Chapter 23 - Last Day of School

After arriving home, Iris was confronted by her curious parents who wanted to know the 'Details' of her night out, and before Iris could dodge her parent's interrogation by attempting to escape to her room, her struggle ended up being fruitless, as, in the end, she still ended up being dragged into the living room so her parents could force the information out of her.

This ended up being pure torture to Iris, who had to face the numerous suggestions of her Mom which went from one of the most embarrassing comments involved mainly 'Protection', which caused Iris to spit the water out of her mouth mid-conversation.

By the time Iris manage to satisfy her parents enough to let her leave, she hurriedly went to her room in fear if her parents change their minds, making her once again experience another awkward conversation with her parents.

Throughout, the conversation she tried to convince them she had gone out with just 'A Friend', but it seemed as if she was talking to a brick wall, as no matter how she attempted to explain herself it was still brought back to the topic of a boy.

Huffing in annoyance as she slumped on her bed, Iris thought back to her conversation with Alice and from Iris gathered it seemed she would attend her School one last time before Alice has finalised her application to the 'Mages' College.

And Iris feels it would be an excellent opportunity for her to say goodbye to her old School, as although Iris wasn't the most social person within her School, she still had a few friends and acquaintances she would like to inform face-to-face of her departure.

Even though Iris always found it difficult to express herself, besides being able to follow the social norms within School, that doesn't mean she wasn't grateful towards the people who had shown genuine kindness towards her in her time spent at School.

So, Iris felt like that at the very least she owes them a face-to-face conversation of her leaving, and although this could be done outside of School, as at the moment her life is like a rollercoaster, when would she have the next opportunity to do so?

It might get put off for weeks or even months, and Iris doesn't want to do that, as it may make them worry about her for nothing or they may take some other offence.

Therefore, Iris will attend her final day at School within a few days before heading over to the Mages College which Alice is sorting out for her at the moment.

Hence, for the next few days, Iris spent her time training both her magic and physical skills, as even though her physical training now progresses as a snail's pace as a result of her extremely high physical stats.

Due to the skill being close to level to the max level, which will cause it to evolve, made Iris continue her physical training earnestly.

Moving her body up and down, as she strained her arms doing press-ups continuously, Iris finally heard a noise signalling a skill levelled up once again.

[The skill 'Bodybuilding' has levelled up to '9' ]

[The skill 'Athleticism' has levelled up to '7' ]

Iris signed in satisfaction, thinking hard work really does pay of in the end.

After doing both her physical training and magic these past few days, Iris has managed to raise 'Strength' and 'Endurance' both by an additional '1'.

Her magic skills have also been enhanced by her efforts, as both the 'Flame Manipulation' and 'Dark Manipulation' skill has increased to level '8'.

Happily staring at her stat increase, Iris was suddenly awoken to the screaming voice of her Mom telling her to get ready for School.

Realising that time seemed to have gotten the better of her, and it was already time to get ready for School, Iris stood up as she exited her room, walking to the bathroom.

Thinking back to the past few days, Iris found she requires less sleep than usual as a result of the increase in her stats, and this should only increase as she grew more powerful.

Thus, as a result of her findings, Iris has been getting up early every morning, at a time which the previous Iris would have likely scoffed at.

As honestly, Iris would admit she was a pretty lazy person before and wasn't what you would describe as a 'Morning person' and it took a great deal of effort for her parents to drag her out of bed, in order to send her School.

Emily heard the footsteps upstairs, indicating her daughter had actually gotten up was surprised beyond belief, as she couldn't remember the last time her daughter exit her bed on her own initiative.

Emily said to James who sat across her reading a Newspaper with a stern expression on his face, as he gulped down the breakfast his wife made for him, who suddenly noticed the dumbfounded look on his wife's face.

"What is it Em? You look as if you're about to pass out from shock." James said.

Seeing that her Husband is completely oblivious to the unusual occurrence currently going upstairs said, "Haven't you noticed that Iris has actually gotten up for School the first time I called her? When was the last time that happened?"

James as if realising the strangeness of the situation said, "Hmm. Your right this is definitely out of character for Iris. There must be something that is motivating her to go to School..."

As both Wife and Husband began thinking of the possibilities of the source behind Iris's sudden change of behaviour, as if a lightbulb lit up within Emily's head she said, "That's it! Could it be that mysterious stranger she doesn't want to tell us about?"

Thinking his Wife is onto something, James said, "I believe you might be on to something Emily, maybe our little girl has finally fallen in love? Isn't this great news? I honestly thought that by the time we have a Grandchild, I'll be half a step in my grave with how indifferently Iris treat boys!"

Emily who also realised this immediately became very excited as she said, "Your right, we should celebrate, why not tell everyone in the Family! This is big news after all, as hasn't Iris shown no interest in a relationship ever before?"

As both Emily and James imagination ran wild at Iris's change in behaviour, Iris didn't know that her entire family will be informed of her new 'Relationship Status', and as Iris was the only girl within the Family, not to mention the youngest, they were greatly worried about her showing no interest in a relationship at all as a usual teenage girl would.

But, upon receiving this news they became overjoyed, causing everyone but Iris to know she is finally in a relationship.

After showering and getting dressed into her School uniform, Iris walked down finding her parents looking delighted, confused at their actions Iris said, "Hey why are you both so happy for?"

Awoken by Iris's voice, both James and Emily shot each other knowing looks as Emily said, "Nothing at all we were just overjoyed from some good news. Well, moving on from that, shouldn't you eat your breakfast? You wouldn't want to be late for the 'Friend' you will be meeting in School today, right?"

Both of her parents leaned forward the instant her mother released that last sentence and shown expectant gazes towards her answer.

Iris who was thinking, 'Well there is a fair amount I have to catch up with my friends, as I haven't spoken to them apart from a few text messages this past week, so I guess so.'

"Yes, your right Mom," Iris said while sitting down and eating her breakfast.

As if something was confirmed in their minds, both Emily and James celebrated inwardly as they tried to keep the grins off their faces.

Observing her parents behaviour, Iris found it strange but as they seemed so joyful at the moment she decided to put this thought at the back of her mind.

After she finished her breakfast, Emily told her she would drop her off to School today. Thus Iris found herself beside her Mother within her car as they drove to the School.

"I guess this is the last day I leave the remaining normal thing within my life behind" Iris mumbled under her breath as the car continously drove towards the School.