A Pig Teammate

"I didn't notice before,but ...." Shine didn't continue.

"Is it because of Jade?" Eventhough he asked this question,but he was hundred percent sure that culprit behind the exposure was his own sister.

Shine raised her eyebrows and her lips contained a smile. She wasn't surprised that Ilios guessed it right without giving any time to think.

Of course,he as a brother, definitly understood her sister than other.

"What did she do?" Ilios asked,while remembering to not use his sister in future,if reason behind this would be stupid.

Shine looked at him with serious expression.

"Are you trying to divert my attention from the main issue?"

Ilios sighed helplessly.Really,his girl has become hard to beguile.

"Don't worry,I won't avoid.but before this, tell me,what did Jade do which made you notice that something was wrong?"

Shine hummed.

"There are more than one ...." She said while looking at Ilios,tried to catch any surprised expression,but Latter only nodded his head slightly,like he had already expected it.

"First,when I wanted to leave her room after changing,she used different method to stop me from leaving.

And do you know what was the best method she chose?"Shine laughed.

"What?"Seeing her laugh,Ilios also smiled.At least his sister's stupid actions did some good .Okay,he won't punish Jade for her mistake.

"She told me about your childhood stories.And you can guess what it can be?" Shine said while controlling her laugh.

Ilios who had just erased the negative mark on Jade,doubled it.

My dear sister,How could you sell your own brother to complete your work?

"What did she tell you?I hope it would be good."

"I'm not going to answer.It is your childhood stories,so you have more knowledge about this than me,whether it is good or.....funny.hahaha." She laughed,failed to control her laughter like before.

Ilios shaked his head helplessly.Knowing his sister's character,he already guessed what stories she had told Shine.

"Then how did you notice the problem behind her actions?" Ilios still didn't get the answer behind their plan failure.

"Actually everything was good, without something amiss.but she watched time again and again,like counting every minute which we were spending there.

I had some suspicions but there was no way to confirm,so I avoid this tiny bit doubt."

Ilios nodded.Eventhough Jade chose the right topic to stop Shine,but this little action of her destroy all the preparation.

"Other one?"

"When that Vase broke.

After using some force,when I Succeeded in leaving her room,she suddenly started walking towards the Vase.I thought she wanted to show it to me,but she slipped and ...Bam."

"Sometime person slips and made these type of small accident.But I know in Jade's case it definitely won't be that simple, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it.right?"Ilios asked.

"mm,it would be normal if you bumped into something by accident,but if you bumped into anything and it still don't suffer any damage,and than you use your palm to push it,then....what would you say....is it an accident or intentional?" Shine raised her lips upward.

Ilios didn't know what he should say.

How could her sister do things in this way?

It was as clear as the sky to other party that she did that deliberately.

"There is still one more point,and that's when my all doubts became clear." Shine patted his shoulder to console him,but her smile was showing the opposite.

"And what is that?"

"I was standing beside her.but she started to speak in loud voice,like she was afraid her voice won't reach my ears.

I wasn't standing that far,I was just one arm reach,so why need to speak loudly.Even my ears started to hurt.

Only reason behind this,can be to alert someone.

previous incidents and this one made it clear,that she wanted to alert all of you about my arrival.

And why would she do that?

After some thinking, anyone can guess.

and I already told you I'm not that naive girl anymore,so.....puzzle solved."

"Really, a pig teammate."Ilios said with laugh.

"mm and cute one." Shine added.

Both started to laugh loudly.

After few minutes,they calmed themselves,but a small smile was still playing on their lips.

"So now tell me,what did you decide about my family? Are you really going to destroy them?"Shine grabbed his hand and asked.

"We won't. at least not this time." Ilios said.

"Really?...but not this time means,you're going to do this in future." Shine bit her lower lip.

Seeing her anxious,Ilios put his hand around her shoulder and made her lean her head on his shoulder.

He explained everything to her about what his family decided.

"We're giving them last chance.If they still try to use you in anyway,then we'll take action."

"Can't you forgive them?"Shine raised her head to look at his face.