
The Spheres of Light, The Predicament of the Deity of Soul Sacrifice

Day 365 - 1:10 - Mount Muria, Central Java, Indonesia

Dark clouds of volcanic ash blanketed the sky as the falling ash fogged all senses of sight. 

Lava continued to spew out of Mount Muria's mouth. Its melting hot glow could be seen through the ash for miles away.

Mount Muria's forests were lit ablaze. The entire mountain was covered in raging flames.

As the eruption continued, massive rocks rained from the sky. No one could fathom how many lives these rocks had already taken.

The people of the fortress frantically evacuated. With heads grayed with ash, they all tried their best to survive. Many followed the military's instructions, departing through Kudus Outpost and following the cleared railway south.

Unfortunately, not all reached the evacuation in time. All these poor people could do was run in any direction away from the rampage of the erupting Mount Muria.