Chapter 2 - Random Quest Encounter

A day later, Iris found herself strolling in the streets, going about her usual routinely walk to the shop.

Of course, this wasn't exactly a 'Normal' day as Iris now found herself wondering, what am I going to do next?

Due to finding out the whole 'Magical' System a day ago, deep within her subconscious she still can't accept this is genuinely occurring to her, as even the sheer thought of it, tears apart her reality of the world she lives within.

Also, Iris did notice that with her improved appearance, she seemed to be getting many times more looks than usual, not that it mattered to Iris anyways.

But, the main concern for Iris, is how she will explain this new transformation towards both her Parents and classmates in school, causing Iris to become increasingly nervous at the thought on how she is going to explain herself when the eventual confrontation of questioning her due to her new changes.

Honestly, Iris generally is the type to crack under pressure, especially when she gets that stern look from her Mother, with her, somehow knowing everytime Iris seems to be lying to her.

Therefore, Iris is terrified of her Mother when she finds out, but her Father? Well, he is gullible as they come, so she is not too worried about him.

So what excuse can she use to escape this mess?

She definitely couldn't say she has suddenly gotten this 'Mythical System' which can continuously power herself up.

Iris can already picture herself trying to do this, causing her to end up within one destination only, a one-stop destination to the looney bin.

Or maybe even worse such as the Government genuinely believing in her, thus conducts experiments to uncover the secret of this 'Magical System'.

Both of these options are far from satisfactory for Iris.

Therefore Iris would instead do what she does best, 'Play it Dumb' and pretend she is completely oblivious about the whole thing.

Due being lost within her thoughts, she didn't notice that she ended up walking completely the wrong way ending up on an unfamiliar street.

Seeing her new surroundings, Iris mumbled, "Great! Now I ended up getting myself lost in some shady neighbourhood!"

Huffing and puffing in annoyance, she soon began searching around hoping to find something at least recognisable to find her way back home.

After some fruitless searching, Iris original frustration worsened as she found that her phone is entirely out of battery so she cannot even use google maps to find her way back!

Realising that her strategy of 'hopelessly' searching is a terrible idea, she shortly found herself Iris walking for a few minutes, seeing an empty bench in a quiet area, deciding that it would be an excellent place to gather her thoughts.

Thinking back to the past day, Iris had the sudden thought of being able to unlock 'Mana' later, making Iris imagine being capable of levitating objects causing her to grin in excitement.

'How awesome would that be?' She thought to herself.

Wait one minute, on second thought, hasn't she even attempted to use the 'System Shop' yet?

Believing she might as well give it a shot, Iris attempted to click on the 'System Shop' text, but the following text box emerged after numerous attempts.

[System shop is currently locked until the Host gains 100 System Points]

'Great! Another thing locked from me!" She thought.

Genuinely, she really wasn't surprised as a result of all these constant messages from the System constantly informing her 'You haven't completed enough quests' or 'You haven't met that requirement' on the various other options of the system, therefore she knew the only solution at the moment for her is to find some quests to do.

But, as she attempted to click the 'Quest' option, it stated that quests only pop up in certain circumstances, making Iris wonder what she could do to find herself a 'Quest'?

A few minutes later and Iris finally felt she has enough rest, thus got up and was about to leave.

However, before she could even make her move, she saw a troubled old woman approaching her.

"Hello Young Girl, have you seen a white and black cat around?" She asked with a desperate tone.

"Umm. No, ma'am" Responded Iris, looking at older women with a sympathising glance.

"I see..." She answered, with a downcast expression on her face.

Honestly, she could always offer her assistance to help her.

But truthfully, why would she, after all, she is struggling to help herself with her problems at the moment, never mind having the time to help another person.

She felt great pity for her, but even so, she wouldn't waste her time going on a wild goose chase looking for a cat, who knows it could have already ended up returning home after all of her efforts in looking for it?

"I'm really worried, please help me, Young Lady?" She asked hopefully.

'Oh no!'

Iris felt incredibly awkward, causing a troubled expression to emerge on her face, but as she was just about to refuse politely, the system robotic voice sounded in her mind.

[Quest received!]

[Quest: Predator in the dark!]

[Description: Before of the shadows, there is a predator which lurks within. Save the cat from its clutches!]

[Reward: 7 Attribute Points| 150 System Points]


Wait, another quest?

While pondering on this thought, Iris decided to take the risk and accept the quest.

Even though the quest seems dangerous, especially with that sinister vibe going on about the 'Predator' roaming within the Shadows thing, she still believed that it was the best choice, as Iris currently has no idea on how frequently these quests will pop up.

Therefore the next time one may come up could potentially be within months, and as Iris is naturally an impatient person, she cannot stand the idea of continuing her dull routine, waiting for a quest to show up randomly.

Thus, Iris clicked 'Accept' on the text.

"Sure" She replied with a dazzling smile.

"Oh, thank you, thank you! I believe that with your help we should find him very quickly!" The old lady responded with an evident grateful tone in her voice.

"I believe that we will also, Ms?" She paused, waiting for her to answer.

"Smith. But, you can call me Rebecca!" The old women answered.

"Nice to meet you, Rebecca, I am Iris. Could you please tell me the description of the cat?" She questioned.

She will definitely require its physical description if she is going to have any hope in finding this cat, she can't just end up kidnapping the wrong cat now can she?

"Mmm, sure. The cat name is Whitey, and he is a fluffy black and white fur with beautiful green eyes. You couldn't miss him. If you are in his surroundings, all you need to do is call his name, and he will come to you." Rebecca ended with a smile.

"Good. Let's split up, we will find Whitey much quicker that way." She suggested.

She nodded in agreement before they both decided on which routes they would leave too, she turned left to walk down the particular path she has chosen, while Iris went the other way.

While walking Iris tried to search around her surroundings, paying particular attention for anything strange or out of place, facing the description of the quest she knows wherever the cat it surely isn't normal.

The whole 'Predator' in the shadow thing kinda pointed that out from the start.

After two hours of unproductive searching, a frustrated Iris emerged, nothing absolutely nothing!

She hasn't even found a glance at the damn cat, and she's been looking for two hours!

And from the apparent disappearance of Rebecca, she must have gotten lost somewhere as well.

She lay down on a patch of grass, her absurdly low physical stats showing it affects, as she panted with exhaustion.

Damn, she sure wishes she had participated in more physical activities at school.

Maybe if she had done, perhaps she wouldn't be so abysmal when it comes to any form of exercise.

Shortly, Iris soon heard a shout of her name.

Opening her eyes, Iris saw it was Rebecca who was approaching her with an excited look in her face.

"Iris, I found him! But, I need your assistance as I cannot reach him!" Rebecca stated with a happy expression on her face.

"Ok, where is he? I'll go get him for you." Iris responded.

With anticipation that this quest is finally going to be over, Iris lets Rebecca direct her towards the location of Whitey.

Ten minutes of walking later, and they arrived in front of an eerie, derelict looking building, obviously looking like time has not been particularly good towards it.

Observing the building, she soon found Whitey on the very top of the building itself.

She went ahead of Rebecca, remembering that this is a dangerous situation.

"I'll go get her for you ok?" Iris ordered Rebecca; she needed to climb to get on top of this small building, which Iris can accomplish easily.

It is the 'Predator of the Dark' she was truly wary too.

Shortly, managing to reach the top of the building, she quickly found the cat and safely managed to get it down to Rebecca, soon causing the sound of the completion of a quest within her mind.

[Quest: Predator in the dark! Completed!]

[Your actions have saved a precious cat's life, and saved the owner from many tears due to the loss of her pet!]

[Reward| 7 Attribute points| 150 System Points!]

Just as she was about to celebrate about receiving the quest reward, a dark figure emerged in front of her, releasing an oppressive aura ruining the 'Happy Mood'.

"What is this? Interesting..." Said the Dark Figure with a creepy sounding voice.

'Oh damn, what kind of trouble has she gotten herself into this time?' She wondered as she saw the dark figure's presence arrived in her line of sight.