Chapter 18 - Finally Breaking Through to Journeyman Eranyth Warlock

After the successful get-away from the Hideout, Iris dropped the girls off at the police station, before telling them to not inform anyone of her.

Due to the girls being very grateful for her saving them this wasn't a difficult task, and even if they did spill some information of Iris to the authorities, as Iris concealed her abilities from them, it would be not of much use anyways.

Not to mention who would believe an unarmed fifteen-year-old girl stormed a hideout and stormed her way out, allowing them to run free?

The likelihood of anyone believing such a thing was nonexistent, and it would probably they will conclude they have have been traumatised of the incident, so they put the face of a teenage girl on their saviour.

Hurrying her way home, Iris opened the door, meeting the once again angry faces of her parents.

Knowing that she was at least a few hours late home than usual, Iris once again used her best means of defence.

Putting on her best 'Puppy Eyes' appearing as cute as possible Iris said, "Mother and Father, I am once again truly sorry I was late, but can you put it in your heart to forgive your daughter? I always have the best attendance for School, I have good grades, and I've never been late hanging out with friends? Can't you let this slide just this once?"

But, seeing her parent's faces remain unchanged at all by her words, Iris doesn't have a good feeling about this at all.

Ten minutes later and it turned out that it is not possible to let this 'Slide' at all, and once again Iris found herself grounded in her room, feeling deeply aggrieved of her situation.

But, thinking that she might as well use this opportunity to promote herself to a 'Journeyman mage' maybe this might not be too bad of punishment after all.


[Race: Human]

[Class: Eranyth Warlock - Apprentice]

[Secondary Class: Shadow Hunter - Novice]

[Strength: 25]

[Dexterity: 24]

[Constitution: 22]

[Endurance: 24]

[Intelligence: 30]

[Mana: 30]

[Appearance: 21]

[Attribute points: 37] [System points: 255]

[Shop] [Quests] [Skills]

Finding that she has enough attribute points not only to rank herself to a Journeyman Eranyth Warlock and enough attribute points to also to rank up her Shadow Hunter class, caused a look of excitement to appear on Iris's face.

Without hesitation, Iris allocated all of her attribute points into mana, instantly feeling the substantial increase within her mana reserves, caused Iris to feel as if she was brimming with energy.

Usually to raise mana points within such a large amount would be an incredibly difficult task to do, but as Iris has attribute points one of the most significant goals for a magician easily is overcome.

Iris was thinking about using a potion to boost her mana for increasing it a certain amount of points to save attribute points, but she discards this thought as she believed that the system points might prove more of use at the moment for her.

Instantly after increasing her mana to the required amount, as there were no other requirements for to Rank up within the Eranyth Warlock Class, a large amount of energy began coursing through her body as the signs of a breakthrough within classes emerge from Iris's body.

Iris bit her lip to hold in the excruciating pain as dark-bluish flames similar in appearance to the Dark-Soul Flame gathered around her body, sending waves into the surroundings, sending various objects within Iris's room flying.

Iris was cursing inside about how painful this breakthrough is, as everything relating to the system seems to be involved with pain and simply more pain, is this keeps up wouldn't she end up as a masochist?

Shortly, Iris finally fully broke through causing the disturbance she caused around her to settle down, the Dark-Bluish flames disappearing back within her body.

[ You have become a Journeyman Eranyth Warlock. ]

[ You have unlocked mid-level 'Magic Arts'. ]

[ You have unlocked mid-level 'Spells'. ]

[ The 'Rank Up' additions of an Eranyth Warlock has taken effect. ]

[ Your mana has been boosted by '30'. ]

[ All of your attributes have gone up by '2'. ]

[ Your Intelligence has increased by '5']

[ All of your skills level have gone up by '3'. ]

Iris once again experience a short-flash of pain as her attributes each received an addition thanks to the bonuses which a Rank Up within the Eranyth Warlock contains, Iris is also happy at being able to now purchase mid-level 'Magic Arts' and 'Spell's, as before she only possessed a mid-level Spell thanks to her class Shadow Hunter, and she couldn't purchase any due to her rank within her magician related class being to low.

Now, ready to a breakthrough within the Shadow Hunter class, Iris found this surprisingly easy as it was usually a painful process due to an individual having to painstakingly raise their bodies strength to the limit a human body can take.

Due to Iris having the cheat which is the system and not to mentions the benefits of being an Eranyth Warlock she skipped this process.

Therefore, she quickly broke through to the Apprentice Rank of the Shadow Hunter class, by doing, so she gained two new class-related skills.

[Physical] [Low-Level] Knife Throwing and [Magic] [Middle-Level] Shadow Blast, both skills seemed useful to Iris at the moment, as they both are long-ranged skills, thus giving her an option to take down enemies from range rather than close-combat skills which she mainly possesses at the moment.

Iris was very pleased with ranking up within both classes, as she now has many times more strength than before, bringing her one step closer in being able to resolve her problems with the Butcher.

When Iris was contemplating on this further, she suddenly heard her phone going off, indicating she has a phone call.

Picking up her phone she found it seemed to be the woman she saved at the night club? As a result of the increase in her intelligence Iris memory has become many times greater than before, making it easy for her to remember such an event with only happened a few days before.

Wondering why she may be calling her, Iris picked up the phone instantly hearing the soft voice of the woman she met up at the night club.

"Hello Iris, it's Alice I'm not sure if you remember me, but we met at the Club earlier a few days ago? I just wanted to ring to say I'm grateful for what you have done and want to invite you out as my treat to thank you." Said Alice.

Thinking back to that day, the woman was pretty adamant in them exchanging information and only told her name at the end of their conversation, when they both split up.

"Yes I remember you, but I'm not too sure about being able to go out with you at the moment, after all, I have got many things on my mind at the moment." Replied Iris.

The woman next reply seemed highly disappointed as she said, "Oh, I shouldn't have rung... I have been thinking of ringing for a while but, well I should probably go."

But, as the woman seemingly was about to hang up Iris got a notification indicating she has another quest.

[ Quest received! Things are not always what they seem! ]

[ Description: You have been far stressed out lately, so go out and have fun as a normal teenager would, but then again that doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to your surroundings. After all, within this world, things are not always what they seem. ]

[ Reward: 7 Attribute points | 125 System points. ]

[ Time-limit: None]

[ Accept | Decline ]

Thinking that this quest may seem a bit strange, she still clicked 'Accept.'

"On another thought, I change my mind and I'm sure I can go out with you, just tell me the place and I'll be there." Replied Iris.