Gift For Daughter-in-law

"Why are you calling him brother-in-law.Even though,you sister is not good at anything,but we have to consider our reputation." Mr.Wood said seriously.

"I didn't mean that Dad.I was just saying it would be good for sister to marry him.and it won't affect our family in bad way."

"How?" Mr.Wood looked at her daughter.

"Well,because of Brother in law.You know he is Archie's manager.And she specially came for him today, tell us that how much she valued him.Because of him,we can contact her and any connection with her,will only increase our standard in society." Lexi said.

Mr.Wood frowned.

"Archie is not an easy person.And your sister won't help in this.Didn't you see her today? How she tried to humiliate us?"

"Yes, I know.She is angry with us because of this marriage.But You just have to make sister agree to set a meeting between me and Archie.After this, Everything leave to me."

Mr.Wood didn't want to speak his elder daughter anymore.But also didn't want to avoid this chance.

"What you think about this?" Mr.Wood looked at his friend,Who is Noah's father.

"I think Lexi is right.After contacting Archie,we don't need to talk again with Lily.So....there is no harm to talk her only for one time.and Archie will also be helpful in Lexi's career." he knew what his friend was hesitating for.

"Yes,and with Lily's marriage with him, nobody will point their fingers at Noah and my daughter again."Mrs.Wood spoke.

Everyone nodded their head,after hearing this.

"And as a married woman,she won't have any deign to My Noah." Mrs.Wood said with disgust.

"Okay,So Dad you'll talk to sister,and I'll try to find any opportunity to talk with Brother-in-law in ENIHS." Lexi said happily.

If she succeed in befriending Archie,then she doesn't have any need to flatter her sister and sister's boyfriend after that.

"Okay,we'll do this.But don't call him Brother-in-law,at least not in front of me."Mr.Wood was displeased at the thought of that 'beggar' to become his family member.

He was just a manager in ENIHS..not a CEO.

A mere Manager is thinking highly of himself,and harbouring thoughts to marry in Wood family.

But what can anyone do?

When His own daughter gave him this chance.


In city A's one of the luxurious Villa,

Around Twenty servants were standing inside the kitchen,looking at the woman who was cooking while humming some tune.

"Is it true that Young Master is coming today?"one of the servant asked in small voice to his friend.


" isn't that dish young master dislike the most? so why Madam is making it?"

"This....I also don't know."

Not only them,but everyone were confused.Their Madam was in Kitchen for an hour.But all she cooked was this single dish,which not only Young Master dislike,but other family members also not prefer it.

The Woman who was still engrossed in cooking, picked her phone and called her husband.

"Darling, what are you doing?"

Other side of the phone,a middle aged man who was in meeting, discussing on important project, immediately picked his call,when he saw his wife name.

"In everything okay?"

"Yeah.Everything is fine.Darling,Cancel this meeting.and come home immediately."

"Why?" He was puzzled.

"Lio is coming today. It's already one year when he came"

"But we always went to his place every weak.So that's why.....ah,what did you say? Lio is coming."

"Yes.... Your reaction time is really late ."

That middle aged man immediately raised his hand to all the people present in meeting ,so everyone looked at him.

"sorry...but there is an emergency.Meeting is cancelled.we will discuss this other time."

Without giving them any chance to speak,he rushed outside, while holding phone near his ear.

"Why didn't you tell me before? daughter-in-law is coming.and I'll be late.what will be the impression of me in front of her." If his son is coming,then that means his daughter-in-law is also coming with him.Because he knew,His son won't go anywhere leaving her alone.

"Hubby, shouldn't you care about your son?"

"Aren't you the same? Just tell me,what did you plan to welcome her at our home,it is her first time to come home."

"I prepared her favorite dish.You think what you should prepare.And don't think to settle this with money,she doesn't value that"

"I know.I have less time to prepare,so bye"

"Okay Darling...bye.But don't be late.Hahaha."

That middle aged man looked at his phone and frowned.He rushed back to the meeting room.

All people who were shocked Because of sudden cancellation of the meeting,were again startled to see the man again.

is emergency solved?

is he going to continue the meeting?

"Sorry friends... actually I need your help in some important matter."That middle aged man said and walked towards his seat.

"It's our pleasure sir.Tell us,we'll do our best."

Everyone straightened their back.

"Great....I knew it.Only you can help me in this matter."

Everyone raised their head with pride.

"Tell me, how to make flowers with ribbon?It should be in perfect shape."

Everyone who were ready to solve his problem,stared at him with blank look.