Chapter 17 - Plan Finale

After Iris finished describing her plan to the girls, they still looked at her strangely, believing how such a beautiful frail-looking girl could have the capabilities to help them escape?

But, as they didn't have a better option anyways, they decided to go along with her plan, as it didn't endanger themselves at all, and Iris was the only one genuinely putting herself at risk.

Ten minutes past and finally the door opened, with a busty scantily dressed woman walking in, soon after seeing Iris she smiled and said, "This one truly is a beauty, I'm sure the reception upon seeing her will be one to behold."

The man behind her said, "Get each of the girls looking nice and pretty for the auction, we have already postponed it long enough already. You know the consequences of keeping the Boss waiting right?"

After the man finished speaking, the busty woman shivered with evident fear within her eyes before instantly started ordering a few other girls who just entered the room, "Get each of them dressed and readied, I will sort out the star of the show myself."

Shortly each of the girls was dressed in very revealing clothing in addition to makeup being added to amplify their features, of course, Iris was one of the exceptions to this as her natural beauty was demonstrated clearly in the outfit the woman provided for her.

Surprisingly it seemed that Iris didn't receive revealing clothes similar to the girls much to her delight, and instead the busty woman seemed to focus more on Iris's natural beauty and provided her with more of a pure, innocent look.

In doing so, she stood out clearly among the women, making even the prettiest of the group look average, it highlighted that Iris was by far the 'best catch' of the bunch.

The busty woman did this as honestly, Iris didn't even need to show her body at all to attract interest and instead will gain her even higher bids compared to being in revealing clothing.

Iris snickered at the idea of it all, as even though she felt pleased with not having to dress similar to the other women, it still irked her at the thought of being dressed like this to be please other men into making them pay a more substantial price for her.

It felt humiliating for her, she hoped for a more 'peaceful' quest next time around, as being within these situations doesn't please her at all.

Soon a bunch of men came to escort them towards another area of the hideout, presumably the last place they go before being led to the stage for the auction.

As Iris been with these girls for a while in addition to searching for important memories through the souls of the men, she discovered what the whole 'Auction' thing was about; it was selling each of the girl's virginity to the highest bidder.

You could even buy a girl if you had enough, of course, this was not planned for the girls with the type of luxury similar to Iris unless it was a ridiculous amount, as afterwards they would be put into a brothel and prostituted towards elite members of society.

Girls within the brothel are even used as rewards for the men within this organisation if they do a great service or merely have a high position within the organisation itself.

Due to Iris knowing exactly the destination where they were going, she was prepared to do the next details of her plan at this location, as every girl they kidnapped will be present there.

Shortly, they were brought there and lined up, seeing the guards present made Iris pleased, due to them not expecting these frail girls to be able to put up any resistance at all, there were only four guards with each armed.

Even though this may seem as bad odds for an average unarmed human, as Iris was already well beyond the limits of a normal human is at the moment, it indeed isn't much for someone with Iri's capabilities.

As each girl were taken to a separate room, witnessing that none of the girls could watch her use her 'particular set of skills' she walked out, upon seeing that the most beautiful of the group exited the location, one of the guards whistled and said, "Well aren't you meant to be waiting patiently to be brought out? Or have you come out to please us?"

However, instead of a terrified look, they would expect of such a pure looking beautiful girl, Iris instead put on a suggestive look saying, "That depends can you satisfy me?"

Witnessing such words from Iris with such a flirtatious tone of voice, the guards had clear tents within their pants as they attempted to withhold their desires.

"Hey girl, I will satisfy you afterwards, alright?" Said the guard, as he ultimately didn't expect such a turn of events, as he was terrified of the boss, he would no way even think of touching Iris as that will earn him a one-way ticket to hell.

Smiling coyly Iris said, "I know you can't let me lose my virginity right? But what about other things? Please, I promise it'll be quick."

Readied to accept but at the same time suspicious of Iris's behaviour he said, "Hey, your not up to something now aren't you?"

Seeing the guard's suspicions, she replied, "How can I do anything to be a big strong man like you? I'm a weak little girl, I'm only desperate for protection within this place, and I will do anything for it!."

Thinking that Iris was just a scared little girl jumping at the first opportunity for some protection within such a dangerous place, the last trace of resistance left him as he approached Iris's room and dragging her inside, before saying to the guards, "I'll be a few minutes alright?"

Due to the man's mind is clouded from lust in addition to him severely underestimating Iris's feeble appearance, he didn't put much thought into Iris's behaviour any further, instantly putting his thoughts to all the pleasure he was about to experience.

But, before he thinks any further, Iris put him within a chokehold, feeling the air leaving his lungs, the man attempted to gasp for air as he began choking, putting up a futile resistance against Iris, the man naturally couldn't move her off no matter how he tried.

Iris stood like an immovable mountain, as she choked the man until every sign of life disappeared from him.

Iris has now possessed twice the strength of an average human, making her even stronger than the strongest men within the world, nevermind this man before her.

Therefore, it proved no challenge through killing him, earlier Iris had to lure one of the guards within here as not only she possed no weapon, but with the spells present on her, she hasn't got the confidence to take out all four guards, before they have the opportunity to call for backup.

Thus, she ended up 'seducing' one of the guards so she can take the weapons he possesses on him, searching the guard she found exactly what she wanted, quickly storing the gun within her pocket without sparing it much of a glance, she instead favoured the high-quality pocket knife contained on the man.

It was one of the reasons she singled him out earlier, as he was playing around with his knife earlier in front of the girls, upon witnessing it she knew it was an excellent knife, perfect for her to finish the remaining guards.

Not finding much else on the guard who is currently of use to her, she quickly took a peek on the outside of the curtain as she saw two talking to each other, while the other is out of her line of sight at the moment.

I think that it is an opportunity to take care of two of the guards, while the other is not present.

When Iris was preparing to use shadow-drive, one of the guards shouted, "Hey are you done with that girl yet? The Boss will be here soon; you don't wanna be caught by him with the girl..."

The other guard responded, "You know the Boss will still be at least fifteen minutes before he calls for the girl, your just jealous he is experiencing such a beauty am I right?"

Before the guard can deny such an accusation, he felt a sharp pain on his throat as he began gurgling blood and fell to the floor dead.

The other guard seeing such a thing was about to alert the other guard instantly got pierced in the heart as a knife stuck out of his chest, seeing the perpetrator he was astonished, as it was the beautiful girl from earlier!

As he breathed his last, he still couldn't hide the look of shock within his face as never expected he would meet such a fate!

Maybe it would be described as karma for ruining the lives of many girls, forcing girls with previous bright futures to suffer a life of prostitution.

Witnessing for herself, the death of both guards, she quickly searched for the remaining one, in which she soon found as she heard screams from one of the rooms.

Due to the other rooms being locked apart from hers as she called in the guard before he can do so, she instantly found the reasoning behind the disappearance from the guard!

Disgusted by such a horrible thing, she walked in finding one of the four guards violating one of the girls as he took her roughly from behind, causing slapping sounds to fill the room.

Angered by the girl's attention leaving him as a result of Iris's entrance, he was about to hit her harshly, but he felt strong hands throw him off the girl and before he could search for the person who ruined his fun he felt a sudden agonising pain within his crotch area.

Screaming in agony, the man found that his member had been cleanly cut, shouting in a fury he said, "I will gut you, I will torture you to death, you won't get away with this as my father is the right-hand man of the Boss! You will suffer for your actions, and that slut will suffer a miserable death!"

Quickly finding the reasoning why this man could get away with tainting one of the girls, she said in a cold tone, "You won't even live to tell the tale, and neither will your Father."

Creating the Dark Soul Flame, Iris used a small amount to make this man suffer the most excruciating death possible, sending towards the man, he suddenly felt the most severe pain he ever felt in his life.

Leaving the room with the distressed girl, leaving the man to his tormenting demise, as she only used a small amount of it The Dark Soul Flame, it will take hours for him to be put out of his misery, also finally, his soul will be vanquished along with it.

His soul will be slowly absorbed by the Dark Soul Flame, before returning to her. Finding clothes for the girl, she saw the keys of one of the guards and released each of the girls, freeing them from their imprisonment.

Witnessing for themselves that Iris had genuinely succeeded this part of the plan, hope lit up within the eyes of the girls, but this soon turned into sympathising expressions as they saw the girl who had been abused by the man.

As the women began comforting the girl, Iris suddenly spoke out, "I know that you suffered something which none of us can truly comprehend, but you need to be strong now as we haven't got long before the Boss arrives. It counts on your freedom by leaving now, as if we wait for reinforcements it will be very troublesome for everyone to get out safely."

Hearing Iris determination appeared within the girl's eyes before she said, "It's alright, let's go."

Shortly, Iris led the group, scouting ahead to check for guards and dealing with them it they couldn't avoid them, using the skill 'Devour' on each of the men apart from the one she tortured, her physical stats received numerous benefits, with each being increased by '4'.

Finally, arriving at the exit of the compound, Iris led the girls to a similar van to the one she was brought within the compound in before sneakily driving off, using it as a disguise to leave without drawing any attention.

Leading the girls into the van, Iris and the girls drove out of the compound, minutes later alarms sounded within the hideout signalling the girls missing, but this proved futile as both Iris, and the girls have left long ago.

Thinking they have finally escaped, Iris let out a relieved sigh as she managed to bring every girl outside safety.

This was soon interrupted by a similar notification signalling she completed a quest.

[ Quest: A bunch of damsels, needing to be saved by a hero!] Completed! ]

[ The fates of each of the girls have been reversed, the previous grim future has been saved by yourself. Each one of them would always remember their saviour, the one which helped them when none could.]

[ Reward: 12 Attribute points | 275 System points. ]

Pleased at completing yet another quest, becoming one step stronger.

Iris sat with a smile on her face as the van continued to drive further.