I Love You

"You're our bottom line.So no,we can't forgive them."Ilios said.


"You shouldn't worry about this, It's good for them that they still have one chance, otherwise, my parents already had made them invisible from this world." Ilios didn't give her time to complete her sentence.

Shine furrowed her brows.She didn't like the way Ilios talked about her family.

Ilios noticed this and knew she wasn't pleased.

"Sorry,I talked like that.but you also know that it's the truth."Ilios rubbed her hand.Shine again leaned on his shoulder.

"I know, for you, they are your family, but is it same for them? you know about this.don't you?

Only one apology was enough for you to eliminate all grievance you suffered.But do you know this make you an easy target to them,who they will use whenever they want."

Shine pressed her lips in thin line.She was aware about this in her heart.But as a daughter, can't she wish for her family's happiness?

Ilios looked outside the window.

"Not only your family,many people in the world has same thought for other.In these people's eyes,other's life is not worthy than their.They won't let go any chance to sacrifice you,to achieve anything."

"My parents won't do this to me,at least not this." Shine said. Eventhough she said this,she herself wasn't sure about it.

Ilios looked at her face and close his eyes.

"I know they won't do this.But if it is for your sister,they will.Compare to her,your life has not a one percent worth to them." He knew that these words will definitely hurt her.but it'll also help her to understand something,which she knew but didn't want to consider before.

Shine clenched her fists, trying to control her emotions.

"Shine you can't run away from the truth all the time.You have to accept it."

Shine sat straight and without saying anything,she moved to other side and looked outside, completely ignored him.

Seeing her like this,Ilios shaked his head.

"Come here."

When she didn't move,Ilios sighed.

He pulled her towards him and made her sat on his lap and embrace her in his arms.Shine was shocked with the situation she was in.She tried to get down,but his tight grip didn't lose and he held her more tightly.

"What're you doing?"

"Don't panic,I won't do anything. Trust me." Ilios said.

Hearing him,Shine stopped struggling and looked at Ilios,who averted his eyes immediately.

Before, she was shocked because of his sudden move towards her,so she didn't notice anything. But now, because her fear had gone,she noticed his red ears and when she looked at his face....

Shine smiled.He was more flustered than her.

Ilios ,who was looking outside,was shocked by himself for his previous action.

Before,When Shine sat far from him and didn't look at him .That time,a small fear grew in his heart.

Fear to lose her.

So without thinking,he pulled her towards him and all this happened.

How could he be so impulsive.

When he was cursing himself, he felt Shine became relaxed in his arms.he looked at her and saw her smile.

A heavy weight lifted from his heart. Before he was afraid of her hating him, Because of his impulsive actions.

He loosened his grip,but Shine didn't get down and remained on his lap without moving.She placed her head on his chest.

Ilios smiled.If he was not in the car and in front of his girl,he would have already started to jump around and shouted to let the whole world know about his immense joy.

He kissed on top of her head and closed his eyes.

A warm feeling swelled in Shine's heart.

It really felt good to be loved by someone.

"I'll listen you."Shine muttered.


"About Wood family matters,I'll listen you."


"But in future, don't try to hide anything from me and tell me everything."


" like today, don't use tricks on me with your family."


"Always be there for me."


"Don't ever leave me."


"I love You."


It took few seconds to resister everything in his mind,Ilios opened his eyes wide and looked down.

He raised her chin to make her look at him.

"What did you say?"

"Ah, shouldn't you say something else in return ?" Shine smiled.

Ilios' hearts started beating fast.It became hard for him to control his emotions.

He leaned his head downwards to kiss her.And when his lips were just an inch away from her, Shine put her hand on his lips to block him.

"And ask my permission, before doing these intimate actions."


Shine laughed.

"For my confession, You haven't reply yet." Shine raised her eyebrow.

Ilios signalled towards her hand which was still placed on his lips.

With a Oh,Shine removed her hand.

"I love you." Ilios looked in her eyes.

"I Love you More than my life."He kissed her on nose.

"Hey... didn't I tell you..."Shine complained.

"Without you my life has no meaning." He kissed her cheek.


"I'll cherish you." kissed her forehead.

"I'll never hurt you.and let anyone hurt you." Kissed other side of cheek.


"Lio..." Shine shouted.

"Ok.... don't be angry.From now on,I'll ask you before doing anything." And again placed a kiss on her nose.

Shine glared at him.

He still didn't ask her.