Chapter 24 - Embarrassing Mother

Twenty-minutes quickly passed during the drive, and the car soon came to a stop as Emily parked the vehicle, indicating they finally arrived at their destination.

Staring outside of the window, Iris noticed the chattering school-kids which discussed the latest gossip and chatted about their experiences during the summer holiday.

There was also the usual talk about relationships and stuff, which mainly revolved around which boy or girl they fancied, and even a few 'Suggestive' comments which were mostly said by groups of teenage boys, as it is the time when they begin showing a real interest in girls.

Iris sighed at seeing such a scene, as she knew that due to the System she no longer belongs in the same world as these individuals and will never be able to live her teenage years without worries like previously.

As Iris knew that the more she advances within this World, then the more dangerous it will become, meaning there will never be a moment where she could relax, and she will have to always be on guard towards others.

Emily, witnessing Iris's drastic change of mood, instantly after watching the school-kids said, "Nervous? It's alright to be afraid at the start of a new relationship, and that doesn't mean..."

And then for the next ten minutes, her mother spoke about some non-existent relationship that Iris has no idea where it came from, but whenever she tried to interrupt her Mother to correct her, she would be silenced instantly.

This ended up causing Emily to waffle on about her personal experience with her Father, causing Iris to cover her face with her hands in cringe when her Mother went on to the part about how they first met, talking about some sexually explicit actions which Iris would prefer not to hear about.

Iris eventually managed to exit the car, on the excuse of her being late to School if this continued any longer.

Therefore she successfully escaped the Vehicle, but before she can move any further, her Mother shouted, "Hey Iris, didn't you forgot something? Even though you're growing older, you should always remember to kiss your Mother before going to School!"

Emily's loud voice instantly drawn all of the attention towards both Iris and her, with many even shocked at how beautiful Iris is upon inspecting her appearance.

Also, in addition to Iris being incredibly beautiful, her Mother is also an attractive mature woman herself, making everyone's eye firmly locked on the two figures, as if awaiting the 'Feast for their eyes' in seeing such a good-looking mother and daughter duo kiss!

Iris's face turned red in embarassment, as even with her being able to hide her emotions on most occasions expertly, this event was simply too much for her, as she always disliked being the centre of attention.

And, now especially with so many individuals staring at her caused the usually poker-faced Iris, to have a face as red as a tomato.

Emily, seemingly not caring about the numerous eyes focused on them at all walked up to Iris and said, "So?"

Seeing Emily's gaze, she knew that she wouldn't leave until Iris kissed her on the cheek, thinking that this surely must be her getting some form of revenge for Iris's behaviour this past month. Thus, Iris reluctantly kissed her Mother on the cheek.

Smiling in satisfaction at her daughter's obedience, Emily turned around before she said, "Goodbye honey, I will see you when I arrive home from work."

After Emily entered back into her vehicle, she swiftly drove off just leaving the many students still staring dazedly at Iris.

Not paying any attention to the surrounding students, Iris walked towards the School as she planned to find her friends before class started.

Immediately, after Iris began walking away, the students began discussing amongst each other.

"When did such a beautiful girl attend this school?"

"Is she a new student or something? I have never seen such an attractive girl before."

"She must be the new hottest girl in our School, as even Jessica cannot compare to her looks!"

Many comments such as this are included in the conversation of the students, of course, there were also some individuals who were obviously displeased with Iris, but these were mainly girls who felt jealous over her looks.

As to them, Iris is competition as she could 'Steal' the boy they fancied away from them.

But, Iris didn't take any of this to heart as she continued moving forward, checking her phone, she found a text message from her friends telling them where they are located within the School premises.

Now, having a sense of direction where her friends are, Iris headed towards the location described on the text message.

Passing by many students on the way, which reacted similarly to the previous students she saw in regards to her appearance, but Iris overlooked all of this, as she is focused solely on finding her friends.

Shortly, Iris arrived at the location. Therefore Iris came to a stop as her eyes wandered around the area searching for the figures of her friends.

Eventually, Iris finally found three familiar figures, which were closest friends she made since coming to this School.

Observing the three of them, she found their appearances haven't changed much at all during these last six weeks, well last week for Iris as that is the last time she saw them as she attended a party with them.

But, she ended up leaving grumpily due to a boy who has been pursuing her for a while in class kept pestering her throughout the party, and eventually, he got frustrated enough that he became physical towards her, which was quickly taken care of by Ben which rushed to her rescue.

Ben has always been nice to her and is the only boy she ever got along with since coming to School, with him being one of her three closest friends.

To describe Ben's appearance, he has dark hair with blue eyes, which framed a Handsome face. Combined with being tall and athletic, Ben is overall a very good-looking guy. Which, in addition to being one of the best players in the Football team, has made him very popular with the girls in School, but for some reason, he is never interested in any of them, remaining single despite his many admirers.

Her other two friends are Olivia and Charlotte, and describing their appearance, is both of them are beautiful girls with their looks being comparable to her previous appearance before the System enhanced her.

Olivia is a Latino girl while despite having a small frame, has a very curvy figure making her stand out even more.

Whereas, Charlotte is the opposite being a tall girl, with blonde hair and green eyes. Charlotte has more of an athletic figure than a curvy one, showing she is the type of girl who definitely regularly goes to the gym.

As Iris began to approach them, similarly the trio noticed the astonishingly beautiful girl heading towards them.

When they were about to question why the girl was approaching them, the trio suddenly found that the girl looked exceedingly familiar to them.

And upon closer inspection, they all of a sudden recognised who she was, as even if her looks have been heavily enhanced that doesn't mean her features aren't unrecognisable.

The girl they realised is Iris, smiled at them and said, "Hey guys did you miss me?"