Goddess gift

after Lilly saying yes for Sam , Williams started his thoughts because his turn was next ,he wanted it to be perfect proposal because his girl was perfect in all ways .

this was started to cause him tension.

he was stealing gaze of Sara who was standing near her father and discussing about preparation of marriage , she finished it and stood next to Williams who was in deep thoughts.

"what happened ???".he came out of his daze

"nothing ".he smiled but there was something missing . they had their dinner as usual and continued , Williams and Sara were happy being kissed and cuddling each other .


later it has been busy due to wedding arrangements , the wedding will be held in three days as fast as possible because Sam has returned to pack .

Sara was making sure to capture sweet moments of them in camera eyes.

pack house was busy with arrangements.wedding will be held in the backyard garden which has special connection with Lilly .

it has been three days since Sara has marked Williams but he had notice that no one had noticed it, if mates are marked other would smell them and will know about it ,now he had a dought did Sara really marked him or not?, he decided to ask her .


currently it's night

Sara was busy in phone with max in some pack business,she Haas decided to take care untill Sam returns to the pack ,she wanted him to enjoy his love moments.

after finishing pack work Williams entered his room .

he saw his mate who was busy in phone and also in her laptop .

' look at our mate !!, she is very beautiful when she is working seriously' Aiden said .

' I agree with that and also she is very good at multitasking ,I love it she is a gift for us from goddess' Xavier said excitedly.

' yes she is really goddess gift for us' Williams said and blocked them .

he knew that Sara didn't came to dinner , he frowned at noticing that, the dinner which sent for her was kept untouched .

he silently went near and seated next to her ,she just smiled at and resumed her work.

he took the plate and started to feed her ,with out hesitation Sara accepted food .

she ended the call with max but still busy in some paperwork.

Williams had emptied her plate only a dark chocolate bar was remaining of her regular food diet . he took the bar gulped it Sara noticed it "Williams that was mine ,how can you....". before she could finish Williams kissed her passionately in which he transferred chocolate to her mouth,Saras cheeks were already red .the taste of the chocolate was devouring it was melting by the heat produced by Williams tongue .

" mmmm.." a soft moun escaped from saras lips ,she pulled away from him gasping for air .

Williams was hardly controlling him self not to act more. there was silence but it was comfortable ,he remembered his mark .


" hmm? ".she was looking at her screen not looking at him he frowned and swiftly moved her on his lap ,Sara was shocked by his act.

"what??? ".she frowned at him

" baby I am really sorry for disturbing you ,but for me it's important".

Sara eased herself and gave a look to him to continue .

"baby you marked me but no one was able to see your mark or the scent ,so I have a dought .did you really marked me???".

a small smile grew in Sara face

"yes indeed I marked you ,but until you mark me it won't show up neither the scent nor the tattoo".

now Williams felt relief.