit extremely smart and he was too cute with those chubby cheeks that were pink like peach fruits. She always liked kids as they can never hide their true feelings unlike adults.

Xing felt those gazes and as she was used to it and suddenly she felt a fierce gaze on her and looked at Shengli who was wearing white robes with simple silver embroidery and looking ethereal as always and his gaze was mysteriously powerful as he licked his lower lips and bit it gently. It was as if he was a predator wanting to eat its prey as he did it without taking his eyes off her. In fact Shengli noticed the glances everyone was giving her and he wanted to just pick her up and lock her inside a room together with him and never let her out. How can she be this beautiful!

Xing who was carefully walking so she doesn't trip, after seeing Shengli's gaze had only stars and flowers in her head and she... tripped.

Xing usually really is like a cat that always lands on her feet, but these heavy skirts with many layers did nothing to help her. Xu mama was following behind her as per etiquettes and she could not reach her on time.

As she was trying not to fall, Xing saw a white flash by the corner of her eyes and her right hand was grabbed by that familiar calloused hands that always holds her gently. She regained her balance and stood immediately. All these happened in a flash and everybody wondered how he got to her that fast. And Shengli surprised them even more,

"Cousin Mingxia, hearts would break if such a pretty lady like you hurt yourself. So please be careful", he said smiling looking straight into her eyes, a smile no one has ever seen from him before. He then whispered, "Especially mine", in her ears making her blush.

Xing looked at him in shock. Okay! What is happening? Since when did he became a flirt and that too in front of my entire family? Not only he said weird things like don't show this face to anyone else and making her angry by seducing women, then saying he'll be waiting to see her dressed for him. You fox! It's your fault I endured wearing this dress and ended up tripping though. Who asked you to look at me that way making me lose my concentration? Xing's face became red.

Xing came out of her stupor only when Xu mama grabbed her other hand. "Thank you, Cousin Shengli", She said stressing the word cousin and with a beautiful smile that would make anyone fall in love. He just nodded and went back to his seat and his gentle face returned to that cold aloofness in no time. His act was his way of showing Xing she is definitely different in his eyes from any other women as he would not help another woman or say such things to them either. Also it is to show that other girl that if he wants to hold a woman he'll reach her despite the distance and for others he doesn't give a damn even if they die by his side.

After being 'saved' by Shengli, Xing thought even if others think that she is using tricks on him, it is nothing wrong since he was hers anyway.

Xing with an elegant smile greeted everyone in the family as per the etiquettes and went straight near Rijun and nodded at Xu mama who asked a servant to bring her a stool for her to sit. Seeing her planning to sit beside Rijun, Lady Huang could not keep silent and she said, " Mingxia, you should sit there" she pointed at the farthest empty seat, "No manners! trash is trash always. What if she is a little pretty? Still a beggar", she murmured but Xing could hear it. She felt an immense pressure from her father as he held his cup tighter.

Xing pretended not to hear and gave a radiant smile, "First Aunt, since everyone is sitting comfortably as they wish, this First Young Miss will also sit comfortably beside my brother", she said and as the stool was placed, she sat with Rijun on her right and Shengli in the next table to her left making Lady Huang's face go dark. First young miss..?

Rijun smirked, that's right, since no one is sitting according to the ranks aren't all of you trash too?

AoTian slightly calmed down as she stayed her course and acknowledge herself as the first young miss and sat beside her brother. That's right, his daughter cannot be seated lowly than a concubine's daughter.... Not in his home!

Rijun glared at her, "Why aren't you wearing the white tiger pendant? ", he asked gritting his teeth.

Xing glared back, "I do not want to. I have it with me though ", she whispered back and he just shook his head in displeasure. There were musicians hired and a smooth music was playing with some dancers dancing too.

Shengli was sipping his tea like he was alone in a calm place, while Xing saw the dark aura emitting from Huang WanRou.

As soon as WanRou entered the capital city nothing is going right for her. She is the only daughter of the richest merchant in this kingdom and got pampered a lot. Yesterday a mere shop owner's wife insulted her by not giving a pretty dress she saw in that shop. In this kingdom who is richer than her father? 'You cannot afford it' is what she said and that it was made for a truly special person. How dare she? If it was Dajing, who would dare to insult her like this?

Today hasn't been half over yet, but she was already ignored. As soon as she came in today and saw Shengli already here, she had requested him to have tea with her later but he refused blatantly.

"Not interested" is all he said and he didn't even spare a glance at her even though she had particularly dressed well in the hopes of catching his eye in case he attends the banquet. He didn't even budge when his sister Huang Ming Xue pleaded him too. He didn't even reply and just waved his hands in annoyance.

She was sitting worried how she could carry on her 'plans' her mother taught her when this Huang Mingxia who was rumoured to be ugly and stupid entered. Not only she looked gorgeous but also she was wearing the same dress even 'she' cannot afford. Is her uncle richer than her father? Not only that, she pulled that 'trip trick' and Shengli could not wait to hold her in his arms and called her pretty. That slut! How dare she? How can she, a trash country bumpkin raised by a bitch mother who grew up in poverty have her man? She was fuming inside. She decided to do something to humiliate her in front of her entire family. She signalled her mother and she understood what her daughter meant and started talking to her.

"Mingxia, that dress you are wearing is pretty. Didn't know there were people who could make such beautiful dresses in your Manor. I'm saying this because your first uncle had hired all the competent and skilled people in the entire kingdom to work in our Manor for our WanRou",Concubine Lan smiled with her best fake smile and even Xing could say in that sentence she had insulted her father and put her family down.

Before she answered WanRou continued, " Mother, how can it be made by people here", she laughed, "Didn't I told you about that new clothing store 'Everlasting Spring'? I saw this dress there yesterday and didn't bother to stay there since that shop owner's wife was rude to me. She said it was for a special person and I didn't know it was my cousin until I saw her today. I wonder what kind of 'special relationship' the shop owner has with our cousin", she said with her face like a pure lotus, stressing the word special relationship.

Shengli paused for a moment understanding what she insinuated and got mad. Rijun understood her words too but Xing who didn't know much 'women talks', replied, " Cousin should address properly. That shop's owner is Lord Ming and the lady you talked to should be Lady Ming. She is a rarely rude and is kind and gentle to anyone worthy. And Lord Ming and I have known each other for more than ten years and that can be considered a really special relationship ", she said with a smile.

WanRou got furious 'gentle with anyone worthy?', she actually said I am not worthy? Concubine Lan caught what Xing said too, but she cannot let her have the upper hand, "My daughter didn't mean to offend Lady Ming. Come to think of it, although your dress looked pretty at first sight, it is not that special upon closer look. My WanRou would never even look at such dresses. It just has too much gold and pearls that's all. The embroidery isn't that special either. I guess that shop isn't that good and won't survive long. Too bad the Ming family have it hard.. ", Concubine Lan continued to ramble making AoTian furious. Even at first glance he could say how much efforts had been put to this dress and how worthy it should be. He could say the worth of this dress could easily equate to the budget they had for the Emperor's Coronation Robes. But since his daughter wanted to, he kept his quiet and observed.

Upon talking bad about Haru and Shurei, Xing got mad, "Concubine Lan", Xing said sharply, "Don't think I haven't heard about the ruckus your WanRou created in the shop yesterday to buy this dress. Also I know with your limited experience with silk and good embroidery , you can't really know about this dress afterall. Only those with good eye and knowledge about these things can find the beauty in this dress. Of course Lady Ming was right, you do not deserve this dress or worthy to afford it", she said bluntly and gave an elegant smile to top it.

Xing didn't mean to be this blunt with her but as soon as she entered, she saw Concubine Lan looking at Rijun with disdain. It was like she was not the one who carried him for ten months and endured all the pain to bring him to the world and rather it was like she was looking at a mortal enemy. Also she had to go and talk bad about Haru too. How dare she?

Lady Huang smiled slightly seeing her opponent dissed by a little girl and did nothing to help.Shengli and Rijun completely focused on eating and the three Huang brothers in the main seat were there like it does not concern them at all and her cousins were in an entirely different world.

Concubine Lan was furious being insulted by a nobody like her. Just because she was accepted by Huang AoTian as his daughter and he held some power in the capital city she thought she was something? She even insulted her in front of Lady Huang too.

"So you are saying someone like you could afford something even I cannot? ", she raised her voice.

" Of course", Xing smiled, " It's because it was made just for me to wear, as a gift from an old friend", she said elegantly and started sipping her tea without even looking at her as if she didn't want to be bothered anymore. Concubine Lan sensed the hostility from Xing and decided to not pursue it any further. But her carefree attitude made her blood boil. But still they had time to bring her down. She looked at Lord Huang Zedong who was in his own world and thought, since he did not want to accept her, he won't mind if they didn't listen to his words right?

Actually before the banquet, Lord Huang Zedong had set punishments for anyone who behaves in an uncouth way. But it seemed like no one is going to listen to him.

Huang WanRou sneered inwardly, What a slut! She flirts with my man and now has someone who would gift her such an expensive dress? She definitely have to expose her. She took a small porcelain bottle and added the contents into the wine jug on her table without anyone noticing as the servants had started serving lunch dishes.

Huang WanRou got up with the wine jug in hand and walked elegantly towards Xing. She swayed her hips and even gave a coquettish glance at Shengli who seemed to be deeply admiring his tea cup as if it was an art piece while in truth he was actually glancing at Xing from the corner of his eyes. She really looked beautiful today!

She stood in front of Xing and poured a cup from the jug as she was already holding a cup in her hands, "Elder Cousin Mingxia, Let's forget what happened. Let's toast for you being included in our family"

Xing wondered what she was upto but since it was a just a cup of wine and it was from their wine cellar, she stood up too and accepted it. As she drank it she immediately recognised the drug 'Essence of Spring', one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs that are expensive and very effective. It is said a drop in a cup would make a grown man not control his urges. Also it should be mixed in wine just before consumption for it to be effective. It also takes time to take effect and once it takes effect it cannot be stopped.

So she still has some of it in her hands? Did she use it to get me act improper in front of the entire family? Well, good! Dream on, dear cousin! Since the worst thing aphrodisiacs would do to me is make me vomit! Xing smirked.

Shengli noticing this abnormal behavior of WanRou was observing Xing keenly and he noticed her smirk. She found something...

" This wine is really good, even better than the last time we had it,like something was added", Xing asked with a graceful smile and Shengli confirmed his suspicion and watched Xing carefully as she seemed to have it under her control and decided to lend a hand only when she needs it and quietly watch her until then. No one noticed another pair of eyes were watching Xing the whole time too.

Huang WanRou's face twitched and she stuttered, "Elder cousin! Why do you say that? It is from your Manor after all. What could I have added?"

Seeing her face, Xing suddenly had a thought, Wait, if she had an aphrodisiac prepared beforehand, it might not have been actually intended for her right? She remembered the way she acted towards Shengli, then it dawned on her, it was intended for him as there are no other men she could use that drug here as everyone else is her brother or uncle. This sly woman! It is one thing using 'tricks' to attract a man and if a man falls for it it would be his own fault. But drugging him to make him responsible for something he won't do when he is sober is something is immoral and she will never accept it. And the nerves on this girl to actually try it on her man! She wishes death! You want to make me a laughing stock? Watch me make you one today! Xing's expression turned dark for a moment and soon she repressed it.

Xing laughed closing her mouth with her sleeves elegantly which illuminated the entire hall, "Don't fret, cousin, I was just jesting with you", seeing WanRou's face gaining color back, she grabbed the wine jar from her hand, "But it would be a shame If I don't give you this special wine too", she smiled looking at her face paling again, "Come on as my junior, you cannot refuse me", she stuffed her cup back to her.

"But.. But… I cannot hold my drink", she stuttered.

"It's okay, it's not even strong wine, also if you drink one cup, I will drink the entire jug. Is that not fair? You cannot refuse me further", Xing held her hand and put it near her mouth with a perfect smile on her face.

WanRou thought, if I drink a cup and she drinks a jar, won't she react faster than me, then after she makes a scene I can quietly slip out without becoming conspicuous, she decided to drink, "It's okay, since you insist" and she downed the cup in her hands and waited till Xing finished the entire jug before returning to her seat.

WanRou, oh, WanRou! I gave you a chance to repent, solely because of the fact that you are brother's blood sister. You could have admitted your fault and I would have let it go! But, you didn't take it, fortunately! Xing smirked, No one tries to trick my man and you will not be spared!

Even Rijun and AoTian found this behaviour of Xing a bit odd and wondered what it might be. No one could guess that a young noble lady from a reputed household would have such a disgraceful thing with her. Shengli took notice of everything and placed his hand beside her. Xing patted his hand while sitting telling him everything's alright and he felt relieved but was still alert.