Superwoman II

A month ago...

Seraphina wasn't there yet, but she felt a lot better about her body. She was 7 months pregnant and her belly was bigger than normal.

"Maybe it's a set of twins," Candace said as she rubbed her daughter-in-law's belly. She had refused visitors for a while, so she wasn't able to care for her well.

"Are there twins in your genetic line?"

"Maybe further down there was," she responded.

Seraphina agreed. She had felt very heavy at 5 months, but Flora did just fine at 5 months. Claudia's pregnancy had also gone smoothly..

"I'm hungry."

Candace rushed down to the kitchen to fix her a light meal. Seraphina enjoyed the service to the fullest.

Having Candace and others around alleviated the stress from Quincy. He had been the only one around her, and she had taken out all of her frustrations on him. Once the baby or babies were out, she needed to make it up to him big time.

She couldn't walk for a long time, so they all congregated at her home. Janet and Barbara spoke to the baby in her belly. She would feel kicks whenever the grandmothers giggled.

The experienced mother Claudia also helped her out a lot. She got Seraphina maternity clothes that fitted better, and they talked more often. Flora also came by and kept her company. She had less time to wallow in self-pity over the mom-body.

During this time, family was her biggest support. Not just Quincy, her parents, grandmothers, friends and even students all stood by her. She was grateful for every single one of them.

She promised herself to be a great companion to them in the future, and be the best mother to her child.

That promise lasted until the night her water broke...