Chapter 16 - Plan In Motion - Soul Search

Speeding up her pace, Iris acted as if she was a naive teenager, utterly unaware of the attention she is bringing to herself, and of the actual danger she is within.

The further Iris walked, the more heated gazes roamed across her body brazenly as a few gang-members which seemed to have similar intentions as the group of men, soon backed off when they witnessed them following her, showing Iris that whoever these men represent was not some small-time organisation.

As the apparent fear within the rival gang members eyes as they witnessed these men for themselves, shows that the whoever they represent must have great power within the City, in addition to having a dangerous reputation.

Thinking that this quest could be more complicated than she thought, Iris decided to go for another risk, scanning through across the system's store she seemingly found a perfect solution to her dilemma.

Looking at the spell, a smile emerged on Iris's face, as she finally has the opportunity to use her soul affinity.

[Low-Tier] [Soul Search - Searches through individuals memories and transports them to the host, can also manipulate an individual's memories to an extent.]

Believing it was the perfect spell for the situation she was in, Iris thought that in addition, it would be great for the future as she bought it for 250 system points.

Painfully seeing her points once again drop, Iris soon recovered at the thought that this spell would prove worthwhile in the future as she could retrieve memories of mages, gaining her new spells for free!

However, there are downsides of this spell, as it is only effective for those a full rank below Iris, therefore it would be no problem to be used on these men at all.

Another thing Iris found interesting was that eventually if she levelled up skills to there max-level, then she can get the next tier skills for free, without being charged more system points for the more advanced versions.

Of course, this is not as easy as it looks, as it is very challenging to level up skills to there max levels.

Putting this within the back of her mind, Iris acted as if she was panicking for being late for something, as she hurriedly strolled further.

Seemingly not thinking things through at all, Iris walked right into a deserted alley on her next turn.

Upon seeing Iris enter an alley empty of witnesses was a perfect opportunity for the men, which quickly sprinted after Iris, concerned she would escape from their grasp.

Hearing the men rushing behind her, Iris turned around smiling at the men who froze upon seeing her.

Seeing the confident expression on her face, the leader thinking something was wrong said, "I thought there was something suspicious about this girl, as no regular teenager girl such as her would walk down these streets casually such as this, I presume you're from the police?"

Looking back at the man as if he was an idiot she replied, "Nope, not at all but that still won't stop you from your fate."

Thinking Iris is foolish for saying such words, the man within the group of men said, "You think you can do anything to us? By yourself? If you truly walked down this alley alone such this, then you are begging for what is going to happen to you.."

A lustful look emerged from the man's face after he finished speaking, causing a disgusted look to emerge on Iris's face.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you believe me anyway, as this will be finished pretty quickly.." She said coldly before the men can even react Iris appeared in front of them, dealing with each of them easily, as they wern't even able to put a fight against Iris who is now more than twice as strong as a regular human, not to mention her martial arts.

The group of men were left on the ground groaning in pain as Iris stood above them with a smirk saying, "Now you boys are going to be my test-dummies for a new skill of mine, so stay still ok?"

As the men were thinking about what she was on about, one of the men shrieked in horror as he felt excruciating pain.

Iris who was currently using the spell seemed amazed at her first 'Soul' spell, quickly she found the location of the hideout within their memories, but as she saw how heavily guarded the place as she began wondering, how she will get there.

However coming up with a solution to her problems, Iris saw that the second part of the spell could help her 'manipulate' memories.

Thus she went to work on each men making them believe they captured her on her way home from school in a relatively affluent neighbourhood, she also made them think they had been stalking her for weeks in preparation to kidnap her.

In doing so will cause the Boss of the organisation to be suspicious of her upon entry into the hideout, as such a guy will be very strict in regards to the people they capture.

Therefore she needed to make her identity flawless.

Iris, also programmed within their minds to protect her subconsciously from people attempting to touch her and to believe that they drugged her and brought her to their van unconscious.

With her plan underway, Iris soon was brought to their van, where a young man was awaiting them.

Upon seeing Iris, the young said, "Wow what girl have you picked up boss, this girl looks comparable to a supermodel. I'd love to have a go at her!"

Hearing the young mans longing for Iris caused one of the men of the group to retort, "No touching the merchandise instantly defensively, this girl is a clear virgin, and I won't be losing a lot of money for the boss just because you can't keep your penises within your pants! Now, let's bring the girl back and present her to the boss, then we will each get a great reward for bringing her, much more higher valued than if she wasn't a virgin."

The man of the group especially voiced the last part of his words as if point out that they would be losing a lot of money as a result of doing so, as he wanted to use their greed for money as an excuse to protect Iris, without alerting the young man suspicions.

Hearing the man words, the young man still couldn't let his desire for Iris go as he said, "Yeah, can't we leave her a virgin but do other stuff with her?"

He said while raking his eyes across Iris's body, but upon hearing the young man, the leader grew angrier, "I don't care, you do not lay your hands on her, I don't want some young kid to get a bit to carried away with himself on his first women."

After that man's comments, the young man didn't dare to speak back to him eye-level, as being fairly high up within the organisation, he knew he was a ruthless man and by being so wouldn't think twice about removing characters like him if he disobeys him.

The young man lowered his head even further in shame at the man's comments, hiding his furious thoughts on getting revenge towards him in the future, as he doesn't believe he will remain low within the organisation forever.

Also as he knew precisely were Iris was going and knew he would eventually be able to play with her later when he has achieved enough merits in the organisation to receive a reward, such as being able to play freely with one of the girls of his choosing.

The leader concluding he made his point, ordered the men to pick up Iris and carry her to the van.

Quickly doing as ordered, Iris is soon brought to a van which drove directly to the hideout in which she presumed belonged to the location where the missing girls are.

Iris maintaining the illusion she is still unconscious steadily remains calm not to give herself away at all.

Deeming that so far the spell is a huge success, as she was brought within the hideout already with no trouble whatsoever!

Twenty-minutes of remaining still, Iris was starting to feel significantly irritated, as she began to grow impatient at remaining still for so long.

Also, she felt a strong desire to kill the young man, as he has continuously sneaked touches upon her the entire trip, and as the other men didn't see it, he managed to get away with it, as their protection only occurs if it is within their line of sight.

Feeling disgusted at the violation of the young man, Iris carved his face within her mind, thinking that she will definitely pay him a visit before leaving this place after she ensured of the girls of course.

Suddenly, the van stopped causing Iris to put these thoughts at the back of her mind for the moment, as she has finally arrived it seemed.

Soon the door of the van was swung open, as suddenly a man and seeing Iris's appearance, ordered one of the men to present her to the boss.

Thinking that her plan is going a bit out of the window as she never expected to be shown to the Boss, Iris grew serious as she prepared herself for what is to come.

Feeling her body being lifted by the men, Iris held back her body from instinctively gutting the men either side of her.

Shortly the men dragged Iris for a few minutes, before seemingly placing her on a chair.

A conversation began quickly as she entered around the room as a voice she presumed to belong to the 'Boss' spoke, "Where did you get such a girl Davis, you sure outdid yourself this time."

"Honestly it was nothing much we've been stalking her for a while trying to find the right time to get her. But, eventually the right time and place were presented in front of us, so we managed to get a beauty of such level! " The man said modestly, but with an apparent proud look of finding such a catch for the Boss.

"Well, if that was so, how come none of the other men discovered such a girl, out of all the girls we've had so far none have come close to this one, I'm sure her first time could be sold for an absolute fortune." The Boss said appraising Iris as if she was some priceless object.

Another few minutes passed, as the Boss seemed to go through a background check for Iris with Davis, and upon finding that she was just some school girl from a rich neighbourhood who they managed to get by luck, his suspicions of Iris lowered many times.

Hearing the conversation between them provided Iris with another conclusion that she was very fortunate to pick up this man out of all people, as the Boss of the organisation seems to trust him and believed him to be reliable, as there was no other explanation why he was so accepting otherwise.

Continuing to speak the Boss said, "Wake her up and throw her into the room alongside the other girls readied for the auction."

"Yes, Boss." The man left, of course not bothering to use the antidote as Iris was already awake, but as no one could verify this as the man said he did it privately, none questioned.

As she needed to put up an act, she knew the other man would act correspondingly to make this realistic.

"What... is happening... who are you?" She muttered with a terrified look, as her eyes repeatedly moved around the unfamiliar room.

"Well little girl, you don't need to worry about who I am, remain calm, do what ordered and you won't be hurt. Alright?" He said while gesturing the armed men behind him.

Upon seeing the guns, Iris acted like a scared rabbit as she shakily said, "Ok sir! I will do whatever you say... just don't hurt me... please."

A smile formed on the man's face as he saw Iris's obedience, a few minutes later he led Iris to a room, unlocking the door he let Iris within.

Before leaving the man said, "We will prepare you within an hour to be presented alongside the other girls, you sure are a lucky one being able to appear within the show at the last minute, as it was even delayed to accommodate such a fine lass such as yourself."

Shortly after speaking the man left, turning around Iris saw the group of girls that she thought must be who she needs to save for the quest.

Happy that her man worked, after all, Iris was very pleased with her soul skill as it made the man followed her instructions perfectly, and he wasn't any the wiser!

Upon seeing Iris the group of teenage girls were shocked upon seeing such a beauty here, but after further thought they only felt pity at Iris's fate, as being this beautiful within a circumstance such as this wasn't a good thing.

"You must be the one they put everything on hold for, even ending up angering the guests by putting it on hold. But, I guess looking at you, it's not truly a surprise they would do such a thing." Said one of the girls.

Looking at the girl Iris saw a fairly pretty young girl, replying to her she said, "You'll even find I'm probably worth the wait soon enough."

Seeing Iris's smile, the girls were astonished thinking that she could be this lighthearted within such a situation.

"Don't worry I got a plan; you just need to trust me." Iris continued, seeing the girls shoot her sceptical looks, she smiled as she began to discuss her plan with the girls.