Chapter 25 - Difficult Decision

After realising that the girl in front of them is Iris, Olivia and Charlotte stared at Iris with an excitable expression.

"Hey Iris, we haven't heard of you for a week? Where have you been? We've been worried about you, especially Ben he wouldn't stop mentioning you everywhere we went." Olivia said.

Iris turned to Ben raising her eyebrow as to confirm if it's the truth, but Ben's embarrassment already revealed his reaction to her sudden disappearance.

Charlotte laughed as she said, "He truly has only your safety in mind Iris, and I've never seen him show so much concern for a girl before. Who knows? He may be in love with you already."

Olivia and Charlotte chuckle in amusement as they teased Ben, causing him to become redder and redder.

Iris placed both of her hands on the two mischevious girls shoulders, as she said, "Alright now, girls, can you leave the poor guy alone now? His face already redder than a tomato, not to mention the numerous girls over there giving the two of you death glares."

Both Olivia and Charlotte suddenly turned around at Iris mentioning the other girls, and they soon found she is correct, as a large gang of Bens admirers were currently staring daggers at the two girls, and if looks could kill then the both of them would have already died many times over.

Noticing the hostile looks of the girls, both Charlotte and Olivia seemed unperturbed as Oliva said, "Who cares what those skinny girls think? If they want to come at me, then I'd take them on any day of the week!"

With Charlotte agreeing in unison, Iris didn't seem surprised at all with the 'Thug-like' behaviour of the two girls as she is already use to it by now.

Even though, both Charlotte and Oliva were very beautiful girls which would usually put them at the top of the 'School Hierarchy', they weren't particularly popular with the individuals at the top of the social ladder.

This is all due to them having an infamous reputation for taking nothing from no one, which caused them to be involved in many arguments over the years as a result of them being very straightforward individuals.

Why, did this cause them so much trouble?

Because they would directly tell someone to their face if they didn't like something, rather than suck up to them due to their popularity like many kids would usually do, so it was predestined the moment they entered the School that they will never be able to get along with many people.

This is actually how they met Iris, as they found Iris's personality to be likeable as although she seemed fairly detached from everybody, she is still has a good personality and isn't two-faced, meaning she wouldn't gossip behind their backs in order to be liked by the popular kids which dislike them.

Therefore, they found Iris greatly to their liking, as they knew that she is a loyal friend and is opposite to many people which crave to be the centre of attention, as Iris is a solitary individual and always kept to herself.

They were still unsure of Ben personally, as Ben only seemed to take interest with them since Iris joined their group, making them slightly suspicious in his true motives.

Not to mention Ben still has many friends outside of their little group, and he is one of the most popular kids in their year group, so of course, they viewed Iris as a much closer friend than him.

Iris smiled seeing the familiar behaviour of the two girls, and she said, "Come on, I got to tell you guys something, so we better do it quickly before class, alright?"

Seeing that Iris seemed to be serious about this, both the girls and Ben obediently followed Iris as they soon arrived at a quiet area, perfect if you want some privacy.

Speedily looking around to ensure that no one is present, Iris finding the 'coast is clear' faced the trio and said, "The reason I've been wanting to talk to you guys, is for..."

Before Iris could finish, Olivia already interrupted her and said, "Is it to discuss the sudden change in your appearance or something? I've been wanting to ask how you seem so beautiful now, is it some plastic surgery or something? Or maybe is it some other secret you have, could it be possible for us to do the same?"

Seeing the puppy-dog eyes of Olivia and Charlotte as they seemed to be begging her to disclose the secret of her grand change in appearance, Iris said, "I'm sorry girls, but it's not possible for the two of you to copy me in that regard. The truth is that I'm testing a new skincare and hair product, but the company wants it to remain confidential for the moment and I cannot inform anyone else or share it."

As Iris voiced out the excuse she has been thinking of for the past few days, the two girls abruptly showed understanding expressions as they seemed to believe what Iris is saying.

Due to observing Iris's appearance for themselves, they can determine that not just one part of Iris's face seem to improve, but the entirety her looks had been enhanced including her hair.

So, they felt the most plausible explanation must be some revolutionary skin and hair product, which works wonders on a girls appearance.

Ben just stood there with the same expression, as he didn't seem to care much as the girls about the cause of Iris's abrupt change in appearance due to the fact that boys generally don't care as much about that sort of thing compared to girls.

Not to mention, he thought that a skin and hair product suited to girls is not something he would want to use.

However, as the girls thought that this was what Iris wanted to talk about, Iris suddenly spoke again and said, "Guys, this isn't what I wanted to talk about though. There is another reason, and that is I'm leaving the School because I just received an offer for fully-paid for tuition to one of the most prestigious Schools within the country."

Hearing Iris, the trio had dumbfounded looks about Iris's sudden words, but on further thinking, they thought that Iris must surely be playing with them.

Free tuition to a highly prestigious school?

Is this even possible? As there is never free lunch within the World!

And as they knew Iris personally they knew she is smart, but she is not at the level of being able to have access to free tuition for a prominent School, so they thought that she must be pulling their legs!

But, seeing the serious expression on Iris's face, which seemed to contain no hint of this being some sort of joke, they thought could she truly be leaving?

A complex look emerged on Ben's face, as he seemed to be greatly worried about the thought of such a thing occurring.

Charlotte said, "Iris, is this actually true? How did this come about?"

Iris smiled at the evident confusion written on their faces, as she said, "It was a stroke of luck actually, I managed to befriend someone in high places. And from hanging out with them the past few days, they seemed to like my personality and thought I would fit in well within the School, so I'm sorry guys but I will be leaving this School."

Finding that their best friend is leaving the trio all to have a various different expression on their faces, both Charlotte and Olivia seem sad at first but then their moods turned brighter as they thought that this is a good opportunity for Iris and she is right to have accepted it.

Thus, they disregarded their selfish emotions and both became happy for Iris, so the both of them approached Iris and hugged her saying that they wished her good luck, and to ensure that she kept in touch with them!

But, Ben seemed to be frozen a little, as if he couldn't accept such a thing, eventually he managed to speak and said to Iris, "Hey can I speak to you about something quick? And can it be private, just between me and you?"

Seeing that Ben wanted to talk to her about something important she looked at both Olivia and Charlotte who seemed to be confirmed if it was acceptable for leaving her alone with Ben.

Witnessing that Iris seemed to agree with Ben, the both of them could only reluctantly leave as they still felt unsure of leaving Iris alone by herself with a man.

Even if he was one they had known for years, he is closer to Iris than them.

When the two girls left, Ben sighed before he approached her and said, "Iris I have meaning to tell you this for a long time, but I couldn't find the confidence to admit this to you. But, now your leaving this is the last opportunity for me to say this, as I still have hope we can make this work outside of School."

Noticing the strange look within Ben's eyes, Iris had a sudden thought of what is going on, but before she could speak out Ben continued, "One moment, let me finish. Iris, I have always loved you for the longest time, but as I saw that you were cold to boys and the many rejections you gave them. I become scared to admit it to you, therefore I always remained far and choose to befriend you, before eventually asking you to be my girlfriend. So, Iris do you think this could work between us?"

Seeing the desperate look within Ben's eyes, Iris became very guilty, as even though both of them were close friends, she never had any other feelings apart from friendship to Ben.

Maybe, before she would accept out of pity and choose to be his girlfriend for the reasoning of Ben being very kind to her all these years, in addition to being very patient to her. But, now how could she allow Ben's life to be endangered by being with her?

Ever since obtaining the Mystic System, Iris knew that she is no longer the normal teenage girl she was before, and the distance of worlds between her and Ben will only grow in the future.

So, by being with him the only thing he will experience is pain and suffering, something that Iris didn't want to do to him, so with a heavy heart, Iris said, "I'm sorry, but no Ben."

Ben suddenly felt his heart shattering, as he felt more pain than he has ever felt before, staring at Iris he suddenly said, "Why? I have always stood by you, and did everything for you! But, you have always seen me as a friend, no matter what I did! Even with your nature, I had always protected you, but you still never looked at me as anything but a friend!"

Hearing Bens passionate reply, Iris tried to speak but was once again interrupted by Ben with him saying, "Just go! Go to your new School and enjoy yourself, you clearly don't feel me about that way, so we should just close all contact between each other... I can't watch you fall in love with another man while I have to pretend to be happy like everything is normal, I just can't Iris."

Witnessing Ben's appearance, Iris knew it wouldn't help him at all if she just stayed offering her apologises, it, in fact, could worsen the situation, so Iris left feeling that this is the hardest decision she has made in her life.

After Iris left Ben stood as he felt his entire world falling apart, he always felt deep down that he will always be her friend, and never anything else.

But, Ben always thought that he could correct this and eventually she will possess feelings for him, similar to the way he felt for her.

However, now he felt these thoughts were naive, and all of these years of never even looking at a single woman, and always having her in his heart has been nothing but him failing to accept reality, that he will never be able to be with her.

Ben began laughing madly at the thought of how foolish he was, but as his thoughts were lingering on Iris with him still being reluctant to let his many years of love go, unknowingly something has appeared behind him.

A voice spoke out and said, "Would you do anything to have her? Will, you do anything to possess her? Even if she isn't willing?"

Hearing the eerie voice, Ben said, "Were are you? Are you playing some kind of sick prank on me? Do you really think I'd be so low to force myself on a girl? Come out!"

But, before Ben could react something appeared behind him pressing a hand on his shoulder Ben fell to his knees, as he felt a suffocating strength pushing him down.

What the hell is this?

Is this even physically possible?

Finding his reality crumbling.

The voice sounded behind him once again, "What if I told you if there is a world beyond your one. Once with even things that are beyond your imagination, a place which if you possess the power you can have anything, even that girl you desire."

Hearing the temptations, Ben said, "I don't believe you! You lunatic, what are you talking about?"

The voice continued, "If you need proof then all I need to do is show it to you."

The creature behind Ben suddenly put its hand on its neck as it lifted him easily, high above the ground, Ben began choking due to the force at which the creature is holding his neck.

Seeing the creature for itself, Ben felt his reality being destroyed more and more, as he saw something that was supposed to be mere fiction!

"So, will you do anything to possess her? Even if it means going against you will? Do you want power, Boy? Power, which will make this girl kneel down and serve you with all of her heart. The power which could grant you anything you desire" The creature said.

As Ben felt the temptation rising within his heart, as he felt for the first time his mind wavering, he kept telling himself this was wrong and he shouldn't do this.

But, thinking back to the first moment he saw Iris, as he saw an innocent, naive beautiful girl standing alone as if she was by herself in this world, that was the moment he fell in love with her as she is different to the other girls.

He likes that about her.

His thoughts went back to the idea of another man tainting her.

Tainting HIS Iris, NO she belongs to him and only him, no one else MAY touch her, so he finally made a decision.