Chapter 19 - Nightclub

Shortly after replying 'Yes,' Iris was met with the constant excited chatter of Alice for the next ten minutes, which arranged for them to attend a club similar to the place they met.

But, this time she described the nightclub as 'Professional' as it is one of the high-end nightclubs within the City, however, this still caused Iris to question whether she would even be allowed in because after all, she is underaged.

Consequently, the reply to her comment wasn't the one Iris expected and was met by the laughter of Alice who informed her that she could easily pass through into the club due to her having Iris perfectly covered in that regard.

Thinking that Alice must be getting her a 'Fake ID,' likely not from the most legal of means, both Iris soon ended the phone call after Alice sent Iris a place to meet her.

Putting on suitable clothes, which to be honest isn't the most expensive but are an at-least improvement from last time, so it is showing that she is somewhat making an effort in maintaining her appearance.

Walking into the bathroom to check if she looks presentable in the mirror, staring at her reflection she realised that those '2' attribute points within her appearance seemed to show a noticeable improvement yet again.

Believing that this is going to get her in serious trouble one day when she runs out of excuses, she quickly walked downstairs and excited her house.

Due to a day passing since she was 'Grounded', her parents couldn't maintain their hard attitude and allowed her to once again go out the House as a result of thinking it was the cause of Iris being much happier lately.

They seemed to think that Iris has met a 'special someone' or something, and that person is the reasoning behind her significant change of character within the week.

Since Iris didn't care about their false conclusion, and that it actually benefits her in giving her a suitable alibi, she just went along with it.

Ten minutes later Iris found Alice's car parked precisely at the location she arranged, approaching the car Iris decided to scare Alice as she approached silently to the car door.

Thinking that this is her best opportunity she stood up and knocked on the window loudly, startling Alice greatly causing her to fall onto the car seat opposite her.

Alice's eyes were scanning through the window to find the culprit who scared her, but the laughter of Iris soon answered this as Alice looked at her with an aggrieved look before saying, "Hey, this is how you make up to me for getting you inside one of the best clubs within the City?"

Iris just smiled before she said, "Yes, but aren't you also the one who got me in trouble a few days ago with an armed man, so why don't we call it evens?"

Alice chuckled before she said, "Alright then let's leave right now, after all, we don't want to arrive too late."

After that, Alice let Iris in the other seat alongside herself and quickly turned on the engine of the car, before they sped off towards the night club.

Honestly, Iris was fairly surprised by how good of a driver Alice actually is, as she expertly drove fast around the corners with ease and done some impressive manoeuvres as if they were nothing.

Oh, and the club they were going to is called 'Eclipse' and is an extremely popular place, with it being one of the most highly rated clubs within the City.

They shortly arrived at the club, in which Alice seemed to have premium parking by the way she just handed her car over to the parking valet of the club.

Instantly, after both Alice and Iris exited the car, they attracted a large amount of attention from the surroundings.

Especially, Iris as with all the enhancements from the System to her appearance, her initially beautiful looks become an entirely new level, making her look to gorgeous to be true.

Even with the numerous heated gazes from those present, Iris cold expression remained the same as she ignored the looks as both her and Alice headed towards the entrance of the club.

When the bouncer was about to ask for ID, Alice showed him two different set of identities, and without much more difficult they were let inside.

Due to both of them being top-level beauties which would attract customers, so of course, the club was more easy-going about letting them inside not to mention some other special circumstances which wern't discussed.

After they entered the club, Iris immediately thought, 'Damn, Alice was sure right, this place is a lot more luxurious than Lux.'

Immediately after observing her surroundings she found everything screamed money, going from the fine leather sofas to the speakers which blared the music, it all looked extremely expensive.

But, not just this but the environment is beyond compare, as compared to the many underaged kids at Lux, there was a clear wide range of mature customers here, not to mention they all seemed like wealthy individuals.

Not that it mattered to Iris, she just knew that the drinks here must be costly making her feel guilty to Alice who must have paid a fortune to gain such treatment upon arrival.

Alice looking at Iris's expression said, "Hey don't worry, it's my treat alright? Just enjoy it and have fun."

Smiling Alice dragged Iris to the bar in which they were instantly attended by a Handsome bartender which seemed to be clearly checking them out.

Putting on his best smile, he said, "What can I get for you, two beautiful ladies?"

Alice responded, "Just give us both of the most expensive cocktails!"

Hearing Alice, Iris was shocked believing is Alice that sure she can afford this?

Shes worried about this night, Alice may end up bankrupt, but before saying anything Alice glared at as if saying 'Don't complain about it, it's fine.'

So, Iris just went along with Alice as they ended up drinking and dancing for the next twenty minutes.

Eventually, Iris ended up enjoying herself as she hasn't been out like this in what felt like forever.

And going out as a 'normal' human relaxed her greatly, but she didn't lose her vigilance to the specifics about the quest.

She and Alice did get approached quite a few times by a few young men, but upon seeing both of them didn't appreciate them bothering them, they quickly left.

They probably decided to wait until both of them are drunk or something, which with Iris's high stats won't likely happen unless she drinks a ridiculous amount.

But, that doesn't stop a few from being persistent...

"Hey girls, why don't you hang out with us? We can pay for all of your drinks and everything, trust me you will have a lot of fun." Said a Handsome young man who seemed to ooze the aura of being a 'Young Master' of a rich family.

Two other men were either side of him, but they seemed to be following this young man orders completely, making them nothing but lapdogs in Iris's eyes.

"No thanks, we'd rather be by ourselves," Iris replied, she knew instantly that the young man didn't have good intentions, going by how lustfully he was looking at her and Alice.

The Young man didn't seem to get the hint though, as he kept nagging them to hang out with him, causing Iris to be so irritated that she wanted to beat him up into a pulp.

Alice seeing Iris's annoyance shot her a mischevious look before saying, "Hey sorry we ain't interested in men, as you can see both of us are a couple."

And before Iris can react Alice kissed her hard on the lips, quickly deepening the kiss further thus creating a passionate scene to the surrounding men with even some woman, who stared at the steamy scene intensely.

In fact, the three young men before her obviously seemed 'turned on' by their antics going by the pitched tents within their pants, the young man had a weird light within his eyes before he said, "Fine, but I hope you won't regret this."

With them finally gone, Iris said, "Hey, did you really need to do that to make them go away?"

Alice smiled before saying, "Nope, but it was the quickest way to get rid of them right, let's just continue having fun alright?"

Iris agreed, before being dragged off by Alice back into the mass of individuals dancing.