Attributes and Rank of Classes

You will have more understanding of this as you read the novel, but Iris will receive a system in which her attributes are displayed to her, she can 'Level' up each attribute as she progresses within the novel.

These are the basic attributes which Iris starts with;








There are many classes which are available towards individuals within the world, and each of them requires you to 'Rank' up to achieve the next stages of this class.

This chapter will basically highlight the ranks you achieve within classes to breakthrough to the next stage of that class, explaining it briefly Iris the protagonist will have a primary and secondary class available towards her, which to progress within she will need to achieve a certain number of an attribute within her stats to 'Rank' up.

The benefits of ranking up within a class are for normal individuals without access to a system similar to Iris, 'Rank' ups are essential as not only does it qualitatively improve your power e.g. for a mage it makes their mana purer, therefore, any spells they use will naturally be stronger than a lower ranked mage, even with the mana difference advantage but it also allows you 'breakthrough' your limits.

The meaning of being able to 'breakthrough' your limits, is if you cannot rank up within your class, your mana or if you are a warrior class physical stats will stagnate until you can 'Rank' up, thus allowing you to progress within what you specialise in (As there are many different classes which focus on warrior aspects or a magician aspect)

These are the ranks for a Magician;

Novice - 1 - 20 Mana - the Basic requirement is achieving 1 Mana within the body, thus humans which do not contain mana cannot become a mage.

Apprentice - 20 - 60 - Requires 20 mana to 'Rank' up from a Novice magician to an Apprentice one, thus the requirements aren't too strict and just requires sufficient mana.

Journeyman - 60 - 200 - Requires 60 mana to 'Rank' up from an Apprentice magician to a Journeyman one, again the requirements are just having the sufficient mana needed.

Expert - 200 - 1000 - Requires 200 mana in addition to sufficient comprehension within at least one affinity to breakthrough to Expert Rank.

Master - 1000 - 4000 - Requires 700 Mana in addition to sufficient comprehension within a least one affinity to breakthrough to Master Rank.

Grandmaster - 4000 - 10,000 - Requires 3000 mana in addition to sufficient comprehension within two different affinities to breakthrough to Grandmaster Rank.

Arch - 10,000 Mana - Requires 10,000 mana in addition to sufficient comprehension within four different affinities to breakthrough to Arch Rank.

Explaining affinities and comprehension for a mage briefly, this will be explained further within the novel, but affinities are the elements in which a mage specialises in, for instance, the 'Fire' affinity is fire, this basically means what type of elemental spell someone can master, every mage, will have at least one affinity but an individuals talent within that affinity largely differs.

Thus, having two different affinities is incredible rare showing just how great even a Master ranked mage is nevermind an Arch ranked mage.

Comprehension is just basically a mages insight within their particular affinity as many mages spend their lives studying spells etc, thus comprehension is just basically your understanding of an element.

As I mentioned this will be explained later within the novel, so none of this truly matters and is just for people who are confused about the rankings of classes and are interested within seeing the different ranks you can progress within in.

Ranks for a Warrior or physical related class;

Novice - 10 - 20 have at least 10+ within a specific attributed associated with class, in addition to being trained within that class thus has mastered the class initial basics. For instance, a swordsman must have suitable mastery of a sword.

Apprentice 20 - 60 - must achieve the limit of a human body in physical related attributes at 20, and break through the limits of the body achieving past this number.

Journeyman - Must achieve the specific physical-related attributes related to the class at 60, and break through the limits of the body to progress further past his number.

Expert - 200 - 1000 - Must achieve the specific physical-related attributes related to the class at 200, and have sufficient understanding of the class to rank up to Expert.

Master - 1000 - 4000 - Must achieve the specific physical-related attributes related to the class at 1000, and have sufficient understanding of the class to rank up to Master.

Grandmaster - 4000 - 10,000 - Must achieve the specific physical-related attributes related to the class at 4000, and have sufficient understanding of the class to rank up to Grandmaster.

Legend - 10,000 - Must achieve the specific physical-related attributes related to the class at 10,000, and have sufficient understanding of the class to rank up to Legend.