
Every day felt pointless to Iris White.

Dealing with the same routine every day, Iris would return to her shockingly dull school life and then head back home to a disturbingly quiet home.

With the same routine continuously going on and on, the same day repeating over and over again, it eventually drove her crazy.

It made her wonder, would her life always be this boring?

However, little did Iris know her life would go around a complete change.

"What a day!" Iris murmured tiredly, feeling that she wants something different to happen in her life, just this once.

She wants something out of schedule, something which excites her and will liven up her uninteresting life, these were her last thoughts before drifting to sleep.

[Ding! Mystic System initiating!]


Iris suddenly awoke when a loud robotic voice sounded within her mind.

Hmm, she grumbled.

Did I just hear a voice or something???

[Downloading Mystic System: 1%]






[100% Ding! Mystic System has been successfully downloaded!]

[Ding! Congratulations for having been chosen to be the holder of the Mystic System! You can assess the system by saying 'Status'. Some features may be locked at the moment, but these features will progressively unlock as you grow stronger and complete quests.]

Iris began repetitively blinking, as a sudden dumbfounded expression emerged on Iris's face as she has fully taken in what had just happened.

Mystic System?

What the hell is that?

Is this some type of game system or something?

Curiosity overcame her body as she continuously read the text emerging in her mind, in complete confusion, thinking that surely this cannot be real.

Is this so-called 'System' is real, then why would it even choose her as its Host out of the billions of people within the world?

After all, she is just some ordinary fifteen-year-old girl, nothing special at all.

Honestly, Iris believed she was very ordinary.

Therefore, this 'System' caused Iris to feel highly sceptical of the truth behind it immediately.


Might as well try it, she has nothing better at the moment anyway.


[Name: Iris White]

[Age: 15]

[Race: Human]

[Class: ?]

[Secondary Class: ?]

[Strength: 7]

[Dexterity: 9]

[Constitution: 10]

[Endurance: 8]

[Intelligence: 17]

[Mana: ?]

[Appearance: 16]

[Attribute points: 0] [System points: 0]

[Shop] [Quests] [Skills]


Iris scrunched up her nose in displeasure, that bad?

Looking at her stats, it seems that she is in fact below average at everything apart from the Intelligence and her Appearance, well going accordingly if the average stat of a human is '10'.

She knows that she is not the keenest of individuals in regards to exercise, but come on surely this system must be over exaggerating the severity of her physical capabilities.

"Well, let's just do a 'Quest' in an attempt to get some of these 'attribute points' to see if this system truly works and is not a farce." Iris mumbled, selecting the 'Quests' option.

[Quest Received! Helpful daughter!]

[Description: You have been a lazy daughter for too long, while busy feeling sorry for yourself, your parents have been working tirelessly to provide for the household! Do the household chores and prepare dinner before your parents before getting home!]

[Reward: 4 Attribute Points|30 System Points]

[Time limit: 3 hours]


Upon reading the quest, Iris instantly felt bad of her behaviour in recent months.

'I guess I have been a little too self-centred recently' Iris thought.

She should do something nice for her parents, and as a bonus, she can actually see if this 'System' is indeed the reality and not just figment of her imagination.

Iris smiled while thinking this, and clicked 'Accept'