Chapter 1 - Completing First Quest and Surprised Parents

Immediately, after accepting the quest, Iris hurriedly ran downstairs.

Due to her only having three hours, she can't go about doing this leisurely, therefore, during the next two hours Iris cleaned the house, took out the laundry and completed just about any other usual household chores her Mother would usually complete once coming home from work.

After finishing doing the household chores, Iris gasped in a lungful of air as she panted from the exertion of rushing herself for the past few hours.

"I guess I really do need to improve my fitness after all", mumbled Iris under her breath.

Five minutes quickly pass, and Iris gathered her breath, fully recover Iris got up and walked into the kitchen.

Staring at the various options on what she can make for dinner, she finally decided on making some Pasta and Bolognese.

Afterall it is a simple and easy dish to make, something preferable for her, someone who is not the most experienced when it comes to cooking.

Although Iris wouldn't say she was a brilliant cook, she wouldn't say she was terrible, since her parents work, home late, she would usually make some meals for herself, so it wasn't difficult for her to accomplish this much.

While cooking the pasta and Bolognese Iris tried implementing some techniques by chefs for making an improved version of pasta from a cookbook she found lying around the kitchen.

After, finishing cooking the meal. Iris was left with three platefuls of pasta and Bolognese, accompanied by her parent's favourite beverages.

Satisfied with her work, Iris placed the dishes on the table, careful not to ruin anything when the sound of the door opening and closing accompanied by her parents walking in.

"Iris honey, what is this?" Iris's mother asked while coming into the house; she expected it to be full of household chores that will be needed to be completed, however, after entering the house, she found it was spotless. With everything completed!

"Mother, this is dinner. I also have completed the household chores, I had seen how hard you both were working and felt like I have been ungrateful not contributing to the house when I knew you both are struggling!" Iris smiled while answering her parents.

"Who are you and what have done with my daughter?" Iris's Father, a tall, lean middle-aged man asked with an astonished expression on his face.

"Dad, am I truly that bad? I surely have done other stuff before; this isn't the only time I decided to be helpful!" Replied Iris, in an attempt to redeem herself.

After her parents calmed down and finally accepted it that their lazy daughter actually did something for a change.

Shortly, Iris and her parents ate the dinner alongside each other as a family, something which hasn't occurred in a long time, in doing so caused a pleasant atmosphere to surround the table.

Afterwards, Iris watched some TV with her parents for a few hours before walking upstairs and entering her room.

[Quest: A helpful daughter! Completed!]

[Your actions have brought your family closer, reminding them of old and happy memories. They'll be some positive behavioural changes on their part.]

[Reward: 4 Attribute points|30 System Points]

Positive behavioural changes on their part?

Well, I guess she never realised it before, but now thinking back into it with more detail, her parent's behaviour has seemed to be a lot tenser within these past few months.

It seems like they genuinely needed her acting like a daughter for a change, maybe she dispatched behaviour was having more of an impact on them than she thought.

However, a happy thought emerged because her parent's situation has improved for the better!

After walking into the bathroom, she finally decided to test if these attributes point truly work after all.

Pondering within her mind, Iris thought what attribute could be used to test the System, which one of them will have a noticeable effect towards her?

Strength, dexterity, constitution and endurance?

Not really, if she allocated her attribute points into these attributes, then it will be hard to tell if anything has changed.



Iris honestly does not know what the so-called 'Mana' attribute is.

She believed if there was energy called 'Mana' contained within her body she probably would have noticed it now.

Iris attempted to put her points into 'Mana' however a message from the system popped up.

[Ding! Warning! Mana attribute is currently locked, unless the host can unlock a magic related class!]

She sighs.

Truly disappointing, she was hoping she can learn how to shoot fireballs out of her hands, but now the system is magic blocking her?

Iris clicked 'Class'.

[Ding! You need to complete more quests to unlock the class option.]

Wow, what a downer, guess my only alternative is appearance?

Iris decided to allocate '3' of her points into appearance and '1' in strength.

Genuinely she believes that if the System was real, then three points should do the trick in showing definite improvement, and as her strength is abysmally bad, therefore she might as well increase it.

Instantly after Iris put the points into 'Appearance', a burning sensation coursed throughout her whole face.

Iris screamed.

Her face felt inflamed, feeling as if fire ants are bitten continuously all over her face.

After a few more minutes of agonising pain, Iris was left panting on the floor devoid of energy.

'Damn, that truly wasn't a pleasant experiencing' Iris thought while wincing thinking about going through that experience again.

She is definitely not going to place all of her stat points into one stat group ever again.

After a few minutes of just laying there, Iris finally managed to gain enough strength to pull herself up.

After taking a deep breath of fresh air, Iris looked at herself in the mirror.

'Is this me?' Iris thought as she stared at the gorgeous girl standing before her.

Although she possesses her former recognisable facial features, she finds that her entire appearance has gone through a qualitative improvement.

She found her face had become slightly more symmetrical, and her skin has become smoother with fewer blemishes, in addition, her hair has become glossier.

Observing the changes within her appearance, she found that if one of these changes were just implemented, it wouldn't make to much of a difference, but with all adding together they have made her appearance go through a noticeable improvement.

'It seems that the System is real'. She thought.

"It seems her life will never be normal again, well this is what she said she wanted right?" Iris said while smiling in the mirror.