Chapter 29 - Encounter with Ragnar

"I knew you didn't have the backbone to do what needs to be done kid, but I guess this girl is far different than my original expectations," Ragnar said, as he revealed himself from the shadows.

As he stared at the beautiful girl before him, he couldn't help but admit even he was greatly shocked at the outcome of Ben's confrontation with Iris.

Ragnar knew himself that a becoming a Vampire Fledgling will give an individual a great advantage over another human, especially within their own age group as despite Iris looking so young she has made great advancements within both the Warrior and Mage paths, with her only weakness being her lack of foundation as a mage.

Otherwise, it may have ended even more one-sidedly, so this has greatly impressed Ragnar and has also made him confident in converting her into a Vampire fledgling without alerting the Human authorities.

As it is pretty clear with Iris's talent, if she had a Master she would have a much greater grasp on Magician knowledge than she does currently, and from his observations, it seems he guessed that she must have obtained her spells and warrior skills due to some sort of inheritance.

Though even if, she had a Master belonging to the Human authorities, Ragnar has no choice but to take the girl anyways, as she witnessed Ben's transformation herself, thus she cannot be allowed to report her findings to the Human authorities as it would alert the Human authorities, and pose as a major inconvenience to the preparations which they have been making for centuries.

Not to mention, it is very rare to find a human of the potential which Iris possesses, and if Ragnar not only brings back Ben but also Iris, he will be greatly rewarded, therefore a sinister grin appeared on his face as he stared at Iris.

Iris felt a sudden chill run down her spine as she saw the predatory-like gaze coming from the pale man before her, as she stared into his eyes, she saw not a trace of lust within them, with it only being one similar to a wolf looking at its prey.

'This is definitely not good'... Iris thought, seeing the pale man before her this is the first time since meeting Orthos that she felt genuinely in danger.

Thinking she has no choice but to use her most powerful means of attack, Iris began to charge the 'Dark Soul Flame', the strongest spell she currently possesses by far.

However, Iris underestimated just how far the difference is between her current self and Ragnar is, after all, Ragnar is a pureblood noble of the Vampire race, with him even being above average in terms of strength among them.

Therefore, before Iris could even react Ragnar appeared before her lifting her in the air by the throat as he squeezed the air out of her lungs causing Iris to be unable to even continue to conjure the 'Dark Soul Flame'.

A mocking smile appeared on Ragnar's lips as he said, "You don't honestly think you can do anything to harm me, do you? Little girl, your resistance is futile, maybe if you be obedient in the future, your leash will lesson and you become a valuable member of the Vampire race. After all, I'm not an unreasonable person, so, what do you say, girl, show more pointless resistance, or become a willing member of the Vampire race. You should think on this... after all, it won't be long before the other races are beneath our feet, and the Vampire race reigns supreme above all."

As Iris heard Ragnar's ramblings, she couldn't help but snort in disgust as she said, "You really think I would agree in supporting some sort of dictatorship? In which people are kept as slaves, in order to serve as fodder for your Empire? No thanks."

Of course, Iris knew what she just said, some would view as foolish, but at this moment in time, she couldn't help but become greatly angered at the thought of her family and friends, serving as a bunch of slaves for the Vampires, becoming nothing but thralls to serve the Vampire race.

She knew nothing good would come of the Vampires ruling the other races, as they are known for being a cruel and bloodthirsty race who treat anyone but Vampires as an inferior race which should be their slaves.

Although some Vampires may not have similar beliefs, these are mainly the minority, as most Vampires have a superiority complex, thinking that they are the 'perfect' race and all other races are naturally below them, as they are 'lesser beings'.

So, Iris would never even spare the slightest thought of following the Vampires willingly.

Angered at her response, Ragnar squeezed her throat tighter as he spat venomously, "You will regret your words... but time will tell, maybe in tens of years of service you may come to realise the errors in your thinking."

Before Iris could react, Ragnar fangs have already pierced into her neck, as Ragnar began the process of transforming Iris into a Vampire Fledgling... but it seems what Ragnar is expecting doesn't come into fruition.

While Iris felt the pain in the depths of her soul as a result of the process in turning Iris into a Vampire, a system message suddenly popped up.

[A foreign entity is attempting to modify your soul. Do you want to start the cleaning process?]


Seeing the message, Iris couldn't help but want to jump in joy, she knew last time she couldn't do this to Orthos at the risk of him killing her otherwise, but now she is left with no other alternative.

But, thinking that the Vampire Fledgling transformation process is to do with the soul... must be because of the fact that they use the soul to control the transformed Vampire Fledgling after the transformation.

Which luckily for Iris, is her way out of this originally hopeless situation, thus without hesitance Iris clicked accept.

While Ragnar was immersed in the process of Iris into a Vampire fledgling, he suddenly felt a sense of danger which caused him to pause.

But, thinking that the little girl could do nothing towards him, he was about to shrug him off, but instantly after these thoughts, a piercing pain within the depths of his soul emerged.

Ragnar screamed as he violently threw Iris away from him, howling in agony, spouts of blood emerged out of his eyes, and ears as he suffered a tremendous backlash from the process to turning Iris into a Vampire Fledgling.

Iris who saw the state of the current Ragnar, couldn't let this chance go to waste.

She knew for a fact, that this isn't enough to fully put Ragnar down, and within time he will be able to recover, so without delay, Iris began charging up the 'Dark Soul Flame'.

Ragnar who is quickly regenerating spat out a mouthful of blood, as he uttered hatefully, "You, I will tear you into pieces... I will feast on your flesh, as your screams of misery sound as you suffer a fate worse than death itself..."

But, before he could finish his rant, Iris as already directly hit him with a full burst of 'Dark Soul Flame', causing Ragnar to be sent crashing into the ground.

A shocked expression emerged on Ragnar's face as he laid lifelessly in the ground, before he said, "You..."

But, before he could finish Ragnar felt another horrifying feeling, but within his physical body but within the depth of his soul.

This caused even the cold Ragnar to be deeply fearful, as he knew that damage to his soul meant that he will have no chance of existing within this world any longer!

However, Ragnar could do nothing to stop the inevitable as the 'Dark Soul Flame' ate away at Ragnar's soul until there was nothing left, without Ragnar unable to even utter any forms of resistance at all.

Witnessing, Ragnar's final moments, Iris suddenly let out a sigh of relief as she slumped onto the ground, after a moment of regaining her breath, she stood up before approaching the lifeless corpse of Ragnar.

Thinking that he would provide her with an excellent boast of stats, she used 'Devour' on Ragnar's body gaining an unexpected surprise.

[ You have unlocked the hidden effect of 'Devour'!]

[ You have gained a portion of the Vampire Trait 'Minor Regeneration']

[ You have gained a portion of the Vampire Trait 'Illusion Affinity']

[ Your affinities have once again been maxed out. Promote your Rank within the Magician Class to gain an additional affinity slot.]

[ You have gained a portion of the Vampire Trait 'Minor Heightened Senses']

'It seems the abilities of the mysterious Eranyth Warlock Class are much more powerful than I originally believed' Iris thought, as she saw the incoming notifications from the System.