Chapter 3 - Deal with the Devil

As the figure emerged from the shadows, Iris first thought was that it looked eerily similar to the devils depicted by Christianity.

Its figure stood like a human, with creepy yellow reptilian eyes and two large horns on its head.

It seemed to blend in the shadows as it moved strangely.

"What do we have here? Mmm. Strange, I can't peak into your soul..." the devil murmured.

As the devil was muttering coherently, Iris was standing there shivering in terror, as the devil finally turned its gaze towards her.

Iris stilled afraid that if she made any sudden movement, the creature will kill her right where she stood.

"I feel something strange coming from you, something which feels deeply profound, how about we make a deal?" The devils' gruff voice sounded.

"Umm. Mr Devil, how about we both go our separate ways and you can find some other soul to take down to hell or something. I'm sure there are many more evil and tastier souls than mine, yes?" Iris hesitantly responded.

"Hmm. Devil?", it said after a loud laugh echoed throughout the room.

The devil continued as it said, "You think I'm a devil as described within the stories girl? Many refer to me as many things girl, but a devil is not one. You can call me Orthos. I wouldn't even be offering you this great opportunity unless I was forced, I haven't got much time until they locate me, you see they want to wipe us all out, and I can't let the great order end with me. You have potential, and I see the eagerness within you to grow stronger, girl if you accept my offer, and you will rise above everything, and nothing will be able to stop you!" Tempted Orthos.

"Umm. Can I decline your offer?" Iris spoke, she definitely doesn't want to be tricked by some Devil in selling her soul to hell or something.

"Let me explain something to you girl, in this world there any beings many times stronger than you, you think that you will be able to protect yourself, your family with your insufficient power. Think girl, what if something notices you, will you be able to save everything which you hold dear?"

Hearing Orthos's words she wondered is it right?

However, she is wondering why it didn't just force her, why did it even require her consent anyways?

"What is your offer and why does it require my consent?" Questioned Iris.

"I need access to your soul. And for some strange reason, I cannot seem to assess your soul at all, despite my power. Thus I require your consent girl." Orthos responded.

So it wants her soul?

Exactly what she thought, and what does Orthos want with her soul?

Probably nothing good.

But Orthos described itself as not a devil, then what is Orthos truly?

And why does Orthos need her?

Orthos is obviously some powerful being.

She could refuse, but it will likely kill her as a consequence from the conclusion of how desperate it is, thus she will accept, but she doesn't want to lose out within this offer, as she don't want to be played around with and feel this powerless every again towards another individual.

"I accept, but within one condition" Iris spoke with a firm expression on her face.

"A big appetite you have their girl, but I like it. What do you want?"

"Power" Iris demanded.

As the devil heard her smile it faces morphed into a grin, "I will give you what your offer requires and more Iris. Now don't resist and you will get what you seek." As soon Orthos closed its eyes, she witnessed gas black substance emerging out of its body moving towards her, as it reached her it slowly covered her entire body before disappearing within.

[A foreign entity is attempting to modify your soul. Do you want to start the cleaning process?]


So that's what Orthos must be on about when he couldn't assess my soul?

She thought the system was the case initially, but this has authenticated her claim.

She declined, although slightly surprised the system could accomplish such a thing.

As soon as she declined, she felt an intense pain throughout her whole body.

It felt like something was moving inside her body, trying to rip itself out.

"Ahhh..." She screamed.

She fell to her knees trying to find some sort of thing to grab hold of.

Wasn't the body suppose to shut down when you feel this kind of pain? Thought Iris as she slowly endured the pain for what felt like an eternity. As soon as it stopped Iris laid there with a dead look in her eyes.

"Can you hear me, girl?" Orthos said from within her soul.

"I can..." Iris responded, struggling to get out her answer.

"Listen, girl; I'm going to insert something within the removed part of your soul. I'll also something extra as you desired. It won't be painful, so just rest for a while."

"Alright..." Iris weakly responded.

Pleasant and warm sensations filled her body, making her regain some energy.

Her soul was filled with an unknown power, she doesn't know how to describe it, but it felt terrific.

[A foreign presence has inserted its power within your soul, granting you an unknown ability.]

[Your mana has been boasted by 20]

[You have been granted the affinity 'Dark']

[You have been granted the affinity 'Fire']

[You have been granted the ultra-rare affinity 'Soul']

[Your affinity slots have been filled.]

[All of your attributes have increased by '2']

[You have been gifted the skill 'Dark Manipulation']

[You have been gifted the skill 'Fire Manipulation']

[You have been gifted the skill 'Soul Manipulation']

[As a result of the unknown power invading your soul, your class has automatically become the infamous Legendary Class 'Eranyth Warlock']

[As a result of becoming an Eranyth Warlock, you unlock the class related skills 'Devour' and 'Dark Soul Flame']

[As a result of unlocking a primary class, a second class is now available.]

The pain...

Wait, this was supposed to be painless...

She felt her senses tangling and her eyes slowly drifting closed until passing out...

The last thing she saw was Orthos's creepy eyes staring at her.