Black Crow's Dome

The appearance of Fu Ziying on the streets immediately attracted many students' attention as she is considered pretty, elegant and powerful one at that.

Some of them displayed a respectful attitude towards her when they saw her walking over. From other's expression and look, Ye Xian deduced she is someone powerful in the Black Crows' dome.

"Sister, Why the students are gathering here?" Fu Guang curiously asked.

"Apart from the academy, the 'student association' is popular in the Phantom city. Almost every student in the academies will be in some of the association and this is the gathering place of every student."

"The association provides resources, materials, information, techniques and many other benefits which a cultivator lacks. There are numerous student associations in the phantom city, numbers more than a hundred."

"I am also in the student association called 'MysticBlue'. You will understand the importance of the association once you join the academy."

"Apart from this, you can trade, buy and sell, whatever you want in the associations. Here the price will be cheaper than the other big powerhouses like Numinous association."

"Even so, I don't see any great benefits which will influence the students to join the association." Ye Xian pondered and spoke.

Even though the resources, materials are cheaper, it's also not considered big and it won't benefit the practitioners in an extended time.

"In Rising star academy, if you want to enter any cultivation room or you need any techniques, resources or anything you require, needs a lot of contribution points."

"But in association it's different, take my association for example; If you join our association, you will get many benefits like access to a Grade 2 Cultivation array for free, one soul grade weapon, some alchemy pills for cultivation."

"It's only for newly joined members, the members inside the association range in different levels like Outer members, Inner members, and core members."

"If you get promoted to Inner member, you will get greater benefits than outer members."

"Let's say if someone wants to issue a mission they will consider the student association first then academy, because of the price and time."

"For example, If an alchemist want's a certain magical beast's blood or it's organs, he can only buy, but if you go to some big association- It will cost a lot."

"But the academies charge low cost by issuing missions to the students but the student association charges even lesser than academies."

"Unlike academy, who issue a mission and wait for some students to pick and complete, the student association's will complete it quickly and effectively. You will understand when you enter a student's association." Fu Ziying explained.

Ye Xian now perfectly understood the purpose of this student's association.

"Is this 'Black Crow's dome' open to all the students in the Phantom city?" Ye Xian asked an important question which is bothering him for a while.

If this area is open to all students then some dispute will happen with other academy students.

"Of course not. The Black Crow's dome is unique to the Rising star academy students. Even though the other academy students are allowed to come, they have to follow strict rules; Otherwise, they will be blacklisted from entering again."

"Like Black Crow's Dome, there are other area's such as 'Silver serenity' Divison which belongs to Frozen sea academy, 'Crown King's paradise' which belongs to Royal crown academy and much more."

"Apart from this, there are some small gangs which are formed by students who are not willing to join the students association; But they not worth comparing to the association." Fu Ziying answered.

"Wow! Sister, It's cool. Will I be able to join your association after entering the academy?." Fu Guang asked with an intoxicated look.

"Yes, but most of the members in my association are girls; Even though there are boys, it's only a little. If you are okay with that, you can join." Fu Ziying said with a smile, which is like a glowing moon in the dark.

Fu Guang becomes dejected, once he heard her sister's answer.

"Brother Guang, you should join your sister's association. Since your sister is beautiful, then there will be some girls who will be as beautiful as your sister. If you work hard, you may even get yourself a girlfriend." Ye Xian silently whispered to Fu Guang with an encouraging voice, seeing his dejected expression.

Even though he spoke in a whispering voice, Fu Ziying who's spirit elemental practitioner clearly heard his words. She glared at Ye Xian but said nothing.

Concerning her glare, Ye Xian simply acted as nothing happened. "Where are we going?"

"We are traveling to the Black crow's tower."

"Black Crow's tower?" Ye Xian curiously asked.

"Mn... It's like a headquarters of black crow's dome. An important and foremost building in this area; There you can find several shops which will sell many rare items at a cheaper price."

"Who's in control of this black crow's tower?" Ye Xian asked.

"It's one of the student association!"

"Student Association?. They are managing this whole area?." Ye Xian was surprised by her answer.

He could perceive this area is an influential place among the students but he thought it would be controlled by some key powerhouse of the Phantom City.

"What if the other associations want to take over the Black Crow's dome?." Ye Xian asked.

"They Can! Every two years, there will be a contest which decides who's going to be the leader of the black crow's dome. If you were able to win the contest, then obviously the area is yours."

"The current leader of the Black crow's dome obtained his rights by winning the contest 5 years ago. He is one of the core students in our academy and he is also the number one."

"Sister, What's the current leader's association name?" Fu Guang asked.

"Rising Sun association" Fu Ziying answered.

"How's your association compared to them?"

"In Black Crow's dome, we should be ranked third."

They chatted with themselves and without them knowing, the trio reached the Black Crow's tower.

"We have arrived at the Black Crow's Tower" Fu Ziying pointed her finger to the large tower shaped building before them.

It's a rectangular building situated in the heart of the street, towering over a hundred meters in height and 40 meters in wide. It looked impressive and majestic; Ye Xian who was in front of the tower looked like a tiny ant.

The whole tower is completely colored or possibly coated with a bronze-like metal. It looked simple, with miniature illustrations and crow like design patterns which provided as a decoration to the tower.

"The Black Crow's tower has four floors, the first and the second floor mostly comprises of various shops. While the third floor is for auction, which is quite famous around here."

"Fourth floor is a VIP area which is only accessible to some important members."

"Since you guys are not from Black Crow's dome, you can only enter the first floor and that too under someone's lead like me. You can't enter the tower on your own."

"Let's go inside, you can buy whatever you want but don't show interest in your face; Otherwise, the seller will increase his price."

Under Fu Ziying's lead, Ye Xian and Fu Guang entered the Black Crow's tower.

"Senior Sister, Ziying" A tall burly man, who was standing at the entrance politely called and curiously looked at Ye Xian and Fu Guang.

Fu Ziying nodder her head and stated: "This is my little brother and his friend, I am showing them around the City. Don't worry, I won't enter the second floor with them."

"Of course, I know. I was just astounded to see senior sister is personally leading these two brothers. Since he is your little brother, even if you enter the other floors no one will block you. You can busy yourself, senior sister." The burly man spoke and took his leave.

Ye Xian who was behind Fu Ziying could feel rich essence energy of the heaven and earth. Just one look, he was able to tell that a fierce array is built around the tower.

Not just one, he could feel more than ten arrays of different function like offense, defense, essence gathering and much more; Since his spirit energy is only at a range of 35 meters, he wasn't able to discern much.

Walking in through the entrance of the tower, Ye Xian saw a large spacious hall which is surrounded by numerous shops ranging to two hundred.

As soon as they entered the hall, they could hear a loud clamor from the surroundings.

There were numerous practitioners inside the hall, reaching up to more than five thousand.

"Come on! Are you sure it's an authentic blue silver grass?. What? You don't know. You don't even know that, but you priced this crappy grass as 100 gold coins..." He heard one student bargaining at a store near him.

"Come! Come! Come! We have many original techniques of different grades which you won't find anywhere in the Phantom city..." Many store owners bawled continuously.