Chapter 30 - New Relevation

Iris didn't know what to think about the newly discovered revelation of yet another powerful ability from the Eranyth Warlock Class.

On one thing, it is a great new ability, one which would undoubtedly make her a stronger mage in the future, however, this only makes her feel an even deeper sense of crisis. With how over-powered the Eranyth Warlock seemed, how were they wiped out to the point that they're on the brink of extinction, and were beaten to the point where they're even to fearful to show their own faces?

What type of means, or person did one have to be to make this mysterious mighty group degrade to this point?

Iris knew that the class Orthos bestowed upon her seemed to be one major fortunate encounter that seemingly fell onto her lap, but Iris knew that nothing can be simply given that easily and that there is no free lunch in this world. Orthos was led to this point because he was desperate. Desperate enough to pass his only opportunity in enabling another in becoming an Eranyth Warlock.

Why would he do this with no clear benefits to himself what so ever? If it was Iris herself she definitely wouldn't, it is a humans nature to be selfish. Orthos may not be human, but she refuses to believe there are such selfless people in the world, that would ignore their own descendants and other benefits for a random human girl with some potential.

Something or someone pushed him and the Eranyth Warlocks into a corner, to the point that they would grip onto anything which has the slightest hope in allowing the organization to survive.

Iris knew this was an amazing new ability, but this only made her feel even more apprehensive for herself and families wellbeing.

Does whoever responsible for the Eranyth Warlock's destruction have the means to track them down? Would this ability put her at a bigger risk of being discovered?

With these thoughts running through her mind, Iris felt anxious rather than excited about her current situation.

Though Iris knew it is pointless to dwell on these worries, as she knew that she could do nothing about the current 'ticking time bomb' that is the Eranyth Warlock class.

If there was a means to discover her being a Eranyth Warlock then she could do nothing about it but hope that she would remain undiscovered. She knew whatever could cause the powerful Orthos to be completely helpless was an enemy the current her has no means to do anything against at all. So, basically her fate is at the whim of whoever is targeting the Eranyth Warlocks, something which Iris finds hard to accept.

Why must she have such a giant target on her back just for being forced into becoming an Eranyth Warlock?

Feeling annoyed at such injustice Iris felt that the only thing she could do is just grow stronger.

By then she wouldn't have to constantly worry that she's going to be captured or killed by some powerful figure for a reason she doesn't even know.

However, the one good thing about this situation is the system. She doesn't know what it is, or how she came to be in possession of it but she knew it was something that even Orthos couldn't interfere with.

It is a trump card which the hidden enemies she came into conflict with by just being an Eranyth Warlock would not expect, and it is a tool which will allow Iris to grow stronger and gather resources at a much higher rate than any other Eranyth Warlocks, giving the class which is feared for its power room to grow.

Regaining confidence after thinking about the system, Iris was about to leave the area but just as she was about to take her next step she heard a loud groan behind her.

Now remembering her 'former' best friend, Iris turned straight around to approach Ben who was a crumbled mess on the floor.

"So, it looks like in the end you did made it out of this alive and well? I guess originally I would offered you a hand you and all to help you up, but after that whole situation this just feels so awkward..." mumbled Iris as she stared down at Ben who was wincing in pain.

"Ah. Well, I won't hold it against you... I feel guilty about dragging you in this mess. Not that I'm not confused about this whole situation anyways, as it seemed as if I got turned into a Vampire by some psychopath. Then ended up discovering the best friend I had since fourth grade is some sort of Witch? I think either I'm going crazy, or I'm drunk as hell right now..." murmured Ben.

Looking down at the friend she's had since childhood, Iris couldn't help but sigh. He's still the same Ben she knew after all, even after all this crazy fest went on within a short period of time. Iris knew the way Ben adapted so fast to the situation is simply a side effect that occurs when vampires sire a new fledgling as they would inherit certain knowledge and instincts from becoming a vampire. For instance, you would see no vampire being unfamiliar or disgusted by drinking blood as after the process into becoming a fledgling they view these seemingly things they viewed as unnatural and disgusting before as normal after becoming a vampire.

But, in the end Ben still retained his personality which was no longer restrained by the sire bond with Ragnar. Iris knew before that Bens behaviour was a result of Ragnar as she knew that her friend liked her, but he would never resort to such lowly means to end up with her.

"Honestly, I wish this was some fantasy you made up from drinking a bit to much, but this is reality now and we have to deal with it. Ben I'm being serious right now, what you are is not looked upon highly here and if they discover what you are, you will be in danger." Said Iris with a stern expression on her face.

Ben frowned as he looked up at Iris, "Who are they? And what I should I do, Iris? I have no were to go, that Vampire dude you just exploded was my introduction into 'vampire society' and he's clearly not going to

help me now ." Said Ben.

"Mmm. I guess you should live normally for now? I'm not to sure on it but from what Alice told me Vampires are near identical to humans and the only way they are noticed is if they either reveal themselves or a strong expert attempts to look through their disguise, which is something not likely to happen as no expert would go around randomly investigating 'normal people'. Just don't draw attention to yourself and you should be fine." suggested Iris.

"Well, I guess this is all I can do for now. But, what if they come looking for this guy? I don't want my parents to have a bunch of crazy vampires knocking on our door, to find them questioning me about some missing dead dude" Exclaimed Ben.

"I guess I'll sort that out? I have a friend who's parents are higher ups in Earths mage association , and I'm sure they'll be interested in why a bunch of vampires are illegally snooping around Earth. This will make them to preoccupied to even investigate you, besides he didn't speak to anyone before his death so nobody should discover your connection to him. Just lay low... continue life as normal and we'll meet up to speak about this again. I promise" said Iris.

Ben was about to respond before the loud shouting of two familiar voices sounded.

"I guess Olivia and Charlotte were wondering why we were taking so long, come on let's go we can talk about this later." Said Iris as she dragged Ben as they left towards Charlotte and Olivia.