
Meeting room,where usually company's large projects discussed,was now filled with ribbons here and there.People are standing beside a man, teaching him how to fold the ribbon to convert it in flower.

Tabs were placing on the table,where different video on flower making were playing.All people in room standing beside the man,who was happily assembling flowers in different shape.

All are looking at him with frustration, distress and helplessness.

If they made a mistake ,a certain someone lashed out at them,like they had lost him some thousands million dollars deal.Making them pulled their hairs out,almost making them bald.

After this long torture, When their boss left the room after completing everything, they slumped down at their seats tiredly.They looked at each other.

Should they start to take some art classes ?


Two women,one in her fifties while other in her twenty,were glaring at each other. If you look at their faces,you can tell that they are pair of mother and daughter

"Where did you bake this cake?"

"I knew that you won't allow me to do this at home,so I went to my friend's house."

"Are you going to compete me in cooking for your sister-in-law?"

"Mom,do this competition with Dad.I'm not interested in this."

"Then why did you brought two gifts.isn't that you want to compete with me?"

That middle aged woman pointed her finger furiously towards the table,where one box in gift wrap was placed with cake.

"What is wrong to bring two gifts for Shine.It is just a normal gesture."

"What gesture.It's cheating.I shouldn't have tell you about her coming home."

Her mother said, Clearly displeased with her daughter.

"Don't be angry mom,It is not anything to worry about.After all, it's because of me that big brother get to know you should exclude me from this competition."

"Humph"Her anger didn't reduce,but it only increased.

Why,why didn't she meet her daughter-in-law before her daughter? Now,look at this girl Everytime brag about this.

"And Mom,you should focus on Dad and little brother's presents.They are definitely planning something big.I'm sure."

"Jade,are you selling your father to avoid your mother's anger?" one middle aged man entered the hall.He looked at his daughter helplessly.

After hearing his voice,That woman who was still arguing with her daughter, turned her head towards him.She saw her husband holding a big box in his hand.

Looking at the size of box,she immediately rushed towards him and traced the box with her fingers.

"Darling,what did you brought?"

"..... It's just a gift i made from the flowers." That man said and moved the box away from his wife's hand.

"Oh....and what can it be?tell me hubby, didn't I tell you what I prepared?hmm"

"..... princess crown." That man answered to his wife.

After hearing this,That middle aged woman immediately snatched the box from his husband's hand and opened it.And saw two beautiful flower crown one big and one small were laying neatly in it.

"Darling....why is there two crowns." She pointed inside the box.

"Hehe...if we ignore Lio then maybe he won't let us meet Shine again.So I thought..." But before he could complete his line,his wife immediately stomped her feet on the floor.

"Old man.....can't you think less,like you always do in front of me.Did you do this on purpose? "She didn't call him with 'Darling' and 'Hubby' any more.

"I didn't.And it was you who deliberately tell me late about their arrival.You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"Everything is fair in love and war."

"same here."

Everyone around them,had shocked expression on their faces. this really Smith family members they are seeing. Where is the legendary cold aura,which should have surrounded them Everytime.

Why are you fighting like children whose candy has been snatched.

Did we wake up from the wrong side of our bed or this world has changed.

"Mom,Dad...what are you doing?"

A voice sounded in middle of Smith couple's verbal fight.

Everyone looked at the direction of the voice,a young man holding small basket in his hand was walking towards them.

"Alex,you came.Show us,what did you bring for your Sister-in-law." Mrs Smith looked at her son.

Alex who just arrived at his home,saw his parents were arguing over some silly thing.

It was a relief that he didn't bring anything that can worse his parents mood, specially his mother.He really didn't want to involve in their 'discussion'.

"Here" Alex raised the bucket in his hand.

Everyone came forward to look inside.

A small white fluffy puppy was sitting there looking at them with his big eyes which was hiding both curiosity and fear.Red ribbon was tied around his neck.

"Awwww so cute." everyone exclaimed.

"Shine also looked at us like him, when we first met her.Right?" Jade looked at her brother.

"mm" Alex agreed.

"Really?" Smith couple looked at their children.

Alex and Jade nodded their head.

"Hubby,what should we name him? should we call him little Shine." Mrs Smith looked at his husband, forgetting all about their fight.

"It'll be great.we can...."

"Dad, it's a gift for Shine.let her decide his name." Alex stopped his father from talking further.
