The wedding

Sara woke as usually early , when she felt a hot breaths on her crook of neck ,she slightly turned to look towards it .

'oh my god!!!! ,he is really cute in the sleep' wolfie commented .' kinda adorable .....

look at those lips '.

"I think you are enjoying the view".a deep husky voice bought them out of their conversation.

"sort of" Sara replied and got up and run towards bathroom before Williams could react ,Sara got ready in her peach coloured knee length dress ,and as for Williams he was in his tux .Sara was ready with camera .

it was wedding day .

all the things required were ready so there was no need of getting late or tension.

there were red carpet laid down on the asile the priest was ready with his work every pack member were seated ,there was a happy feeling in the air .

mean while in bride room ,lily was ready in her wedding gown and with a simple makeup her hair were tied into a simple bun which was decorated with small gold flower pins .

on the other hand Sam was in his black tuxedo three pieces was standing on the stage waiting for his beloved mate to join him.

father Richard came to lily .he had held his tears back , finally his baby girl was going to be married to a good man and also sweet family whom he trusted very much.

"it's time baby". he offered her a hand

she hooked her arms around his hand an slowly taking steps towards the door to the garden . she was filled with nervousness ,the moment door open she could see Sam who was waiting for her .

she slowly and eligently walked towards Sam with her father .when they reached father Richard handed his daughter to Sam " take care of her ".

"I will ".Sam smiled at him

then the ceremony started .

"today we are here on this special occasion ,where Richards and Smith's are decided to unite with their children's marriage ".then the priest turned towards Sam

"Sam ,are you willingly take Lilly Richards as your wife and cherish her with your whole heart ".

"I do"Sam answered

"Lilly ,are you willing to take Sam Smith as your husband and cherish him ".

"I do " .

they exchanged their rings .

"I here by announce you both as man and wife and bless you both ,you can kiss the bride".

Sam kissed Lilly , surrounding started to buzz with cheers and whistles.

after that Lilly walked towards her family giving them a big bear hug .

every thing was done very fast so father smith had decided to give a small reception party in their pack house for their pack,now Lilly was new member and also Luna of the pack .