
"Let's walk, we will tour the first floor. If you want to buy anything, tell me." Fu Ziying told and led them towards the circle of shops.


It was a good opportunity for Ye Xian to stroll around various shops and find out about this world's way of Array and Forging. Perhaps, he might even find some valuable items.

"The Black Crow's dome would rank under top ten in the phantom city for trading and purchasing. If you possess sufficient wealth, you can buy anything you desire here." Fu Ziying explained.

Both Ye Xian and Fu Guang strolled under Fu Ziying's lead. Ye Xian saw many shops, with vendors bawling continuously while numerous items were laid before the shops for others to view.

Weapons, pills, herbs, beast armor's, array plates, formation plates... Almost everything that was required for one's cultivation could be found here.

Even Ye Xian, who inherited Saint Redwood's memory found himself incapable of identifying some of the items on the shops.

Even though he has knowledge in the field of Array and Forging, he doesn't know anything about Pills and Alchemy.

It's just that there were too many of them. He was unable to ascertain which of them is real, which of them is fake... which of them were of high quality...

'I should practice alchemy as soon as possible. Otherwise, I won't even know if I have purchased a genuine pill or not!' Ye Xian thought to himself.

In the past, after his nodes were damaged, he developed an interest in learning about various herbs and medicines, that's why he read many alchemy research papers, but he didn't had an opportunity to learn Alchemy in the past.

Why most Numinous way practitioners learn only one profession in their life?. It's because they won't have sufficient time to focus on another profession.

But Ye Xian can! Since he already has enough knowledge in the field of Array and Forging, it won't be a problem for him to learn Alchemy.

"Big Brother Xian, What happened? You were spaced out!" Fu Guang called out, waking Ye Xian from his thoughts.

"Nothing, I just recalled something." Ye Xian said.

"Sister Ziying, I am interested in Alchemy; Can you help me in getting some books related to alchemy?" Ye Xian asked.

Fu Ziying who was walking before him, stumped by his way of calling. 'What did he just call me? Sister Ziying? Even some of my close friends will only call me Senior sister Ziying! If someone heard his way of calling...Ah...What am I thinking?.'

Fu Ziying tossed away her thoughts and disregarded his way of calling; she said: "Why do you want to study Alchemy? You already have knowledge in the Way of Array; If you try to learn another profession, it will hinder your advancement in Array."

Ye Xian simply shrugged, but his posture told he won't change his decision.

"Whatever" Fu Ziying sighed but didn't reprimand him as it's his life and his decision.

Then, Fu Ziying led Ye Xian to one store filled with versatile items. The owner of the shop is a sixteen-year-old girl, who appeared to be lazy. She was a tall figure, with pale white skin and brown eyes.

"Zhu, How's business going?. You are as lazy as always." Fu Ziying said.

Once the girl saw the owner of the voice is Fu Ziying, the Zhu girl stood up from her seat and asked in an astonished tone, "Vice Head Ziying, What brings you here?"

"I came to buy a beginner level alchemy book. Do you have any?" Fu Ziying asked.

"What? You want an alchemy book! But aren't you already a Cyan ranked Alchemy Master. Why do you want a beginner level alchemy book?" The girl named Zhu asked, baffled.

"It's not for me. It's for him." Fu Zhiying replied and pointed her finger at Ye Xian.

Meanwhile, Ye Xian was surprised by the Zhu girl's words. Cyan Ranked Alchemy Master! 'I didn't think she would be numinous master and she also reached a Cyan level at that. As expected, she is fierce; No Wonder, many of the students showed a respectful attitude towards her.'

"Oh!" The girl named Zhu looked at Ye Xian with curiosity, but she didn't ask anything.

Then, she took out a large book, somewhere from the corner of her shop. The book looked like a large pillow and it's entirely covered in dust.

"This is a Beginner level Alchemy book, I got from my friend who acquired it from a ruin site."

"How much is it?" Ye Xian asked.

"Since you came with Vice Head, you can get it for 10,000 gold coins—no bargaining."

"What? 10,000 gold coins..." Fu Guang who was behind him cried out in surprise. His mouth turned into 'O' shape, enough to fit an apple.

It's nothing surprising to see Fu Guang's exaggerated reaction. For ten thousand gold coins, one could easily buy many things like Grade 3 pill, techniques, skills and much more... But here the girl is saying a beginner level book cost this much.

"Zhu, What is this?" Fu Ziying furrowed her eyebrows, revealing she is displeased with her pricing.

"Vice head, you know I won't lie to you. I got this book for 5000 gold coins and appraised this book with a Black Ranked Alchemy master by paying him 3000 gold coins." The Zhu girl immediately explained the reason once she saw Ziying's displeased expression and she continued again after a pause.

"He said this Alchemy Book is special and it contains detailed alchemy knowledge and valuable for any beginner level Alchemist. He even said if one comprehends everything in this book, he/she can easily reach a Cyan ranked Alchemist within a short period of time."

"When I first got this book, many People showed interest to buy...Snort! but once they heard my price no one showed up to purchase." The Zhu girl explained.

"Can I take a look at this book" Ye Xian asked.

"Sure, but only first ten pages" The Zhu girl strictly reprimanded since many people have the skill of memorizing everything they saw for once.

Ye Xian nodded his head, explicating he understood, and read the first few pages. Once he started reading, he had a feeling this book is suited for him so he immediately decided to buy.

"I will take this book." Ye Xian said with no hesitation.

Both Fu Guang and Fu Ziying is surprised by his decision. It's 10,000 gold coins they are talking about, it's a very big amount even for them.

"Are you sure?" Fu Ziying asked to confirm.

Ye Xian nodded his head.

"Here" Ye Xian took out ten thousand gold coins from his robe and settled the money.

Ye Xian knows he shouldn't expose his space ring so he secretly took out 10,000 gold coins and put it in his robe, just before the pay.

The Zhu girl immediately stored the gold coins in her purse, afraid that Ye Xian will regret his deal.

'Ah, I finally sold this crappy book.' The Zhu girl mused to herself.

The trio exited the shop and once again strolled along various shops.

"You said you wanted to buy some materials regarding array, but why are you buying other fruitless things." Fu Ziying asked as she couldn't understand why he brought the book for such sky-high price.

"I liked the book very much when I first saw it so it doesn't matter even if the cost is high." Ye Xian replied.

Fu Ziying shook her head and thought Ye Xian is a reckless person. She even began to wonder whether the person saved his brother is this youngster?.

Ye Xian's vision suddenly locked onto one particular shop where a middle-aged man remained as the owner. To be precise, his eyesight locked onto a black rock with shades of blue on its surface.

He casually made his way towards the shop while Fu Ziying and Fu Guang followed him.

"Oh Young man, what are you looking for? I have everything you need here, and I assure you the price is fair!" The Middle-aged owner quickly welcomed his presence.

"I am just looking around!" Ye Xian smiled. He then unceremoniously picked a few items in the shop and sized it up.

"Do you have a customized Array plate? I need a Grade 2 one with good durability and toughness." Ye Xian asked.

"Oh! Are you an Array Master? Yes, I have."

"This Array Plate is specially forged by a Cyan ranked Forger and has extraordinary durability. It is on sale for just 50 gold coins. I offer the same price to everyone passing by! If you buy it in bulk, I can give you a special discount of 40gold coins per array plate." The middle-aged man put an honest look and explained.

"I will take 100 Array plates. If the standard is not as you said then I will come back."

"Do you have any other interesting things?" Ye Xian asked while he gazed around various things in the shop.

Before the middle-aged man could reply, Ye Xian once again spoke: "What is that blue rock? It looks attractive! How much is it?"

The middle-aged man noticed the young man is asking about the rock he got it from an unknown source.