
Rain of Volcanic Rocks, Rescuing the Stranded Survivors of the Ruined Muria Sacred Fortress

Day 365 - 1:12 PM - West Coastal Area, Mount Muria, Central Java, Indonesia

The tyrant group, The Reapers, shoved people aside. They intended to pass through the opened path without even talking to the robed stranger who opened it.

It was quite the arrogance they had. They thought everyone in Muria Sacred Fortress knew of them and had to make way when they demanded it.

But to everyone's surprise, the tyrant group froze in their tracks. They seemed to be struggling. Nonetheless, to their utter disbelief, their feet refused to move forward.

It was only then they noticed. The robed stranger was looking at them. Although the hood he wore prevented anyone from seeing his face clearly, they could see his red glowing eyes staring at them.

"Y-You! Wh-what d-did y-you d-do to u-us!!!"

The member of the Reapers leading their group did his best to speak despite the noisy clattering of his teeth.